Source code for

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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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# pylint: disable=global-statement,too-many-branches
"""Have a single tqdm progress bar instance that should be handled using the functions in this module"""
from typing import Iterable

from tqdm import tqdm

from aiida.common.lang import type_check

from import BAR_FORMAT
from import ProgressBarError

__all__ = ('get_progress_bar', 'close_progress_bar')


[docs]def get_progress_bar(iterable=None, total=None, leave=None, **kwargs): """Set up, cache and return cached tqdm progress bar""" global PROGRESS_BAR leave_default = False type_check(iterable, Iterable, allow_none=True) type_check(total, int, allow_none=True) type_check(leave, bool, allow_none=True) # iterable and total are mutually exclusive if iterable is not None and total is not None: if len(iterable) == total: kwargs['iterable'] = iterable else: raise ProgressBarError('You can not set both "iterable" and "total" for the progress bar.') elif iterable is None and total is None: if PROGRESS_BAR is None: kwargs['total'] = 1 # Else pass: we guess the desired outcome is to retrieve the current progress bar elif iterable is not None: kwargs['iterable'] = iterable elif total is not None: kwargs['total'] = total if PROGRESS_BAR is None: leave = leave if leave is not None else leave_default PROGRESS_BAR = tqdm(bar_format=BAR_FORMAT, leave=leave, **kwargs) elif 'iterable' in kwargs or 'total' in kwargs: # Create a new progress bar # We leave it up to the caller/creator to properly have set leave before we close the current progress bar if leave is None: leave = PROGRESS_BAR.leave if PROGRESS_BAR.leave is not None else leave_default for attribute in ('desc', 'disable'): if getattr(PROGRESS_BAR, attribute, None) is not None: kwargs[attribute] = getattr(PROGRESS_BAR, attribute) close_progress_bar() PROGRESS_BAR = tqdm(bar_format=BAR_FORMAT, leave=leave, **kwargs) else: for attribute, value in kwargs.items(): try: setattr(PROGRESS_BAR, attribute, value) except AttributeError: raise ProgressBarError( 'The given attribute {} either can not be set or does not exist for the progress bar.'. format(attribute) ) return PROGRESS_BAR
[docs]def close_progress_bar(leave=None): """Close instantiated progress bar""" global PROGRESS_BAR type_check(leave, bool, allow_none=True) if PROGRESS_BAR is not None: if leave is not None: PROGRESS_BAR.leave = leave PROGRESS_BAR.close() PROGRESS_BAR = None