Source code for aiida.common.pluginloader

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Extension and eventually replacement of the aiida.common.old_pluginloader module

Allows loading plugins registered as setuptools entry points by separate pip-installed
defines drop-in replacement functionality to use the old filesystem based and the
new setuptools based plugin systems in parallel.

    from reentry import manager as epm
except ImportError:
    import pkg_resources as epm

from aiida.common.exceptions import LoadingPluginFailed, MissingPluginError

_category_mapping = {
    'calculations': 'aiida.orm.calculation.job',
    'data': '',
    'parsers': 'aiida.parsers',
    'schedulers': 'aiida.scheduler.plugins',
    'transports': 'aiida.transport.plugins',
    'workflows': 'aiida.workflows',
    'tools.dbexporters': '',
    'tools.dbimporters': '',
    'tools.dbexporters.tcod_plugins': ''

_inv_category_mapping = {v: k for k, v in _category_mapping.iteritems()}

[docs]def _supercls_for_category(category): from aiida.orm.calculation.job import JobCalculation from import Data from aiida.parsers import Parser from aiida.scheduler import Scheduler from aiida.transport import Transport from aiida.orm import Workflow from import BaseTcodtranslator supercls_mapping = { 'calculations': JobCalculation, 'data': Data, 'parsers': Parser, 'schedulers': Scheduler, 'transports': Transport, 'workflows': Workflow, 'tools.dbexporters.tcod_plugins': BaseTcodtranslator } return supercls_mapping.get(category)
_category_suffix_map = { 'calculations': 'Calculation', 'tools.dbexporters.tcod_plugins': 'Tcodtranslator' }
[docs]def plugin_list(category): """ Get a list of plugins for the given category. Passing `example` for the category will list all plugins registered under the entry point `aiida.example`. """ group = 'aiida.{}'.format(category) return [ for ep in epm.iter_entry_points(group=group)]
[docs]def all_plugins(category): """ find old and new plugins If both are available for a given name, the old style plugin takes precedence. """ from aiida.common.old_pluginloader import existing_plugins from aiida.orm.calculation.job import JobCalculation from aiida.parsers import Parser supercls = _supercls_for_category(category) internal = _category_mapping.get(category) suffix = _category_suffix_map.get(category) plugins = existing_plugins(supercls, internal, suffix=suffix) plugins += [i for i in plugin_list(category) if i not in plugins] return [unicode(_) for _ in set(plugins)]
[docs]def get_plugin(category, name): """ Return an instance of the class registered under the given name and for the specified plugin category. :param category: the plugin category to load the plugin from, e.g. 'transports'. :param name: the name of the plugin """ group = 'aiida.{}'.format(category) eps = [ep for ep in epm.iter_entry_points(group=group) if == name] if not eps: raise MissingPluginError( "No plugin named '{}' found for '{}'".format(name, category)) if len(eps) > 1: raise MissingPluginError( "Multiple plugins found for '{}' in '{}'".format(name, category)) entrypoint = eps[0] try: plugin = entrypoint.load() except ImportError as exception: import traceback raise LoadingPluginFailed("Loading the plugin '{}' failed:\n{}" .format(name, traceback.format_exc())) return plugin
[docs]def load_plugin_safe(base_class, plugins_module, plugin_type, node_type, node_pk): """ It is a wrapper of load_plugin function to return closely related node class if plugin is not available. By default it returns base Node class and does not raise exception. params: Look at the docstring of aiida.common.old_pluginloader.load_plugin for more Info + :param: node_type: type of the node :param node_pk: node pk :return: The plugin class """ from aiida.common import aiidalogger try: PluginClass = load_plugin(base_class, plugins_module, plugin_type) except MissingPluginError: node_parts = plugin_type.partition(".") base_node_type = node_parts[0] ## data node: temporarily returning base data node. # In future its better to check the closest available plugin and return it. # For example if type is "" # it should return array data node and not base data node if base_node_type == "data": PluginClass = load_plugin(base_class, plugins_module, 'data.Data') ## code node elif base_node_type == "code": PluginClass = load_plugin(base_class, plugins_module, 'code.Code') ## calculation node: for calculation currently we are hardcoding cases elif base_node_type == "calculation": sub_node_parts = node_parts[2].partition(".") sub_node_type = sub_node_parts[0] if sub_node_type == "job": PluginClass = load_plugin(base_class, plugins_module, 'calculation.job.JobCalculation') elif sub_node_type == "inline": PluginClass = load_plugin(base_class, plugins_module, 'calculation.inline.InlineCalculation') elif sub_node_type == "work": PluginClass = load_plugin(base_class, plugins_module, '') else: PluginClass = load_plugin(base_class, plugins_module, 'calculation.Calculation') ## for base node elif base_node_type == "node": PluginClass = base_class ## default case else: aiidalogger.error("Unable to find plugin for type '{}' (node= {}), " "will use base Node class".format(node_type, node_pk)) PluginClass = base_class return PluginClass
[docs]def load_plugin(base_class, plugins_module, plugin_type): """ load file or extension point plugins using the file plugin interface. Prefer file plugins and if not found, translate the arguments to extension point notation :params: Look at the docstring of aiida.common.old_pluginloader.load_plugin for more Info :return: The plugin class """ from aiida.common.old_pluginloader import load_plugin as load_old try: plugin = load_old(base_class, plugins_module, plugin_type) except MissingPluginError as e: full_name = plugins_module + '.' + plugin_type catlist = [(c, pm) for c, pm in _category_mapping.iteritems() if pm in full_name] if not catlist: # find category for new style type string catlist = [(c, 'aiida.orm.' + c) for c in _category_mapping.iterkeys() if c in full_name] if not catlist: raise e category, path = catlist.pop(0) classname = full_name.replace(path, '').strip('.') name = '.'.join(classname.split('.')[:-1]) plugin = get_plugin(category, name) return plugin
[docs]def BaseFactory(module, base_class, base_modname, suffix=None): """ Return a plugin class, also find external plugins This is a front end to aiida.common.old_pluginloader.BaseFactory with a fallback to aiida.common.pluginloader.get_plugin check their relative docs for more info. Note not all possible notations work for new plugins. Example:: BaseFactory('quantumespresso.cp', JobCalculation, 'aiida.orm.calculation.job', suffix='Calculation') # <- finds cp also if new style BaseFactory('job.quantumespresso.cp', Calculation, 'aiida.orm.calculation') <- will find cp only if old style """ from aiida.common.old_pluginloader import BaseFactory as old_factory try: return old_factory(module, base_class, base_modname, suffix) except MissingPluginError as e: category = _inv_category_mapping.get(base_modname) if not category: raise e return get_plugin(category, module)
[docs]def get_class_to_entry_point_map(short_group_name=False): """ create a mapping of modules to entry point groups / names :param short_group_name: bool, if True the leading 'aiida.' is cut off group names :return: dictionary, keys are modules, values are (group, entrypoint-name) """ groups = (g for g in epm.get_entry_map('aiida-core').iterkeys() if g.startswith('aiida')) class_ep_map = {} for group in groups: for ep in epm.iter_entry_points(group): for classname in ep.attrs: key = '.'.join([ep.module_name, classname]) if short_group_name: groupname = '.'.join(group.split('.')[1:]) else: groupname = group value = (groupname, class_ep_map[key] = value # ~ module_ep_map = {'.'.join([ep.module_name, ep.attrs]): (group, for group in groups for ep in iter_entry_points(group)} return class_ep_map
[docs]def entry_point_tpstr_from(plugin_class): """ gives group and entry point name for a given module if module is registered :return: tuple (group, entrypoint-name) if one entry point is found """ if isinstance(plugin_class, (str, unicode)): class_path = plugin_class class_name = plugin_class.split('.')[-1] else: class_name = plugin_class.__name__ class_path = '.'.join([plugin_class.__module__, class_name]) mapping = get_class_to_entry_point_map(short_group_name=True).get(class_path) typestr = None if mapping: group, epname = mapping typestr = '.'.join([_category_mapping[group].replace('aiida.orm.', ''), epname, class_name]) + '.' return typestr
[docs]def entry_point_from_tpstr(typestring): if typestring.startswith('calculation.job.'): typestring = typestring.split('.', 2)[-1] elif typestring.startswith('calculation.'): typestring = typestring.split('.', 1)[-1] elif typestring.startswith('data.'): typestring = typestring.split('.', 1)[-1] else: raise ValueError('weird typestring') return typestring.split('.', 1)[0]