aiida.orm package

class aiida.orm.JobCalculation(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: aiida.orm.implementation.general.calculation.job.AbstractJobCalculation, aiida.orm.implementation.django.calculation.Calculation

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset([])
__module__ = 'aiida.orm.implementation.django.calculation.job'
_abc_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache_version = 39
_abc_registry = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
classmethod _list_calculations_old(states=None, past_days=None, group=None, group_pk=None, all_users=False, pks=[], relative_ctime=True)[source]

Return a string with a description of the AiiDA calculations.


does not support the query for the IMPORTED state (since it checks the state in the Attributes, not in the DbCalcState table). Decide which is the correct logic and implement the correct query.

  • states – a list of string with states. If set, print only the calculations in the states “states”, otherwise shows all. Default = None.
  • past_days – If specified, show only calculations that were created in the given number of past days.
  • group – If specified, show only calculations belonging to a user-defined group with the given name. Can use colons to separate the group name from the type, as specified in method.
  • group_pk – If specified, show only calculations belonging to a user-defined group with the given PK.
  • pks – if specified, must be a list of integers, and only calculations within that list are shown. Otherwise, all calculations are shown. If specified, sets state to None and ignores the value of the past_days option.”)
  • relative_ctime – if true, prints the creation time relative from now. (like 2days ago). Default = True
  • all_users – if True, list calculation belonging to all users. Default = False

a string with description of calculations.

_logger = <logging.Logger object>
_plugin_type_string = 'calculation.job.JobCalculation.'
_query_type_string = 'calculation.job.'

Set the state of the calculation.

Set it in the DbCalcState to have also the uniqueness check. Moreover (except for the IMPORTED state) also store in the ‘state’ attribute, useful to know it also after importing, and for faster querying.


Add further checks to enforce that the states are set in order?

Parameters:state – a string with the state. This must be a valid string, from aiida.common.datastructures.calc_states.
Raise:ModificationNotAllowed if the given state was already set.

Get the state of the calculation.


this method returns the NOTFOUND state if no state is found in the DB.


the ‘most recent’ state is obtained using the logic in the aiida.common.datastructures.sort_states function.


Understand if the state returned when no state entry is found in the DB is the best choice.

Parameters:from_attribute – if set to True, read it from the attributes (the attribute is also set with set_state, unless the state is set to IMPORTED; in this way we can also see the state before storing).
Returns:a string. If from_attribute is True and no attribute is found, return None. If from_attribute is False and no entry is found in the DB, return the “NOTFOUND” state.
class aiida.orm.WorkCalculation(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: aiida.orm.implementation.django.calculation.Calculation

Used to represent a calculation generated by a Process from the new workflows system.

ABORTED_KEY = '_aborted'
DO_ABORT_KEY = '_do_abort'
__abstractmethods__ = frozenset([])
__module__ = ''
_abc_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache_version = 39
_abc_registry = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_logger = <logging.Logger object>
_plugin_type_string = ''
_query_type_string = ''
_updatable_attributes = ('_sealed', 'state', '_finished', '_failed', '_aborted', '_do_abort')

Returns True if the work calculation was killed and is

Returns:True if the calculation was killed, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Returns True if the work calculation failed because of an exception, False otherwise

Returns:True if the calculation has failed, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Determine if the calculation is finished for whatever reason. This may be because it finished successfully or because of a failure.

Returns:True if the job has finished running, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Returns True if the work calculation finished normally, False otherwise (could be that it’s still running)

Returns:True if finished successfully, False otherwise.
Return type:bool

Kill a WorkCalculation and all its children.

class aiida.orm.Code(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: aiida.orm.implementation.general.code.AbstractCode

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset([])
__module__ = 'aiida.orm.implementation.django.code'
_abc_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache_version = 39
_abc_registry = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_logger = <logging.Logger object>
_plugin_type_string = 'code.Code.'
_query_type_string = 'code.'

Set the code as a ‘local’ code, meaning that all the files belonging to the code will be copied to the cluster, and the file set with set_exec_filename will be run.

It also deletes the flags related to the local case (if any)


Return True if this code can run on the given computer, False otherwise.

