Source code for aiida.orm.implementation.django.node

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
#                                                                         #
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import copy

from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
from django.db import IntegrityError, transaction
from django.db.models import F

from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbLink
from aiida.backends.djsite.utils import get_automatic_user
from aiida.common.exceptions import (InternalError, ModificationNotAllowed,
                                     NotExistent, UniquenessError)
from aiida.common.folders import RepositoryFolder
from aiida.common.links import LinkType
from aiida.common.utils import get_new_uuid
from aiida.orm.implementation.general.node import AbstractNode, _NO_DEFAULT, _HASH_EXTRA_KEY
from import Computer
from aiida.orm.mixins import Sealable
# from aiida.orm.implementation.django.utils import get_db_columns
from aiida.orm.implementation.general.utils import get_db_columns

[docs]class Node(AbstractNode):
[docs] @classmethod def get_subclass_from_uuid(cls, uuid): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbNode try: node = DbNode.objects.get(uuid=uuid).get_aiida_class() except ObjectDoesNotExist: raise NotExistent("No entry with UUID={} found".format(uuid)) if not isinstance(node, cls): raise NotExistent("UUID={} is not an instance of {}".format( uuid, cls.__name__)) return node
[docs] @staticmethod def get_db_columns(): from aiida.backends.djsite.querybuilder_django.dummy_model import DbNode return get_db_columns(DbNode)
[docs] @classmethod def get_subclass_from_pk(cls, pk): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbNode try: node = DbNode.objects.get(pk=pk).get_aiida_class() except ObjectDoesNotExist: raise NotExistent("No entry with pk= {} found".format(pk)) if not isinstance(node, cls): raise NotExistent("pk= {} is not an instance of {}".format( pk, cls.__name__)) return node
[docs] @classmethod def query(cls, *args, **kwargs): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbNode if cls._plugin_type_string: if not cls._plugin_type_string.endswith('.'): raise InternalError("The plugin type string does not " "finish with a dot??") # If it is 'calculation.Calculation.', we want to filter # for things that start with 'calculation.' and so on plug_type = cls._plugin_type_string # Remove the implementation.django or sqla part. if plug_type.startswith('implementation.'): plug_type = '.'.join(plug_type.split('.')[2:]) pre, sep, _ = plug_type[:-1].rpartition('.') superclass_string = "".join([pre, sep]) return DbNode.aiidaobjects.filter( *args, type__startswith=superclass_string, **kwargs) else: # Base Node class, with empty string return DbNode.aiidaobjects.filter(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbNode super(Node, self).__init__() self._temp_folder = None dbnode = kwargs.pop('dbnode', None) # Set the internal parameters # Can be redefined in the subclasses self._init_internal_params() if dbnode is not None: if not isinstance(dbnode, DbNode): raise TypeError("dbnode is not a DbNode instance") if is None: raise ValueError("If cannot load an aiida.orm.Node instance " "from an unsaved Django DbNode object.") if kwargs: raise ValueError("If you pass a dbnode, you cannot pass any " "further parameter") # If I am loading, I cannot modify it self._to_be_stored = False self._dbnode = dbnode # If this is changed, fix also the importer self._repo_folder = RepositoryFolder(section=self._section_name, uuid=self.uuid) # NO VALIDATION ON __init__ BY DEFAULT, IT IS TOO SLOW SINCE IT OFTEN # REQUIRES MULTIPLE DB HITS # try: # # Note: the validation often requires to load at least one # # attribute, and therefore it will take a lot of time # # because it has to cache every attribute. # self._validate() # except ValidationError as e: # raise DbContentError("The data in the DB with UUID={} is not " # "valid for class {}: {}".format( # uuid, self.__class__.__name__, e.message)) else: # TODO: allow to get the user from the parameters user = get_automatic_user() self._dbnode = DbNode(user=user, uuid=get_new_uuid(), type=self._plugin_type_string) self._to_be_stored = True # As creating the temp folder may require some time on slow # filesystems, we defer its creation self._temp_folder = None # Used only before the first save self._attrs_cache = {} # If this is changed, fix also the importer self._repo_folder = RepositoryFolder(section=self._section_name, uuid=self.uuid) # Automatically set all *other* attributes, if possible, otherwise # stop self._set_with_defaults(**kwargs)
@property def type(self): return self._dbnode.type @property def ctime(self): return self._dbnode.ctime @property def mtime(self): return self._dbnode.mtime
[docs] def _get_db_label_field(self): return self._dbnode.label
[docs] def _update_db_label_field(self, field_value): self._dbnode.label = field_value if not self._to_be_stored: with transaction.atomic(): self._increment_version_number_db()
[docs] def _get_db_description_field(self): return self._dbnode.description
[docs] def _update_db_description_field(self, field_value): self._dbnode.description = field_value if not self._to_be_stored: with transaction.atomic(): self._increment_version_number_db()
