Source code for aiida.orm.implementation.general.utils

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[docs]def get_db_columns(db_class): """ This function returns a dictionary where the keys are the columns of the table corresponding to the db_class and the values are the column properties such as type, is_foreign_key and if so, the related table and column. The function applies only to the sqlalchemy backend and for other backends it requires a mapping sqlalchemy-->new_backend. For Django this mapping is the dummy_model. A similar logic applies to the QueryBuilder that is entirely built upon SQLAlchemy (+ dummy model, for Django) :param db_class: the database model whose schema has to be returned :return: a dictionary """ ## Retrieve the columns of the table corresponding to the present class # and its foreignkeys table = db_class.metadata.tables[db_class.__tablename__] # Here we check both columns, column properties, and hybrid properties from sqlalchemy.orm import class_mapper from import ColumnProperty from sqlalchemy.ext.hybrid import hybrid_property # column_properties = [_ for _ in class_mapper(db_class).iterate_properties column_properties = [_ for _ in class_mapper(db_class).all_orm_descriptors if isinstance(_, ColumnProperty)] hybrid_properties = [_ for _ in class_mapper(db_class).all_orm_descriptors if isinstance(_, hybrid_property)] # Ordinary columns columns = table.columns # Determine the keys (for hybrid_properties I rely on __name__) column_property_keys = map(lambda x: x.key, column_properties) hybrid_property_keys = map(lambda x: x.__name__, hybrid_properties) column_keys = map(lambda x: x.key, columns) # Check whether properties contain objects that are not columns property_keys = [_ for _ in column_property_keys if _ not in column_keys] column_types = map(lambda x: x.type, columns.values()) # Assume None for the time being for column_property and hybrid_property # types # TODO find a way to assess the type column_property_types = [None] * len(property_keys) hybrid_property_types = [None] * len(hybrid_property_keys) foreign_keys = [get_foreign_key_infos(foreign_key) for foreign_key in table.foreign_keys] ## merge first column_keys and than column_property_keys column_names = column_keys + property_keys + hybrid_property_keys column_types.extend(column_property_types) column_types.extend(hybrid_property_types) column_python_types = [] from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import UUID, JSONB for column_type in column_types: # Treat the case where there is no natural python_type # counterpart to the column type (specifically because of usage # of sqlalchemy dialect) if column_type is not None: try: column_python_types.append(column_type.python_type) except NotImplementedError: if isinstance(column_type, UUID): column_python_types.append(unicode) elif isinstance(column_type, JSONB): column_python_types.append(dict) else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown type from the " "database schema: {}".format( column_type)) else: column_python_types.append(None) ## Fill in the returned dictionary schema = {} # Fill in the keys based on the column names and the types. By default we # assume that columns are no foreign keys for k, v in iter(zip(column_names, column_python_types)): schema[k] = {'type': v, 'is_foreign_key': False} # Add infos about the foreign relationships for k, referred_table_name, referred_field_name in foreign_keys: schema[k].update({ 'is_foreign_key': True, 'related_table': referred_table_name, 'related_column': referred_field_name, }) return schema
[docs]def get_foreign_key_infos(foreign_key): """ takes a foreignkey sqlalchemy object and returns the referent column name and the referred relation and column names :param foreign_key: a sqlalchemy ForeignKey object :return: a tuple of strings """ referent_column_name = (referred_table_name, referred_field_name) = tuple( foreign_key.target_fullname.split('.')) return (referent_column_name, referred_table_name, referred_field_name)