Local codes can run on any machine; remote codes can run only on the machine on which they reside.

TODO: add filters to mask the remote machines on which a local code can run.

classmethod get(pk=None, label=None, machinename=None)[source]

Get a Computer object with given identifier string, that can either be the numeric ID (pk), or the label (and computername) (if unique).

  • pk – the numeric ID (pk) for code
  • label – the code label identifying the code to load
  • machinename – the machine name where code is setup
classmethod get_from_string(code_string)[source]

Get a Computer object with given identifier string in the format label@machinename. See the note below for details on the string detection algorithm.


the (leftmost) ‘@’ symbol is always used to split code and computername. Therefore do not use ‘@’ in the code name if you want to use this function (‘@’ in the computer name are instead valid).


code_string – the code string identifying the code to load

classmethod list_for_plugin(plugin, labels=True)[source]

Return a list of valid code strings for a given plugin.

  • plugin – The string of the plugin.
  • labels – if True, return a list of code names, otherwise return the code PKs (integers).

a list of string, with the code names if labels is True, otherwise a list of integers with the code PKs.


Set the code as remote, and pass the computer on which it resides and the absolute path on that computer.

remote_computer_exec: a tuple (computer, remote_exec_path), where
computer is a aiida.orm.Computer or an aiida.backends.djsite.db.models.DbComputer object, and remote_exec_path is the absolute path of the main executable on remote computer.
class aiida.orm.Computer(**kwargs)[source]



x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

__module__ = ''

Set the metadata.


Return a copy of the current object to work with, not stored yet.

classmethod get(computer)[source]

Return a computer from its name (or from another Computer or DbComputer instance)


Return the aiida.backends.djsite.db.models.DbAuthInfo instance for the given user on this computer, if the computer is not configured for the given user.

Parameters:user – a DbUser instance.
Returns:a aiida.backends.djsite.db.models.DbAuthInfo instance
Raises:NotExistent – if the computer is not configured for the given user.

Return True if the computer is configured for the given user, False otherwise.

Parameters:user – a DbUser instance.
Returns:a boolean.

Return True if the computer is enabled for the given user (looking only at the per-user setting: the computer could still be globally disabled).

Note:Return False also if the user is not configured for the computer.
Parameters:user – a DbUser instance.
Returns:a boolean.
classmethod list_names()[source]

Return a list with all the names of the computers in the DB.


Store the computer in the DB.

Differently from Nodes, a computer can be re-stored if its properties are to be changed (e.g. a new mpirun command, etc.)

aiida.orm.CalculationFactory(module, from_abstract=False)[source]

Return a suitable JobCalculation subclass.

  • module – a valid string recognized as a Calculation plugin
  • from_abstract – A boolean. If False (default), actually look only to subclasses of JobCalculation, not to the base Calculation class. If True, check for valid strings for plugins of the Calculation base class.

Return a suitable Data subclass.


Return a suitable Workflow subclass.

class aiida.orm.QueryBuilder(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

The class to query the AiiDA database.


