Source code for aiida.backends.tests.restapi

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
#                                                                         #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
# For further information please visit               #
import json

from aiida.backends.testbase import AiidaTestCase
from aiida.common.links import LinkType
from aiida.orm import DataFactory
from aiida.orm.calculation import Calculation
from import Computer
from import Data
from aiida.orm.querybuilder import QueryBuilder
from aiida.restapi.api import App, AiidaApi

StructureData = DataFactory('structure')
CifData = DataFactory('cif')
ParameterData = DataFactory('parameter')
KpointsData = DataFactory('array.kpoints')

[docs]class RESTApiTestCase(AiidaTestCase): """ Setup of the tests for the AiiDA RESTful-api """ _url_prefix = "/api/v2" _dummy_data = {} _PERPAGE_DEFAULT = 20 _LIMIT_DEFAULT = 400
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): """ Basides the standard setup we need to add few more objects in the database to be able to explore different requests/filters/orderings etc. """ # call parent setUpClass method super(RESTApiTestCase, cls).setUpClass() # connect the app and the api # Init the api by connecting it the the app (N.B. respect the following # order, api.__init__) kwargs = dict(PREFIX=cls._url_prefix, PERPAGE_DEFAULT=cls._PERPAGE_DEFAULT, LIMIT_DEFAULT=cls._LIMIT_DEFAULT) = App(__name__)['TESTING'] = True api = AiidaApi(, **kwargs) # create test inputs cell = ((2., 0., 0.), (0., 2., 0.), (0., 0., 2.)) structure = StructureData(cell=cell) structure.append_atom(position=(0., 0., 0.), symbols=['Ba']) cif = CifData(ase=structure.get_ase()) parameter1 = ParameterData(dict={"a": 1, "b": 2}) parameter2 = ParameterData(dict={"c": 3, "d": 4}) kpoint = KpointsData() kpoint.set_kpoints_mesh([4, 4, 4]) calc = Calculation() calc._set_attr("attr1", "OK") calc._set_attr("attr2", "OK") calc.add_link_from(structure) calc.add_link_from(parameter1) kpoint.add_link_from(calc, link_type=LinkType.CREATE) calc1 = Calculation() from import Computer dummy_computers = [ { "name": "test1", "hostname": "", "transport_type": "ssh", "scheduler_type": "pbspro", }, { "name": "test2", "hostname": "", "transport_type": "ssh", "scheduler_type": "torque", }, { "name": "test3", "hostname": "", "transport_type": "local", "scheduler_type": "slurm", }, { "name": "test4", "hostname": "", "transport_type": "ssh", "scheduler_type": "slurm", } ] for dummy_computer in dummy_computers: computer = Computer(**dummy_computer) # Prepare typical REST responses cls.process_dummy_data()
[docs] def get_dummy_data(self): return self._dummy_data
[docs] def get_url_prefix(self): return self._url_prefix
[docs] @classmethod def process_dummy_data(cls): """ This functions prepare atomic chunks of typical responses from the RESTapi and puts them into class attributes """ #TODO: Storing the different nodes as lists and accessing them # by their list index is very fragile and a pain to debug. # Please change this! computer_projections = ["id", "uuid", "name", "hostname", "transport_type", "scheduler_type"] computers = QueryBuilder().append( Computer, tag="comp", project=computer_projections).order_by( {'comp': [{'name': {'order': 'asc'}}]}).dict() # Cast UUID into a string (e.g. in sqlalchemy it comes as a UUID object) computers = [_['comp'] for _ in computers] for comp in computers: if comp['uuid'] is not None: comp['uuid'] = str(comp['uuid']) cls._dummy_data["computers"] = computers calculation_projections = ["id", "uuid", "user_id", "type"] calculations = QueryBuilder().append(Calculation, tag="calc", project=calculation_projections).order_by( {'calc': [{'id': {'order': 'desc'}}]}).dict() calculations = [_['calc'] for _ in calculations] for calc in calculations: if calc['uuid'] is not None: calc['uuid'] = str(calc['uuid']) cls._dummy_data["calculations"] = calculations data_projections = ["id", "uuid", "user_id", "type"] data_types = { 'cifdata': CifData, 'parameterdata': ParameterData, 'structuredata': StructureData, 'data': Data, } for label, dataclass in data_types.iteritems(): data = QueryBuilder().append(dataclass, tag="data", project=data_projections).order_by( {'data': [{'id': {'order': 'desc'}}]}).dict() data = [_['data'] for _ in data] for datum in data: if datum['uuid'] is not None: datum['uuid'] = str(datum['uuid']) cls._dummy_data[label] = data
