Source code for aiida.orm.implementation.general.calculation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
#                                                                         #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
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import collections

from aiida.common.utils import classproperty
from aiida.common.links import LinkType
from aiida.orm.mixins import Sealable

def _parse_single_arg(function_name, additional_parameter,
                      args, kwargs):
    Verifies that a single additional argument has been given (or no
    additional argument, if additional_parameter is None). Also
    verifies its name.

    :param function_name: the name of the caller function, used for
        the output messages
    :param additional_parameter: None if no additional parameters
        should be passed, or a string with the name of the parameter
        if one additional parameter should be passed.

    :return: None, if additional_parameter is None, or the value of
        the additional parameter
    :raise TypeError: on wrong number of inputs
    # Here all the logic to check if the parameters are correct.
    if additional_parameter is not None:
        if len(args) == 1:
            if kwargs:
                raise TypeError("{}() received too many args".format(
            additional_parameter_data = args[0]
        elif len(args) == 0:
            kwargs_copy = kwargs.copy()
                additional_parameter_data = kwargs_copy.pop(
            except KeyError:
                if kwargs_copy:
                    raise TypeError("{}() got an unexpected keyword "
                                    "argument '{}'".format(
                        function_name, kwargs_copy.keys()[0]))
                    raise TypeError("{}() requires more "
            if kwargs_copy:
                raise TypeError("{}() got an unexpected keyword "
                                "argument '{}'".format(
                    function_name, kwargs_copy.keys()[0]))
            raise TypeError("{}() received too many args".format(
        return additional_parameter_data
        if kwargs:
            raise TypeError("{}() got an unexpected keyword "
                            "argument '{}'".format(
                function_name, kwargs.keys()[0]))
        if len(args) != 0:
            raise TypeError("{}() received too many args".format(

