aiida.engine.daemon package


Controls the daemon

class aiida.engine.daemon.client.ControllerProtocol[source]

Bases: enum.Enum

The protocol to use to for the controller of the Circus daemon

IPC = 0
TCP = 1
__module__ = 'aiida.engine.daemon.client'
class aiida.engine.daemon.client.DaemonClient(profile)[source]

Bases: object

Extension of the Profile which also provides handles to retrieve profile specific properties related to the daemon client

DAEMON_ERROR_NOT_RUNNING = 'daemon-error-not-running'
DAEMON_ERROR_TIMEOUT = 'daemon-error-timeout'
_DAEMON_NAME = 'aiida-{name}'
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'__module__': 'aiida.engine.daemon.client', '__doc__': '\n Extension of the Profile which also provides handles to retrieve profile specific\n properties related to the daemon client\n ', 'DAEMON_ERROR_NOT_RUNNING': 'daemon-error-not-running', 'DAEMON_ERROR_TIMEOUT': 'daemon-error-timeout', '_DAEMON_NAME': 'aiida-{name}', '_DEFAULT_LOGLEVEL': 'INFO', '_ENDPOINT_PROTOCOL': <ControllerProtocol.IPC: 0>, '__init__': <function DaemonClient.__init__>, 'profile': <property object>, 'daemon_name': <property object>, 'cmd_string': <property object>, 'loglevel': <property object>, 'virtualenv': <property object>, 'circus_log_file': <property object>, 'circus_pid_file': <property object>, 'circus_port_file': <property object>, 'circus_socket_file': <property object>, 'circus_socket_endpoints': <property object>, 'daemon_log_file': <property object>, 'daemon_pid_file': <property object>, 'get_circus_port': <function DaemonClient.get_circus_port>, 'get_circus_socket_directory': <function DaemonClient.get_circus_socket_directory>, 'get_daemon_pid': <function DaemonClient.get_daemon_pid>, 'is_daemon_running': <property object>, 'delete_circus_socket_directory': <function DaemonClient.delete_circus_socket_directory>, 'get_available_port': <classmethod object>, 'get_controller_endpoint': <function DaemonClient.get_controller_endpoint>, 'get_pubsub_endpoint': <function DaemonClient.get_pubsub_endpoint>, 'get_stats_endpoint': <function DaemonClient.get_stats_endpoint>, 'get_ipc_endpoint': <function DaemonClient.get_ipc_endpoint>, 'get_tcp_endpoint': <function DaemonClient.get_tcp_endpoint>, 'client': <property object>, 'call_client': <function DaemonClient.call_client>, 'get_status': <function DaemonClient.get_status>, 'get_numprocesses': <function DaemonClient.get_numprocesses>, 'get_worker_info': <function DaemonClient.get_worker_info>, 'get_daemon_info': <function DaemonClient.get_daemon_info>, 'increase_workers': <function DaemonClient.increase_workers>, 'decrease_workers': <function DaemonClient.decrease_workers>, 'stop_daemon': <function DaemonClient.stop_daemon>, 'restart_daemon': <function DaemonClient.restart_daemon>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'DaemonClient' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'DaemonClient' objects>})

Construct a DaemonClient instance for a given profile


profile – the profile instance aiida.manage.configuration.profile.Profile

__module__ = 'aiida.engine.daemon.client'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Call the client with a specific command. Will check whether the daemon is running first by checking for the pid file. When the pid is found yet the call still fails with a timeout, this means the daemon was actually not running and it was terminated unexpectedly causing the pid file to not be cleaned up properly


command – command to call the circus client with


the result of the circus client call

property circus_log_file
property circus_pid_file
property circus_port_file
property circus_socket_endpoints
property circus_socket_file
property client

Return an instance of the CircusClient with the endpoint defined by the controller endpoint, which used the port that was written to the port file upon starting of the daemon

N.B. This is quite slow the first time it is run due to the import of zmq.ssh in circus/ in circus 0.15.0, which ultimately follows the import of CircusClient.


CircusClient instance

property cmd_string

Return the command string to start the AiiDA daemon

property daemon_log_file
property daemon_name

Get the daemon name which is tied to the profile name

property daemon_pid_file

Decrease the number of workers


number – the number of workers to remove


the client call response


Attempt to delete the directory used to store the circus endpoint sockets. Will not raise if the directory does not exist

classmethod get_available_port()[source]

Get an available port from the operating system


a currently available port


Retrieve the port for the circus controller, which should be written to the circus port file. If the daemon is running, the port file should exist and contain the port to which the controller is connected. If it cannot be read, a RuntimeError will be thrown. If the daemon is not running, an available port will be requested from the operating system, written to the port file and returned


the port for the circus controller


Retrieve the absolute path of the directory where the circus sockets are stored if the IPC protocol is used and the daemon is running. If the daemon is running, the sockets file should exist and contain the absolute path of the directory that contains the sockets of the circus endpoints. If it cannot be read, a RuntimeError will be thrown. If the daemon is not running, a temporary directory will be created and its path will be written to the sockets file and returned.


