Source code for aiida.backends.djsite.querybuilder_django.querybuilder_django

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
#                                                                         #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
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import datetime
from datetime import datetime
from json import loads as json_loads

#~ import aiida.backends.djsite.querybuilder_django.dummy_model as dummy_model
import dummy_model
from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbAttribute, DbExtra, ObjectDoesNotExist

from sqlalchemy import and_, or_, not_, exists, select, exists, case
from sqlalchemy.types import Float,  String
from sqlalchemy.orm import aliased
from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import InstrumentedAttribute

from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import cast, ColumnClause
from sqlalchemy.sql.elements import Cast, Label
from aiida.common.exceptions import InputValidationError
from aiida.backends.general.querybuilder_interface import QueryBuilderInterface
from aiida.backends.utils import _get_column
from aiida.common.exceptions import (
        InputValidationError, DbContentError,
        MissingPluginError, ConfigurationError

[docs]class QueryBuilderImplDjango(QueryBuilderInterface):
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): #~ from aiida.orm.implementation.django.node import Node as AiidaNode #~ from import Group as AiidaGroup #~ from import Computer as AiidaComputer #~ from aiida.orm.implementation.django.user import User as AiidaUser #~ self.Link = dummy_model.DbLink #~ self.Node = dummy_model.DbNode #~ self.Computer = dummy_model.DbComputer #~ self.User = dummy_model.DbUser #~ self.Group = dummy_model.DbGroup #~ self.table_groups_nodes = dummy_model.table_groups_nodes #~ self.AiidaNode = AiidaNode #~ self.AiidaGroup = AiidaGroup #~ self.AiidaComputer = AiidaComputer #~ self.AiidaUser = AiidaUser super(QueryBuilderImplDjango, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
@property def Node(self): return dummy_model.DbNode @property def Link(self): return dummy_model.DbLink @property def Computer(self): return dummy_model.DbComputer @property def User(self): return dummy_model.DbUser @property def Group(self): return dummy_model.DbGroup @property def table_groups_nodes(self): return dummy_model.table_groups_nodes @property def AiidaNode(self): import aiida.orm.implementation.django.node return aiida.orm.implementation.django.node.Node @property def AiidaGroup(self): import return @property def AiidaUser(self): import aiida.orm.implementation.django.user return aiida.orm.implementation.django.user.User @property def AiidaComputer(self): import return
[docs] def get_filter_expr_from_column(self, operator, value, column): # Label is used because it is what is returned for the # 'state' column by the hybrid_column construct if not isinstance(column, (Cast, InstrumentedAttribute, Label, ColumnClause)): raise TypeError( 'column ({}) {} is not a valid column'.format( type(column), column ) ) database_entity = column if operator == '==': expr = database_entity == value elif operator == '>': expr = database_entity > value elif operator == '<': expr = database_entity < value elif operator == '>=': expr = database_entity >= value elif operator == '<=': expr = database_entity <= value elif operator == 'like': expr = elif operator == 'ilike': expr = database_entity.ilike(value) elif operator == 'in': expr = database_entity.in_(value) else: raise InputValidationError( 'Unknown operator {} for filters on columns'.format(operator) ) return expr
[docs] def get_filter_expr( self, operator, value, attr_key, is_attribute, alias=None, column=None, column_name=None ): """ Applies a filter on the alias given. Expects the alias of the ORM-class on which to filter, and filter_spec. Filter_spec contains the specification on the filter. Expects: :param operator: The operator to apply, see below for further details :param value: The value for the right side of the expression, the value you want to compare with. :param path: The path leading to the value :param attr_key: Boolean, whether the value is in a json-column, or in an attribute like table. Implemented and valid operators: * for any type: * == (compare single value, eg: '==':5.0) * in (compare whether in list, eg: 'in':[5, 6, 34] * for floats and integers: * > * < * <= * >= * for strings: * like (case - sensitive), for example 'like':'node.calc.