[docs] def split_path(self, url): """ Split the url with "?" to get url path and it's parameters :param url: Web url :return: url path and url parameters """ parts = url.split("?") path = "" query_string = "" if len(parts) > 0: path = parts[0] if len(parts) > 1: query_string = parts[1] return path, query_string
[docs] def compare_extra_response_data(self, node_type, url, response, uuid=None): """ In url response, we pass some extra information/data along with the node results. e.g. url method, node_type, path, pk, query_string, url, url_root, etc. :param node_type: url requested fot the type of the node :param url: web url :param response: url response :param uuid: url requested for the node pk """ path, query_string = self.split_path(url) self.assertEqual(response["method"], "GET") self.assertEqual(response["resource_type"], node_type) self.assertEqual(response["path"], path) self.assertEqual(response["id"], uuid) self.assertEqual(response["query_string"], query_string) self.assertEqual(response["url"], "http://localhost" + url) self.assertEqual(response["url_root"], "http://localhost/")
###### node details and list with limit, offset, page, perpage ####
[docs] def process_test(self, node_type, url, full_list=False, empty_list=False, expected_list_ids=[], expected_range=[], expected_errormsg=None, uuid=None, result_node_type=None, result_name=None): """ Check whether response matches expected values. :param node_type: url requested fot the type of the node :param url: web url :param full_list: if url is requested to get full list :param empty_list: if the response list is empty :param expected_list_ids: list of expected ids from data :param expected_range: [start, stop] range of expected ids from data :param expected_errormsg: expected error message in response :param uuid: url requested for the node pk :param result_node_type: node type in response data :param result_name: result name in response e.g. inputs, outputs """ if result_node_type == None and result_name == None: result_node_type = node_type result_name = node_type url = self._url_prefix + url with as client: rv = client.get(url) response = json.loads( if expected_errormsg: self.assertEqual(response["message"], expected_errormsg) else: if full_list: expected_data = self._dummy_data[result_node_type] elif empty_list: expected_data = [] elif len(expected_list_ids) > 0: expected_data = [self._dummy_data[result_node_type][i] for i in expected_list_ids] elif expected_range != []: expected_data = self._dummy_data[result_node_type][ expected_range[0]:expected_range[1]] else: from aiida.common.exceptions import InputValidationError raise InputValidationError( "Pass the expected range of the dummydata") self.assertTrue( len(response["data"][result_name]) == len(expected_data)) for expected_node, response_node in zip(expected_data, response["data"][ result_name]): self.assertTrue(all(item in response_node.items() for item in expected_node.items())) self.compare_extra_response_data(node_type, url, response, uuid)
######## check exception #########
[docs] def node_exception(self, url, exception_type): """ Assert exception if any unknown parameter is passed in url :param url: web url :param exception_type: exception to be thrown :return: """ self.assertRaises(exception_type,
[docs]class RESTApiTestSuite(RESTApiTestCase): """ """ ############### single computer ########################
[docs] def test_computers_details(self): """ Requests the details of single computer """ node_uuid = self.get_dummy_data()["computers"][0]["uuid"] RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers/" + str(node_uuid), expected_list_ids=[0], uuid=node_uuid)
############### full list with limit, offset, page, perpage #############
[docs] def test_computers_list(self): """ Get the full list of computers from database """ RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers?orderby=+id", full_list=True)
[docs] def test_computers_list_limit_offset(self): """ Get the list of computers from database using limit and offset parameter. It should return the no of rows specified in limit from database starting from the no. specified in offset """ RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers?limit=2&offset=2&orderby=+id", expected_range=[2, 4])
