Source code for aiida.schedulers.plugins.pbsbaseclasses

# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""Base classes for PBSPro and PBS/Torque plugins."""

import logging

from aiida.common.escaping import escape_for_bash
from aiida.schedulers import SchedulerError, SchedulerParsingError
from aiida.schedulers.datastructures import JobInfo, JobState, MachineInfo, NodeNumberJobResource

from .bash import BashCliScheduler

_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# This maps PbsPro status letters to our own status list

# List of states from the man page of qstat
# B  Array job has at least one subjob running.
# E  Job is exiting after having run.
# F  Job is finished.
# H  Job is held.
# M  Job was moved to another server.
# Q  Job is queued.
# R  Job is running.
# S  Job is suspended.
# T  Job is being moved to new location.
# U  Cycle-harvesting job is suspended due to  keyboard  activity.
# W  Job is waiting for its submitter-assigned start time to be reached.
# X  Subjob has completed execution or has been deleted.

# These are instead the states from PBS/Torque v.2.4.16 (from Ubuntu)
# C -  Job is completed after having run [different from above, but not clashing]
# E -  Job is exiting after having run. [same as above]
# H -  Job is held. [same as above]
# Q -  job is queued, eligible to run or routed. [same as above]
# R -  job is running. [same as above]
# T -  job is being moved to new location. [same as above]
# W -  job is waiting for its execution time
#     (-a option) to be reached. [similar to above]
# S -  (Unicos only) job is suspend. [as above]

    'B': JobState.RUNNING,
    'E': JobState.RUNNING,  # If exiting, for our purposes it is still running
    'F': JobState.DONE,
    'H': JobState.QUEUED_HELD,
    'M': JobState.UNDETERMINED,  # TODO: check if this is ok?
    'Q': JobState.QUEUED,
    'R': JobState.RUNNING,
    'S': JobState.SUSPENDED,
    'T': JobState.QUEUED,  # We assume that from the AiiDA point of view
    # it is still queued
    'U': JobState.SUSPENDED,
    'W': JobState.QUEUED,
    'X': JobState.DONE,
    'C': JobState.DONE,  # This is the completed state of PBS/Torque