from aiida.orm.querybuilder import QueryBuilder
qb = QueryBuilder()
# Querying nodes:
# retrieving the results:
results = qb.all()
_VALID_PROJECTION_KEYS = ('func', 'cast')
__dict__ = dict_proxy({'_add_to_projections': <function _add_to_projections>, '_get_json_compatible': <function _get_json_compatible>, '__module__': 'aiida.orm.querybuilder', '_join_outputs': <function _join_outputs>, '_join_ancestors_recursive': <function _join_ancestors_recursive>, '__str__': <function __str__>, 'get_query': <function get_query>, 'all': <function all>, '_EDGE_TAG_DELIM': '--', 'one': <function one>, '_join_group_members': <function _join_group_members>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'QueryBuilder' objects>, 'get_aliases': <function get_aliases>, '_build_filters': <function _build_filters>, 'add_filter': <function add_filter>, '_get_function_map': <function _get_function_map>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'QueryBuilder' objects>, 'children': <function children>, 'append': <function append>, 'get_used_tags': <function get_used_tags>, 'order_by': <function order_by>, '_get_ormclass': <function _get_ormclass>, 'distinct': <function distinct>, 'set_debug': <function set_debug>, '_join_to_computer_used': <function _join_to_computer_used>, '_build_projections': <function _build_projections>, 'dict': <function dict>, '__init__': <function __init__>, 'outputs': <function outputs>, 'iterall': <function iterall>, 'parents': <function parents>, '__doc__': '\n The class to query the AiiDA database. \n \n Usage::\n\n from aiida.orm.querybuilder import QueryBuilder\n qb = QueryBuilder()\n # Querying nodes:\n qb.append(Node)\n # retrieving the results:\n results = qb.all()\n\n ', 'iterdict': <function iterdict>, '_build_order': <function _build_order>, 'inputs': <function inputs>, '_VALID_PROJECTION_KEYS': ('func', 'cast'), '_join_group_user': <function _join_group_user>, '_join_masters': <function _join_masters>, '_join_inputs': <function _join_inputs>, '_join_slaves': <function _join_slaves>, 'get_results_dict': <function get_results_dict>, 'add_projection': <function add_projection>, '_join_user_group': <function _join_user_group>, '_join_descendants_recursive': <function _join_descendants_recursive>, 'inject_query': <function inject_query>, 'offset': <function offset>, '_get_projectable_entity': <function _get_projectable_entity>, '_join_creator_of': <function _join_creator_of>, 'except_if_input_to': <function except_if_input_to>, '_build': <function _build>, 'count': <function count>, '_join_computer': <function _join_computer>, 'get_json_compatible_queryhelp': <function get_json_compatible_queryhelp>, '_join_created_by': <function _join_created_by>, '_get_unique_tag': <function _get_unique_tag>, '_get_tag_from_specification': <function _get_tag_from_specification>, 'get_alias': <function get_alias>, '_get_connecting_node': <function _get_connecting_node>, '_join_groups': <function _join_groups>, 'limit': <function limit>, '_check_dbentities': <staticmethod object>, '_add_type_filter': <function _add_type_filter>, 'first': <function first>})
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Instantiates a QueryBuilder instance.

Which backend is used decided here based on backend-settings (taken from the user profile). This cannot be overriden so far by the user.

  • debug (bool) – Turn on debug mode. This feature prints information on the screen about the stages of the QueryBuilder. Does not affect results.
  • path (list) – A list of the vertices to traverse. Leave empty if you plan on using the method QueryBuilder.append().
  • filters – The filters to apply. You can specify the filters here, when appending to the query using QueryBuilder.append() or even later using QueryBuilder.add_filter(). Check latter gives API-details.
  • project – The projections to apply. You can specify the projections here, when appending to the query using QueryBuilder.append() or even later using QueryBuilder.add_projection(). Latter gives you API-details.
  • limit (int) – Limit the number of rows to this number. Check QueryBuilder.limit() for more information.
  • offset (int) – Set an offset for the results returned. Details in QueryBuilder.offset().
  • order_by – How to order the results. As the 2 above, can be set also at later stage, check QueryBuilder.order_by() for more information.
__module__ = 'aiida.orm.querybuilder'

When somebody hits: print(QueryBuilder) or print(str(QueryBuilder)) I want to print the SQL-query. Because it looks cool…


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_add_to_projections(alias, projectable_entity_name, cast=None, func=None)[source]
  • alias – A instance of sqlalchemy.orm.util.AliasedClass, alias for an ormclass
  • projectable_entity_name – User specification of what to project. Appends to query’s entities what the user wants to project (have returned by the query)
_add_type_filter(tagspec, query_type_string, plugin_type_string, subclassing)[source]

Add a filter on the type based on the query_type_string


build the query and return a sqlalchemy.Query instance

_build_filters(alias, filter_spec)[source]

Recurse through the filter specification and apply filter operations.

  • alias – The alias of the ORM class the filter will be applied on
  • filter_spec – the specification as given by the queryhelp

an instance of sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression.