%' will match node.calc.relax and node.calc.RELAX and node.calc. but not node.CALC.relax * ilike (case - unsensitive) will also match node.CaLc.relax in the above example .. note:: The character % is a reserved special character in SQL, and acts as a wildcard. If you specifically want to capture a ``%`` in the string, use: ``_%`` * for arrays and dictionaries (only for the SQLAlchemy implementation): * contains: pass a list with all the items that the array should contain, or that should be among the keys, eg: 'contains': ['N', 'H']) * has_key: pass an element that the list has to contain or that has to be a key, eg: 'has_key':'N') * for arrays only (SQLAlchemy version): * of_length * longer * shorter All the above filters invoke a negation of the expression if preceded by **~**:: # first example: filter_spec = { 'name' : { '~in':[ 'halle', 'lujah' ] } # Name not 'halle' or 'lujah' } # second example: filter_spec = { 'id' : { '~==': 2 } } # id is not 2 """ expr = None if operator.startswith('~'): negation = True operator = operator.lstrip('~') elif operator.startswith('!'): negation = True operator = operator.lstrip('!') else: negation = False if operator in ('longer', 'shorter', 'of_length'): if not isinstance(value, int): raise InputValidationError( "You have to give an integer when comparing to a length" ) elif operator in ('like', 'ilike'): if not isinstance(value, basestring): raise InputValidationError( "Value for operator {} has to be a string (you gave {})" "".format(operator, value) ) elif operator == 'in': value_type_set = set([type(i) for i in value]) if len(value_type_set) > 1: raise InputValidationError( '{} contains more than one type'.format(value) ) elif len(value_type_set) == 0: raise InputValidationError( '{} contains is an empty list'.format(value) ) elif operator in ('and', 'or'): expressions_for_this_path = [] for filter_operation_dict in value: for newoperator, newvalue in filter_operation_dict.items(): expressions_for_this_path.append( self.get_filter_expr( newoperator, newvalue, attr_key=attr_key, is_attribute=is_attribute, alias=alias, column=column, column_name=column_name ) ) if operator == 'and': expr = and_(*expressions_for_this_path) elif operator == 'or': expr = or_(*expressions_for_this_path) if expr is None: if is_attribute: expr = self.get_filter_expr_from_attributes( operator, value, attr_key, column=column, column_name=column_name, alias=alias ) else: if column is None: if (alias is None) and (column_name is None): raise Exception( "I need to get the column but do not know \n" "the alias and the column name" ) column = _get_column(column_name, alias) expr = self.get_filter_expr_from_column(operator, value, column) if negation: return not_(expr) return expr
[docs] def get_session(self): return dummy_model.get_aldjemy_session()
# return dummy_model.session
[docs] def modify_expansions(self, alias, expansions): """ For the Django schema, we have as additioanl expansions 'attributes' and 'extras' """ if issubclass(alias._sa_class_manager.class_, self.Node): expansions.append("attributes") expansions.append("extras") elif issubclass(alias._sa_class_manager.class_, self.Computer): try: expansions.remove('metadata') expansions.append('_metadata') except KeyError: pass return expansions
[docs] def get_filter_expr_from_attributes( self, operator, value, attr_key, column=None, column_name=None, alias=None): def get_attribute_db_column(mapped_class, dtype, castas=None): if dtype == 't': mapped_entity = mapped_class.tval elif dtype == 'b': mapped_entity = mapped_class.bval #~ mapped_entity = cast(mapped_class.value_str, Boolean) elif dtype == 'f': mapped_entity = mapped_class.fval #~ mapped_entity = cast(mapped_class.value_str, Float) elif dtype == 'i': mapped_entity = mapped_class.ival #~ mapped_entity = cast(mapped_class.value_str, Integer) elif dtype == 'd': mapped_entity = mapped_class.dval else: raise InputValidationError( "I don't know what to do with dtype {}".format(dtype) ) if castas == 't': mapped_entity = cast(mapped_entity, String) elif castas == 'f': mapped_entity = cast(mapped_entity, Float) return mapped_entity if column: mapped_class = column.prop.mapper.class_ else: column = getattr(alias, column_name) mapped_class = column.prop.mapper.class_ # Ok, so we have an attribute key here. # Unless cast is specified, will try to infer my self where the value # is stored # Datetime -> dval # bool -> bval # string -> tval # integer -> ival, fval (cast ival to float) # float -> ival, fval (cast ival to float) # If the user specified of_type ?? # That is basically a query for where the value is sitting # (which db_column in the dbattribtues) # If the user specified in what to cast, he wants an operation to # be performed to cast the value to a different type if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): value_type_set = set([type(i) for i in value]) if len(value_type_set) > 1: raise InputValidationError( '{} contains more than one type'.format(value)) elif len(value_type_set) == 0: raise InputValidationError('Given list is empty, cannot determine type') else: value_to_consider = value[0] else: value_to_consider = value # First cases, I maybe need not do anything but just count the # number of entries if operator in ('of_length', 'shorter', 'longer'): raise NotImplementedError( "Filtering by lengths of arrays or lists is not implemented\n" "in the Django-Backend" ) elif operator == 'of_type': raise NotImplementedError( "Filtering by type is not implemented\n" "in the Django-Backend" ) elif operator == 'contains': raise NotImplementedError( "Contains is not implemented in the Django-backend" ) elif operator=='has_key': if issubclass(mapped_class, dummy_model.DbAttribute): expr = alias.attributes.any(mapped_class.key == '.'