Source code for

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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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from import ArrayData
from aiida.orm.calculation.inline import optional_inline

def _get_aiida_structure_inline(trajectory=None, parameters=None):
    Creates :py:class:`` using ASE.

    .. note:: requires ASE module.
    from import StructureData

    kwargs = {}
    if parameters is not None:
        kwargs = parameters.get_dict()
    if 'index' not in kwargs.keys() or kwargs['index'] is None:
        raise ValueError("Step index is not supplied for TrajectoryData")
    return {'structure': trajectory.get_step_structure(**kwargs)}

[docs]class TrajectoryData(ArrayData): """ Stores a trajectory (a sequence of crystal structures with timestamps, and possibly with velocities). """
[docs] def _internal_validate(self, stepids, cells, symbols, positions, times, velocities): """ Internal function to validate the type and shape of the arrays. See the documentation of py:meth:`.set_trajectory` for a description of the valid shape and type of the parameters. """ import numpy if not isinstance(stepids, numpy.ndarray) or stepids.dtype != int: raise TypeError("TrajectoryData.stepids must be a numpy array of integers") if not isinstance(cells, numpy.ndarray) or cells.dtype != float: raise TypeError("TrajectoryData.cells must be a numpy array of floats") if not isinstance(symbols, numpy.ndarray): raise TypeError("TrajectoryData.symbols must be a numpy array") if any([not isinstance(i, basestring) for i in symbols]): raise TypeError("TrajectoryData.symbols must be a numpy array of strings") if not isinstance(positions, numpy.ndarray) or positions.dtype != float: raise TypeError("TrajectoryData.positions must be a numpy array of floats") if times is not None: if not isinstance(times, numpy.ndarray) or times.dtype != float: raise TypeError("TrajectoryData.times must be a numpy array of floats") if velocities is not None: if not isinstance(velocities, numpy.ndarray) or velocities.dtype != float: raise TypeError("TrajectoryData.velocities must be a numpy array of floats, or None") numsteps = stepids.size if stepids.shape != (numsteps,): raise ValueError("TrajectoryData.stepids must be a 1d array") if cells.shape != (numsteps, 3, 3): raise ValueError("TrajectoryData.cells must have shape (s,3,3), " "with s=number of steps") numatoms = symbols.size if symbols.shape != (numatoms,): raise ValueError("TrajectoryData.symbols must be a 1d array") if positions.shape != (numsteps, numatoms, 3): raise ValueError("TrajectoryData.positions must have shape (s,n,3), " "with s=number of steps and n=number of symbols") if times is not None: if times.shape != (numsteps,): raise ValueError("TrajectoryData.times must have shape (s,), " "with s=number of steps") if velocities is not None: if velocities.shape != (numsteps, numatoms, 3): raise ValueError("TrajectoryData.velocities, if not None, must " "have shape (s,n,3), " "with s=number of steps and n=number of symbols")
[docs] def set_trajectory(self, stepids, cells, symbols, positions, times=None, velocities=None): r""" Store the whole trajectory, after checking that types and dimensions are correct. Velocities are optional, if they are not passed, nothing is stored. :param stepids: integer array with dimension ``s``, where ``s`` is the number of steps. Typically represents an internal counter within the code. For instance, if you want to store a trajectory with one step every 10, starting from step 65, the array will be ``[65,75,85,...]