aiida.common.additions.backup_script package


class aiida.common.additions.backup_script.backup_base.AbstractBackup(backup_info_filepath, additional_back_time_mins)[source]

Bases: object

This class handles the backup of the AiiDA repository that is referenced by the current AiiDA database. The backup will start from the given backup timestamp (oldest_object_backedup) or the date of the oldest node/workflow object found and it will periodically backup (in periods of periodicity days) until the ending date of the backup specified by end_date_of_backup or days_to_backup.

BACKUP_DIR_KEY = 'backup_dir'
BACKUP_LENGTH_THRESHOLD_KEY = 'backup_length_threshold'
DAYS_TO_BACKUP_KEY = 'days_to_backup'
END_DATE_OF_BACKUP_KEY = 'end_date_of_backup'
OLDEST_OBJECT_BK_KEY = 'oldest_object_backedup'
PERIODICITY_KEY = 'periodicity'
__abstractmethods__ = frozenset(['_get_query_set_iterator', '_get_source_directory', '_get_query_set_length', '_get_query_sets', '_query_first_node', '_query_first_workflow'])
__dict__ = dict_proxy({'_days_to_backup': None, '_additional_back_time_mins': None, '__module__': 'aiida.common.additions.backup_script.backup_base', '__metaclass__': <class 'abc.ABCMeta'>, '_ignore_backup_dir_existence_check': False, '_get_query_set_iterator': <function _get_query_set_iterator>, '_backup_length_threshold': None, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'AbstractBackup' objects>, 'BACKUP_DIR_KEY': 'backup_dir', '_end_date_of_backup': None, '_store_backup_info': <function _store_backup_info>, '__init__': <function __init__>, '_abc_cache': <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>, '_get_source_directory': <function _get_source_directory>, '_read_backup_info_from_dict': <function _read_backup_info_from_dict>, '_backup_needed_files': <function _backup_needed_files>, '_get_query_set_length': <function _get_query_set_length>, '__abstractmethods__': frozenset(['_get_query_set_iterator', '_get_source_directory', '_get_query_set_length', '_get_query_sets', '_query_first_node', '_query_first_workflow']), '_query_first_node': <function _query_first_node>, '_query_first_workflow': <function _query_first_workflow>, 'PERIODICITY_KEY': 'periodicity', 'BACKUP_LENGTH_THRESHOLD_KEY': 'backup_length_threshold', '_abc_negative_cache': <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>, '__doc__': '\n This class handles the backup of the AiiDA repository that is referenced\n by the current AiiDA database. The backup will start from the\n given backup timestamp (*oldest_object_backedup*) or the date of the\n oldest node/workflow object found and it will periodically backup\n (in periods of *periodicity* days) until the ending date of the backup\n specified by *end_date_of_backup* or *days_to_backup*.\n ', 'run': <function run>, '_read_backup_info_from_file': <function _read_backup_info_from_file>, 'OLDEST_OBJECT_BK_KEY': 'oldest_object_backedup', 'DAYS_TO_BACKUP_KEY': 'days_to_backup', '_find_files_to_backup': <function _find_files_to_backup>, '_internal_end_date_of_backup': None, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'AbstractBackup' objects>, '_oldest_object_bk': None, '_abc_registry': <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>, '_get_repository_path': <function _get_repository_path>, '_extract_parent_dirs': <staticmethod object>, '_abc_negative_cache_version': 91, '_dictionarize_backup_info': <function _dictionarize_backup_info>, 'END_DATE_OF_BACKUP_KEY': 'end_date_of_backup', '_get_query_sets': <function _get_query_sets>, '_periodicity': None, '_backup_dir': None})
__init__(backup_info_filepath, additional_back_time_mins)[source]

x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature


alias of abc.ABCMeta

__module__ = 'aiida.common.additions.backup_script.backup_base'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_abc_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache_version = 91
_abc_registry = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_additional_back_time_mins = None
_backup_dir = None
_backup_length_threshold = None
_days_to_backup = None

This dictionarises the backup information and returns the dictionary.

_end_date_of_backup = None
static _extract_parent_dirs(parent_dir_set)[source]

This method extracts the parent directories of the givenDir and populates the parent_dir_set.


Query the database for nodes that were created after the the start of the last backup. Return a query set.


Get query set iterator


Get query set length

_get_query_sets(start_of_backup, backup_end_for_this_round)[source]

Get query set


Get source directory of item :param self: :return:

_ignore_backup_dir_existence_check = False
_internal_end_date_of_backup = None
_oldest_object_bk = None
_periodicity = None

Query first node


Query first workflow


This method reads the backup information from the given dictionary and sets the needed class variables.


This method reads the backup information from the given file and passes the dictionary to the method responsible for the initialization of the needed class variables.


This method writes the backup variables dictionary to a file with the given filename.

exception aiida.common.additions.backup_script.backup_base.BackupError(value)[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception


x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

__module__ = 'aiida.common.additions.backup_script.backup_base'
__str__() <==> str(x)[source]

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

class aiida.common.additions.backup_script.backup_django.Backup(backup_info_filepath, additional_back_time_mins)[source]

Bases: aiida.common.additions.backup_script.backup_base.AbstractBackup

Backup for django backend

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset([])
__module__ = 'aiida.common.additions.backup_script.backup_django'
_abc_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache_version = 94
_abc_registry = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>

Get query set iterator :param query_set: :return:


Get query set length

_get_query_sets(start_of_backup, backup_end_for_this_round)[source]

Get Nodes and Worflows query set from start to end of backup. :param start_of_backup: :param backup_end_for_this_round: :return:


Query first node :return:


Query first workflow :return:

class aiida.common.additions.backup_script.backup_setup.BackupSetup[source]

Bases: object

This class setups the main backup script related information & files like:

- the backup parameter file. It also allows the user to set it up by answering questions.
- the backup folders.
- the script that initiates the backup.
__dict__ = dict_proxy({'__module__': 'aiida.common.additions.backup_script.backup_setup', 'run': <function run>, 'print_info': <function print_info>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'BackupSetup' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'BackupSetup' objects>, 'create_dir': <function create_dir>, 'construct_backup_variables': <function construct_backup_variables>, '__doc__': '\n This class setups the main backup script related information & files like::\n\n - the backup parameter file. It also allows the user to set it up by answering questions.\n - the backup folders.\n - the script that initiates the backup.\n ', '__init__': <function __init__>})

x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

__module__ = 'aiida.common.additions.backup_script.backup_setup'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

create_dir(question, dir_path)[source]
class aiida.common.additions.backup_script.backup_sqlalchemy.Backup(backup_info_filepath, additional_back_time_mins)[source]

Bases: aiida.common.additions.backup_script.backup_base.AbstractBackup

Backup for sqlalchemy backend

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset([])
__module__ = 'aiida.common.additions.backup_script.backup_sqlalchemy'
_abc_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache_version = 94
_abc_registry = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_batch_size = 50

Get query set iterator :param query_set: :return:


Get query set length

_get_query_sets(start_of_backup, backup_end_for_this_round)[source]

Get Nodes and Worflows query set from start to en

d of backup. :param start_of_backup: :param backup_end_for_this_round: :return:


Query first node :return:


Query first workflow :return: