Source code for aiida.scheduler.plugins.test_lsf

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
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import sys
import unittest
import logging
import uuid
import datetime

from aiida.scheduler import SchedulerError

from aiida.scheduler.plugins.lsf import *
#from aiida.common import aiidalogger

bjobs_stdout_to_test = "764213236|EXIT|TERM_RUNLIMIT: job killed after reaching LSF run time limit|b681e480bd|inewton|1|-|b681e480bd|test|Feb  2 00:46|Feb  2 00:45|-|Feb  2 00:44|aiida-1033269\n" \
                       "764220165|PEND|-|-|inewton|-|-|-|8nm|-|-|-|Feb  2 01:46|aiida-1033444\n" \
                       "764220167|PEND|-|-|fchopin|-|-|-|test|-|-|-|Feb  2 01:53 L|aiida-1033449\n" \
                       "764254593|RUN|-|lxbsu2710|inewton|1|-|lxbsu2710|test|Feb  2 07:40|Feb  2 07:39|-|Feb  2 07:39|test\n" \
                       "764255172|RUN|-|b68ac74822|inewton|1|-|b68ac74822|test|Feb  2 07:48 L|Feb  2 07:47|15.00% L|Feb  2 07:47|test\n" \
                       "764245175|RUN|-|b68ac74822|dbowie|1|-|b68ac74822|test|Jan  1 05:07|Dec  31 23:48 L|25.00%|Dec  31 23:40|test\n" \
                       "764399747|DONE|-|p05496706j68144|inewton|1|-|p05496706j68144|test|Feb  2 14:56 L|Feb  2 14:54|38.33% L|Feb  2 14:54|test"
bjobs_stderr_to_test = "Job <864220165> is not found"

submit_stdout_to_test = "Job <764254593> is submitted to queue <test>."
bkill_stdout_to_test = "Job <764254593> is being terminated"

