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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""Data class that can be used to store a single file in its repository."""

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import io
import os
import pathlib
import typing as t

from aiida.common import exceptions

from .data import Data

__all__ = ('SinglefileData',)

FilePath = t.Union[str, pathlib.PurePosixPath]

[docs] class SinglefileData(Data): """Data class that can be used to store a single file in its repository.""" DEFAULT_FILENAME = 'file.txt'
[docs] @classmethod def from_string(cls, content: str, filename: str | pathlib.Path | None = None, **kwargs: t.Any) -> 'SinglefileData': """Construct a new instance and set ``content`` as its contents. :param content: The content as a string. :param filename: Specify filename to use (defaults to ``file.txt``). """ return cls(io.StringIO(content), filename, **kwargs)
[docs] def __init__( self, file: str | pathlib.Path | t.IO, filename: str | pathlib.Path | None = None, **kwargs: t.Any ) -> None: """Construct a new instance and set the contents to that of the file. :param file: an absolute filepath or filelike object whose contents to copy. Hint: Pass io.BytesIO(b"my string") to construct the SinglefileData directly from a string. :param filename: specify filename to use (defaults to name of provided file). """ super().__init__(**kwargs) if file is not None: self.set_file(file, filename=filename)
@property def filename(self) -> str: """Return the name of the file stored. :return: the filename under which the file is stored in the repository """ return self.base.attributes.get('filename') @t.overload @contextlib.contextmanager def open(self, path: FilePath, mode: t.Literal['r'] = ...) -> t.Iterator[t.TextIO]: ... @t.overload @contextlib.contextmanager def open(self, path: FilePath, mode: t.Literal['rb']) -> t.Iterator[t.BinaryIO]: ... @t.overload @contextlib.contextmanager def open( # type: ignore[overload-overlap] self, path: None = None, mode: t.Literal['r'] = ... ) -> t.Iterator[t.TextIO]: ... @t.overload @contextlib.contextmanager def open(self, path: None = None, mode: t.Literal['rb'] = ...) -> t.Iterator[t.BinaryIO]: ...
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def open( self, path: FilePath | None = None, mode: t.Literal['r', 'rb'] = 'r' ) -> t.Iterator[t.BinaryIO] | t.Iterator[t.TextIO]: """Return an open file handle to the content of this data node. :param path: the relative path of the object within the repository. :param mode: the mode with which to open the file handle (default: read mode) :return: a file handle """ if path is None: path = self.filename with, mode=mode) as handle: yield handle
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def as_path(self) -> t.Iterator[pathlib.Path]: """Make the contents of the file available as a normal filepath on the local file system. :param path: optional relative path of the object within the repository. :return: the filepath of the content of the repository or object if ``path`` is specified. :raises TypeError: if the path is not a string or ``Path``, or is an absolute path. :raises FileNotFoundError: if no object exists for the given path. """ with self.base.repository.as_path(self.filename) as filepath: yield filepath
[docs] def get_content(self, mode: str = 'r') -> str | bytes: """Return the content of the single file stored for this data node. :param mode: the mode with which to open the file handle (default: read mode) :return: the content of the file as a string or bytes, depending on ``mode``. """ with as handle: # type: ignore[call-overload] return
[docs] def set_file(self, file: str | pathlib.Path | t.IO, filename: str | pathlib.Path | None = None) -> None: """Store the content of the file in the node's repository, deleting any other existing objects. :param file: an absolute filepath or filelike object whose contents to copy Hint: Pass io.BytesIO(b"my string") to construct the file directly from a string. :param filename: specify filename to use (defaults to name of provided file). """ if isinstance(file, (str, pathlib.Path)): is_filelike = False key = os.path.basename(file) if not os.path.isabs(file): raise ValueError(f'path `{file}` is not absolute') if not os.path.isfile(file): raise ValueError(f'path `{file}` does not correspond to an existing file') else: is_filelike = True try: key = os.path.basename( except AttributeError: key = self.DEFAULT_FILENAME key = str(filename) if filename is not None else key existing_object_names = self.base.repository.list_object_names() try: # Remove the 'key' from the list of currently existing objects such that it is not deleted after storing existing_object_names.remove(key) except ValueError: pass if is_filelike: self.base.repository.put_object_from_filelike(file, key) # type: ignore[arg-type] else: self.base.repository.put_object_from_file(file, key) # type: ignore[arg-type] # Delete any other existing objects (minus the current `key` which was already removed from the list) for existing_key in existing_object_names: self.base.repository.delete_object(existing_key) self.base.attributes.set('filename', key)
[docs] def _validate(self) -> bool: """Ensure that there is one object stored in the repository, whose key matches value set for `filename` attr.""" super()._validate() try: filename = self.filename except AttributeError: raise exceptions.ValidationError('the `filename` attribute is not set.') objects = self.base.repository.list_object_names() if [filename] != objects: raise exceptions.ValidationError( f'respository files {objects} do not match the `filename` attribute `{filename}`.' ) return True