[docs] def get_computer(self): """ Get the computer associated to the node. :return: the Computer object or None. """ if self._dbnode.dbcomputer is None: return None else: return Computer(dbcomputer=self._dbnode.dbcomputer)
[docs] def _set_db_computer(self, computer): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbComputer self._dbnode.dbcomputer = DbComputer.get_dbcomputer(computer)
[docs] def _set_db_attr(self, key, value): """ Set the value directly in the DB, without checking if it is stored, or using the cache. DO NOT USE DIRECTLY. :param str key: key name :param value: its value """ from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbAttribute DbAttribute.set_value_for_node(self._dbnode, key, value) self._increment_version_number_db()
[docs] def _del_db_attr(self, key): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbAttribute if not DbAttribute.has_key(self._dbnode, key): raise AttributeError("DbAttribute {} does not exist".format( key)) DbAttribute.del_value_for_node(self._dbnode, key) self._increment_version_number_db()
[docs] def _get_db_attr(self, key): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbAttribute return DbAttribute.get_value_for_node( dbnode=self._dbnode, key=key)
[docs] def _set_db_extra(self, key, value, exclusive=False): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbExtra DbExtra.set_value_for_node(self._dbnode, key, value, stop_if_existing=exclusive) self._increment_version_number_db()
[docs] def _reset_db_extras(self, new_extras): raise NotImplementedError("Reset of extras has not been implemented" "for Django backend.")
[docs] def _get_db_extra(self, key, *args): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbExtra return DbExtra.get_value_for_node(dbnode=self._dbnode, key=key)
[docs] def _del_db_extra(self, key): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbExtra if not DbExtra.has_key(self._dbnode, key): raise AttributeError("DbExtra {} does not exist".format( key)) return DbExtra.del_value_for_node(self._dbnode, key) self._increment_version_number_db()
[docs] def _db_iterextras(self): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbExtra extraslist = DbExtra.list_all_node_elements(self._dbnode) for e in extraslist: yield (e.key, e.getvalue())
[docs] def _db_iterattrs(self): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbAttribute all_attrs = DbAttribute.get_all_values_for_node(self._dbnode) for attr in all_attrs: yield (attr, all_attrs[attr])
[docs] def _db_attrs(self): # Note: I "duplicate" the code from iterattrs and reimplement it # here, rather than # calling iterattrs from here, because iterattrs is slow on each call # since it has to call .getvalue(). To improve! from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbAttribute attrlist = DbAttribute.list_all_node_elements(self._dbnode) for attr in attrlist: yield attr.key
[docs] def add_comment(self, content, user=None): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbComment if self._to_be_stored: raise ModificationNotAllowed("Comments can be added only after " "storing the node") DbComment.objects.create(dbnode=self._dbnode, user=user, content=content)
[docs] def get_comment_obj(self, id=None, user=None): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbComment import operator from django.db.models import Q query_list = [] # If an id is specified then we add it to the query if id is not None: query_list.append(Q(pk=id)) # If a user is specified then we add it to the query if user is not None: query_list.append(Q(user=user)) dbcomments = DbComment.objects.filter( reduce(operator.and_, query_list)) comments = [] from aiida.orm.implementation.django.comment import Comment for dbcomment in dbcomments: comments.append(Comment(dbcomment=dbcomment)) return comments
[docs] def get_comments(self, pk=None): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbComment if pk is not None: try: correct = all([isinstance(_, int) for _ in pk]) if not correct: raise ValueError('pk must be an integer or a list of integers') except TypeError: if not isinstance(pk, int): raise ValueError('pk must be an integer or a list of integers') return list(DbComment.objects.filter( dbnode=self._dbnode, pk=pk).order_by('pk').values( 'pk', 'user__email', 'ctime', 'mtime', 'content')) return list(DbComment.objects.filter(dbnode=self._dbnode).order_by( 'pk').values('pk', 'user__email', 'ctime', 'mtime', 'content'))
[docs] def _get_dbcomments(self, pk=None): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbComment if pk is not None: try: correct = all([isinstance(_, int) for _ in pk]) if not correct: raise ValueError('pk must be an integer or a list of integers') return list(DbComment.objects.filter(dbnode=self._dbnode, pk__in=pk).order_by('pk')) except TypeError: if not isinstance(pk, int): raise ValueError('pk must be an integer or a list of integers') return list(DbComment.objects.filter(dbnode=self._dbnode, pk=pk).order_by('pk')) return list(DbComment.objects.filter(dbnode=self._dbnode).order_by('pk'))
