aiida.cmdline.utils.query package


A utility module with a factory of standard QueryBuilder instances for Calculation nodes.

class aiida.cmdline.utils.query.calculation.CalculationQueryBuilder(mapper=None)[source]

Bases: object

Utility class to construct a QueryBuilder instance for Calculation nodes and project the query set.

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'aiida.cmdline.utils.query.calculation', '__doc__': 'Utility class to construct a QueryBuilder instance for Calculation nodes and project the query set.', '_compound_projections': ('state',), '_default_projections': ('pk', 'ctime', 'process_label', 'state', 'process_status'), '_valid_projections': ('pk', 'uuid', 'ctime', 'mtime', 'state', 'process_state', 'process_status', 'exit_status', 'sealed', 'process_label', 'label', 'description', 'node_type', 'paused', 'process_type', 'job_state', 'scheduler_state'), '__init__': <function CalculationQueryBuilder.__init__>, 'mapper': <property object>, 'default_projections': <aiida.common.lang.classproperty object>, 'valid_projections': <aiida.common.lang.classproperty object>, 'get_filters': <function CalculationQueryBuilder.get_filters>, 'get_query_set': <function CalculationQueryBuilder.get_query_set>, 'get_projected': <function CalculationQueryBuilder.get_projected>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'CalculationQueryBuilder' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'CalculationQueryBuilder' objects>})

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

__module__ = 'aiida.cmdline.utils.query.calculation'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_compound_projections = ('state',)
_default_projections = ('pk', 'ctime', 'process_label', 'state', 'process_status')
_valid_projections = ('pk', 'uuid', 'ctime', 'mtime', 'state', 'process_state', 'process_status', 'exit_status', 'sealed', 'process_label', 'label', 'description', 'node_type', 'paused', 'process_type', 'job_state', 'scheduler_state')
default_projections = ('pk', 'ctime', 'process_label', 'state', 'process_status')
get_filters(all_entries=False, process_state=None, process_label=None, paused=False, exit_status=None, failed=False, node_types=None)[source]

Return a set of QueryBuilder filters based on typical command line options.

  • node_types – a tuple of node classes to filter for (must be sub classes of Calculation)

  • all_entries – boolean to negate filtering for process state

  • process_state – filter for this process state attribute

  • process_label – filter for this process label attribute

  • paused – boolean, if True, filter for processes that are paused

  • exit_status – filter for this exit status

  • failed – boolean to filter only failed processes


dictionary of filters suitable for a QueryBuilder.append() call

get_projected(query_set, projections)[source]

Project the query set for the given set of projections

get_query_set(relationships=None, filters=None, order_by=None, past_days=None, limit=None)[source]

Return the query set of calculations for the given filters and query parameters

  • relationships – a mapping of relationships to join on, e.g. {‘with_node’: Group} to join on a Group. The keys in this dictionary should be the keyword used in the append method of the QueryBuilder to join the entity on that is defined as the value.

  • filters – rules to filter query results with

  • order_by – order the query set by this criterion

  • past_days – only include entries from the last past days

  • limit – limit the query set to this number of entries


the query set, a list of dictionaries

property mapper
valid_projections = ('pk', 'uuid', 'ctime', 'mtime', 'state', 'process_state', 'process_status', 'exit_status', 'sealed', 'process_label', 'label', 'description', 'node_type', 'paused', 'process_type', 'job_state', 'scheduler_state')

A utility module with simple functions to format variables into strings for cli outputs.


Return a string formatted representation of the given process state


process_state – the process state


string representation of process state


Return a string formatted timedelta of the given datetime with respect to the current datetime


datetime – the datetime to format


string representation of the relative time since the given datetime


Return a string formatted representation of a node’s sealed status


sealed – the value for the sealed attribute of the node


string representation of seal status

aiida.cmdline.utils.query.formatting.format_state(process_state, paused=None, exit_status=None)[source]

Return a string formatted representation of a process’ state, which consists of its process state and exit status

  • process_state – the process state

  • exit_status – the process’ exit status


string representation of the process’ state

A utility module with mapper objects that map database entities projections on attributes and labels.

class aiida.cmdline.utils.query.mapping.CalculationProjectionMapper(projections, projection_labels=None, projection_attributes=None, projection_formatters=None)[source]

Bases: aiida.cmdline.utils.query.mapping.ProjectionMapper

The CLI projection mapper for Calculation derived entities.

__init__(projections, projection_labels=None, projection_attributes=None, projection_formatters=None)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

__module__ = 'aiida.cmdline.utils.query.mapping'
class aiida.cmdline.utils.query.mapping.ProjectionMapper(projection_labels=None, projection_attributes=None, projection_formatters=None)[source]

Bases: object

Class to map projection names from the CLI to entity labels, attributes and formatters.

The command line interface will often have to display database entities and their attributes. The names of the attributes exposed on the CLI do not always match one-to-one with the attributes in the ORM and often they need to be formatted for the screen in some way. Additionally, for commands that display lists of entries, often a header needs to be printed with a label for each attribute, which also are not necessarily identical.

For any given entity, the CLI typically exposes a set of projections, which are the keywords to reference certain attributes. This mapper class serves to map these projections onto the corresponding label and attribute names, as well as formatter functions to format the attribute values into strings, suitable to be printed by the CLI.

__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'aiida.cmdline.utils.query.mapping', '__doc__': 'Class to map projection names from the CLI to entity labels, attributes and formatters.\n\n The command line interface will often have to display database entities and their attributes. The names of\n the attributes exposed on the CLI do not always match one-to-one with the attributes in the ORM and often\n they need to be formatted for the screen in some way. Additionally, for commands that display lists of entries,\n often a header needs to be printed with a label for each attribute, which also are not necessarily identical.\n\n For any given entity, the CLI typically exposes a set of projections, which are the keywords to reference certain\n attributes. This mapper class serves to map these projections onto the corresponding label and attribute names, as\n well as formatter functions to format the attribute values into strings, suitable to be printed by the CLI.\n ', '_valid_projections': [], '__init__': <function ProjectionMapper.__init__>, 'valid_projections': <property object>, 'get_label': <function ProjectionMapper.get_label>, 'get_attribute': <function ProjectionMapper.get_attribute>, 'get_formatter': <function ProjectionMapper.get_formatter>, 'format': <function ProjectionMapper.format>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'ProjectionMapper' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'ProjectionMapper' objects>})
__init__(projection_labels=None, projection_attributes=None, projection_formatters=None)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

__module__ = 'aiida.cmdline.utils.query.mapping'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_valid_projections = []
format(projection, value)[source]
property valid_projections