``. No checks are done on duplicate elements or on the ordering, but anyway this array should be sorted in ascending order, without duplicate elements. If your code does not provide an internal counter, just provide for instance ``arange(s)``. It is internally stored as an array named 'steps'. :param cells: float array with dimension :math:`s \times 3 \times 3`, where ``s`` is the length of the ``stepids`` array. Units are angstrom. In particular, ``cells[i,j,k]`` is the ``k``-th component of the ``j``-th cell vector at the time step with index ``i`` (identified by step number ``stepid[i]`` and with timestamp ``times[i]``). :param symbols: string array with dimension ``n``, where ``n`` is the number of atoms (i.e., sites) in the structure. The same array is used for each step. Normally, the string should be a valid chemical symbol, but actually any unique string works and can be used as the name of the atomic kind (see also the :py:meth:`.get_step_structure()` method). :param positions: float array with dimension :math:`s \times n \times 3`, where ``s`` is the length of the ``stepids`` array and ``n`` is the length of the ``symbols`` array. Units are angstrom. In particular, ``positions[i,j,k]`` is the ``k``-th component of the ``j``-th atom (or site) in the structure at the time step with index ``i`` (identified by step number ``step[i]`` and with timestamp ``times[i]``). :param times: if specified, float array with dimension ``s``, where ``s`` is the length of the ``stepids`` array. Contains the timestamp of each step in picoseconds (ps). :param velocities: if specified, must be a float array with the same dimensions of the ``positions`` array. The array contains the velocities in the atoms. .. todo :: Choose suitable units for velocities """ self._internal_validate(stepids, cells, symbols, positions, times, velocities) self.set_array('steps', stepids) self.set_array('cells', cells) self.set_array('symbols', symbols) self.set_array('positions', positions) if times is not None: self.set_array('times', times) else: # Delete times array, if it was present try: self.delete_array('times') except KeyError: pass if velocities is not None: self.set_array('velocities', velocities) else: # Delete velocities array, if it was present try: self.delete_array('velocities') except KeyError: pass
[docs] def set_structurelist(self, structurelist): """ Create trajectory from the list of :py:class:`` instances. :param structurelist: a list of :py:class:`` instances. :raises ValueError: if symbol lists of supplied structures are different """ import numpy stepids = numpy.array(range(0, len(structurelist))) cells = numpy.array([x.cell for x in structurelist]) symbols_first = [str(s.kind_name) for s in structurelist[0].sites] for symbols_now in [[str(s.kind_name) for s in structurelist[i].sites] for i in stepids]: if symbols_first != symbols_now: raise ValueError("Symbol lists have to be the same for " "all of the supplied structures") symbols = numpy.array(symbols_first) positions = numpy.array([[list(s.position) for s in x.sites] for x in structurelist]) self.set_trajectory(stepids, cells, symbols, positions)
[docs] def _validate(self): """ Verify that the required arrays are present and that their type and dimension are correct. """ # check dimensions, types from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError try: self._internal_validate(self.get_stepids(), self.get_cells(), self.get_symbols(), self.get_positions(), self.get_times(), self.get_velocities()) # Should catch TypeErrors, ValueErrors, and KeyErrors for missing arrays except Exception as e: raise ValidationError("The TrajectoryData did not validate. " "Error: {} with message {}".format( type(e).__name__, e.message))
@property def numsteps(self): """ Return the number of stored steps, or zero if nothing has been stored yet. """ try: return self.get_shape('steps')[0] except (AttributeError, KeyError, IndexError): return 0 @property def numsites(self): """ Return the number of stored sites, or zero if nothing has been stored yet. """ try: return self.get_shape('symbols')[0] except (AttributeError, KeyError, IndexError): return 0
[docs] def get_steps(self): """ .. deprecated:: 0.7 Use :meth:`get_stepids` instead. """ import warnings warnings.warn( "get_steps is deprecated, use get_stepids instead", DeprecationWarning) return self.get_stepids()
[docs] def get_stepids(self): """ Return the array of steps, if it has already been set. .. versionadded:: 0.7 Renamed from get_steps :raises KeyError: if the trajectory has not been set yet. """ return self.get_array('steps')