[docs] def _update_comment(self, new_field, comment_pk, user): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbComment comment = list(DbComment.objects.filter(dbnode=self._dbnode, pk=comment_pk, user=user))[0] if not isinstance(new_field, basestring): raise ValueError("Non string comments are not accepted") if not comment: raise NotExistent("Found no comment for user {} and pk {}".format( user, comment_pk)) comment.content = new_field
[docs] def _remove_comment(self, comment_pk, user): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbComment comment = DbComment.objects.filter(dbnode=self._dbnode, pk=comment_pk)[0] comment.delete()
[docs] def _increment_version_number_db(self): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbNode # I increment the node number using a filter self._dbnode.nodeversion = F('nodeversion') + 1 # This reload internally the node of self._dbnode # Note: I have to reload the object (to have the right values in memory, # otherwise I only get the Django Field F object as a result! self._dbnode = DbNode.objects.get(
[docs] def copy(self, **kwargs): newobject = self.__class__() newobject._dbnode.type = self._dbnode.type # Inherit type newobject.label = self.label # Inherit label # TODO: add to the description the fact that this was a copy? newobject.description = self.description # Inherit description newobject._dbnode.dbcomputer = self._dbnode.dbcomputer # Inherit computer for k, v in self.iterattrs(): if k != Sealable.SEALED_KEY: newobject._set_attr(k, v) for path in self.get_folder_list(): newobject.add_path(self.get_abs_path(path), path) return newobject
@property def uuid(self): return unicode(self._dbnode.uuid) @property def id(self): return @property def dbnode(self): # I also update the internal _dbnode variable, if it was saved # from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbNode # if not self._to_be_stored: # self._dbnode = DbNode.objects.get( return self._dbnode
[docs] def _db_store_all(self, with_transaction=True, use_cache=None): """ Store the node, together with all input links, if cached, and also the linked nodes, if they were not stored yet. :parameter with_transaction: if False, no transaction is used. This is meant to be used ONLY if the outer calling function has already a transaction open! """ from django.db import transaction from aiida.common.utils import EmptyContextManager if with_transaction: context_man = transaction.atomic() else: context_man = EmptyContextManager() with context_man: # Always without transaction: either it is the context_man here, # or it is managed outside self._store_input_nodes(), use_cache=use_cache) self._store_cached_input_links(with_transaction=False) return self
[docs] def get_user(self): return self._dbnode.user
[docs] def _db_store(self, with_transaction=True): """ Store a new node in the DB, also saving its repository directory and attributes. After being called attributes cannot be changed anymore! Instead, extras can be changed only AFTER calling this store() function. :note: After successful storage, those links that are in the cache, and for which also the parent node is already stored, will be automatically stored. The others will remain unstored. :parameter with_transaction: if False, no transaction is used. This is meant to be used ONLY if the outer calling function has already a transaction open! :param bool use_cache: Whether I attempt to find an equal node in the DB. """ # TODO: This needs to be generalized, allowing for flexible methods # for storing data and its attributes. from django.db import transaction from aiida.common.utils import EmptyContextManager from aiida.common.exceptions import ValidationError from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbAttribute import aiida.orm.autogroup if with_transaction: context_man = transaction.atomic() else: context_man = EmptyContextManager() # I save the corresponding django entry # I set the folder # NOTE: I first store the files, then only if this is successful, # I store the DB entry. In this way, # I assume that if a node exists in the DB, its folder is in place. # On the other hand, periodically the user might need to run some # bookkeeping utility to check for lone folders. self._repository_folder.replace_with_folder( self._get_temp_folder().abspath, move=True, overwrite=True) # I do the transaction only during storage on DB to avoid timeout # problems, especially with SQLite try: with context_man: # Save the row # Save its attributes 'manually' without incrementing # the version for each add. DbAttribute.reset_values_for_node(self._dbnode, attributes=self._attrs_cache, with_transaction=False) # This should not be used anymore: I delete it to # possibly free memory del self._attrs_cache self._temp_folder = None self._to_be_stored = False # Here, I store those links that were in the cache and # that are between stored nodes. self._store_cached_input_links() # This is one of the few cases where it is ok to do a 'global' # except, also because I am re-raising the exception except: # I put back the files in the sandbox folder since the # transaction did not succeed self._get_temp_folder().replace_with_folder( self._repository_folder.abspath, move=True, overwrite=True) raise from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbExtra # I store the hash without cleaning and without incrementing the nodeversion number DbExtra.set_value_for_node(self._dbnode, _HASH_EXTRA_KEY, self.get_hash()) return self