_build_order(alias, entitytag, entityspec)[source]
_build_projections(tag, items_to_project=None)[source]
static _check_dbentities(entities_cls_joined, entities_cls_to_join, relationship)[source]
  • entities_cls_joined (list) – A list (tuple) of the aliased class passed as joined_entity and the ormclass that was expected
  • entities_cls_joined – A list (tuple) of the aliased class passed as entity_to_join and the ormclass that was expected
  • relationship (str) – The relationship between the two entities to make the Exception comprehensible
_get_connecting_node(index, joining_keyword=None, joining_value=None, **kwargs)[source]
  • querydict – A dictionary specifying how the current node is linked to other nodes.
  • index – Index of this node within the path specification

Valid (currently implemented) keys are:

  • input_of
  • output_of
  • descendant_of
  • ancestor_of
  • direction
  • group_of
  • member_of
  • has_computer
  • computer_of
  • created_by
  • creator_of
  • owner_of
  • belongs_to


  • master_of
  • slave_of
Parameters:inp – The input value that will be converted. Recurses into each value if inp is an iterable.
_get_ormclass(cls, ormclasstype)[source]

For testing purposes, I want to check whether the implementation gives the currect ormclass back. Just relaying to the implementation, details for this function in the interface.

_get_projectable_entity(alias, column_name, attrpath, **entityspec)[source]
Parameters:specification – If that is a string, I assume the user has deliberately specified it with tag=specification. In that case, I simply check that it’s not a duplicate. If it is a class, I check if it’s in the _cls_to_tag_map!

Using the function get_tag_from_type, I get a tag. I increment an index that is appended to that tag until I have an unused tag. This function is called in QueryBuilder.append() when autotag is set to True.

Parameters:ormclasstype (str) – The string that defines the type of the AiiDA ORM class. For subclasses of Node, this is the Node._plugin_type_string, for other they are as defined as returned by QueryBuilder._get_ormclass().
Returns:A tag, as a string.
_join_ancestors_recursive(joined_entity, entity_to_join, isouterjoin, filter_dict, expand_path=False)[source]

joining ancestors using the recursive functionality :TODO: Move the filters to be done inside the recursive query (for example on depth) :TODO: Pass an option to also show the path, if this is wanted.

_join_computer(joined_entity, entity_to_join, isouterjoin)[source]
  • joined_entity – An entity that can use a computer (eg a node)
  • entity_to_join – aliased dbcomputer entity
_join_created_by(joined_entity, entity_to_join, isouterjoin)[source]
  • joined_entity – the aliased user you want to join to
  • entity_to_join – the (aliased) node or group in the DB to join with
_join_creator_of(joined_entity, entity_to_join, isouterjoin)[source]
  • joined_entity – the aliased node
  • entity_to_join – the aliased user to join to that node
_join_descendants_recursive(joined_entity, entity_to_join, isouterjoin, filter_dict, expand_path=False)[source]

joining descendants using the recursive functionality :TODO: Move the filters to be done inside the recursive query (for example on depth) :TODO: Pass an option to also show the path, if this is wanted.

_join_group_members(joined_entity, entity_to_join, isouterjoin)[source]
  • joined_entity – The (aliased) ORMclass that is a group in the database
  • entity_to_join – The (aliased) ORMClass that is a node and member of the group

joined_entity and entity_to_join are joined via the table_groups_nodes table. from joined_entity as group to enitity_to_join as node. (enitity_to_join is an member_of joined_entity)

_join_group_user(joined_entity, entity_to_join, isouterjoin)[source]
  • joined_entity – An aliased dbgroup
  • entity_to_join – aliased dbuser
_join_groups(joined_entity, entity_to_join, isouterjoin)[source]
  • joined_entity – The (aliased) node in the database
  • entity_to_join – The (aliased) Group

joined_entity and entity_to_join are joined via the table_groups_nodes table. from joined_entity as node to enitity_to_join as group. (enitity_to_join is an group_of joined_entity)

_join_inputs(joined_entity, entity_to_join, isouterjoin)[source]
  • joined_entity – The (aliased) ORMclass that is an output
  • entity_to_join – The (aliased) ORMClass that is an input.

joined_entity and entity_to_join are joined with a link from joined_entity as output to enitity_to_join as input (enitity_to_join is an input_of joined_entity)

_join_masters(joined_entity, entity_to_join)[source]
_join_outputs(joined_entity, entity_to_join, isouterjoin)[source]
  • joined_entity – The (aliased) ORMclass that is an input
  • entity_to_join – The (aliased) ORMClass that is an output.