[docs] def get_times(self): """ Return the array of times (in ps), if it has already been set. :raises KeyError: if the trajectory has not been set yet. """ try: return self.get_array('times') except (AttributeError, KeyError): return None
[docs] def get_cells(self): """ Return the array of cells, if it has already been set. :raises KeyError: if the trajectory has not been set yet. """ return self.get_array('cells')
[docs] def get_symbols(self): """ Return the array of symbols, if it has already been set. :raises KeyError: if the trajectory has not been set yet. """ return self.get_array('symbols')
[docs] def get_positions(self): """ Return the array of positions, if it has already been set. :raises KeyError: if the trajectory has not been set yet. """ return self.get_array('positions')
[docs] def get_velocities(self): """ Return the array of velocities, if it has already been set. .. note :: This function (differently from all other ``get_*`` functions, will not raise an exception if the velocities are not set, but rather return ``None`` (both if no trajectory was not set yet, and if it the trajectory was set but no velocities were specified). """ try: return self.get_array('velocities') except (AttributeError, KeyError): return None
[docs] def get_step_index(self, step): """ .. deprecated:: 0.7 Use :meth:`get_index_from_stepid` instead. """ import warnings warnings.warn( "get_step_index is deprecated, use get_index_from_stepid instead", DeprecationWarning) return self.get_index_from_stepid(stepid=step)
[docs] def get_index_from_stepid(self, stepid): """ Given a value for the stepid (i.e., a value among those of the ``steps`` array), return the array index of that stepid, that can be used in other methods such as :py:meth:`.get_step_data` or :py:meth:`.get_step_structure`. .. versionadded:: 0.7 Renamed from get_step_index .. note:: Note that this function returns the first index found (i.e. if multiple steps are present with the same value, only the index of the first one is returned). :raises ValueError: if no step with the given value is found. """ import numpy try: return numpy.where(self.get_stepids() == stepid)[0][0] except IndexError: raise ValueError("{} not among the stepids".format(stepid))
[docs] def get_step_data(self, index): r""" Return a tuple with all information concerning the stepid with given index (0 is the first step, 1 the second step and so on). If you know only the step value, use the :py:meth:`.get_index_from_stepid` method to get the corresponding index. If no velocities were specified, None is returned as the last element. :return: A tuple in the format ``(stepid, time, cell, symbols, positions, velocities)``, where ``stepid`` is an integer, ``time`` is a float, ``cell`` is a :math:`3 \times 3` matrix, ``symbols`` is an array of length ``n``, positions is a :math:`n \times 3` array, and velocities is either ``None`` or a :math:`n \times 3` array :param index: The index of the step that you want to retrieve, from 0 to ``self.numsteps - 1``. :raises IndexError: if you require an index beyond the limits. :raises KeyError: if you did not store the trajectory yet. """ if index >= self.numsteps: raise IndexError("You have only {} steps, but you are looking beyond" " (index={})".format(self.numsteps, index)) vel = self.get_velocities() if vel is not None: vel = vel[index, :, :] time = self.get_times() if time is not None: time = time[index] return (self.get_stepids()[index], time, self.get_cells()[index, :, :], self.get_symbols(), self.get_positions()[index, :, :], vel)
[docs] def step_to_structure(self, index, custom_kinds=None): """ .. deprecated:: 0.7 Use :meth:`get_step_structure` instead. """ import warnings warnings.warn( "step_to_structure is deprecated, use get_step_structure instead", DeprecationWarning) return self.get_step_structure(index=index, custom_kinds=custom_kinds)
