Source code for aiida.backends.djsite.db.subtests.nodes

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Tests for nodes, attributes and links

from aiida.backends.testbase import AiidaTestCase
from aiida.orm.node import Node

[docs]class TestDataNodeDjango(AiidaTestCase): """ These tests check the features of Data nodes that differ from the base Node """
[docs]class TestTransitiveClosureDeletionDjango(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] def test_creation_and_deletion(self): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbLink # Direct links from aiida.orm.querybuilder import QueryBuilder from aiida.common.links import LinkType n1 = Node().store() n2 = Node().store() n3 = Node().store() n4 = Node().store() n5 = Node().store() n6 = Node().store() n7 = Node().store() n8 = Node().store() n9 = Node().store() # I create a strange graph, inserting links in a order # such that I often have to create the transitive closure # between two graphs n3.add_link_from(n2, link_type=LinkType.CREATE) n2.add_link_from(n1, link_type=LinkType.CREATE) n5.add_link_from(n3, link_type=LinkType.CREATE) n5.add_link_from(n4, link_type=LinkType.CREATE) n4.add_link_from(n2, link_type=LinkType.CREATE) n7.add_link_from(n6, link_type=LinkType.CREATE) n8.add_link_from(n7, link_type=LinkType.CREATE) # Yet, no links from 1 to 8 self.assertEquals( QueryBuilder().append( Node, filters={'id'}, tag='anc' ).append(Node, descendant_of='anc', filters={'id'} ).count(), 0 ) n6.add_link_from(n5, link_type=LinkType.INPUT) # Yet, now 2 links from 1 to 8 self.assertEquals( QueryBuilder().append( Node, filters={'id'}, tag='anc' ).append(Node, descendant_of='anc', filters={'id'} ).count(), 2 ) n7.add_link_from(n9, link_type=LinkType.INPUT) # Still two links... self.assertEquals( QueryBuilder().append( Node, filters={'id'}, tag='anc' ).append(Node, descendant_of='anc', filters={'id'} ).count(), 2 ) n9.add_link_from(n6, link_type=LinkType.INPUT) # And now there should be 4 nodes self.assertEquals( QueryBuilder().append( Node, filters={'id'}, tag='anc' ).append(Node, descendant_of='anc', filters={'id'} ).count(), 4 ) ### I start deleting now # I cut one branch below: I should loose 2 links DbLink.objects.filter(input=n6, output=n9).delete() self.assertEquals( QueryBuilder().append( Node, filters={'id'}, tag='anc' ).append(Node, descendant_of='anc', filters={'id'} ).count(), 2 ) DbLink.objects.filter(input=n2, output=n4).delete() self.assertEquals( QueryBuilder().append( Node, filters={'id'}, tag='anc' ).append(Node, descendant_of='anc', filters={'id'} ).count(), 1 ) #~ self.assertEquals( #~ len(DbPath.objects.filter(parent=n1, child=n8).distinct()), 1) # Another cut should delete all links DbLink.objects.filter(input=n3, output=n5).delete() self.assertEquals( QueryBuilder().append( Node, filters={'id'}, tag='anc' ).append(Node, descendant_of='anc', filters={'id'} ).count(), 0 ) #~ self.assertEquals( #~ len(DbPath.objects.filter(parent=n1, child=n8).distinct()), 0) # But I did not delete everything! For instance, I can check # the following links self.assertEquals( QueryBuilder().append( Node, filters={'id'}, tag='anc' ).append(Node, descendant_of='anc', filters={'id'} ).count(), 1 ) self.assertEquals( QueryBuilder().append( Node, filters={'id'}, tag='anc' ).append(Node, descendant_of='anc', filters={'id'} ).count(), 1 ) #~ self.assertEquals( #~ len(DbPath.objects.filter(parent=n4, child=n8).distinct()), 1) #~ self.assertEquals( #~ len(DbPath.objects.filter(parent=n5, child=n7).distinct()), 1) # Finally, I reconnect in a different way the two graphs and # check that 1 and 8 are again connected n4.add_link_from(n3, link_type=LinkType.INPUT) self.assertEquals( QueryBuilder().append( Node, filters={'id'}, tag='anc' ).append(Node, descendant_of='anc', filters={'id'} ).count(), 1 )
#~ self.assertEquals( #~ len(DbPath.objects.filter(parent=n1, child=n8).distinct()), 1)
[docs]class TestNodeBasicDjango(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] def test_replace_extras_2(self): """ This is a Django specific test which checks (manually) that, when replacing list and dict with objects that have no deepness, no junk is left in the DB (i.e., no 'dict.a', 'list.3.h', ... """ from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbExtra a = Node().store() extras_to_set = { 'bool': True, 'integer': 12, 'float': 26.2, 'string': "a string", 'dict': {"a": "b", "sublist": [1, 2, 3], "subdict": { "c": "d"}}, 'list': [1, True, "ggg", {'h': 'j'}, [9, 8, 7]], } # I redefine the keys with more complicated data, and # changing the data type too new_extras = { 'bool': 12, 'integer': [2, [3], 'a'], 'float': {'n': 'm', 'x': [1, 'r', {}]}, 'string': True, 'dict': 'text', 'list': 66.3, } for k, v in extras_to_set.iteritems(): a.set_extra(k, v) for k, v in new_extras.iteritems(): # I delete one by one the keys and check if the operation is # performed correctly a.set_extra(k, v) # I update extras_to_set with the new entries, and do the comparison # again extras_to_set.update(new_extras) # Check (manually) that, when replacing list and dict with objects # that have no deepness, no junk is left in the DB (i.e., no # 'dict.a', 'list.3.h', ... self.assertEquals(len(DbExtra.objects.filter( dbnode=a, key__startswith=('list' + DbExtra._sep))), 0) self.assertEquals(len(DbExtra.objects.filter( dbnode=a, key__startswith=('dict' + DbExtra._sep))), 0)
[docs] def test_attrs_and_extras_wrong_keyname(self): """ Attribute keys cannot include the separator symbol in the key """ from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbAttributeBaseClass from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError separator = DbAttributeBaseClass._sep a = Node() with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): # I did not store, I cannot modify a._set_attr('name' + separator, 'blablabla') with self.assertRaises(ValidationError): # I did not store, I cannot modify a.set_extra('bool' + separator, 'blablabla')
[docs] def test_settings(self): """ Test the settings table (similar to Attributes, but without the key. """ from aiida.backends.djsite.db import models from django.db import IntegrityError, transaction models.DbSetting.set_value(key='pippo', value=[1, 2, 3]) s1 = models.DbSetting.objects.get(key='pippo') self.assertEqual(s1.getvalue(), [1, 2, 3]) s2 = models.DbSetting(key='pippo') sid = transaction.savepoint() with self.assertRaises(IntegrityError): # same name... transaction.savepoint_rollback(sid) # Should replace pippo models.DbSetting.set_value(key='pippo', value="a") s1 = models.DbSetting.objects.get(key='pippo') self.assertEqual(s1.getvalue(), "a")
[docs] def test_load_nodes(self): """ """ from aiida.orm import load_node from aiida.common.exceptions import NotExistent, InputValidationError a = Node() self.assertEquals(, load_node( self.assertEquals(, load_node(uuid=a.uuid).pk) with self.assertRaises(InputValidationError): load_node(, with self.assertRaises(InputValidationError): load_node(, uuid=a.uuid) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): load_node(pk=a.uuid) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): load_node( with self.assertRaises(InputValidationError): load_node()