.join(attr_key+[value])) elif issubclass(mapped_class, dummy_model.DbExtra): expr = alias.extras.any(mapped_class.key == '.'.join(attr_key+[value])) else: raise Exception("I was given {} as an attribute base class".format(mapped_class)) else: types_n_casts = [] if isinstance(value_to_consider, basestring): types_n_casts.append(('t', None)) elif isinstance(value_to_consider, bool): types_n_casts.append(('b', None)) elif isinstance(value_to_consider, (int, float)): types_n_casts.append(('f', None)) types_n_casts.append(('i', 'f')) elif isinstance(value_to_consider, datetime): types_n_casts.append(('d', None)) expressions = [] for dtype, castas in types_n_casts: try: expressions.append( self.get_filter_expr( operator, value, attr_key=[], column=get_attribute_db_column(mapped_class, dtype, castas=castas), is_attribute=False ) ) except InputValidationError as e: raise e actual_attr_key = '.'.join(attr_key) expr = column.any(and_( mapped_class.key == actual_attr_key, or_(*expressions) ) ) return expr
[docs] def get_projectable_attribute( self, alias, column_name, attrpath, cast=None, **kwargs ): if cast is not None: raise NotImplementedError( "Casting is not implemented in the Django backend" ) if not attrpath: # If the user with Django backend wants all the attributes or all # the extras, I will select as entity the ID of the node. # in get_aiida_res, this is transformed to the dictionary of attributes. if column_name in ('attributes', 'extras'): entity = else: raise NotImplementedError( "Whatever you asked for " "({}) is not implemented" "".format(column_name) ) else: aliased_attributes = aliased(getattr(alias, column_name).prop.mapper.class_) if not issubclass(alias._aliased_insp.class_,self.Node): NotImplementedError( "Other classes than Nodes are not implemented yet" ) attrkey = '.'.join(attrpath) exists_stmt = exists(select([1], correlate=True).select_from( aliased_attributes ).where(and_( aliased_attributes.key==attrkey, ))) select_stmt = select( [], correlate=True ).select_from(aliased_attributes).where(and_( aliased_attributes.key==attrkey, )).label('miao') entity = case([(exists_stmt, select_stmt), ], else_=None) return entity
[docs] def get_aiida_res(self, key, res): """ Some instance returned by ORM (django or SA) need to be converted to Aiida instances (eg nodes) :param res: the result returned by the query :param key: the key that this entry would be return with :returns: an aiida-compatible instance """ if key.startswith('attributes.'): # If you want a specific attributes, that key was stored in res. # So I call the getvalue method to expand into a dictionary try: returnval = DbAttribute.objects.get(id=res).getvalue() except ObjectDoesNotExist: # If the object does not exist, return None. This is consistent # with SQLAlchemy inside the JSON returnval = None elif key.startswith('extras.'): # Same as attributes try: returnval = DbExtra.objects.get(id=res).getvalue() except ObjectDoesNotExist: returnval = None elif key == 'attributes': # If you asked for all attributes, the QB return the ID of the node # I use DbAttribute.get_all_values_for_nodepk # to get the dictionary return DbAttribute.get_all_values_for_nodepk(res) elif key == 'extras': # same as attributes return DbExtra.get_all_values_for_nodepk(res) elif key in ('_metadata', 'transport_params') and res is not None: # Metadata and transport_params are stored as json strings in the DB: return json_loads(res) elif isinstance(res, (self.Group, self.Node, self.Computer, self.User)): returnval = res.get_aiida_class() else: returnval = res return returnval
[docs] def get_ormclass(self, cls, ormclasstype): """ Return the valid ormclass for the connections """ # Checks whether valid cls and ormclasstype are done before # If it is a class: if cls: # Nodes: if issubclass(cls, self.Node): # If something pass an ormclass node # Users wouldn't do that, by why not... ormclasstype = self.AiidaNode._plugin_type_string query_type_string = self.AiidaNode._query_type_string ormclass = cls elif issubclass(cls, self.AiidaNode): ormclasstype = cls._plugin_type_string query_type_string = cls._query_type_string ormclass = self.Node # Groups: elif issubclass(cls, self.Group): ormclasstype = 'group' query_type_string = None ormclass = cls elif issubclass(cls, self.AiidaGroup): ormclasstype = 'group' query_type_string = None ormclass = self.Group # Computers: