Source code for aiida.backends.djsite.querybuilder_django.dummy_model

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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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The dummy model encodes the model defined by django in backends.djsite
using SQLAlchemy.
This is done to query the database with more performant ORM of SA.

from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

from sqlalchemy import (
    Column, Table, ForeignKey, UniqueConstraint,create_engine,
    select, func, join, and_, or_, not_, except_, case, exists,

from sqlalchemy.types import (
    Integer, String, DateTime, Float, Boolean, Text,
from sqlalchemy.orm import (
    foreign, mapper, aliased

from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property
from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import InstrumentedAttribute
from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import Cast
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import UUID, JSONB, INTEGER, array
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import FunctionElement, cast
from sqlalchemy.sql.base import ImmutableColumnCollection
from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles

# Aiida Django classes:
#from aiida.orm.implementation.django.node import Node as DjangoAiidaNode

#from aiida.common.pluginloader import load_plugin

from aiida.common.setup import get_profile_config
from aiida.backends import settings

from aiida.common.exceptions import DbContentError, MissingPluginError

from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models.utils import uuid_func
from aiida.utils import timezone
from aiida.common.datastructures import (calc_states, _sorted_datastates,

Base = declarative_base()

[docs]class DbCalcState(Base): __tablename__ = "db_dbcalcstate" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) dbnode = relationship( 'DbNode', backref=backref('dbstates', passive_deletes=True) ) state = Column(String(255)) time = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), dbnode_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey( '', ondelete="CASCADE", deferrable=True, initially="DEFERRED" ) ) __table_args__ = ( UniqueConstraint('dbnode_id', 'state'), )
[docs]class DbAttribute(Base): __tablename__ = "db_dbattribute" id = Column(Integer, primary_key = True) dbnode_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) key = Column(String(255)) datatype = Column(String(10)) tval = Column(String, default='') fval = Column(Float, default=None, nullable=True) ival = Column(Integer, default=None, nullable=True) bval = Column(Boolean, default=None, nullable=True) dval = Column(DateTime, default=None, nullable = True)
[docs]class DbExtra(Base): __tablename__ = "db_dbextra" id = Column(Integer, primary_key = True) dbnode_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) key = Column(String(255)) datatype = Column(String(10)) tval = Column(String, default='') fval = Column(Float, default=None, nullable=True) ival = Column(Integer, default=None, nullable=True) bval = Column(Boolean, default=None, nullable=True) dval = Column(DateTime, default=None, nullable = True)
[docs]class DbComputer(Base): __tablename__ = "db_dbcomputer" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) uuid = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), default=uuid_func) name = Column(String(255), unique=True, nullable=False) hostname = Column(String(255)) description = Column(Text, nullable=True) enabled = Column(Boolean) transport_type = Column(String(255)) scheduler_type = Column(String(255)) transport_params = Column(String(255)) _metadata = Column('metadata', String(255), default="{}")
[docs] def get_aiida_class(self): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbComputer as DjangoSchemaDbComputer djcomputer = DjangoSchemaDbComputer(, uuid=self.uuid,, hostname=self.hostname, description=self.description, enabled=self.enabled, transport_type=self.transport_type, scheduler_type=self.scheduler_type, transport_params=self.transport_params, metadata=self._metadata ) return djcomputer.get_aiida_class()
[docs]class DbUser(Base): __tablename__ = "db_dbuser" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) email = Column(String(254), unique=True, index=True) password = Column(String(128)) # Clear text password ? first_name = Column(String(254), nullable=True) last_name = Column(String(254), nullable=True) institution = Column(String(254), nullable=True) is_staff = Column(Boolean, default=False) is_active = Column(Boolean, default=False) last_login = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), date_joined = Column(DateTime(timezone=True),
[docs] def get_aiida_class(self): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbUser as DjangoSchemaDbUser djuser = DjangoSchemaDbUser(,, password=self.password, first_name=self.first_name, last_name=self.last_name, institution=self.institution, is_staff=self.is_staff, is_active=self.is_active, last_login=self.last_login, date_joined=self.date_joined ) return djuser.get_aiida_class()
table_groups_nodes = Table( 'db_dbgroup_dbnodes', Base.metadata, Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True), Column( 'dbnode_id', Integer, ForeignKey('', deferrable=True, initially="DEFERRED") ), Column( 'dbgroup_id', Integer, ForeignKey('', deferrable=True, initially="DEFERRED") ) )
[docs]class DbGroup(Base): __tablename__ = "db_dbgroup" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) uuid = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), default=uuid_func) name = Column(String(255), index=True) type = Column(String(255), default="", index=True) time = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), description = Column(Text, nullable=True) user_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey( '', ondelete='CASCADE', deferrable=True, initially="DEFERRED") ) user = relationship('DbUser', backref=backref('dbgroups', cascade='merge')) dbnodes = relationship('DbNode', secondary=table_groups_nodes, backref="dbgroups", lazy='dynamic') __table_args__ = ( UniqueConstraint('name', 'type'), )