joined_entity and entity_to_join are joined with a link from joined_entity as input to enitity_to_join as output (enitity_to_join is an output_of joined_entity)

_join_slaves(joined_entity, entity_to_join)[source]
_join_to_computer_used(joined_entity, entity_to_join, isouterjoin)[source]
  • joined_entity – the (aliased) computer entity
  • entity_to_join – the (aliased) node entity
_join_user_group(joined_entity, entity_to_join, isouterjoin)[source]
  • joined_entity – An aliased user
  • entity_to_join – aliased group
add_filter(tagspec, filter_spec)[source]

Adding a filter to my filters.

  • tagspec – The tag, which has to exist already as a key in self._filters
  • filter_spec – The specifications for the filter, has to be a dictionary


qb = QueryBuilder()         # Instantiating the QueryBuilder instance
qb.append(Node, tag='node') # Appending a Node
#let's put some filters:
# 2 filters together:
qb.add_filter('node',{'label':'foo', 'uuid':{'like':'ab%'}})
# Now I am overriding the first filter I set:
add_projection(tag_spec, projection_spec)[source]

Adds a projection

  • tag_spec – A valid specification for a tag
  • projection_spec – The specification for the projection. A projection is a list of dictionaries, with each dictionary containing key-value pairs where the key is database entity (e.g. a column / an attribute) and the value is (optional) additional information on how to process this database entity.

If the given projection_spec is not a list, it will be expanded to a list. If the listitems are not dictionaries, but strings (No additional processing of the projected results desired), they will be expanded to dictionaries.


qb = QueryBuilder()
qb.append(StructureData, tag='struc')

# Will project the uuid and the kinds
qb.add_projection('struc', ['uuid', 'attributes.kinds'])

The above example will project the uuid and the kinds-attribute of all matching structures. There are 2 (so far) special keys.

The single star * will project the ORM-instance:

qb = QueryBuilder()
qb.append(StructureData, tag='struc')
# Will project the ORM instance
qb.add_projection('struc', '*')
print type(qb.first()[0])
# >>>

The double start ** projects all possible projections of this entity:

QueryBuilder().append(StructureData,tag=’s’, project=’**’).limit(1).dict()[0][‘s’].keys()

# >>> u’user_id, description, ctime, label, extras, mtime, id, attributes, dbcomputer_id, nodeversion, type, public, uuid’

Be aware that the result of ** depends on the backend implementation.


Executes the full query with the order of the rows as returned by the backend. the order inside each row is given by the order of the vertices in the path and the order of the projections for each vertice in the path.

Parameters:batch_size (int) – The size of the batches to ask the backend to batch results in subcollections. You can optimize the speed of the query by tuning this parameter. Leave the default (None) if speed is not critical or if you don’t know what you’re doing!
Returns:a list of lists of all projected entities.
append(cls=None, type=None, tag=None, filters=None, project=None, subclassing=True, edge_tag=None, edge_filters=None, edge_project=None, outerjoin=False, **kwargs)[source]

Any iterative procedure to build the path for a graph query needs to invoke this method to append to the path.

  • cls – The Aiida-class (or backend-class) defining the appended vertice
  • type (str) – The type of the class, if cls is not given
  • autotag (bool) – Whether to find automatically a unique tag. If this is set to True (default False),
  • tag (str) – A unique tag. If none is given, I will create a unique tag myself.
  • filters – Filters to apply for this vertice. See add_filter(), the method invoked in the background, or usage examples for details.
  • project – Projections to apply. See usage examples for details. More information also in add_projection().
  • subclassing (bool) – Whether to include subclasses of the given class (default True). E.g. Specifying a Calculation as cls will include JobCalculations, InlineCalculations, etc..
  • outerjoin (bool) – If True, (default is False), will do a left outerjoin instead of an inner join
  • edge_tag (str) – The tag that the edge will get. If nothing is specified (and there is a meaningful edge) the default is tag1–tag2 with tag1 being the entity joining from and tag2 being the entity joining to (this entity).
  • edge_filters (str) – The filters to apply on the edge. Also here, details in add_filter().
  • edge_project (str) – The project from the edges. API-details in add_projection().

