Source code for aiida.common.hashing

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
#                                                                         #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
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import hashlib
import numbers
import random
import time
import uuid
from datetime import datetime

from passlib.context import CryptContext

try: # Python3
    from functools import singledispatch
    from collections import abc
except ImportError: # Python2
    from singledispatch import singledispatch
    import collections as abc

import numpy as np

from .folders import Folder

Here we define a single password hashing instance for the full AiiDA.

# The prefix of the hashed using pbkdf2_sha256 algorithm in Django
HASHING_PREFIX_DJANGO = "pbkdf2_sha256"
# The prefix of the hashed using pbkdf2_sha256 algorithm in Passlib
HASHING_PREFIX_PBKDF2_SHA256 = "$pbkdf2-sha256"

# This will never be a valid encoded hash
# Number of random chars to add after UNUSABLE_PASSWORD_PREFIX


pwd_context = CryptContext(
    # The list of hashes that we support
    schemes=["pbkdf2_sha256", "des_crypt"],
    # The default hashing mechanism

    # We set the number of rounds that should be used...

[docs]def create_unusable_pass(): return UNUSABLE_PASSWORD_PREFIX + get_random_string( UNUSABLE_PASSWORD_SUFFIX_LENGTH)
[docs]def is_password_usable(enc_pass): if enc_pass is None or enc_pass.startswith(UNUSABLE_PASSWORD_PREFIX): return False if pwd_context.identify(enc_pass) is not None: return True # Backward compatibility for old Django hashing if enc_pass.startswith(HASHING_PREFIX_DJANGO): enc_pass = enc_pass.replace(HASHING_PREFIX_DJANGO, HASHING_PREFIX_PBKDF2_SHA256, 1) if pwd_context.identify(enc_pass) is not None: return True return False
################################################################### # THE FOLLOWING WAS TAKEN FROM DJANGO BUT IT CAN BE EASILY REPLACED ################################################################### # Use the system PRNG if possible try: random = random.SystemRandom() using_sysrandom = True except NotImplementedError: import warnings warnings.warn('A secure pseudo-random number generator is not available ' 'on your system. Falling back to Mersenne Twister.') using_sysrandom = False
[docs]def get_random_string(length=12, allowed_chars='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789'): """ Returns a securely generated random string. The default length of 12 with the a-z, A-Z, 0-9 character set returns a 71-bit value. log_2((26+26+10)^12) =~ 71 bits """ if not using_sysrandom: # This is ugly, and a hack, but it makes things better than # the alternative of predictability. This re-seeds the PRNG # using a value that is hard for an attacker to predict, every # time a random string is required. This may change the # properties of the chosen random sequence slightly, but this # is better than absolute predictability. random.seed( hashlib.sha256( ("%s%s%s" % ( random.getstate(), time.time(), HASHING_KEY)).encode('utf-8') ).digest()) return ''.join(random.choice(allowed_chars) for i in range(length))
[docs]def make_hash_with_type(type_chr, string_to_hash): """ Convention: type_chr should be a single char, lower case for simple datatypes, upper case for composite datatypes We don't check anything for speed efficiency """ return hashlib.sha224("{}{}".format(type_chr, string_to_hash)).hexdigest()
[docs]@singledispatch def make_hash(object_to_hash, **kwargs): """ Makes a hash from a dictionary, list, tuple or set to any level, that contains only other hashable or nonhashable types (including lists, tuples, sets, and dictionaries). :param object_to_hash: the object to hash :returns: a unique hash There are a lot of modules providing functionalities to create unique hashes for hashable values. However, getting hashes for nonhashable items like sets or dictionaries is not easily doable because order is not fixed. This leads to the peril of getting different hashes for the same dictionary. This function avoids this by recursing through nonhashable items and hashing iteratively. Uses python's sorted function