[docs]class TestParserBjobs(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests to verify if the function _parse_joblist_output behave correctly The tests is done parsing a string defined above, to be used offline """
[docs] def test_parse_common_joblist_output(self): """ Test whether _parse_joblist can parse the bjobs output """ import datetime s = LsfScheduler() # Disable logging to avoid excessive output during test logging.disable(logging.ERROR) retval = 255 stdout = bjobs_stdout_to_test stderr = bjobs_stderr_to_test with self.assertRaises(SchedulerError): job_list = s._parse_joblist_output(retval, stdout, stderr) retval = 0 stdout = bjobs_stdout_to_test stderr = "" job_list = s._parse_joblist_output(retval, stdout, stderr) # The parameters are hard coded in the text to parse job_on_cluster = 7 job_parsed = len(job_list) self.assertEquals(job_parsed, job_on_cluster) job_queued = 2 job_queue_name = ['8nm','test'] job_queued_parsed = len([ j for j in job_list if j.job_state and j.job_state == job_states.QUEUED ]) job_queue_name_parsed = [ j.queue_name for j in job_list if j.job_state and j.job_state == job_states.QUEUED ] self.assertEquals(job_queued,job_queued_parsed) self.assertEquals(job_queue_name,job_queue_name_parsed) job_done = 2 job_done_title = ['aiida-1033269','test'] job_done_annotation = ['TERM_RUNLIMIT: job killed after reaching LSF run time limit', '-'] job_done_parsed = len([ j for j in job_list if j.job_state and j.job_state == job_states.DONE ]) job_done_title_parsed = [ j.title for j in job_list if j.job_state and j.job_state == job_states.DONE ] job_done_annotation_parsed = [ j.annotation for j in job_list if j.job_state and j.job_state == job_states.DONE ] self.assertEquals(job_done,job_done_parsed) self.assertEquals(job_done_title,job_done_title_parsed) self.assertEquals(job_done_annotation,job_done_annotation_parsed) job_running = 3 job_running_parsed = len([ j for j in job_list if j.job_state \ and j.job_state == job_states.RUNNING ]) self.assertEquals(job_running,job_running_parsed) running_users = ['inewton','inewton','dbowie'] parsed_running_users = [ j.job_owner for j in job_list if j.job_state and j.job_state == job_states.RUNNING ] self.assertEquals( running_users , parsed_running_users ) running_jobs = ['764254593','764255172','764245175'] num_machines = [1, 1, 1] allocated_machines = ['lxbsu2710', 'b68ac74822', 'b68ac74822'] parsed_running_jobs = [ j.job_id for j in job_list if j.job_state and j.job_state == job_states.RUNNING ] parsed_num_machines = [ j.num_machines for j in job_list if j.job_state and j.job_state == job_states.RUNNING ] parsed_allocated_machines = [ j.allocated_machines_raw for j in job_list if j.job_state and j.job_state == job_states.RUNNING ] self.assertEquals( running_jobs , parsed_running_jobs ) self.assertEquals( num_machines , parsed_num_machines ) self.assertEquals( allocated_machines , parsed_allocated_machines ) self.assertEquals( [j.requested_wallclock_time_seconds for j in job_list if j.job_id == '764254593'][0], 60 ) self.assertEquals( [j.wallclock_time_seconds for j in job_list if j.job_id == '764255172'][0], 9 ) self.assertEquals( [j.wallclock_time_seconds for j in job_list if j.job_id == '764245175'][0], 4785 ) current_year = self.assertEquals( [j.submission_time for j in job_list if j.job_id == '764245175'][0], datetime.datetime(current_year, 12, 31, 23, 40) ) # Important to enable again logs! logging.disable(logging.NOTSET)
[docs]class TestSubmitScript(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_submit_script(self): """ Test the creation of a simple submission script. """ from aiida.scheduler.datastructures import JobTemplate from aiida.common.datastructures import CodeInfo, code_run_modes s = LsfScheduler() job_tmpl = JobTemplate() job_tmpl.shebang = '#!/bin/bash' job_tmpl.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) job_tmpl.job_resource = s.create_job_resource(tot_num_mpiprocs=2, parallel_env='') job_tmpl.max_wallclock_seconds = 24 * 3600 code_info = CodeInfo() code_info.cmdline_params = ["mpirun", "-np", "2", "pw.x", "-npool", "1"] code_info.stdin_name = '' job_tmpl.codes_info = [code_info] job_tmpl.codes_run_mode = code_run_modes.SERIAL submit_script_text = s.get_submit_script(job_tmpl) self.assertTrue( submit_script_text.startswith('#!/bin/bash') ) self.assertTrue( '#BSUB -rn' in submit_script_text ) self.assertTrue( '#BSUB -W 24:00' in submit_script_text ) self.assertTrue( '#BSUB -n 2' in submit_script_text ) self.assertTrue( "'mpirun' '-np' '2' 'pw.x' '-npool' '1'" + \ " < ''" in submit_script_text )
[docs] def test_submit_script_with_num_machines(self): """ Test to verify that script fails if we specify only num_machines. """ from aiida.scheduler.datastructures import JobTemplate from aiida.common.datastructures import CodeInfo, code_run_modes s = LsfScheduler() job_tmpl = JobTemplate() with self.assertRaises(TypeError): job_tmpl.job_resource = s.create_job_resource( num_machines=1, num_mpiprocs_per_machine=1, )
[docs]class TestParserSubmit(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_submit_output(self): """ Test the parsing of the output of the submission command """ s = LsfScheduler() retval = 0 stdout = submit_stdout_to_test stderr = '' self.assertEquals( s._parse_submit_output(retval, stdout, stderr), '764254593' )
[docs]class TestParserBkill(unittest.TestCase):
[docs] def test_kill_output(self): """ Test the parsing of the output of the submission command """ s = LsfScheduler() retval = 0 stdout = bkill_stdout_to_test stderr = '' self.assertTrue( s._parse_kill_output(retval, stdout, stderr) )
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()