A temporary folder needs to be used for the sockets because UNIX limits the filepath length to 107 bytes. Placing the socket files in the AiiDA config folder might seem like the more logical choice but that folder can be placed in an arbitrarily nested directory, the socket filename will exceed the limit. The solution is therefore to always store them in the temporary directory of the operation system whose base path is typically short enough as to not exceed the limit


the absolute path of directory to write the sockets to


Get the endpoint string for the circus controller. For the IPC protocol a profile specific socket will be used, whereas for the TCP protocol an available port will be found and saved in the profile specific port file


the endpoint string


Get statistics about this daemon itself


the client call response


Get the daemon pid which should be written in the daemon pid file specific to the profile


the pid of the circus daemon process or None if not found


Get the ipc endpoint string for a circus daemon endpoint for a given socket


endpoint – the circus endpoint for which to return a socket


the ipc endpoint string


Get the number of running daemon processes


the client call response


Get the endpoint string for the circus pubsub endpoint. For the IPC protocol a profile specific socket will be used, whereas for the TCP protocol any available port will be used


the endpoint string


Get the endpoint string for the circus stats endpoint. For the IPC protocol a profile specific socket will be used, whereas for the TCP protocol any available port will be used


the endpoint string


Get the daemon running status


the client call response


Get the tcp endpoint string for a circus daemon endpoint. If the port is unspecified, the operating system will be asked for a currently available port.


port – a port to use for the endpoint


the tcp endpoint string


Get workers statistics for this daemon


the client call response


Increase the number of workers


number – the number of workers to add


the client call response

property is_daemon_running

Return whether the daemon is running, which is determined by seeing if the daemon pid file is present


True if daemon is running, False otherwise

property loglevel
property profile

Restart the daemon


wait – boolean to indicate whether to wait for the result of the command


the client call response


Stop the daemon


wait – boolean to indicate whether to wait for the result of the command


the client call response

property virtualenv

Return the daemon client for the given profile or the current profile if not specified.


profile_name – the profile name, will use the current profile if None


the daemon client

Return type



This file contains the main routines to submit, check and retrieve calculation results. These are general and contain only the main logic; where appropriate, the routines make reference to the suitable plugins for all plugin-specific operations.

aiida.engine.daemon.execmanager._retrieve_singlefiles(job, transport, folder, retrieve_file_list, logger_extra=None)[source]

Retrieve files specified through the singlefile list mechanism.

aiida.engine.daemon.execmanager.kill_calculation(calculation, transport)[source]

Kill the calculation through the scheduler

  • calculation – the instance of CalcJobNode to kill.

  • transport – an already opened transport to use to address the scheduler

aiida.engine.daemon.execmanager.parse_results(process, retrieved_temporary_folder=None)[source]

Parse the results for a given CalcJobNode (job)


integer exit code, where 0 indicates success and non-zero failure

aiida.engine.daemon.execmanager.retrieve_calculation(calculation, transport, retrieved_temporary_folder)[source]

Retrieve all the files of a completed job calculation using the given transport.

If the job defined anything in the retrieve_temporary_list, those entries will be stored in the retrieved_temporary_folder. The caller is responsible for creating and destroying this folder.

  • calculation – the instance of CalcJobNode to update.

  • transport – an already opened transport to use for the retrieval.

  • retrieved_temporary_folder – the absolute path to a directory in which to store the files listed, if any, in the retrieved_temporary_folder of the jobs CalcInfo

aiida.engine.daemon.execmanager.retrieve_files_from_list(calculation, transport, folder, retrieve_list)[source]

Retrieve all the files in the retrieve_list from the remote into the local folder instance through the transport. The entries in the retrieve_list can be of two types:

  • a string

  • a list

If it is a string, it represents the remote absolute filepath of the file. If the item is a list, the elements will correspond to the following:

  • remotepath

  • localpath

  • depth

If the remotepath contains file patterns with wildcards, the localpath will be treated as the work directory of the folder and the depth integer determines upto what level of the original remotepath nesting the files will be copied.

  • transport – the Transport instance

  • folder – an absolute path to a folder to copy files in

  • retrieve_list – the list of files to retrieve

aiida.engine.daemon.execmanager.submit_calculation(calculation, transport)[source]

Submit a previously uploaded CalcJob to the scheduler.

  • calculation – the instance of CalcJobNode to submit.

  • transport – an already opened transport to use to submit the calculation.


the job id as returned by the scheduler submit_from_script call

aiida.engine.daemon.execmanager.upload_calculation(node, transport, calc_info, folder, inputs=None, dry_run=False)[source]

Upload a CalcJob instance

  • node – the CalcJobNode.

  • transport – an already opened transport to use to submit the calculation.

  • calc_info – the calculation info datastructure returned by CalcJob.presubmit

  • folder – temporary local file system folder containing the inputs written by CalcJob.prepare_for_submission

Function that starts a daemon runner.


Start a daemon runner for the currently configured profile.