elif issubclass(cls, self.Computer): ormclasstype = 'computer' query_type_string = None ormclass = cls elif issubclass(cls, self.AiidaComputer): ormclasstype = 'computer' query_type_string = None ormclass = self.Computer # Users elif issubclass(cls, self.User): ormclasstype = 'user' query_type_string = None ormclass = cls elif issubclass(cls, self.AiidaUser): ormclasstype = 'user' query_type_string = None ormclass = self.User else: raise InputValidationError( "\n\n\n" "I do not know what to do with {}" "\n\n\n".format(cls) ) # If it is not a class else: if ormclasstype.lower() == 'group': ormclasstype = ormclasstype.lower() query_type_string = None ormclass = self.Group elif ormclasstype.lower() == 'computer': ormclasstype = ormclasstype.lower() query_type_string = None ormclass = self.Computer elif ormclasstype.lower() == 'user': ormclasstype = ormclasstype.lower() query_type_string = None ormclass = self.User else: # At this point, it has to be a node. # The only valid string at this point is a string # that matches exactly the _plugin_type_string # of a node class from aiida.common.old_pluginloader import from_type_to_pluginclassname from aiida.common.pluginloader import load_plugin ormclass = self.Node try: pluginclassname = from_type_to_pluginclassname(ormclasstype) # I want to check at this point if that is a valid class, # so I use the load_plugin to load the plugin class # and use the classes _plugin_type_string attribute # In the future, assuming the user knows what he or she is doing # we could remove that check # The query_type_string we can get from # the aiida.common.old_pluginloader function get_query_type_string PluginClass = load_plugin(self.AiidaNode, 'aiida.orm', pluginclassname) except (DbContentError, MissingPluginError) as e: raise InputValidationError( "\nYou provide a vertice of the path with\n" "type={}\n" "But that string is not a valid type string\n" "Exception raise during check\n" "{}".format(ormclasstype, e) ) ormclasstype = PluginClass._plugin_type_string query_type_string = PluginClass._query_type_string return ormclass, ormclasstype, query_type_string
[docs] def yield_per(self, query, batch_size): """ :param count: Number of rows to yield per step Yields *count* rows at a time :returns: a generator """ from django.db import transaction with transaction.atomic(): return query.yield_per(batch_size)
[docs] def count(self, query): from django.db import transaction with transaction.atomic(): return query.count()
[docs] def first(self, query): """ Executes query in the backend asking for one instance. :returns: One row of aiida results """ from django.db import transaction with transaction.atomic(): return query.first()
[docs] def iterall(self, query, batch_size, tag_to_index_dict): from django.db import transaction with transaction.atomic(): results = query.yield_per(batch_size) if len(tag_to_index_dict) == 1: # Sqlalchemy, for some strange reason, does not return a list of lsits # if you have provided an ormclass if tag_to_index_dict.values() == ['*']: for rowitem in results: yield [self.get_aiida_res(tag_to_index_dict[0], rowitem)] else: for rowitem, in results: yield [self.get_aiida_res(tag_to_index_dict[0], rowitem)] elif len(tag_to_index_dict) > 1: for resultrow in results: yield [ self.get_aiida_res(tag_to_index_dict[colindex], rowitem) for colindex, rowitem in enumerate(resultrow) ] else: raise Exception("Got an empty dictionary: {}".format(tag_to_index_dict))
[docs] def iterdict(self, query, batch_size, tag_to_projected_entity_dict): from django.db import transaction # Wrapping everything in an atomic transaction: with transaction.atomic(): results = query.yield_per(batch_size) # Two cases: If one column was asked, the database returns a matrix of rows * columns: nr_items = sum([len(v) for v in tag_to_projected_entity_dict.values()]) if nr_items > 1: for this_result in results: yield { tag:{ attrkey:self.get_aiida_res( attrkey, this_result[index_in_sql_result] ) for attrkey, index_in_sql_result in projected_entities_dict.items() } for tag, projected_entities_dict in tag_to_projected_entity_dict.items() } elif nr_items == 1: # I this case, sql returns a list, where each listitem is the result # for one row. Here I am converting it to a list of lists (of length 1) if [ v for entityd in tag_to_projected_entity_dict.values() for v in entityd.keys()] == ['*']: for this_result in results: yield { tag:{ attrkey : self.get_aiida_res(attrkey, this_result) for attrkey, position in projected_entities_dict.items() } for tag, projected_entities_dict in tag_to_projected_entity_dict.items() } else: for this_result, in results: yield { tag:{ attrkey : self.get_aiida_res(attrkey, this_result) for attrkey, position in projected_entities_dict.items() } for tag, projected_entities_dict in tag_to_projected_entity_dict.items() } else: raise Exception("Got an empty dictionary")