[docs] def get_step_structure(self, index, custom_kinds=None): """ Return an AiiDA :py:class:`` node (not stored yet!) with the coordinates of the given step, identified by its index. If you know only the step value, use the :py:meth:`.get_index_from_stepid` method to get the corresponding index. .. note:: The periodic boundary conditions are always set to True. .. versionadded:: 0.7 Renamed from step_to_structure :param index: The index of the step that you want to retrieve, from 0 to ``self.numsteps- 1``. :param custom_kinds: (Optional) If passed must be a list of :py:class:`` objects. There must be one kind object for each different string in the ``symbols`` array, with ```` set to this string. If this parameter is omitted, the automatic kind generation of AiiDA :py:class:`` nodes is used, meaning that the strings in the ``symbols`` array must be valid chemical symbols. """ from import StructureData, Kind, Site # ignore step, time, and velocities _, _, cell, symbols, positions, _ = self.get_step_data(index) if custom_kinds is not None: kind_names = [] for k in custom_kinds: if not isinstance(k, Kind): raise TypeError("Each element of the custom_kinds list must " "be a object") kind_names.append( if len(kind_names) != len(set(kind_names)): raise ValueError("Multiple kinds with the same name passed " "as custom_kinds") if set(kind_names) != set(symbols): raise ValueError("If you pass custom_kinds, you have to " "pass one Kind object for each symbol " "that is present in the trajectory. You " "passed {}, but the symbols are {}".format( sorted(kind_names), sorted(symbols))) struc = StructureData(cell=cell) if custom_kinds is not None: for k in custom_kinds: struc.append_kind(k) for s, p in zip(symbols, positions): struc.append_site(Site(kind_name=s, position=p)) else: for s, p in zip(symbols, positions): # Automatic species generation struc.append_atom(symbols=s, position=p) return struc
[docs] def _prepare_xsf(self, index=None, main_file_name=""): """ Write the given trajectory to a string of format XSF (for XCrySDen). """ from aiida.common.constants import elements _atomic_numbers = {data['symbol']: num for num, data in elements.iteritems()} indices = range(self.numsteps) if index is not None: indices = [index] return_string = "ANIMSTEPS {}\nCRYSTAL\n".format(len(indices)) # Do the checks once and for all here: structure = self.get_step_structure(index=0) if structure.is_alloy() or structure.has_vacancies(): raise NotImplementedError("XSF for alloys or systems with " "vacancies not implemented.") cells = self.get_cells() positions = self.get_positions() symbols = self.get_symbols() atomic_numbers_list = [_atomic_numbers[s] for s in symbols] nat = len(symbols) for idx in indices: return_string += "PRIMVEC {}\n".format(idx+1) #~ structure = self.get_step_structure(index=idx) #~ sites = structure.sites #~ if structure.is_alloy() or structure.has_vacancies(): #~ raise NotImplementedError("XSF for alloys or systems with " #~ "vacancies not implemented.") for cell_vector in cells[idx]: return_string += " ".join(["{:18.5f}".format(i) for i in cell_vector]) return_string += "\n" return_string += "PRIMCOORD {}\n".format(idx+1) return_string += "{} 1\n" .format(nat) for atn, pos in zip(atomic_numbers_list, positions[idx]): try: return_string += "{} {:18.10f} {:18.10f} {:18.10f}\n".format(atn, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2] ) except: print atn, pos raise return return_string.encode('utf-8'), {}
[docs] def _prepare_cif(self, trajectory_index=None, main_file_name=""): """ Write the given trajectory to a string of format CIF. """ import CifFile from \ import ase_loops, cif_from_ase, pycifrw_from_cif from aiida.common.utils import HiddenPrints cif = "" indices = range(self.numsteps) if trajectory_index is not None: indices = [trajectory_index] for idx in indices: structure = self.get_step_structure(idx) ciffile = pycifrw_from_cif(cif_from_ase(structure.get_ase()), ase_loops) with HiddenPrints(): cif = cif + ciffile.WriteOut() return cif.encode('utf-8'), {}
[docs] def _prepare_tcod(self, main_file_name="", **kwargs): """ Write the given trajectory to a string of format TCOD CIF. """ from import export_cif return export_cif(self,**kwargs).encode('utf-8'), {}