to sort unsorted sets and dictionaries and hashlib.sha224 to hash the value. We make an example with two dictionaries that should produce the same hash because only the order of the keys is different:: aa = { '3':4, 3:4, 'a':{ '1':'hello', 2:'goodbye', 1:'here' }, 'b':4, 'c': set([2, '5','a', 'b', 5]) } bb = { 'c': set([2, 'b', 5, 'a', '5']), 'b':4, 'a':{2:'goodbye', 1:'here', '1':'hello'}, '3':4, 3:4 } print str(aa) == str(bb) print aa == bb print print hashlib.sha224(str(aa)).hexdigest() print hashlib.sha224(str(bb)).hexdigest() print hashlib.sha224(str(aa)).hexdigest( ) == hashlib.sha224(str(bb)).hexdigest() print print make_hash(aa) print make_hash(bb) print make_hash(aa) == make_hash(bb) produces the output:: False True 0f6f0cc1e3256f6486e998e934d07cb192ea78d3ce75595267b4c665 86877298dfb629201055e8bc410b5a2157ce65cf246677c54316723a False 696cdf26b46d7abc5d6fdfb2244829dad9dd2b0100afd1e2f20a8002 696cdf26b46d7abc5d6fdfb2244829dad9dd2b0100afd1e2f20a8002 True We can conclude that using simple hashfunctions operating on the string of dictionary do not suffice if we want to check for equality of dictionaries using hashes. """ raise ValueError("Value of type {} cannot be hashed".format( type(object_to_hash)) )
@make_hash.register(abc.Sequence) def _(sequence, **kwargs): hashes = tuple([ make_hash(x, **kwargs) for x in sequence ]) return make_hash_with_type('L', ",".join(hashes)) @make_hash.register(abc.Set) def _(object_to_hash, **kwargs): hashes = tuple([ make_hash(x, **kwargs) for x in sorted(object_to_hash) ]) return make_hash_with_type('S', ",".join(hashes)) @make_hash.register(abc.Mapping) def _(mapping, **kwargs): hashed_dictionary = { k: make_hash(v, **kwargs) for k,v in mapping.items() } return make_hash_with_type( 'D', make_hash(sorted(hashed_dictionary.items()), **kwargs) ) @make_hash.register(numbers.Real) def _(object_to_hash, **kwargs): return make_hash_with_type( 'f', truncate_float64(object_to_hash).tobytes() ) @make_hash.register(numbers.Complex) def _(object_to_hash, **kwargs): return make_hash_with_type( 'c', ','.join([ make_hash(object_to_hash.real, **kwargs), make_hash(object_to_hash.imag, **kwargs) ]) ) @make_hash.register(numbers.Integral) def _(object_to_hash, **kwargs): return make_hash_with_type('i', str(object_to_hash)) @make_hash.register(basestring) def _(object_to_hash, **kwargs): return make_hash_with_type('s', object_to_hash) @make_hash.register(bool) def _(object_to_hash, **kwargs): return make_hash_with_type('b', str(object_to_hash)) @make_hash.register(type(None)) def _(object_to_hash, **kwargs): return make_hash_with_type('n', str(object_to_hash)) @make_hash.register(datetime) def _(object_to_hash, **kwargs): return make_hash_with_type('d', str(object_to_hash)) @make_hash.register(uuid.UUID) def _(object_to_hash, **kwargs): return make_hash_with_type('u', str(object_to_hash)) @make_hash.register(Folder) def _(folder, **kwargs): # make sure file is closed after being read def _read_file(folder, name): with as f: return ignored_folder_content = kwargs.get('ignored_folder_content', []) return make_hash_with_type( 'pd', make_hash([ ( name, folder.get_subfolder(name) if folder.isdir(name) else make_hash_with_type('pf', _read_file(folder, name)) ) for name in sorted(folder.get_content_list()) if name not in ignored_folder_content ], **kwargs) )
[docs]@make_hash.register(np.ndarray) def _(object_to_hash, **kwargs): if object_to_hash.dtype == np.float64: return make_hash_with_type( 'af', make_hash(truncate_array64(object_to_hash).tobytes(), **kwargs) ) elif object_to_hash.dtype == np.complex128: return make_hash_with_type( 'ac', make_hash([ object_to_hash.real, object_to_hash.imag ], **kwargs) ) else: return make_hash_with_type( 'ao', make_hash(object_to_hash.tobytes(), **kwargs) )
[docs]def truncate_float64(x, num_bits=4): mask = ~(2**num_bits - 1) int_repr = np.float64(x).view(np.int64) masked_int = int_repr & mask truncated_x = masked_int.view(np.float64) return truncated_x
[docs]def truncate_array64(x, num_bits=4): mask = ~(2**num_bits - 1) int_array = np.array(x, dtype=np.float64).view(np.int64) masked_array = int_array & mask return masked_array.view(np.float64)