[docs] class PbsJobResource(NodeNumberJobResource): """Class for PBS job resources."""
[docs] @classmethod def validate_resources(cls, **kwargs): """Validate the resources against the job resource class of this scheduler. This extends the base class validator and calculates the `num_cores_per_machine` fields to pass to PBSlike schedulers. Checks that `num_cores_per_machine` is a multiple of `num_cores_per_mpiproc` and/or `num_mpiprocs_per_machine`. :param kwargs: dictionary of values to define the job resources :return: attribute dictionary with the parsed parameters populated :raises ValueError: if the resources are invalid or incomplete """ resources = super().validate_resources(**kwargs) if resources.num_cores_per_machine is not None and resources.num_cores_per_mpiproc is not None: if resources.num_cores_per_machine != resources.num_cores_per_mpiproc * resources.num_mpiprocs_per_machine: raise ValueError( '`num_cores_per_machine` must be equal to `num_cores_per_mpiproc * num_mpiprocs_per_machine` and in' ' particular it should be a multiple of `num_cores_per_mpiproc` and/or `num_mpiprocs_per_machine`' ) elif resources.num_cores_per_mpiproc is not None: if resources.num_cores_per_mpiproc < 1: raise ValueError('num_cores_per_mpiproc must be greater than or equal to one.') # In this plugin we never used num_cores_per_mpiproc so if it is not defined it is OK. resources.num_cores_per_machine = resources.num_cores_per_mpiproc * resources.num_mpiprocs_per_machine return resources
[docs] class PbsBaseClass(BashCliScheduler): """Base class with support for the PBSPro scheduler ( and for PBS and Torque ( Only a few properties need to be redefined, see examples of the pbspro and torque plugins """ # Query only by list of jobs and not by user _features = { 'can_query_by_user': False, } # The class to be used for the job resource. _job_resource_class = PbsJobResource _map_status = _MAP_STATUS_PBS_COMMON
[docs] def _get_resource_lines( self, num_machines, num_mpiprocs_per_machine, num_cores_per_machine, max_memory_kb, max_wallclock_seconds ): """Return a set a list of lines (possibly empty) with the header lines relative to: * num_machines * num_mpiprocs_per_machine * num_cores_per_machine * max_memory_kb * max_wallclock_seconds This is done in an external function because it may change in different subclasses. """ raise NotImplementedError('Implement the _get_resource_lines in each subclass!')
[docs] def _get_joblist_command(self, jobs=None, user=None): """The command to report full information on existing jobs. TODO: in the case of job arrays, decide what to do (i.e., if we want to pass the -t options to list each subjob). """ from aiida.common.exceptions import FeatureNotAvailable command = ['qstat', '-f'] if jobs and user: raise FeatureNotAvailable('Cannot query by user and job(s) in PBS') if user: command.append(f'-u{user}') if jobs: if isinstance(jobs, str): command.append(f'{escape_for_bash(jobs)}') else: try: command.append(f"{' '.join(escape_for_bash(j) for j in jobs)}") except TypeError: raise TypeError("If provided, the 'jobs' variable must be a string or an iterable of strings") comm = ' '.join(command) _LOGGER.debug(f'qstat command: {comm}') return comm
[docs] def _get_detailed_job_info_command(self, job_id): """Return the command to run to get the detailed information on a job, even after the job has finished. The output text is just retrieved, and returned for logging purposes. """ return f'tracejob -v {escape_for_bash(job_id)}'
[docs] def _get_submit_script_header(self, job_tmpl): """Return the submit script header, using the parameters from the job_tmpl. Args: ----- job_tmpl: an JobTemplate instance with relevant parameters set. TODO: truncate the title if too long """ import re import string empty_line = '' lines = [] if job_tmpl.submit_as_hold: lines.append('#PBS -h') if job_tmpl.rerunnable: lines.append('#PBS -r y') else: lines.append('#PBS -r n') if # If not specified, but email events are set, PBSPro # sends the mail to the job owner by default lines.append(f'#PBS -M {}') email_events = '' if job_tmpl.email_on_started: email_events += 'b' if job_tmpl.email_on_terminated: email_events += 'ea' if email_events: lines.append(f'#PBS -m {email_events}') if not 'Email triggers provided to PBSPro script for job,' 'but no email field set; will send emails to ' 'the job owner as set in the scheduler' ) else: lines.append('#PBS -m n') if job_tmpl.job_name: # From qsub man page: # string, up to 15 characters in length. It must # consist of an alphabetic or numeric character # followed by printable, non-white-space characters. # Default: if a script is used to submit the job, the job's name # is the name of the script. If no script is used, the job's # name is "STDIN". # # I leave only letters, numbers, dots, dashes and underscores # Note: I don't compile the regexp, I am going to use it only once job_title = re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+', '', job_tmpl.job_name) # prepend a 'j' (for 'job') before the string if the string # is now empty or does not start with a valid charachter if not job_title or (job_title[0] not in string.ascii_letters + string.digits): job_title = f'j{job_title}' # Truncate