[docs] def _get_aiida_structure(self, store=False, **kwargs): """ Creates :py:class:``. :param converter: specify the converter. Default 'ase'. :param store: If True, intermediate calculation gets stored in the AiiDA database for record. Default False. :return: :py:class:`` node. """ from import ParameterData param = ParameterData(dict=kwargs) ret_dict = _get_aiida_structure_inline( trajectory=self, parameters=param, store=store) return ret_dict['structure']
[docs] def _get_cif(self, index=None, **kwargs): """ Creates :py:class:`` """ struct = self._get_aiida_structure(index=index, **kwargs) cif = struct._get_cif(**kwargs) return cif
[docs] def _parse_xyz_pos(self, inputstring): """ Load positions from a XYZ file. .. note:: The steps and symbols must be set manually before calling this import function as a consistency measure. Even though the symbols and steps could be extracted from the XYZ file, the data present in the XYZ file may or may not be correct and the same logic would have to be present in the XYZ-velocities function. It was therefore decided not to implement it at all but require it to be set explicitly. Usage:: from import TrajectoryData t = TrajectoryData() # get sites and number of timesteps t.set_array('steps', arange(ntimesteps)) t.set_array('symbols', array([site.kind for site in s.sites])) t.importfile('some-calc/', 'xyz_pos') """ from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError from aiida.common.utils import xyz_parser_iterator from numpy import array numsteps = self.numsteps if numsteps == 0: raise ValidationError("steps must be set before importing positional data") numsites = self.numsites if numsites == 0: raise ValidationError("symbols must be set before importing positional data") positions = array([ [list(position) for _, position in atoms] for _, _, atoms in xyz_parser_iterator(inputstring)]) if positions.shape != (numsteps, numsites, 3): raise ValueError("TrajectoryData.positions must have shape (s,n,3), " "with s=number of steps={} and " "n=number of symbols={}".format(numsteps, numsites)) self.set_array('positions', positions)
[docs] def _parse_xyz_vel(self, inputstring): """ Load velocities from a XYZ file. .. note:: The steps and symbols must be set manually before calling this import function as a consistency measure. See also comment for :py:meth:`._parse_xyz_pos` """ from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError from aiida.common.utils import xyz_parser_iterator from numpy import array numsteps = self.numsteps if numsteps == 0: raise ValidationError("steps must be set before importing positional data") numsites = self.numsites if numsites == 0: raise ValidationError("symbols must be set before importing positional data") velocities = array([ [list(velocity) for _, velocity in atoms] for _, _, atoms in xyz_parser_iterator(inputstring)]) if velocities.shape != (numsteps, numsites, 3): raise ValueError("TrajectoryData.positions must have shape (s,n,3), " "with s=number of steps={} and " "n=number of symbols={}".format(numsteps, numsites)) self.set_array('velocities', velocities)
[docs] def show_mpl_pos(self, **kwargs): """ Shows the positions as a function of time, separate for XYZ coordinates :param int stepsize: The stepsize for the trajectory, set higher than 1 to reduce number of points :param int mintime: Time to start from :param int maxtime: Maximum time :param list elements: A list of atomic symbols that should be displayed. If not specified, all atoms are displayed. :param list indices: A list of indices of that atoms that can be displayed. If not specified, all atoms of the correct species are displayed. :param bool dont_block: If True, interpreter is not blocked when figure is displayed. :todo: save to file? """ from import atomic_numbers from aiida.common.exceptions import InputValidationError # Reading the arrays I need: positions = self.get_positions() times = self.get_times() symbols = self.get_symbols() # Try to get the units. try: positions_unit = self.get_attr('units|positions') except KeyError: positions_unit = 'A' try: times_unit = self.get_attr('units|times') except KeyError: times_unit = 'ps' # Getting the keyword input stepsize = kwargs.pop('stepsize', 1) maxtime = kwargs.pop('maxtime', times[-1]) mintime = kwargs.pop('mintime', times[0]) element_list = kwargs.pop('elements', None) index_list = kwargs.pop('indices', None) dont_block = kwargs.pop('dont_block', False) label = kwargs.pop('label', None) or self.label or self.