[docs] def __str__(self): if self.type: return '<DbGroup [type: {}] "{}">'.format(self.type, else: return '<DbGroup [user-defined] "{}">'.format(
[docs] def get_aiida_class(self): from import Group as DjangoAiidaGroup from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbGroup as DjangoSchemaDbGroup dbgroup = DjangoSchemaDbGroup( id =, type = self.type, uuid = self.uuid, name =, time = self.time, description = self.description, user_id = self.user_id, ) return DjangoAiidaGroup(dbgroup=dbgroup)
[docs]class DbNode(Base): __tablename__ = "db_dbnode" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) uuid = Column(UUID(as_uuid=True), default=uuid_func) type = Column(String(255), index=True) label = Column(String(255), index=True, nullable=True) description = Column(Text(), nullable=True) ctime = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), mtime = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), dbcomputer_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey('', deferrable=True, initially="DEFERRED"), nullable=True ) dbcomputer = relationship( 'DbComputer', backref=backref('dbnodes', passive_deletes=True) ) user_id = Column( Integer, ForeignKey('', deferrable=True, initially="DEFERRED"), nullable=False ) user = relationship('DbUser', backref='dbnodes') public = Column(Boolean, default=False) nodeversion = Column(Integer, default=1) attributes = relationship('DbAttribute', uselist=True, backref='dbnode') extras = relationship('DbExtra', uselist=True, backref='dbnode') outputs = relationship( "DbNode", secondary = "db_dblink", primaryjoin = " == DbLink.input_id", secondaryjoin = " == DbLink.output_id", backref = backref("inputs", passive_deletes=True), passive_deletes = True )
[docs] def get_aiida_class(self): """ Return the corresponding instance of :func:`~aiida.orm.implementation.django.node.Node` or a subclass return by the plugin loader. .. todo:: The behavior is quite pathetic, creating a django DbNode instance to instantiate the aiida instance. These means that every time you load Aiida instances with the QueryBuilder when using Django as a backend, three instances are instantiated for every Aiida instance you load! Could be fixed by allowing DbNode from the dummy nodel to be passed to AiidaNode's __init__. :returns: An instance of the plugin class """ # I need to import the DbNode in the Django model, # and instantiate an object that has the same attributes as self. from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbNode as DjangoSchemaDbNode dbnode = DjangoSchemaDbNode(, type=self.type, uuid=self.uuid, ctime=self.ctime, mtime=self.mtime, label=self.label, description=self.description, dbcomputer_id=self.dbcomputer_id, user_id=self.user_id, public=self.public, nodeversion=self.nodeversion ) return dbnode.get_aiida_class()
@hybrid_property def user_email(self): """ Returns: the email of the user """ return @user_email.expression def user_email(cls): """ Returns: the email of the user at a class level (i.e. in the database) """ return select([]).where( == cls.user_id).label( 'user_email') # Computer name @hybrid_property def computer_name(self): """ Returns: the of the computer """ return @computer_name.expression def computer_name(cls): """ Returns: the name of the computer at a class level (i.e. in the database) """ return select([]).where( == cls.dbcomputer_id).label( 'computer_name') # State @hybrid_property def state(self): """ Return the most recent state from DbCalcState """ if not return None all_states = DbCalcState.query.filter(DbCalcState.dbnode_id == if all_states: #return max((st.time, st.state) for st in all_states)[1] return sort_states(((dbcalcstate.state, dbcalcstate.state.value) for dbcalcstate in all_states), use_key=True)[0] else: return None @state.expression def state(cls): """ Return the expression to get the 'latest' state from DbCalcState, to be used in queries, where 'latest' is defined using the state order defined in _sorted_datastates. """ # Sort first the latest states whens = { v: idx for idx, v in enumerate(_sorted_datastates[::-1], start=1)} custom_sort_order = case(value=DbCalcState.state, whens=whens, else_=100) # else: high value to put it at the bottom # Add numerical state to string, to allow to sort them states_with_num = select(['id'), DbCalcState.dbnode_id.label('dbnode_id'), DbCalcState.state.label('state_string'), custom_sort_order.label('num_state') ]).select_from(DbCalcState).alias() # Get the most 'recent' state (using the state ordering, and the min function) for # each calc calc_state_num = select([ states_with_num.c.dbnode_id.label('dbnode_id'), func.min(states_with_num.c.num_state).label('recent_state') ]).group_by(states_with_num.c.dbnode_id).alias() # Join the most-recent-state table with the DbCalcState table all_states_q = select([ DbCalcState.dbnode_id.label('dbnode_id'), DbCalcState.state.label('state_string'), calc_state_num.c.recent_state.label('recent_state'), custom_sort_order.label('num_state'), ]).select_from(#DbCalcState).alias().join( join(DbCalcState, calc_state_num, DbCalcState.dbnode_id == calc_state_num.c.dbnode_id)).alias() # Get the association between each calc and only its corresponding most-recent-state row subq = select([ all_states_q.c.dbnode_id.label('dbnode_id'), all_states_q.c.state_string.label('state') ]).select_from(all_states_q).where(all_states_q.c.num_state == all_states_q.c.recent_state).alias() # Final filtering for the actual query return select([subq.c.state]).\ where( subq.c.dbnode_id ==, ).\ label('laststate')
profile = get_profile_config(settings.AIIDADB_PROFILE)
[docs]def get_aldjemy_session(): """ Use aldjemy to make a session .. note: Use only in this case. In normal production mode it is safer make session explictly because it is more robust """ from aldjemy.core import get_engine engine = get_engine() _Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) return _Session()
session = get_aldjemy_session()