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# pylint: disable=no-self-use
""""Implementation of `DbImporter` for the MPOD database."""
from import (DbImporter, DbSearchResults, CifEntry)

[docs]class MpodDbImporter(DbImporter): """ Database importer for Material Properties Open Database. """
[docs] def _str_clause(self, key, alias, values): """ Returns part of HTTP GET query for querying string fields. """ if not isinstance(values, str) and not isinstance(values, int): raise ValueError("incorrect value for keyword '" + alias + "' -- only strings and integers are accepted") return '{}={}'.format(key, values)
_keywords = { 'phase_name': ['phase_name', _str_clause], 'formula': ['formula', _str_clause], 'element': ['element', None], 'cod_id': ['cod_code', _str_clause], 'authors': ['publ_author', _str_clause] }
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._query_url = '' self.setup_db(**kwargs)
[docs] def query_get(self, **kwargs): """ Forms a HTTP GET query for querying the MPOD database. May return more than one query in case an intersection is needed. :return: a list containing strings for HTTP GET statement. """ if 'formula' in kwargs.keys() and 'element' in kwargs.keys(): raise ValueError('can not query both formula and elements ' 'in MPOD') elements = [] if 'element' in kwargs.keys(): elements = kwargs.pop('element') if not isinstance(elements, list): elements = [elements] get_parts = [] for key in self._keywords: if key in kwargs: values = kwargs.pop(key) get_parts.append(self._keywords[key][1](self, self._keywords[key][0], key, values)) if kwargs: raise NotImplementedError('following keyword(s) are not implemented: {}'.format(', '.join(kwargs.keys()))) queries = [] for element in elements: clauses = [self._str_clause('formula', 'element', element)] queries.append(self._query_url + '?' + '&'.join(get_parts + clauses)) if not queries: queries.append(self._query_url + '?' + '&'.join(get_parts)) return queries
[docs] def query(self, **kwargs): """ Performs a query on the MPOD database using ``keyword = value`` pairs, specified in ``kwargs``. :return: an instance of :py:class:``. """ from urllib.request import urlopen import re query_statements = self.query_get(**kwargs) results = None for query in query_statements: response = urlopen(query).read() this_results = re.findall(r'/datafiles/(\d+)\.mpod', response) if results is None: results = this_results else: results = list(filter(set(results).__contains__, this_results)) return MpodSearchResults([{'id': x} for x in results])
[docs] def setup_db(self, query_url=None, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ """ Changes the database connection details. """ if query_url: self._query_url = query_url if kwargs: raise NotImplementedError('following keyword(s) are not implemented: {}'.format(', '.join(kwargs.keys())))
[docs] def get_supported_keywords(self): """ Returns the list of all supported query keywords. :return: list of strings """ return self._keywords.keys()
[docs]class MpodSearchResults(DbSearchResults): # pylint: disable=abstract-method """ Results of the search, performed on MPOD. """ _base_url = ''
[docs] def __init__(self, results): super().__init__(results) self._return_class = MpodEntry
[docs] def __len__(self): return len(self._results)
[docs] def _get_source_dict(self, result_dict): """ Returns a dictionary, which is passed as kwargs to the created DbEntry instance, describing the source of the entry. :param result_dict: dictionary, describing an entry in the results. """ return {'id': result_dict['id']}
[docs] def _get_url(self, result_dict): """ Returns an URL of an entry CIF file. :param result_dict: dictionary, describing an entry in the results. """ return self._base_url + result_dict['id'] + '.mpod'
[docs]class MpodEntry(CifEntry): # pylint: disable=abstract-method """ Represents an entry from MPOD. """
[docs] def __init__(self, uri, **kwargs): """ Creates an instance of :py:class:``, related to the supplied URI. """ super().__init__( db_name='Material Properties Open Database', db_uri='', uri=uri, **kwargs )