[docs] def test_computers_list_limit_only(self): """ Get the list of computers from database using limit parameter. It should return the no of rows specified in limit from database. """ RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers?limit=2&orderby=+id", expected_range=[None, 2])
[docs] def test_computers_list_offset_only(self): """ Get the list of computers from database using offset parameter It should return all the rows from database starting from the no. specified in offset """ RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers?offset=2&orderby=+id", expected_range=[2, None])
[docs] def test_computers_list_limit_offset_perpage(self): """ If we pass the limit, offset and perpage at same time, it would return the error message. """ expected_error = "perpage key is incompatible with limit and offset" RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers?offset=2&limit=1&perpage=2&orderby=+id", expected_errormsg=expected_error)
[docs] def test_computers_list_page_limit_offset(self): """ If we use the page, limit and offset at same time, it would return the error message. """ expected_error = "requesting a specific page is incompatible with " \ "limit and offset" RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers/page/2?offset=2&limit=1&orderby=+id", expected_errormsg=expected_error)
[docs] def test_computers_list_page_limit_offset_perpage(self): """ If we use the page, limit, offset and perpage at same time, it would return the error message. """ expected_error = "perpage key is incompatible with limit and offset" RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers/page/2?offset=2&limit=1&perpage=2&orderby=+id", expected_errormsg=expected_error)
[docs] def test_computers_list_page_default(self): """ it returns the no. of rows defined as default perpage option from database. no.of pages = total no. of computers in database / perpage "/page" acts as "/page/1?perpage=default_value" """ RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers/page?orderby=+id", full_list=True)
[docs] def test_computers_list_page_perpage(self): """ no.of pages = total no. of computers in database / perpage Using this formula it returns the no. of rows for requested page """ RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers/page/1?perpage=2&orderby=+id", expected_range=[None, 2])
[docs] def test_computers_list_page_perpage_exceed(self): """ no.of pages = total no. of computers in database / perpage If we request the page which exceeds the total no. of pages then it would return the error message. """ expected_error = "Non existent page requested. The page range is [1 : " \ "3]" RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers/page/4?perpage=2&orderby=+id", expected_errormsg=expected_error)
############### list filters ########################
[docs] def test_computers_filter_id1(self): """ Add filter on the id of computer and get the filtered computer list (e.g. id=1) """ node_pk = self.get_dummy_data()["computers"][0]["id"] RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers?id=" + str(node_pk), expected_list_ids=[0])
[docs] def test_computers_filter_id2(self): """ Add filter on the id of computer and get the filtered computer list (e.g. id > 2) """ node_pk = self.get_dummy_data()["computers"][1]["id"] RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers?id>" + str( node_pk) + "&orderby=+id", expected_range=[2, None])
[docs] def test_computers_filter_pk(self): """ Add filter on the id of computer and get the filtered computer list (e.g. id=1) """ node_pk = self.get_dummy_data()["computers"][0]["id"] RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers?pk=" + str(node_pk), expected_list_ids=[0])
[docs] def test_computers_filter_name(self): """ Add filter for the name of computer and get the filtered computer list """ RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", '/computers?name="test1"', expected_list_ids=[1])
[docs] def test_computers_filter_hostname(self): """ Add filter for the hostname of computer and get the filtered computer list """ RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", '/computers?hostname=""', expected_list_ids=[1])