__repr__() # Choosing the color scheme colors = kwargs.pop('colors', 'jmol') if colors == 'jmol': from import jmol_colors as colors elif colors == 'cpk': from import cpk_colors as colors else: raise InputValidationError("Unknown color spec {}".format(colors)) if kwargs: raise InputValidationError( "Unrecognized keyword {}".format(kwargs.keys()) ) if element_list is None: # If not all elements are allowed allowed_elements = set(symbols) else: # A subset of elements are allowed # TODO: maybe a check allowed_elements = set(element_list) color_dict = {s:colors[atomic_numbers[s]] for s in set(symbols)} # Here I am trying to find out the atoms to show if index_list is None: # If not index_list was provided, I will see if an element_list # was given to me indices_to_show = [i for i, sym in enumerate(symbols) if sym in allowed_elements] else: indices_to_show = index_list # I refrain from checking if indices are ok, will crash if not... # The color_list is a list of colors (RGB) that I will # pass, so the different species give different colors in the plot # TODO: Color fading for different atoms: color_list = [color_dict[s] for s in symbols] # Reducing array size based on stepsize variable T = times[::stepsize] P = positions[::stepsize] # Calling plot_positions_XYZ( T, P, indices_to_show, color_list, label, positions_unit, times_unit, dont_block, mintime, maxtime, )
[docs] def show_mpl_heatmap(self, **kwargs): import numpy as np from scipy import stats try: from mayavi import mlab except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Unable to import the mayavi package, that is required to" "use the plotting feature you requested. " "Please install it first and then call this command again " "(note that the installation of mayavi is quite complicated " "and requires that you already installed the python numpy " "package, as well as the vtk package") from import jmol_colors from import covalent_radii, atomic_numbers from aiida.common.exceptions import InputValidationError def collapse_into_unit_cell(point, cell): """ Applies linear transformation to coordinate system based on crystal lattice, vectors. The inverse of that inverse transformation matrix with the point given results in the point being given as a multiples of lattice vectors Than take the integer of the rows to find how many times you have to shift the point back""" invcell = np.matrix(cell).T.I # point in crystal coordinates points_in_crystal =,point).tolist()[0] #point collapsed into unit cell points_in_unit_cell = [i%1 for i in points_in_crystal] return, points_in_unit_cell).tolist() elements = kwargs.pop('elements', None) mintime = kwargs.pop('mintime', None) maxtime = kwargs.pop('maxtime', None) stepsize = kwargs.pop('stepsize', None) or 1 contours = np.array(kwargs.pop('contours', None) or (0.1, 0.5)) sampling_stepsize = int(kwargs.pop('sampling_stepsize', None) or 0) times = self.get_times() if mintime is None: minindex = 0 else: minindex = np.argmax(times>mintime) if maxtime is None: maxindex = len(times) else: maxindex = np.argmin(times < maxtime) positions = self.get_positions()[minindex:maxindex:stepsize] try: if self.get_attr('units|positions') in ('bohr', 'atomic'): from aiida.common.constants import bohr_to_ang positions *= bohr_to_ang except KeyError: pass symbols = self.get_symbols() if elements is None: elements = set(symbols) cell = np.array(self.get_cells()[0]) storage_dict = {s:{} for s in elements} for ele in elements: storage_dict[ele] = [np.array([]),np.array([]),np.array([])] for iat, ele in