to the first 15 characters # Nothing is done if the string is shorter. job_title = job_title[:15] lines.append(f'#PBS -N {job_title}') if job_tmpl.import_sys_environment: lines.append('#PBS -V') if job_tmpl.sched_output_path: lines.append(f'#PBS -o {job_tmpl.sched_output_path}') if job_tmpl.sched_join_files: # from qsub man page: # 'oe': Standard error and standard output are merged into # standard output # 'eo': Standard error and standard output are merged into # standard error # 'n' : Standard error and standard output are not merged (default) lines.append('#PBS -j oe') if job_tmpl.sched_error_path: 'sched_join_files is True, but sched_error_path is set in ' 'PBSPro script; ignoring sched_error_path' ) elif job_tmpl.sched_error_path: lines.append(f'#PBS -e {job_tmpl.sched_error_path}') if job_tmpl.queue_name: lines.append(f'#PBS -q {job_tmpl.queue_name}') if job_tmpl.account: lines.append(f'#PBS -A {job_tmpl.account}') if job_tmpl.priority: # Priority of the job. Format: host-dependent integer. Default: # zero. Range: [-1024, +1023] inclusive. Sets job's Priority # attribute to priority. # TODO: Here I expect that priority is passed in the correct PBSPro # format. To fix. lines.append(f'#PBS -p {job_tmpl.priority}') if not job_tmpl.job_resource: raise ValueError('Job resources (as the num_machines) are required for the PBSPro scheduler plugin') resource_lines = self._get_resource_lines( num_machines=job_tmpl.job_resource.num_machines, num_mpiprocs_per_machine=job_tmpl.job_resource.num_mpiprocs_per_machine, num_cores_per_machine=job_tmpl.job_resource.num_cores_per_machine, max_memory_kb=job_tmpl.max_memory_kb, max_wallclock_seconds=job_tmpl.max_wallclock_seconds, ) lines += resource_lines if job_tmpl.custom_scheduler_commands: lines.append(job_tmpl.custom_scheduler_commands) # Required to change directory to the working directory, that is # the one from which the job was submitted lines.append('cd "$PBS_O_WORKDIR"') lines.append(empty_line) return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs] def _get_submit_command(self, submit_script): """Return the string to execute to submit a given script. Args: ----- submit_script: the path of the submit script relative to the working directory. IMPORTANT: submit_script should be already escaped. """ submit_command = f'qsub {submit_script}''submitting with: {submit_command}') return submit_command
[docs] def _parse_joblist_output(self, retval, stdout, stderr): """Parse the queue output string, as returned by executing the command returned by _get_joblist_command command (qstat -f). Return a list of JobInfo objects, one of each job, each relevant parameters implemented. Note: depending on the scheduler configuration, finished jobs may either appear here, or not. This function will only return one element for each job find in the qstat output; missing jobs (for whatever reason) simply will not appear here. """ # I don't raise because if I pass a list of jobs, I get a non-zero status # if one of the job is not in the list anymore # retval should be zero # if retval != 0: # _LOGGER.warning("Error in _parse_joblist_output: retval={}; " # "stdout={}; stderr={}".format(retval, stdout, stderr)) # issue a warning if there is any stderr output # but I strip lines containing "Unknown Job Id", that happens # also when I ask for a calculation that has finished # # I also strip for "Job has finished" because this happens for # those schedulers configured to leave the job in the output # of qstat for some time after job completion. filtered_stderr = '\n'.join( line for line in stderr.split('\n') if 'Unknown Job Id' not in line and 'Job has finished' not in line ) if filtered_stderr.strip(): _LOGGER.warning(f"Warning in _parse_joblist_output, non-empty (filtered) stderr='{filtered_stderr}'") if retval != 0: raise SchedulerError(f'Error during qstat parsing, retval={retval}\nstdout={stdout}\nstderr={stderr}') jobdata_raw = [] # will contain raw data parsed from qstat output # Get raw data and split in lines for line_num, line in enumerate(stdout.split('\n'), start=1): # Each new job stanza starts with the string 'Job Id:': I # create a new item in the jobdata_raw list if line.startswith('Job Id:'): jobdata_raw.append({'id': line.split(':', 1)[1].strip(), 'lines': [], 'warning_lines_idx': []}) # warning_lines_idx: lines that do not start either with # tab or space elif line.strip(): # This is a non-empty line, therefore it is an attribute # of the last job found if not jobdata_raw: # The list is still empty! (This means that I found a # non-empty line, before finding the first 'Job Id:' # string: it is an error. However this may happen # only before the first job. raise SchedulerParsingError('I did not find the header for the first job') # _LOGGER.warning("I found some text before the " # "first job: {}".format(l)) elif line.startswith(' '): # If it starts with a space, it is a new field jobdata_raw[-1]['lines'].append(line) elif line.startswith('\t'): # If a line starts with a TAB, # I append to the previous string # stripping the TAB if not jobdata_raw[-1]['lines']: raise SchedulerParsingError( f'Line {line_num} is the first line of the job, but it starts with