[docs] def test_computers_filter_transport_type(self): """ Add filter for the transport_type of computer and get the filtered computer list """ RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", '/computers?transport_type="local"&orderby=+id', expected_list_ids=[0, 3])
############### list orderby ########################
[docs] def test_computers_orderby_id_asc(self): """ Returns the computers list ordered by "id" in ascending order """ RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers?orderby=id", full_list=True)
[docs] def test_computers_orderby_id_asc_sign(self): """ Returns the computers list ordered by "+id" in ascending order """ RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers?orderby=+id", full_list=True)
[docs] def test_computers_orderby_id_desc(self): """ Returns the computers list ordered by "id" in descending order """ RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers?orderby=-id", expected_list_ids=[4, 3, 2, 1, 0])
[docs] def test_computers_orderby_name_asc(self): """ Returns the computers list ordered by "name" in ascending order """ RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers?orderby=name", full_list=True)
[docs] def test_computers_orderby_name_asc_sign(self): """ Returns the computers list ordered by "+name" in ascending order """ RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers?orderby=+name", full_list=True)
[docs] def test_computers_orderby_name_desc(self): """ Returns the computers list ordered by "name" in descending order """ RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers?orderby=-name", expected_list_ids=[4, 3, 2, 1, 0])
[docs] def test_computers_orderby_scheduler_type_asc(self): """ Returns the computers list ordered by "scheduler_type" in ascending order """ RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers?orderby=scheduler_type", expected_list_ids=[0, 1, 3, 4, 2])
[docs] def test_computers_orderby_scheduler_type_asc_sign(self): """ Returns the computers list ordered by "+scheduler_type" in ascending order """ RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers?orderby=+scheduler_type", expected_list_ids=[0, 1, 3, 4, 2])
[docs] def test_computers_orderby_scheduler_type_desc(self): """ Returns the computers list ordered by "scheduler_type" in descending order """ RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers?orderby=-scheduler_type", expected_list_ids=[2, 3, 4, 0, 1])
############### list orderby combinations #######################
[docs] def test_computers_orderby_mixed1(self): """ Returns the computers list first order by "transport_type" in ascending order and if it is having same transport_type, order it by "id" """ RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers?orderby=transport_type,id", expected_list_ids=[0, 3, 1, 2, 4])
[docs] def test_computers_orderby_mixed2(self): """ Returns the computers list first order by "scheduler_type" in descending order and if it is having same scheduler_type, order it by "name" """ RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers?orderby=-scheduler_type,name", expected_list_ids=[2, 3, 4, 0, 1])
[docs] def test_computers_orderby_mixed3(self): """ Returns the computers list first order by "scheduler_type" in ascending order and if it is having same scheduler_type, order it by "hostname" descending order Response:: test4 slurm test3 slurm test2 torque test1 pbspro localhost pbspro ========== Expected:: test1 pbspro localhost pbspro test4 slurm test3 slurm test2 torque test1 test4 RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers?orderby=+scheduler_type, -hostname", expected_list_ids=[1,0,4,3,2]) """ pass
############### list filter combinations #######################
[docs] def test_computers_filter_mixed1(self): """ Add filter for the hostname and id of computer and get the filtered computer list """ node_pk = self.get_dummy_data()["computers"][0]["id"] RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", '/computers?id>' + str( node_pk) + '&hostname=""', expected_list_ids=[1])
[docs] def test_computers_filter_mixed2(self): """ Add filter for the id, hostname and transport_type of the computer and get the filtered computer list """ node_pk = self.get_dummy_data()["computers"][0]["id"] RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", '/computers?id>' + str( node_pk) + '&hostname=""&transport_type="ssh"', empty_list=True)
############### list all parameter combinations #######################
