Source code for aiida.orm.implementation.general.code

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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import os
from abc import abstractmethod
from aiida.orm.implementation import Node
from aiida.common.exceptions import (ValidationError, MissingPluginError)
from aiida.common.links import LinkType
from aiida.common.utils import abstractclassmethod

[docs]class AbstractCode(Node): """ A code entity. It can either be 'local', or 'remote'. * Local code: it is a collection of files/dirs (added using the add_path() method), where one \ file is flagged as executable (using the set_local_executable() method). * Remote code: it is a pair (remotecomputer, remotepath_of_executable) set using the \ set_remote_computer_exec() method. For both codes, one can set some code to be executed right before or right after the execution of the code, using the set_preexec_code() and set_postexec_code() methods (e.g., the set_preexec_code() can be used to load specific modules required for the code to be run). """ HIDDEN_KEY = 'hidden'
[docs] def _init_internal_params(self): """ This function is called by the init method """ self._set_incompatibilities = [('remote_computer_exec', 'local_executable')]
[docs] def _hide(self): """ Hide the code (prevents from showing it in the verdi code list) """ self.set_extra(self.HIDDEN_KEY, True)
[docs] def _reveal(self): """ Reveal the code (allows to show it in the verdi code list) By default, it is revealed """ self.set_extra(self.HIDDEN_KEY, False)
[docs] def _is_hidden(self): """ Determines whether the Code is hidden or not """ return self.get_extra(self.HIDDEN_KEY, False)
[docs] def set_files(self, files): """ Given a list of filenames (or a single filename string), add it to the path (all at level zero, i.e. without folders). Therefore, be careful for files with the same name! :todo: decide whether to check if the Code must be a local executable to be able to call this function. """ if isinstance(files, basestring): files = [files] for f in files: self.add_path(f, os.path.split(f)[1])
[docs] def __str__(self): local_str = "Local" if self.is_local() else "Remote" if self.is_local(): computer_str = "repository" else: if self.get_computer() is not None: computer_str = self.get_computer().name else: computer_str = "[unknown]" return "{} code '{}' on {}, pk: {}, uuid: {}".format(local_str, self.label, computer_str,, self.uuid)
[docs] def get_desc(self): """ Returns a string with infos retrieved from PwCalculation node's properties. :param node: :return: retsrt: """ return '{}'.format(self.label)
[docs] @classmethod def get_code_helper(cls, label, machinename=None): """ :param label: the code label identifying the code to load :param machinename: the machine name where code is setup :raise NotExistent: if no code identified by the given string is found :raise MultipleObjectsError: if the string cannot identify uniquely a code """ from aiida.common.exceptions import (NotExistent, MultipleObjectsError, InputValidationError) from aiida.orm.querybuilder import QueryBuilder from import Computer qb = QueryBuilder() qb.append(cls, filters={'label': {'==': label}}, project=['*'], tag='code') if machinename: qb.append(Computer, filters={'name': {'==': machinename}}, computer_of='code') if qb.count() == 0: raise NotExistent("'{}' is not a valid code " "name.".format(label)) elif qb.count() > 1: codes = [_ for [_] in qb.all()] retstr = ("There are multiple codes with label '{}', " "having IDs: ".format(label)) retstr += ", ".join(sorted([str( for c in codes])) + ".\n" retstr += ("Relabel them (using their ID), or refer to them " "with their ID.") raise MultipleObjectsError(retstr) else: return qb.first()[0]
[docs] @abstractclassmethod def get(cls, pk=None, label=None, machinename=None): """ Get a Computer object with given identifier string, that can either be the numeric ID (pk), or the label (and computername) (if unique). :param pk: the numeric ID (pk) for code :param label: the code label identifying the code to load :param machinename: the machine name where code is setup :raise NotExistent: if no code identified by the given string is found :raise MultipleObjectsError: if the string cannot identify uniquely a code :raise InputValidationError: if neither a pk nor a label was passed in """ from aiida.common.exceptions import (NotExistent, MultipleObjectsError, InputValidationError) # first check if code pk is provided if(pk): code_int = int(pk) try: return cls.get_subclass_from_pk(code_int) except NotExistent: raise ValueError("{} is not valid code pk".format(pk)) except MultipleObjectsError: raise MultipleObjectsError("More than one code in the DB " "with pk='{}'!".format(pk)) # check if label (and machinename) is provided elif(label != None): return cls.get_code_helper(label, machinename) else: raise InputValidationError("Pass either pk or code label (and machinename)")