        return None

[docs]class AbstractCalculation(Sealable): """ This class provides the definition of an "abstract" AiiDA calculation. A calculation in this sense is any computation that converts data into data. You will typically use one of its subclasses, often a JobCalculation for calculations run via a scheduler. """ FINISHED_KEY = '_finished' FAILED_KEY = '_failed' _updatable_attributes = Sealable._updatable_attributes + ('state', FINISHED_KEY, FAILED_KEY) _cacheable = False @classproperty def _hash_ignored_attributes(cls): return super(AbstractCalculation, cls)._hash_ignored_attributes + [ '_sealed', '_finished', ] # The link_type might not be correct while the object is being created. _hash_ignored_inputs = ['CALL'] # Nodes that can be added as input using the use_* methods @classproperty def _use_methods(cls): """ Return the list of valid input nodes that can be set using the use_* method. For each key KEY of the return dictionary, the 'use_KEY' method is exposed. Each value must be a dictionary, defining the following keys: * valid_types: a class, or tuple of classes, that will be used to validate the parameter using the isinstance() method * additional_parameter: None, if no additional parameters can be passed to the use_KEY method beside the node, or the name of the additional parameter (a string) * linkname: the name of the link to create (a string if additional_parameter is None, or a callable if additional_parameter is a string. The value of the additional parameter will be passed to the callable, and it should return a string. * docstring: a docstring for the function .. note:: in subclasses, always extend the parent class, do not substitute it! """ from aiida.orm.code import Code return { 'code': { 'valid_types': Code, 'additional_parameter': None, 'linkname': 'code', 'docstring': 'Choose the code to use', }, } @property def logger(self): """ Get the logger of the Calculation object, so that it also logs to the DB. :return: LoggerAdapter object, that works like a logger, but also has the 'extra' embedded """ import logging from aiida.common.log import get_dblogger_extra return logging.LoggerAdapter( logger=self._logger, extra=get_dblogger_extra(self)) def __dir__(self): """ Allow to list all valid attributes, adding also the use_* methods """ return sorted(dir(type(self)) + list(['use_{}'.format(k) for k in self._use_methods.iterkeys()])) def __getattr__(self, name): """ Expand the methods with the use_* calls. Note that this method only gets called if 'name' is not already defined as a method. Returning None will then automatically raise the standard AttributeError exception. """ if name == '_use_methods': raise AttributeError("'{0}' object has no attribute '{1}'".format(type(self), name)) class UseMethod(object): """ Generic class for the use_* methods. To know which use_* methods exist, use the ``dir()`` function. To get help on a specific method, for instance use_code, use:: ``print use_code.__doc__`` """ def __init__(self, node, actual_name, data): self.node = node self.actual_name = actual_name = data try: self.__doc__ = data['docstring'] except KeyError: # Forgot to define the docstring! Use the default one pass def __call__(self, parent_node, *args, **kwargs): # Not really needed, will be checked in get_linkname # But I do anyway in order to raise an exception as soon as # possible, with the most intuitive caller function name additional_parameter = _parse_single_arg( function_name='use_{}'.format(self.actual_name),['additional_parameter'], args=args, kwargs=kwargs) # Type check if not isinstance(parent_node,['valid_types']): if isinstance(['valid_types'], collections.Iterable): valid_types_string = ",".join([_.__name__ for _ in[ 'valid_types']]) else: valid_types_string =['valid_types'].__name__ raise TypeError("The given node is not of the valid type " "for use_{}. Valid types are: {}, while " "you provided {}".format( self.actual_name, valid_types_string, parent_node.__class__.__name__)) # Get actual link name actual_linkname = self.node.get_linkname(actual_name, *args, **kwargs) # Checks that such an argument exists have already been # made inside actual_linkname # Here I do the real job self.node._replace_link_from(parent_node, actual_linkname) prefix = 'use_' valid_use_methods = list(['{}{}'.format(prefix, k) for k in self._use_methods.iterkeys()]) if name in valid_use_methods: actual_name = name[len(prefix):] return UseMethod(node=self, actual_name=actual_name, data=self._use_methods[actual_name]) else: raise AttributeError("'{}' object has no attribute '{}'".format( self.__class__.__name__, name))
[docs] def get_linkname(self, link, *args, **kwargs): """ Return the linkname used for a given input link Pass as parameter "NAME" if you would call the use_NAME method. If the use_NAME method requires a further parameter, pass that parameter as the second parameter. """ try: data = self._use_methods[link] except KeyError: raise ValueError("No '{}' link is defined for this " "calculation".format(link)) # Raises if the wrong # of parameters is passed additional_parameter = _parse_single_arg( function_name='get_linkname', additional_parameter=data['additional_parameter'], args=args, kwargs=kwargs) if data['additional_parameter'] is not None: # Call the callable to get the proper linkname actual_linkname = data['linkname'](additional_parameter) else: actual_linkname = data['linkname'] return actual_linkname
def _linking_as_output(self, dest, link_type): """ An output of a calculation can only be a data. :param dest: a Data object instance of the database :raise: ValueError if a link from self to dest is not allowed. """ from import Data if link_type is LinkType.CREATE or link_type is LinkType.RETURN: if not isinstance(dest, Data): raise ValueError( "The output of a calculation node can only be a data node") elif link_type is LinkType.CALL: if not isinstance(dest, AbstractCalculation): raise ValueError("Call links can only link two calculations.") else: raise ValueError( "Calculation cannot have links of type {} as output".format( link_type)) return super(AbstractCalculation, self)._linking_as_output( dest, link_type) def _replace_link_from(self, src, label, link_type=LinkType.INPUT): """ Replace a link. :param src: a node of the database. It cannot be a Calculation object. :param str label: Name of the link. """ from import Data from aiida.orm.code import Code if not isinstance(src, (Data, Code)): raise ValueError("Nodes entering in calculation can only be of " "type data or code") return super(AbstractCalculation, self)._replace_link_from( src, label, link_type)
[docs] def get_code(self): """ Return the code for this calculation, or None if the code was not set. """ from aiida.orm.code import Code return dict(self.get_inputs(node_type=Code, also_labels=True)).get( self._use_methods['code']['linkname'], None)