[docs] def test_computers_mixed1(self): """ url parameters: id, limit and offset """ node_pk = self.get_dummy_data()["computers"][0]["id"] RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers?id>" + str( node_pk) + "&limit=2&offset=3", expected_list_ids=[4])
[docs] def test_computers_mixed2(self): """ url parameters: id, page, perpage """ node_pk = self.get_dummy_data()["computers"][0]["id"] RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", "/computers/page/2?id>" + str( node_pk) + "&perpage=2&orderby=+id", expected_list_ids=[3, 4])
[docs] def test_computers_mixed3(self): """ url parameters: id, transport_type, orderby """ node_pk = self.get_dummy_data()["computers"][0]["id"] RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "computers", '/computers?id>=' + str( node_pk) + '&transport_type="ssh"&orderby=-id&limit=2', expected_list_ids=[4, 2])
########## pass unknown url parameter ###########
[docs] def test_computers_unknown_param(self): """ url parameters: id, limit and offset from aiida.common.exceptions import InputValidationError RESTApiTestCase.node_exception(self, "/computers?aa=bb&id=2", InputValidationError) """ pass
############### single calculation ########################
[docs] def test_calculations_details(self): """ Requests the details of single calculation """ node_uuid = self.get_dummy_data()["calculations"][0]["uuid"] RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "calculations", "/calculations/" + str(node_uuid), expected_list_ids=[0], uuid=node_uuid)
############### full list with limit, offset, page, perpage #############
[docs] def test_calculations_list(self): """ Get the full list of calculations from database """ RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "calculations", "/calculations?orderby=-id", full_list=True)
[docs] def test_calculations_list_limit_offset(self): """ Get the list of calculations from database using limit and offset parameter. It should return the no of rows specified in limit from database starting from the no. specified in offset """ RESTApiTestCase.process_test(self, "calculations", "/calculations?limit=1&offset=1&orderby=+id", expected_list_ids=[0])
############### calculation inputs #############
[docs] def test_calculation_inputs(self): """ Get the list of give calculation inputs """ node_uuid = self.get_dummy_data()["calculations"][1]["uuid"] self.process_test("calculations", "/calculations/" + str( node_uuid) + "/io/inputs?orderby=id", expected_list_ids=[4, 2], uuid=node_uuid, result_node_type="data", result_name="inputs")
[docs] def test_calculation_input_filters(self): """ Get filtered inputs list for given calculations """ node_uuid = self.get_dummy_data()["calculations"][1]["uuid"] self.process_test("calculations", '/calculations/' + str( node_uuid) + '/io/inputs?type="data.parameter.ParameterData."', expected_list_ids=[2], uuid=node_uuid, result_node_type="data", result_name="inputs")
############### calculation attributes #############
[docs] def test_calculation_attributes(self): """ Get list of calculation attributes """ node_uuid = self.get_dummy_data()["calculations"][1]["uuid"] url = self.get_url_prefix() + "/calculations/" + str( node_uuid) + "/content/attributes" with as client: rv = client.get(url) response = json.loads( self.assertEqual(response["data"]["attributes"], {'attr2': 'OK', 'attr1': 'OK'}) RESTApiTestCase.compare_extra_response_data(self, "calculations", url, response, uuid=node_uuid)
[docs] def test_calculation_attributes_nalist_filter(self): """ Get list of calculation attributes with filter nalist """ node_uuid = self.get_dummy_data()["calculations"][1]["uuid"] url = self.get_url_prefix() + '/calculations/' + str( node_uuid) + '/content/attributes?nalist="attr1"' with as client: rv = client.get(url) response = json.loads( self.assertEqual(response["data"]["attributes"], {'attr2': 'OK'}) RESTApiTestCase.compare_extra_response_data(self, "calculations", url, response, uuid=node_uuid)
[docs] def test_calculation_attributes_alist_filter(self): """ Get list of calculation attributes with filter alist """ node_uuid = self.get_dummy_data()["calculations"][1]["uuid"] url = self.get_url_prefix() + '/calculations/' + str( node_uuid) + '/content/attributes?alist="attr1"' with as client: rv = client.get(url) response = json.loads( self.assertEqual(response["data"]["attributes"], {'attr1': 'OK'}) RESTApiTestCase.compare_extra_response_data(self, "calculations", url, response, uuid=node_uuid)
