Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
#                                                                         #
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# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
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import traceback
import collections
import uritools
import os.path

import plum.persistence.pickle_persistence
from plum.process import Process
from aiida.common.lang import override
from import class_loader

import glob
import os
import os.path as path
import portalocker
import portalocker.utils
import shutil
import tempfile
import pickle
from plum.persistence.bundle import Bundle
from plum.process_listener import ProcessListener
from plum.process_monitor import MONITOR, ProcessMonitorListener
from plum.util import override, protected
from plum.persistence._base import LOGGER

_RUNNING_DIRECTORY = path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "running")

# If portalocker accepts my pull request to have this incorporated into the
# library then this can be removed.
[docs]class RLock(portalocker.Lock): """ A reentrant lock, functions in a similar way to threading.RLock in that it can be acquired multiple times. When the corresponding number of release() calls are made the lock will finally release the underlying file lock. """ def __init__( self, filename, mode='a', timeout=portalocker.utils.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, check_interval=portalocker.utils.DEFAULT_CHECK_INTERVAL, fail_when_locked=False, flags=portalocker.utils.LOCK_METHOD): super(RLock, self).__init__(filename, mode, timeout, check_interval, fail_when_locked, flags) self._acquire_count = 0
[docs] def acquire( self, timeout=None, check_interval=None, fail_when_locked=None): if self._acquire_count >= 1: fh = self.fh else: fh = super(RLock, self).acquire(timeout, check_interval, fail_when_locked) self._acquire_count += 1 return fh
[docs] def release(self): if self._acquire_count == 0: raise portalocker.LockException( "Cannot release more times than acquired") if self._acquire_count == 1: super(RLock, self).release() self._acquire_count -= 1
[docs]class Persistence(plum.persistence.pickle_persistence.PicklePersistence): """ Class that uses pickles stored in particular directories to persist the instance state of Processes. """ @staticmethod def pickle_filename(pid): return "{}.pickle".format(pid)
[docs] @classmethod def create_from_basedir(cls, basedir, **kwargs): """ Create using a base directory, the pickles will be stored in: - running: [basedir]/running - finished: [basedir]/finished - failed: [basedir]/failed :param basedir: The base directory to storage pickle under :type basedir: str :param kwargs: Any additional arguments to pass to the constructor :return: A new instance. """ if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} # Set up the subdirectories kwargs['running_directory'] = path.join(basedir, "running") kwargs['finished_directory'] = path.join(basedir, "finished") kwargs['failed_directory'] = path.join(basedir, "failed") return cls(**kwargs)
def __init__(self, running_directory=_RUNNING_DIRECTORY, finished_directory=_FINISHED_DIRECTORY, failed_directory=_FAILED_DIRECTORY): """ Create the pickle persistence object. If auto_persist is True then this object will automatically persist any Processes that are created and will keep their persisted state up to date as they run. By default this is turned off as the user may prefer to manually specify which process should be persisted. The directory structure that will be used is: running_directory/[pid].pickle - Currently active processes finished_directory/[pid].pickle - Finished processes failed_directory/[pid].pickle - Failed processes :param auto_persist: Will automatically persist Processes if True. :type auto_persist: bool :param running_directory: The base directory to store all pickles in. :type running_directory: str :param finished_directory: The (relative) subdirectory to put finished Process pickles in. If None they will be deleted when finished. :type finished_directory: str :param failed_directory: The (relative) subdirectory to put failed Process pickles in. If None they will be deleted on fail. :type failed_directory: str """ super(Persistence, self).__init__( running_directory=running_directory, finished_directory=finished_directory, failed_directory=failed_directory ) self._filelocks = {} self._ensure_directory(running_directory) self._ensure_directory(finished_directory) self._ensure_directory(failed_directory) @property def store_directory(self): return self._running_directory @property def failed_directory(self): return self._failed_directory @property def finished_directory(self): return self._finished_directory
