Source code for

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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from collections import namedtuple, MutableSequence
from plum.engine.execution_engine import Future
from plum.wait_ons import WaitOnProcess
from aiida.orm import load_node, load_workflow
from import RunningType, RunningInfo
from import WaitOnJobCalculation, WaitOnWorkflow
from aiida.common.lang import override
from aiida.common.utils import get_object_string, get_object_from_string, get_class_string

Action = namedtuple("Action", "running_info fn")

[docs]class Savable(object):
[docs] @classmethod def create_from(cls, saved_state): """ Create the wait on from a save instance state. :param saved_state: The saved instance state :type saved_state: :class:`!plum.persistence.Bundle` :return: The wait on with its state as it was when it was saved """ obj = cls.__new__(cls) obj.load_instance_state(saved_state) return obj
[docs] @abstractmethod def save_instance_state(self, out_state): pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def load_instance_state(self, saved_state): pass
[docs]class Interstep(Savable): """ An interstep is an action that is performed between steps of a workchain. These allow the user to perform action when a step is finished and when the next step (if there is one) is about the start. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta CLASS_NAME = 'class_name'
[docs] def on_last_step_finished(self, workchain): """ Called when the last step has finished :param workchain: The workchain this interstep belongs to :type workchain: :class:`!` """ pass
[docs] def on_next_step_starting(self, workchain): """ Called when the next step is about to start :param workchain: The workchain this interstep belongs to :type workchain: :class:`!` """ pass
[docs] def save_instance_state(self, out_state): """ Store the information of the instance in a bundle that is required at a minimum to allow it to be reconstructed :param out_state: a bundle in which to store the information """ out_state[self.CLASS_NAME] = get_class_string(self)
[docs]class UpdateContext(Interstep): """ Intersteps that evaluate an action and store the results in the context of the Process """
[docs] def __init__(self, key, action): self._action = action self._key = key
[docs] def __eq__(self, other): return (self._action == other._action and self._key == other._key)
[docs] def _create_wait_on(self): """ Creates the waiton based on the running info stored in the action that will instruct the workchain what to wait for """ rinfo = self._action.running_info if rinfo.type is RunningType.PROCESS: return WaitOnProcess(self._action.fn, elif rinfo.type is RunningType.LEGACY_CALC: return WaitOnJobCalculation(self._action.fn, elif rinfo.type is RunningType.LEGACY_WORKFLOW: return WaitOnWorkflow(self._action.fn,
[docs] @override def on_last_step_finished(self, workchain): """ Insert the barrier into the workchain by creating the Interstep's waiton """ workchain.insert_barrier(self._create_wait_on())
[docs] @override def save_instance_state(self, out_state): super(UpdateContext, self).save_instance_state(out_state) out_state['action'] = self._action out_state['key'] = self._key
[docs] @override def load_instance_state(self, saved_state): self._action = saved_state['action'] self._key = saved_state['key']
[docs]class UpdateContextBuilder(object): """ A builder of an UpdateContext instance. The key components of an UpdateContext Interstep are the key and the action, which will not be available at the same time of construction within the workchain. This builder class serves as an intermediate step, registering the value of the Interstep. Calling the build method will then construct a fully defined UpdateContext interstep instance """
[docs] def __init__(self, value): if isinstance(value, Action): action = value elif isinstance(value, RunningInfo): action = action_from_running_info(value) elif isinstance(value, Future): action = Calc(RunningInfo(RunningType.PROCESS, else: action = Legacy(value) self._action = action
[docs] @abstractmethod def build(self, key): pass
[docs]class Assign(UpdateContext): """ This interstep will assign the value returned by the registered action to a specific key in the context """
[docs] class Builder(UpdateContextBuilder):
[docs] def build(self, key): return Assign(key, self._action)
[docs] @override def on_next_step_starting(self, workchain): """ Assigns the result stored in the action in the key of the workchain context :param workchain: WorkChain whose context should be updated :type workchain: :class:`!` """ fn = get_object_from_string(self._action.fn) key = self._key val = fn( workchain.ctx[key] = val
[docs]class Append(UpdateContext): """ This interstep will append the value returned by the registered action to a specific key in the context """
[docs] class Builder(UpdateContextBuilder):
[docs] def build(self, key): return Append(key, self._action)
[docs] @override def on_next_step_starting(self, workchain): """ Appends the result stored in the action in the key of the workchain context :param workchain: WorkChain whose context should be updated :type workchain: :class:`!` """ fn = get_object_from_string(self._action.fn) key = self._key val = fn( if key in workchain.ctx and not isinstance(workchain.ctx[key], MutableSequence): raise TypeError("You are trying to append to an existing key that is not a list") workchain.ctx.setdefault(key, []).append(val)
assign_ = Assign.Builder append_ = Append.Builder
[docs]def action_from_running_info(running_info): """ Creates an Action tuple based on a RunningInfo tuple :param running_info: RunningInfo tuple :returns: Action tuple """ if running_info.type is RunningType.PROCESS: return Calc(running_info) elif running_info.type is RunningType.LEGACY_CALC or \ running_info.type is RunningType.LEGACY_WORKFLOW: return Legacy(running_info) else: raise ValueError("Unknown running type '{}'".format(running_info.type))
[docs]def Legacy(running_info): """ Creates an Action tuple based on a RunningInfo tuple for a legacy calculation or workflow node :param running_info: RunningInfo tuple :returns: Action tuple """ if running_info.type == RunningType.LEGACY_CALC or running_info.type == RunningType.PROCESS: return Calc(running_info) elif running_info.type is RunningType.LEGACY_WORKFLOW: return Wf(running_info) raise ValueError("Could not determine object to be calculation or workflow")
[docs]def Calc(running_info): """ Creates an Action tuple based on a RunningInfo tuple for a legacy calculation node :param running_info: RunningInfo tuple :returns: Action tuple """ return Action(running_info, get_object_string(load_node))
[docs]def Wf(running_info): """ Creates an Action tuple based on a RunningInfo tuple for a legacy Workflow node :param running_info: RunningInfo tuple :returns: Action tuple """ return Action(running_info, get_object_string(load_workflow))
[docs]def _get_proc_outputs_from_registry(pid): """ Return a dictionary of outputs for a calculation identified by pid """ calc = load_node(pid) if calc.has_failed(): raise ValueError("Cannot return outputs, calculation '{}' has failed".format(pid)) return {e[0]: e[1] for e in calc.get_outputs(also_labels=True)}
[docs]def _get_wf_outputs(pk): """ Return the results dictionary of a legacy workflow """ return load_workflow(pk=pk).get_results()
[docs]def Outputs(running_info): """ Convenience proxy function to allow returning the outputs generated by a process """ if isinstance(running_info, Future): # Create the correct information from the future rinfo = RunningInfo(RunningType.PROCESS, return Action(rinfo, get_object_string(_get_proc_outputs_from_registry)) elif running_info.type == RunningType.PROCESS: return Action(running_info, get_object_string(_get_proc_outputs_from_registry)) elif running_info.type == RunningType.LEGACY_CALC: return Action(running_info, get_object_string(_get_proc_outputs_from_registry)) elif running_info.type is RunningType.LEGACY_WORKFLOW: return Action(running_info, get_object_string(_get_wf_outputs))
[docs]def load_with_classloader(bundle): """ Load a process from a saved instance state :param bundle: The saved instance state bundle :return: The process instance :rtype: :class:`` """ # Get the class using the class loader and instantiate it class_name = bundle['class_name'] proc_class = bundle.get_class_loader().load_class(class_name) return proc_class.create_from(bundle)