############### Structure visualization and download #############
[docs] def test_structure_visualization(self): """ Get the list of give calculation inputs """ from aiida.backends.tests.dataclasses import simplify node_uuid = self.get_dummy_data()["structuredata"][0]["uuid"] url = self.get_url_prefix() + '/structures/' + str( node_uuid) + '/content/visualization?visformat=cif' with as client: rv = client.get(url) response = json.loads( expected_visdata = """\n##########################################################################\n# Crystallographic Information Format file \n# Produced by PyCifRW module\n# \n# This is a CIF file. CIF has been adopted by the International\n# Union of Crystallography as the standard for data archiving and \n# transmission.\n#\n# For information on this file format, follow the CIF links at\n#\n##########################################################################\n\ndata_0\nloop_\n _atom_site_label\n _atom_site_fract_x\n _atom_site_fract_y\n _atom_site_fract_z\n _atom_site_type_symbol\n Ba1 0.0 0.0 0.0 Ba\n \n_cell_angle_alpha 90.0\n_cell_angle_beta 90.0\n_cell_angle_gamma 90.0\n_cell_length_a 2.0\n_cell_length_b 2.0\n_cell_length_c 2.0\nloop_\n _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz\n 'x, y, z'\n \n_symmetry_int_tables_number 1\n_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'P 1'\n""" self.assertEquals(simplify(response["data"]["visualization"]["str_viz_info"]["data"]),simplify(expected_visdata)) self.assertEquals(response["data"]["visualization"]["str_viz_info"]["format"],"cif") self.assertEquals(response["data"]["visualization"]["dimensionality"], {u'dim': 3, u'value': 8.0, u'label': u'volume'}) self.assertEquals(response["data"]["visualization"]["pbc"], [True,True,True]) self.assertEquals(response["data"]["visualization"]["formula"], "Ba") RESTApiTestCase.compare_extra_response_data(self, "structures", url, response, uuid=node_uuid)
[docs] def test_xsf_visualization(self): """ Get the list of given calculation inputs """ from aiida.backends.tests.dataclasses import simplify node_uuid = self.get_dummy_data()["structuredata"][0]["uuid"] url = self.get_url_prefix() + '/structures/' + str( node_uuid) + '/content/visualization?visformat=xsf' with as client: rv = client.get(url) response = json.loads( expected_visdata = "CRYSTAL\nPRIMVEC 1\n 2.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000\n 0.0000000000 2.0000000000 0.0000000000\n 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 2.0000000000\nPRIMCOORD 1\n1 1\n56 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000000000\n" self.assertEquals(simplify(response["data"]["visualization"]["str_viz_info"]["data"]),simplify(expected_visdata)) self.assertEquals(response["data"]["visualization"]["str_viz_info"]["format"],"xsf") self.assertEquals(response["data"]["visualization"]["dimensionality"], {u'dim': 3, u'value': 8.0, u'label': u'volume'}) self.assertEquals(response["data"]["visualization"]["pbc"], [True,True,True]) self.assertEquals(response["data"]["visualization"]["formula"], "Ba") RESTApiTestCase.compare_extra_response_data(self, "structures", url, response, uuid=node_uuid)
[docs] def test_cif(self): """ Test download of cif file """ from aiida.orm import load_node node_uuid = self.get_dummy_data()["cifdata"][0]["uuid"] url = self.get_url_prefix() + '/cifs/' + node_uuid + '/content/download' with as client: rv = client.get(url) cif = load_node(node_uuid)._prepare_cif()[0] self.assertEquals(, cif )
############### schema #############
[docs] def test_schema(self): """ test schema """ for nodetype in ["nodes", "calculations", "data", "codes", "computers", "users", "groups"]: url = self.get_url_prefix() + '/' + nodetype + '/schema' with as client: rv = client.get(url) response = json.loads( expected_keys = ["display_name", "help_text", "is_display", "is_foreign_key", "type"] # check fields for pkey, pinfo in response["data"]["fields"].items(): available_keys = pinfo.keys() for prop in expected_keys: self.assertIn(prop, available_keys) # check order available_properties = response["data"]["fields"].keys() for prop in response["data"]["ordering"]: self.assertIn(prop, available_properties)