[docs] @abstractclassmethod def get_from_string(cls, code_string): """ Get a Computer object with given identifier string in the format label@machinename. See the note below for details on the string detection algorithm. .. note:: the (leftmost) '@' symbol is always used to split code and computername. Therefore do not use '@' in the code name if you want to use this function ('@' in the computer name are instead valid). :param code_string: the code string identifying the code to load :raise NotExistent: if no code identified by the given string is found :raise MultipleObjectsError: if the string cannot identify uniquely a code :raise InputValidationError: if code_string is not of string type """ from aiida.common.exceptions import NotExistent, MultipleObjectsError, InputValidationError try: label, sep, machinename = code_string.partition('@') except AttributeError as exception: raise InputValidationError("the provided code_string is not of valid string type") try: return cls.get_code_helper(label, machinename) except NotExistent: raise NotExistent("{} could not be resolved to a valid code label".format(code_string)) except MultipleObjectsError: raise MultipleObjectsError("{} could not be uniquely resolved".format(code_string))
[docs] @abstractclassmethod def list_for_plugin(cls, plugin, labels=True): """ Return a list of valid code strings for a given plugin. :param plugin: The string of the plugin. :param labels: if True, return a list of code names, otherwise return the code PKs (integers). :return: a list of string, with the code names if labels is True, otherwise a list of integers with the code PKs. """ from aiida.orm.querybuilder import QueryBuilder qb = QueryBuilder() qb.append(cls, filters={'attributes.input_plugin': {'==': plugin}}) valid_codes = [_ for [_] in qb.all()] if labels: return [c.label for c in valid_codes] else: return [ for c in valid_codes]
[docs] def _validate(self): super(AbstractCode, self)._validate() if self.is_local() is None: raise ValidationError("You did not set whether the code is local " "or remote") if self.is_local(): if not self.get_local_executable(): raise ValidationError( "You have to set which file is the local executable " "using the set_exec_filename() method") # c[1] is True if the element is a file if self.get_local_executable() not in self.get_folder_list(): raise ValidationError( "The local executable '{}' is not in the list of " "files of this code".format(self.get_local_executable())) else: if self.get_folder_list(): raise ValidationError( "The code is remote but it has files inside") if not self.get_remote_computer(): raise ValidationError("You did not specify a remote computer") if not self.get_remote_exec_path(): raise ValidationError("You did not specify a remote executable")
[docs] def _linking_as_output(self, dest, link_type): """ Raise a ValueError if a link from self to dest is not allowed. An output of a code can only be a calculation """ from aiida.orm.calculation import Calculation if not isinstance(dest, Calculation): raise ValueError( "The output of a code node can only be a calculation") return super(AbstractCode, self)._linking_as_output(dest, link_type)
[docs] def set_prepend_text(self, code): """ Pass a string of code that will be put in the scheduler script before the execution of the code. """ self._set_attr('prepend_text', unicode(code))
[docs] def get_prepend_text(self): """ Return the code that will be put in the scheduler script before the execution, or an empty string if no pre-exec code was defined. """ return self.get_attr('prepend_text', u"")
[docs] def set_input_plugin_name(self, input_plugin): """ Set the name of the default input plugin, to be used for the automatic generation of a new calculation. """ if input_plugin is None: self._set_attr('input_plugin', None) else: self._set_attr('input_plugin', unicode(input_plugin))
[docs] def get_input_plugin_name(self): """ Return the name of the default input plugin (or None if no input plugin was set. """ return self.get_attr('input_plugin', None)
[docs] def set_append_text(self, code): """ Pass a string of code that will be put in the scheduler script after the execution of the code. """ self._set_attr('append_text', unicode(code))
[docs] def get_append_text(self): """ Return the postexec_code, or an empty string if no post-exec code was defined. """ return self.get_attr('append_text', u"")
[docs] def set_local_executable(self, exec_name): """ Set the filename of the local executable. Implicitly set the code as local. """ self._set_local() self._set_attr('local_executable', exec_name)
[docs] def get_local_executable(self): return self.get_attr('local_executable', u"")
[docs] @abstractmethod def set_remote_computer_exec(self, remote_computer_exec): """ Set the code as remote, and pass the computer on which it resides and the absolute path on that computer. Args: remote_computer_exec: a tuple (computer, remote_exec_path), where computer is a aiida.orm.Computer or an aiida.backends.djsite.db.models.DbComputer object, and remote_exec_path is the absolute path of the main executable on remote computer. """ pass
[docs] def get_remote_exec_path(self): if self.is_local(): raise ValueError("The code is local") return self.get_attr('remote_exec_path', "")
