Source code for aiida.utils.fixtures

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Testing tools for related projects like plugins

Usage (unittest)::

    import os


        BACKEND = os.environ.get('TEST_BACKEND')
        # load the backend to be tested from the environment variable
        # on bash, simply prepend the test command with TEST_BACKEND='django' or TEST_BACKEND='sqlalchemy'
        # or set the TEST_BACKEND in your CI configuration

        def setUp(self):
            # load my test data

        # optionally you can extend setUpClass / tearDownClass / tearDown if
        # needed

        def test_my_stuff(self):
            # run a test

Usage (pytest)::

    import pytest

    def aiida_profile():
        with aiida.utils.fixtures.fixture_manager() as fixture_mgr:
            yield fixture_manager

    def test_data(aiida_profile):
        # load my test data

    def test_my_stuff(test_data):
        # run a test
import unittest
import tempfile
import shutil
import os
from os import path
from contextlib import contextmanager

from pgtest.pgtest import PGTest

from aiida.control.postgres import Postgres
from aiida import is_dbenv_loaded
from aiida.backends.profile import BACKEND_DJANGO, BACKEND_SQLA
from aiida.utils.capturing import Capturing
from aiida.common import setup as aiida_cfg
from aiida.backends import settings as backend_settings

[docs]class FixtureError(Exception): """Raised by FixtureManager, when it encounters a situation in which consistent behaviour can not be guaranteed"""
[docs] def __init__(self, msg): super(FixtureError, self).__init__() self.msg = msg
[docs] def __str__(self): return repr(self.msg)
# pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
[docs]class FixtureManager(object): """ Manage the life cycle of a completely separated and temporary AiiDA environment * No previously created database of profile is required to run tests using this environment * Tests using this environment will never pollute the user's work environment Example:: fixtures = FixtureManager() fixtures.create_aiida_db() # set up only the database fixtures.create_profile() # set up a profile (creates the db too if necessary) # ready for testing # run test 1 fixtures.reset_db() # database ready for independent test 2 # run test 2 fixtures.destroy_all() # everything cleaned up Unittest Example:: class PluginTestCase(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.fixture_manager = FixtureManager() cls.fixture_manager.create_profile() def setUp(self): # load your specific test data def tearDown(self): cls.fixture_manager.reset_db() @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls.fixture_manager.destroy_all() def test_my_plugin(self): # execute tests """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.db_params = {} self.fs_env = {'repo': 'test_repo', 'config': '.aiida'} self.profile_info = { 'backend': 'django', 'email': 'test@aiida.mail', 'first_name': 'AiiDA', 'last_name': 'Plugintest', 'institution': 'aiidateam', 'db_user': 'aiida', 'db_pass': 'aiida_pw', 'db_name': 'aiida_db' } self.pg_cluster = None self.postgres = None self.__is_running_on_test_db = False self.__is_running_on_test_profile = False self._backup = {} self._backup['config_dir'] = aiida_cfg.AIIDA_CONFIG_FOLDER self._backup['profile'] = backend_settings.AIIDADB_PROFILE
[docs] def create_db_cluster(self): if not self.pg_cluster: self.pg_cluster = PGTest(max_connections=256) self.db_params.update(self.pg_cluster.dsn)
[docs] def create_aiida_db(self): """Create the necessary database on the temporary postgres instance""" if is_dbenv_loaded(): raise FixtureError( 'AiiDA dbenv can not be loaded while creating a test db environment' ) if not self.db_params: self.create_db_cluster() self.postgres = Postgres(interactive=False, quiet=True) self.postgres.dbinfo = self.db_params self.postgres.determine_setup() self.db_params = self.postgres.dbinfo if not self.postgres.pg_execute: raise FixtureError( 'Could not connect to the test postgres instance') self.postgres.create_dbuser(self.db_user, self.db_pass) self.postgres.create_db(self.db_user, self.db_name) self.__is_running_on_test_db = True
[docs] def create_root_dir(self): self.root_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
[docs] def create_profile(self): """ Set AiiDA to use the test config dir and create a default profile there Warning: the AiiDA dbenv must not be loaded when this is called! """ if is_dbenv_loaded(): raise FixtureError( 'AiiDA dbenv can not be loaded while creating a test profile') if not self.__is_running_on_test_db: self.create_aiida_db() from aiida.cmdline.verdilib import setup if not self.root_dir: self.create_root_dir() print self.root_dir, self.config_dir aiida_cfg.AIIDA_CONFIG_FOLDER = self.config_dir backend_settings.AIIDADB_PROFILE = None aiida_cfg.create_base_dirs() profile_name = 'test_profile' setup( profile=profile_name, only_config=False, non_interactive=True, **self.profile) aiida_cfg.set_default_profile('verdi', profile_name) aiida_cfg.set_default_profile('daemon', profile_name) self.__is_running_on_test_profile = True
[docs] def reset_db(self): """Cleans all data from the database between tests""" if not self.__is_running_on_test_profile: raise FixtureError( 'No test profile has been set up yet, can not reset the db') if self.profile_info['backend'] == BACKEND_DJANGO: self.__clean_db_django() elif self.profile_info['backend'] == BACKEND_SQLA: self.__clean_db_sqla()