enumerate(symbols): if ele in elements: for idim in range(3): storage_dict[ele][idim] = np.concatenate((storage_dict[ele][idim], positions[:,iat,idim].flatten())) for ele in elements: storage_dict[ele] = np.array(storage_dict[ele]).T storage_dict[ele] = np.array([collapse_into_unit_cell(pos, cell) for pos in storage_dict[ele]]).T white = (1,1,1) mlab.figure(bgcolor=white, size=(1080, 720)) for i1, a in enumerate(cell): i2 = (i1 + 1) % 3 i3 = (i1 + 2) % 3 for b in [np.zeros(3), cell[i2]]: for c in [np.zeros(3), cell[i3]]: p1 = b + c p2 = p1 + a mlab.plot3d( [p1[0], p2[0]], [p1[1], p2[1]], [p1[2], p2[2]], tube_radius=0.1 ) for ele, data in storage_dict.items(): kde = stats.gaussian_kde(data, bw_method=0.15) x = data[0,:] y = data[1,:] z = data[2,:] xmin, ymin, zmin = x.min(), y.min(), z.min() xmax, ymax, zmax = x.max(), y.max(), z.max() xi, yi, zi = np.mgrid[xmin:xmax:60j, ymin:ymax:30j, zmin:zmax:30j] coords = np.vstack([item.ravel() for item in [xi, yi, zi]]) density = kde(coords).reshape(xi.shape) # Plot scatter with mayavi #~ figure = mlab.figure('DensityPlot') grid = mlab.pipeline.scalar_field(xi, yi, zi, density) #~ min = density.min() maxdens = density.max() #~ mlab.pipeline.volume(grid, vmin=min, vmax=min + .5*(max-min)) surf = mlab.pipeline.iso_surface(grid, opacity=0.5, colormap='cool', contours=(maxdens*contours).tolist()) lut = surf.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.table.to_array() # The lut is a 255x4 array, with the columns representing RGBA # (red, green, blue, alpha) coded with integers going from 0 to 255. # We modify the alpha channel to add a transparency gradient lut[:, -1] = np.linspace(100, 255, 256) lut[:,0:3] = 255*jmol_colors[atomic_numbers[ele]] # and finally we put this LUT back in the surface object. We could have # added any 255*4 array rather than modifying an existing LUT. surf.module_manager.scalar_lut_manager.lut.table = lut if sampling_stepsize > 0: mlab.points3d( x[::sampling_stepsize], y[::sampling_stepsize], z[::sampling_stepsize], color=tuple(jmol_colors[atomic_numbers[ele]].tolist()), scale_mode='none', scale_factor=0.3, opacity=0.3 ) mlab.view(azimuth=155, elevation=70, distance='auto')
[docs]def plot_positions_XYZ( times, positions, indices_to_show, color_list, label, positions_unit='A', times_unit='ps', dont_block=False, mintime=None, maxtime=None, label_sparsity=10): from matplotlib import pyplot as plt from matplotlib.gridspec import GridSpec import numpy as np from random import choice tlim = [times[0], times[-1]] index_range = [0, len(times)] if mintime is not None: tlim[0] = mintime index_range[0] = np.argmax(times>mintime) if maxtime is not None: tlim[1] = maxtime index_range[1] = np.argmin(times<maxtime) trajectories = zip(*positions.tolist()) cmap = plt.get_cmap('jet_r') fig = plt.figure(figsize = (12,7)) plt.suptitle(r'Trajectory of %s' % label, fontsize=16) nr_of_axes = 3 gs = GridSpec(nr_of_axes,1, hspace = 0.0) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0]) plt.ylabel(r'X Position $\left[{}\right]$'.format(positions_unit)) plt.xticks([]) plt.xlim(*tlim) ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1]) plt.ylabel(r'Y Position $\left[{}\right]$'.format(positions_unit)) plt.xticks([]) plt.xlim(*tlim) ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[2]) plt.ylabel(r'Z Position $\left[{}\right]$'.format(positions_unit)) plt.xlabel('Time [{}]'.format(times_unit)) plt.xlim(*tlim) sparse_indices = np.linspace(*index_range, num=label_sparsity, dtype=int) for index, traj in enumerate(trajectories): if index not in indices_to_show: continue color = color_list[index] X,Y,Z = zip(*traj) ax1.plot(times, X, color=color) ax2.plot(times, Y, color=color) ax3.plot(times, Z, color=color) for i in sparse_indices: ax1.text(times[i], X[i], str(index), color=color, fontsize=5) ax2.text(times[i], Y[i], str(index), color=color, fontsize=5) ax3.text(times[i], Z[i], str(index), color=color, fontsize=5) for ax in ax1, ax2, ax3: yticks = ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks() yticks[0].label1.set_visible(False)