a TAB! ({line})' ) jobdata_raw[-1]['lines'][-1] += line[1:] else: # raise SchedulerParsingError( # "Wrong starting character at line {}! ({})" # "".format(line_num, l)) ## For some reasons, the output of 'comment' and ## 'Variable_List', for instance, can have ## newlines if they are included... # I do a ## workaround jobdata_raw[-1]['lines'][-1] += f'\n{line}' jobdata_raw[-1]['warning_lines_idx'].append(len(jobdata_raw[-1]['lines']) - 1) # Create dictionary and parse specific fields job_list = [] for job in jobdata_raw: this_job = JobInfo() this_job.job_id = job['id'] lines_without_equals_sign = [i for i in job['lines'] if '=' not in i] # There are lines without equals sign: this is bad if lines_without_equals_sign: # Should I only warn? _LOGGER.error(f'There are lines without equals sign! {lines_without_equals_sign}') raise SchedulerParsingError('There are lines without equals sign.') raw_data = { i.split('=', 1)[0].strip().lower(): i.split('=', 1)[1].lstrip() for i in job['lines'] if '=' in i } ## I ignore the errors for the time being - this seems to be ## a problem if there are \n in the content of some variables? ## I consider this a workaround... # for line_with_warning in set(job['warning_lines_idx']): # if job['lines'][line_with_warning].split( # '=',1)[0].strip().lower() != "comment": # raise SchedulerParsingError( # "Wrong starting character in one of the lines " # "of job {}, and it's not a comment! ({})" # "".format(this_job.job_id, # job['lines'][line_with_warning])) problematic_fields = [] for line_with_warning in set(job['warning_lines_idx']): problematic_fields.append(job['lines'][line_with_warning].split('=', 1)[0].strip().lower()) if problematic_fields: # These are the fields that contain unexpected newlines raw_data['warning_fields_with_newlines'] = problematic_fields # I believe that exit_status and terminating_signal cannot be # retrieved from the qstat -f output. # I wrap calls in try-except clauses to avoid errors if a field # is missing try: this_job.title = raw_data['job_name'] except KeyError: _LOGGER.debug(f"No 'job_name' field for job id {this_job.job_id}") try: this_job.annotation = raw_data['comment'] except KeyError: # Many jobs do not have a comment; I do not complain about it. pass # _LOGGER.debug("No 'comment' field for job id {}".format( # this_job.job_id)) try: job_state_string = raw_data['job_state'] try: this_job.job_state = self._map_status[job_state_string] except KeyError: _LOGGER.warning(f"Unrecognized job_state '{job_state_string}' for job id {this_job.job_id}") this_job.job_state = JobState.UNDETERMINED except KeyError: _LOGGER.debug(f"No 'job_state' field for job id {this_job.job_id}") this_job.job_state = JobState.UNDETERMINED try: this_job.job_substate = raw_data['substate'] except KeyError: _LOGGER.debug(f"No 'substate' field for job id {this_job.job_id}") try: exec_hosts = raw_data['exec_host'].split('+') except KeyError: # No exec_host information found (it may be ok, if the job # is not running) pass else: # parse each host; syntax, from the man page: # hosta/J1+hostb/J2*P+... # where J1 and J2 are an index of the job # on the named host and P is the number of # processors allocated from that host to this job. # P does not appear if it is 1. try: exec_host_list = [] for exec_host in exec_hosts: node = MachineInfo(), data = exec_host.split('/') data = data.split('*') if len(data) == 1: node.job_index = int(data[0]) node.num_cpus = 1 elif len(data) == 2: node.job_index = int(data[0]) node.num_cpus = int(data[1]) else: raise ValueError( f'Wrong number of pieces: {len(data)} instead of 1 or 2 in exec_hosts: {exec_hosts}' ) exec_host_list.append(node) this_job.allocated_machines = exec_host_list except Exception as exc: _LOGGER.debug( f'Problem parsing the node names, I got Exception {type(exc)!s} with message {exc}; ' f'exec_hosts was {exec_hosts}' ) try: # I strip the part after the @: is this always ok? this_job.job_owner = raw_data['job_owner'].split('@')[0] except KeyError: _LOGGER.debug(f"No 'job_owner' field for job id {this_job.job_id}") try: this_job.num_cpus = int(raw_data['resource_list.ncpus']) # TODO: understand if this is the correct field also for multithreaded (OpenMP) jobs. except KeyError: _LOGGER.debug(f"No 'resource_list.ncpus' field for job id {this_job.job_id}") except ValueError: _LOGGER.warning( f"'resource_list.ncpus' is not an integer " f"({raw_data['resource_list.ncpus']}) for job id {this_job.job_id}!" ) try: this_job.num_mpiprocs = int(raw_data['resource_list.mpiprocs']) # TODO: understand if this is the correct field also for multithreaded (OpenMP) jobs. except KeyError: _LOGGER.debug(f"No 'resource_list.mpiprocs' field for job id {this_job.job_id}") except ValueError: _LOGGER.warning( f"'resource_list.mpiprocs' is not an integer " f"({raw_data['resource_list.mpiprocs']}) for job id {this_job.job_id}!" ) try: this_job.num_machines = int(raw_data['resource_list.nodect']) except KeyError: _LOGGER.debug(f"No 'resource_list.nodect' field for job id {this_job.job_id}") except ValueError: _LOGGER.warning( f"'resource_list.nodect' is not an integer " f"{raw_data['resource_list.nodect']}) for job id {this_job.job_id}!" ) # Double check of