[docs] def get_remote_computer(self): if self.is_local(): raise ValueError("The code is local") return self.get_computer()
[docs] @abstractmethod def _set_local(self): """ Set the code as a 'local' code, meaning that all the files belonging to the code will be copied to the cluster, and the file set with set_exec_filename will be run. It also deletes the flags related to the local case (if any) """ pass
[docs] def _set_remote(self): """ Set the code as a 'remote' code, meaning that the code itself has no files attached, but only a location on a remote computer (with an absolute path of the executable on the remote computer). It also deletes the flags related to the local case (if any) """ self._set_attr('is_local', False) try: self._del_attr('local_executable') except AttributeError: pass
[docs] def is_local(self): """ Return True if the code is 'local', False if it is 'remote' (see also documentation of the set_local and set_remote functions). """ return self.get_attr('is_local', None)
[docs] @abstractmethod def can_run_on(self, computer): """ Return True if this code can run on the given computer, False otherwise. Local codes can run on any machine; remote codes can run only on the machine on which they reside. TODO: add filters to mask the remote machines on which a local code can run. """ pass
[docs] def get_execname(self): """ Return the executable string to be put in the script. For local codes, it is ./LOCAL_EXECUTABLE_NAME For remote codes, it is the absolute path to the executable. """ if self.is_local(): return u"./{}".format(self.get_local_executable()) else: return self.get_remote_exec_path()
[docs] def new_calc(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Create and return a new Calculation object (unstored) with the correct plugin subclass, as obtained by the self.get_input_plugin_name() method. Parameters are passed to the calculation __init__ method. :note: it also directly creates the link to this code (that will of course be cached, since the new node is not stored yet). :raise MissingPluginError: if the specified plugin does not exist. :raise ValueError: if no plugin was specified. """ from aiida.orm.utils import CalculationFactory plugin_name = self.get_input_plugin_name() if plugin_name is None: raise ValueError("You did not specify an input plugin " "for this code") try: C = CalculationFactory(plugin_name) except MissingPluginError: raise MissingPluginError("The input_plugin name for this code is " "'{}', but it is not an existing plugin" "name".format(plugin_name)) # For remote codes, automatically set the computer, # unless explicitly set by the user if not self.is_local(): if 'computer' not in kwargs: kwargs['computer'] = self.get_remote_computer() new_calc = C(*args, **kwargs) # I link to the code new_calc.use_code(self) return new_calc
@property def full_text_info(self): """ Return a (multiline) string with a human-readable detailed information on this computer. """ ret_lines = [] ret_lines.append(" * PK: {}".format( ret_lines.append(" * UUID: {}".format(self.uuid)) ret_lines.append(" * Label: {}".format(self.label)) ret_lines.append(" * Description: {}".format(self.description)) ret_lines.append(" * Default plugin: {}".format( self.get_input_plugin_name())) ret_lines.append(" * Used by: {} calculations".format( len(self.get_outputs()))) if self.is_local(): ret_lines.append(" * Type: {}".format("local")) ret_lines.append( " * Exec name: {}".format(self.get_execname())) ret_lines.append(" * List of files/folders:") for fname in self._get_folder_pathsubfolder.get_content_list(): ret_lines.append(" * [{}] {}".format(" dir" if self._get_folder_pathsubfolder.isdir( fname) else "file", fname)) else: ret_lines.append(" * Type: {}".format("remote")) ret_lines.append(" * Remote machine: {}".format( self.get_remote_computer().name)) ret_lines.append(" * Remote absolute path: ") ret_lines.append(" " + self.get_remote_exec_path()) ret_lines.append(" * prepend text:") if self.get_prepend_text().strip(): for l in self.get_prepend_text().split('\n'): ret_lines.append(" {}".format(l)) else: ret_lines.append(" # No prepend text.") ret_lines.append(" * append text:") if self.get_append_text().strip(): for l in self.get_append_text().split('\n'): ret_lines.append(" {}".format(l)) else: ret_lines.append(" # No append text.") return "\n".join(ret_lines)
[docs] @classmethod def setup(cls, **kwargs): # raise NotImplementedError from aiida.cmdline.commands.code import CodeInputValidationClass code = CodeInputValidationClass().set_and_validate_from_code(kwargs) try: except ValidationError as e: raise ValidationError( "Unable to store the computer: {}.".format(e.message)) return code
[docs]def delete_code(code): """ Delete a code from the DB. Check before that there are no output nodes. NOTE! Not thread safe... Do not use with many users accessing the DB at the same time. Implemented as a function on purpose, otherwise complicated logic would be needed to set the internal state of the object after calling computer.delete(). """ raise NotImplementedError