Source code for

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"""Data plugin that models a folder on a remote computer."""
import os

from aiida.orm import AuthInfo
from .data import Data

__all__ = ('RemoteData',)

[docs]class RemoteData(Data): """ Store a link to a file or folder on a remote machine. Remember to pass a computer! """
[docs] def __init__(self, remote_path=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) if remote_path is not None: self.set_remote_path(remote_path)
[docs] def get_computer_name(self): return
[docs] def get_remote_path(self): return self.get_attribute('remote_path')
[docs] def set_remote_path(self, val): self.set_attribute('remote_path', val)
@property def is_empty(self): """ Check if remote folder is empty """ authinfo = self.get_authinfo() transport = authinfo.get_transport() with transport: try: transport.chdir(self.get_remote_path()) except IOError: # If the transport IOError the directory no longer exists and was deleted return True return not transport.listdir()
[docs] def getfile(self, relpath, destpath): """ Connects to the remote folder and retrieves the content of a file. :param relpath: The relative path of the file on the remote to retrieve. :param destpath: The absolute path of where to store the file on the local machine. """ authinfo = self.get_authinfo() with authinfo.get_transport() as transport: try: full_path = os.path.join(self.get_remote_path(), relpath) transport.getfile(full_path, destpath) except IOError as exception: if exception.errno == 2: # file does not exist raise IOError( 'The required remote file {} on {} does not exist or has been deleted.'.format( full_path, ) ) raise
[docs] def listdir(self, relpath='.'): """ Connects to the remote folder and lists the directory content. :param relpath: If 'relpath' is specified, lists the content of the given subfolder. :return: a flat list of file/directory names (as strings). """ authinfo = self.get_authinfo() with authinfo.get_transport() as transport: try: full_path = os.path.join(self.get_remote_path(), relpath) transport.chdir(full_path) except IOError as exception: if exception.errno == 2 or exception.errno == 20: # directory not existing or not a directory exc = IOError( 'The required remote folder {} on {} does not exist, is not a directory or has been deleted.'. format(full_path, ) exc.errno = exception.errno raise exc else: raise try: return transport.listdir() except IOError as exception: if exception.errno == 2 or exception.errno == 20: # directory not existing or not a directory exc = IOError( 'The required remote folder {} on {} does not exist, is not a directory or has been deleted.'. format(full_path, ) exc.errno = exception.errno raise exc else: raise
[docs] def listdir_withattributes(self, path='.'): """ Connects to the remote folder and lists the directory content. :param relpath: If 'relpath' is specified, lists the content of the given subfolder. :return: a list of dictionaries, where the documentation is in :py:class:Transport.listdir_withattributes. """ authinfo = self.get_authinfo() with authinfo.get_transport() as transport: try: full_path = os.path.join(self.get_remote_path(), path) transport.chdir(full_path) except IOError as exception: if exception.errno == 2 or exception.errno == 20: # directory not existing or not a directory exc = IOError( 'The required remote folder {} on {} does not exist, is not a directory or has been deleted.'. format(full_path, ) exc.errno = exception.errno raise exc else: raise try: return transport.listdir_withattributes() except IOError as exception: if exception.errno == 2 or exception.errno == 20: # directory not existing or not a directory exc = IOError( 'The required remote folder {} on {} does not exist, is not a directory or has been deleted.'. format(full_path, ) exc.errno = exception.errno raise exc else: raise
[docs] def _clean(self): """ Remove all content of the remote folder on the remote computer """ from aiida.orm.utils.remote import clean_remote authinfo = self.get_authinfo() transport = authinfo.get_transport() remote_dir = self.get_remote_path() with transport: clean_remote(transport, remote_dir)
[docs] def _validate(self): from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError super()._validate() try: self.get_remote_path() except AttributeError: raise ValidationError("attribute 'remote_path' not set.") computer = if computer is None: raise ValidationError('Remote computer not set.')
[docs] def get_authinfo(self): return AuthInfo.objects.get(, aiidauser=self.user)