redundant info if this_job.allocated_machines is not None and this_job.num_machines is not None: if len(set( for machine in this_job.allocated_machines)) != this_job.num_machines: _LOGGER.error( f'The length of the list of allocated nodes ({len(this_job.allocated_machines)}) is different ' f'from the expected number of nodes ({this_job.num_machines})!' ) try: this_job.queue_name = raw_data['queue'] except KeyError: _LOGGER.debug(f"No 'queue' field for job id {this_job.job_id}") try: this_job.requested_wallclock_time = self._convert_time(raw_data['resource_list.walltime']) except KeyError: _LOGGER.debug(f"No 'resource_list.walltime' field for job id {this_job.job_id}") except ValueError: _LOGGER.warning(f"Error parsing 'resource_list.walltime' for job id {this_job.job_id}") try: this_job.wallclock_time_seconds = self._convert_time(raw_data['resources_used.walltime']) except KeyError: # May not have started yet pass except ValueError: _LOGGER.warning(f"Error parsing 'resources_used.walltime' for job id {this_job.job_id}") try: this_job.cpu_time = self._convert_time(raw_data['resources_used.cput']) except KeyError: # May not have started yet pass except ValueError: _LOGGER.warning(f"Error parsing 'resources_used.cput' for job id {this_job.job_id}") # # ctime: The time that the job was created # mtime: The time that the job was last modified, changed state, # or changed locations. # qtime: The time that the job entered the current queue # stime: The time when the job started execution. # etime: The time that the job became eligible to run, i.e. in a # queued state while residing in an execution queue. try: this_job.submission_time = self._parse_time_string(raw_data['ctime']) except KeyError: _LOGGER.debug(f"No 'ctime' field for job id {this_job.job_id}") except ValueError: _LOGGER.warning(f"Error parsing 'ctime' for job id {this_job.job_id}") try: this_job.dispatch_time = self._parse_time_string(raw_data['stime']) except KeyError: # The job may not have been started yet pass except ValueError: _LOGGER.warning(f"Error parsing 'stime' for job id {this_job.job_id}") # TODO: see if we want to set also finish_time for finished jobs, if there are any # Everything goes here anyway for debugging purposes this_job.raw_data = raw_data # I append to the list of jobs to return job_list.append(this_job) return job_list
[docs] @staticmethod def _convert_time(string): """Convert a string in the format HH:MM:SS to a number of seconds.""" pieces = string.split(':') if len(pieces) != 3: _LOGGER.warning(f'Wrong number of pieces (expected 3) for time string {string}') raise ValueError('Wrong number of pieces for time string.') try: hours = int(pieces[0]) if hours < 0: raise ValueError except ValueError: _LOGGER.warning(f'Not a valid number of hours: {pieces[0]}') raise ValueError('Not a valid number of hours.') try: mins = int(pieces[1]) if mins < 0: raise ValueError except ValueError: _LOGGER.warning(f'Not a valid number of minutes: {pieces[1]}') raise ValueError('Not a valid number of minutes.') try: secs = int(pieces[2]) if secs < 0: raise ValueError except ValueError: _LOGGER.warning(f'Not a valid number of seconds: {pieces[2]}') raise ValueError('Not a valid number of seconds.') return hours * 3600 + mins * 60 + secs
[docs] @staticmethod def _parse_time_string(string, fmt='%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y'): """Parse a time string in the format returned from qstat -f and returns a datetime object. """ import datetime import time try: time_struct = time.strptime(string, fmt) except Exception as exc: _LOGGER.debug(f'Unable to parse time string {string}, the message was {exc}') raise ValueError('Problem parsing the time string.') # I convert from a time_struct to a datetime object going through # the seconds since epoch, as suggested on stackoverflow: # return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time_struct))
[docs] def _parse_submit_output(self, retval, stdout, stderr): """Parse the output of the submit command, as returned by executing the command returned by _get_submit_command command. To be implemented by the plugin. Return a string with the JobID. """ if retval != 0: _LOGGER.error(f'Error in _parse_submit_output: retval={retval}; stdout={stdout}; stderr={stderr}') raise SchedulerError(f'Error during submission, retval={retval}; stdout={stdout}; stderr={stderr}') if stderr.strip(): _LOGGER.warning(f'in _parse_submit_output there was some text in stderr: {stderr}') return stdout.strip()
[docs] def _get_kill_command(self, jobid): """Return the command to kill the job with specified jobid.""" submit_command = f'qdel {jobid}''killing job {jobid}') return submit_command
[docs] def _parse_kill_output(self, retval, stdout, stderr): """Parse the output of the kill command. To be implemented by the plugin. :return: True if everything seems ok, False otherwise. """ if retval != 0: _LOGGER.error(f'Error in _parse_kill_output: retval={retval}; stdout={stdout}; stderr={stderr}') return False if stderr.strip(): _LOGGER.warning(f'in _parse_kill_output there was some text in stderr: {stderr}') if stdout.strip(): _LOGGER.warning(f'in _parse_kill_output there was some text in stdout: {stdout}') return True