@property def profile(self): """Profile parameters""" profile = { 'backend': self.backend, 'email':, 'repo': self.repo, 'db_host': self.db_host, 'db_port': self.db_port, 'db_user': self.db_user, 'db_pass': self.db_pass, 'db_name': self.db_name, 'first_name': self.first_name, 'last_name': self.last_name, 'institution': self.institution } return profile @property def db_host(self): return self.db_params.get('host') @db_host.setter def db_host(self, hostname): self.db_params['host'] = hostname @property def first_name(self): return self.profile_info['first_name'] @first_name.setter def first_name(self, name): self.profile_info['first_name'] = name @property def last_name(self): return self.profile_info['last_name'] @last_name.setter def last_name(self, name): self.profile_info['last_name'] = name @property def institution(self): return self.profile_info['institution'] @institution.setter def institution(self, institution): self.profile_info['institution'] = institution @property def db_port(self): return self.db_params.get('port', None) @db_port.setter def db_port(self, port): self.db_params['port'] = str(port)
[docs] def repo_ok(self): return bool(self.repo and path.isdir(path.dirname(self.repo)))
@property def repo(self): return self._return_dir('repo') @repo.setter def repo(self, repo_dir): self.fs_env['repo'] = repo_dir
[docs] def _return_dir(self, key): """Return a path to a directory from the fs environment""" dir_path = self.fs_env[key] if not dir_path: raise FixtureError('no directory set for {}'.format(key)) elif path.isabs(dir_path): return dir_path return path.join(self.root_dir, dir_path)
@property def email(self): return self.profile_info['email'] @email.setter def email(self, email): self.profile_info['email'] = email @property def backend(self): return self.profile_info['backend'] @backend.setter def backend(self, backend): valid_backends = [BACKEND_DJANGO, BACKEND_SQLA] if backend not in valid_backends: raise ValueError('invalid backend {}, must be one of {}'.format( backend, valid_backends)) self.profile_info['backend'] = backend @property def config_dir_ok(self): return bool(self.config_dir and path.isdir(self.config_dir)) @property def config_dir(self): return self._return_dir('config') @config_dir.setter def config_dir(self, config_dir): self.fs_env['config'] = config_dir @property def db_user(self): return self.profile_info['db_user'] @db_user.setter def db_user(self, user): self.profile_info['db_user'] = user @property def db_pass(self): return self.profile_info['db_pass'] @db_pass.setter def db_pass(self, passwd): self.profile_info['db_pass'] = passwd @property def db_name(self): return self.profile_info['db_name'] @db_name.setter def db_name(self, name): self.profile_info['db_name'] = name @property def root_dir(self): return self.fs_env.get('root', '') @root_dir.setter def root_dir(self, root_dir): self.fs_env['root'] = root_dir @property def root_dir_ok(self): return bool(self.root_dir and path.isdir(self.root_dir))
[docs] def destroy_all(self): """Remove all traces of the test run""" if self.root_dir: shutil.rmtree(self.root_dir) self.root_dir = None if self.pg_cluster: self.pg_cluster.close() self.pg_cluster = None self.__is_running_on_test_db = False self.__is_running_on_test_profile = False if 'config_dir' in self._backup: aiida_cfg.AIIDA_CONFIG_FOLDER = self._backup['config_dir'] if 'profile' in self._backup: backend_settings.AIIDADB_PROFILE = self._backup['profile']
@staticmethod def __clean_db_django(): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.testbase import DjangoTests DjangoTests().clean_db() def __clean_db_sqla(self): """Clean database for sqlalchemy backend""" from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.tests.testbase import SqlAlchemyTests from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy import get_scoped_session from aiida.orm import User user = User.search_for_users([0] new_user = User( new_user.first_name = user.first_name new_user.last_name = user.last_name new_user.institution = user.institution sqla_testcase = SqlAlchemyTests() sqla_testcase.test_session = get_scoped_session() sqla_testcase.clean_db() # that deleted our user, we need to recreate it new_user.force_save()
[docs] def has_profile_open(self): return self.__is_running_on_test_profile
[docs]@contextmanager def fixture_manager(): """ Context manager for FixtureManager objects Example:: with fixture_manager() as fixture_mgr: fixture_mgr.create_profile() # ready for tests # everything cleaned up Example for pytest fixture:: def aiida_profile(): with fixture_manager() as fixture_mgr: fixture_mgr.create_profile() yield fixture_mgr """ try: if not _PYTEST_FIXTURE_MANAGER.has_profile_open(): _PYTEST_FIXTURE_MANAGER.create_profile() yield _PYTEST_FIXTURE_MANAGER finally: _PYTEST_FIXTURE_MANAGER.destroy_all()
[docs]class PluginTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ Set up a complete temporary AiiDA environment for plugin tests Filesystem: * temporary config (``.aiida``) folder * temporary repository folder Database: * temporary database cluster via the ``pgtest`` package * with aiida database user * with aiida_db database AiiDA: * set to use the temporary config folder * create and configure a profile """ BACKEND = os.environ.get('TEST_BACKEND')
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.fixture_manager = FixtureManager() cls.fixture_manager.backend = cls.BACKEND with Capturing(): cls.fixture_manager.create_profile()
[docs] def tearDown(self): self.fixture_manager.reset_db()
[docs] @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls.fixture_manager.destroy_all()