Source code for aiida.backends.djsite.db.subtests.generic

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Generic tests that need the use of the DB

from aiida.backends.testbase import AiidaTestCase
from aiida.orm.node import Node

[docs]class TestComputer(AiidaTestCase): """ Test the Computer class. """
[docs] def test_deletion(self): from import Computer from aiida.orm import delete_computer, JobCalculation from aiida.common.exceptions import InvalidOperation newcomputer = Computer(name="testdeletioncomputer", hostname='localhost', transport_type='local', scheduler_type='pbspro', workdir='/tmp/aiida').store() # # This should be possible, because nothing is using this computer delete_computer(newcomputer) calc_params = { 'computer':, 'resources': {'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1} } _ = JobCalculation(**calc_params).store() # This should fail, because there is at least a calculation # using this computer (the one created just above) with self.assertRaises(InvalidOperation): delete_computer(
[docs]class TestGroupsDjango(AiidaTestCase): """ Test groups. """ # Tests that are specific to the Django backend
[docs] def test_query(self): """ Test if queries are working """ from import Group from aiida.common.exceptions import NotExistent, MultipleObjectsError from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbUser from aiida.backends.djsite.utils import get_automatic_user g1 = Group(name='testquery1').store() g2 = Group(name='testquery2').store() n1 = Node().store() n2 = Node().store() n3 = Node().store() n4 = Node().store() g1.add_nodes([n1, n2]) g2.add_nodes([n1, n3]) newuser = DbUser.objects.create_user(email='test@email.xx', password='') g3 = Group(name='testquery3', user=newuser).store() # I should find it g1copy = Group.get(uuid=g1.uuid) self.assertEquals(, # Try queries res = Group.query(nodes=n4) self.assertEquals([ for _ in res], []) res = Group.query(nodes=n1) self.assertEquals([ for _ in res], [ for _ in [g1, g2]]) res = Group.query(nodes=n2) self.assertEquals([ for _ in res], [ for _ in [g1]]) # I try to use 'get' with zero or multiple results with self.assertRaises(NotExistent): Group.get(nodes=n4) with self.assertRaises(MultipleObjectsError): Group.get(nodes=n1) self.assertEquals(Group.get(nodes=n2).pk, # Query by user res = Group.query(user=newuser) self.assertEquals(set( for _ in res), set( for _ in [g3])) # Same query, but using a string (the username=email) instead of # a DbUser object res = Group.query( self.assertEquals(set( for _ in res), set( for _ in [g3])) res = Group.query(user=get_automatic_user()) self.assertEquals(set( for _ in res), set( for _ in [g1, g2])) # Final cleanup g1.delete() g2.delete() newuser.delete()
[docs]class TestDbExtrasDjango(AiidaTestCase): """ Test DbAttributes. """
[docs] def test_replacement_1(self): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbExtra n1 = Node().store() n2 = Node().store() DbExtra.set_value_for_node(n1._dbnode, "pippo", [1, 2, 'a']) DbExtra.set_value_for_node(n1._dbnode, "pippobis", [5, 6, 'c']) DbExtra.set_value_for_node(n2._dbnode, "pippo2", [3, 4, 'b']) self.assertEquals(n1.get_extras(), {'pippo': [1, 2, 'a'], 'pippobis': [5, 6, 'c'], '_aiida_hash': n1.get_hash() }) self.assertEquals(n2.get_extras(), {'pippo2': [3, 4, 'b'], '_aiida_hash': n2.get_hash() }) new_attrs = {"newval1": "v", "newval2": [1, {"c": "d", "e": 2}]} DbExtra.reset_values_for_node(n1._dbnode, attributes=new_attrs) self.assertEquals(n1.get_extras(), new_attrs) self.assertEquals(n2.get_extras(), {'pippo2': [3, 4, 'b'], '_aiida_hash': n2.get_hash()}) DbExtra.del_value_for_node(n1._dbnode, key='newval2') del new_attrs['newval2'] self.assertEquals(n1.get_extras(), new_attrs) # Also check that other nodes were not damaged self.assertEquals(n2.get_extras(), {'pippo2': [3, 4, 'b'], '_aiida_hash': n2.get_hash()})