[docs] def load_all_processes(self): """ Will detect all pickles in the running directory and will try to load them up into Processes. As soon as a pickle is considered for loading, a lock is placed on it, which is not released until the process is destroyed. This is necessary to prevent another thread from loading up the same process. :return: a list of Process instances """ processes = [] for f in glob.glob(path.join(self._running_directory, "*.pickle")): try: process = self.create_from_file_and_persist(f) except (portalocker.LockException, IOError): continue except BaseException: LOGGER.warning("Failed to load checkpoint '{}'\n{}".format(f, traceback.format_exc())) # Try to load the node corresponding to the corrupt pickle, set it to FAILED and seal it # At the end we will also move the pickle to the failed directory so it can be inspected for debugging try: from aiida.orm import load_node pk, extension = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f)) node = load_node(int(pk)) node._set_attr(node.FAILED_KEY, True) node.seal() except BaseException as exception: LOGGER.warning('failed to clean up the node of the corrupt pickle {}'.format(traceback.format_exc())) finally: LOGGER.warning("moving '{}' to failed directory".format(f)) try: filename = os.path.basename(f) shutil.move(f, os.path.join(self.failed_directory, filename)) except OSError: pass else: processes.append(process) return processes
[docs] def create_from_file_and_persist(self, filepath): """ Try and load a process from a file and recreate the Process instance. To prevent multiple threads from recreating a Process from the same pickle, before loading the state from the file, a reentrant lock is created, which will except if the file is already locked. Within a lock context manager, we then attempt to recreate the Process from the process state and when successful we acquire the lock. :param filepath: path to the pickle to be loaded as a Process :return: Process instance """ lock = RLock(filepath, 'r+b', timeout=0) with lock as handle: checkpoint = self.load_checkpoint_from_file_object(handle) process = Process.create_from(checkpoint) try: # Listen to the process - state transitions will trigger pickling process.add_process_listener(self) except AssertionError: # Happens if we're already listening pass lock.acquire() self._filelocks[] = lock return process
def persist_process(self, process): if in self._filelocks: # Already persisted return save_file = self.get_running_path( self._ensure_directory(self._running_directory) # Create a lock for the pickle try: lock = RLock(save_file, 'w+b', timeout=0) lock.acquire() self._filelocks[] = lock except portalocker.LockException: raise portalocker.LockException( "Unable to lock pickle '{}' someone else must have locked it.".format(save_file)) self._save_noraise(process) try: # Listen to the process - state transitions will trigger pickling process.add_process_listener(self) except AssertionError: # Happens if we're already listening pass def unpersist_process(self, process): if not in self._filelocks: return self._filelocks.pop( process.remove_process_listener(self) def clear_all_persisted(self): for pid in self._filelocks.keys(): self._release_process(pid)
[docs] def get_running_path(self, pid): """ Get the path where the pickle for a process with pid will be stored while it's running. :param pid: The process pid :return: A string to the absolute path of where the pickle is stored. :rtype: str """ return path.join(self._running_directory, self.pickle_filename(pid))
def save(self, process): self._ensure_directory(self._running_directory) filename = self.get_running_path( lock = self._filelocks.get(, RLock(filename, 'w+b', timeout=0)) with lock as f: checkpoint = self.create_bundle(process) self._clear(f) try: pickle.dump(checkpoint, f) except BaseException as exception: LOGGER.debug("Failed to save the pickle\n{}: {}\n" "Pickle contents: {}".format(type(exception), exception, checkpoint)) # Don't leave a half-baked pickle around if path.isfile(filename): os.remove(filename) raise f.flush() # region ProcessListener messages @override def on_process_run(self, process): self._save_noraise(process) @override def on_process_wait(self, process, wait_on): self._save_noraise(process) @override def on_process_finish(self, process): self._save_noraise(process) @override def on_process_destroy(self, process): if process.calc.has_finished(): try: self._release_process(, self.finished_directory) except ValueError: pass else: self.unpersist_process(process) ############################################################################ # ProcessMonitorListener messages ########################################## @override def on_monitored_process_failed(self, pid): try: self._release_process(pid, self.failed_directory) except ValueError: pass ############################################################################ @override def on_monitored_process_created(self, process): if self._auto_persist and not in self._filelocks: self.persist_process(process) @staticmethod def _ensure_directory(dir_path): if not path.isdir(dir_path): os.makedirs(dir_path) def _release_process(self, pid, save_dir=None): """ Move a running process pickle to the given save directory, this is typically used if the process has finished or failed. :param pid: The process ID :param save_dir: The directory to move to pickle to, can be None indicating that the pickle should be deleted. :type save_dir: str or None """ # Get the current location of the pickle pickle_path = self.get_running_path(pid) try: lock = self._filelocks.pop(pid) except KeyError: raise ValueError("Unknown process with pid '{}'".format(pid)) try: if path.isfile(pickle_path): if save_dir is not None: self._ensure_directory(save_dir) to = path.join(save_dir, self.pickle_filename(pid)) shutil.copyfile(pickle_path, to) os.remove(pickle_path) else: raise ValueError( "Cannot find pickle for process with pid '{}'".format(pid)) finally: lock.release() def _save_noraise(self, process): try: except BaseException: LOGGER.error("Exception raised trying to pickle process (pid={})\n{}" .format(, traceback.format_exc())) def _load_checkpoint(self, pid): """ Load a checkpoint from a pickle. Note that this will not properly check for locks and should not be called outside of this class """ for check_dir in [self._running_directory, self._failed_directory, self._finished_directory]: filepath = path.join(check_dir, self.pickle_filename(pid)) if path.isfile(filepath): with portalocker.Lock(filepath, 'r', timeout=1) as file: return self.load_checkpoint_from_file_object(file) raise ValueError("checkpoint with pid '{}' does not exist".format(pid)) def load_checkpoint_from_file_object(self, file_object): cp = pickle.load(file_object) inputs = cp[Process.BundleKeys.INPUTS.value] if inputs: cp[Process.BundleKeys.INPUTS.value] = self._load_nodes_from(inputs) cp.set_class_loader(class_loader) return cp def get_checkpoint_state(self, pid): checkpoint = self._load_checkpoint(pid) return str(checkpoint) @override def create_bundle(self, process): bundle = Bundle() process.save_instance_state(bundle) inputs = bundle[Process.BundleKeys.INPUTS.value] if inputs: bundle[Process.BundleKeys.INPUTS.value] = self._convert_to_ids(inputs) return bundle def _convert_to_ids(self, nodes): from aiida.orm import Node input_ids = {} for label, node in nodes.iteritems(): if node is None: continue elif isinstance(node, Node): if node.is_stored: input_ids[label] = else: # Try using the UUID, but there's probably no chance of # being abel to recover the node from this if not stored # (for the time being) input_ids[label] = node.uuid elif isinstance(node, collections.Mapping): input_ids[label] = self._convert_to_ids(node) return input_ids def _load_nodes_from(self, pks_mapping): """ Take a dictionary of of {label: pk} or nested dictionary i.e. {label: {label: pk}} and convert to the equivalent dictionary but with nodes instead of the ids. :param pks_mapping: The dictionary of node pks. :return: A dictionary with the loaded nodes. :rtype: dict """ from aiida.orm import load_node nodes = {} for label, pk in pks_mapping.iteritems(): if isinstance(pk, collections.Mapping): nodes[label] = self._load_nodes_from(pk) else: nodes[label] = load_node(pk=pk) return nodes def _clear(self, fileobj): """ Clear the contents of an open file. :param fileobj: The (open) file object """ fileobj.truncate()
_DEFAULT_STORAGE = None def get_default(): global _DEFAULT_STORAGE if _DEFAULT_STORAGE is None: _create_storage() return _DEFAULT_STORAGE def _create_storage(): import aiida.common.setup as setup import aiida.settings as settings global _DEFAULT_STORAGE parts = uritools.urisplit(settings.REPOSITORY_URI) if parts.scheme == u'file': WORKFLOWS_DIR = os.path.expanduser( os.path.join(parts.path, setup.WORKFLOWS_SUBDIR)) _DEFAULT_STORAGE = Persistence( running_directory=os.path.join(WORKFLOWS_DIR, 'running'), finished_directory=os.path.join(WORKFLOWS_DIR, 'finished'), failed_directory=os.path.join(WORKFLOWS_DIR, 'failed') )