A small usage example how this can be invoked:

qb = QueryBuilder()             # Instantiating empty querybuilder instance
qb.append(cls=StructureData)    # First item is StructureData node
# The
# next node in the path is a PwCalculation, with
# the structure joined as an input

Join to children/descendants of previous vertice in path.


Counts the number of rows returned by the backend.

Returns:the number of rows as an integer

Executes the full query with the order of the rows as returned by the backend. the order inside each row is given by the order of the vertices in the path and the order of the projections for each vertice in the path.

Parameters:batch_size (int) – The size of the batches to ask the backend to batch results in subcollections. You can optimize the speed of the query by tuning this parameter. Leave the default (None) if speed is not critical or if you don’t know what you’re doing!
Returns:a list of dictionaries of all projected entities. Each dictionary consists of key value pairs, where the key is the tag of the vertice and the value a dictionary of key-value pairs where key is the entity description (a column name or attribute path) and the value the value in the DB.


qb = QueryBuilder()
    project=['type', 'id'],  # returns type (string) and id (string)

# Return the dictionaries:
print "qb.iterdict()"
for d in qb.iterdict():
    print '>>>', d

results in the following output:

>>> {'descendant': {
        'type': u'',
        'id': 7716}
>>> {'descendant': {
        'type': u'data.remote.RemoteData.',
        'id': 8510}

Asks for distinct rows, which is the same as asking the backend to remove duplicates. Does not execute the query!

If you want a distinct query:

qb = QueryBuilder()
# append stuff!
qb.distinct().all() #or

Makes counterquery based on the own path, only selecting entries that have been input to calc_class

Parameters:calc_class – The calculation class to check against

Executes query asking for one instance. Use as follows:

qb = QueryBuilder(**queryhelp)
Returns:One row of results as a list

In order to continue a query by the user, this utility function returns the aliased ormclasses.

Parameters:tag – The tag for a vertice in the path
Returns:the alias given for that vertice
Returns:the list of aliases

Makes the queryhelp a json - compatible dictionary. In this way,the queryhelp can be stored in the database or a json-object, retrieved or shared and used later. See this usage:

qb = QueryBuilder(limit=3).append(StructureData, project='id').order_by({StructureData:'id'})
queryhelp  = qb.get_json_compatible_queryhelp()

# Now I could save this dictionary somewhere and use it later:


# This is True if no change has been made to the database.
# Note that such a comparison can only be True if the order of results is enforced
Returns:the json-compatible queryhelp

Instantiates and manipulates a sqlalchemy.orm.Query instance if this is needed. First, I check if the query instance is still valid by hashing the queryhelp. In this way, if a user asks for the same query twice, I am not recreating an instance.

Returns:an instance of sqlalchemy.orm.Query that is specific to the backend used.

Deprecated, use dict() instead

get_used_tags(vertices=True, edges=True)[source]

Returns a list of all the vertices that are being used. Some parameter allow to select only subsets. :param bool vertices: Defaults to True. If True, adds the tags of vertices to the returned list :param bool edges: Defaults to True. If True, adds the tags of edges to the returnend list.

Returns:A list of all tags, including (if there is) also the tag give for the edges

Manipulate the query an inject it back. This can be done to add custom filters using SQLA. :param query: A sqlalchemy.orm.Query instance


Join to inputs of previous vertice in path.


Same as all(), but returns a generator. Be aware that this is only safe if no commit will take place during this transaction. You might also want to read the SQLAlchemy documentation on

Parameters:batch_size (int) – The size of the batches to ask the backend to batch results in subcollections. You can optimize the speed of the query by tuning this parameter.
Returns:a generator of lists

Same as dict(), but returns a generator. Be aware that this is only safe if no commit will take place during this transaction. You might also want to read the SQLAlchemy documentation on

Parameters:batch_size (int) – The size of the batches to ask the backend to batch results in subcollections. You can optimize the speed of the query by tuning this parameter.
Returns:a generator of dictionaries

Set the limit (nr of rows to return)

Parameters:limit (int) – integers of number of rows of rows to return

Set the offset. If offset is set, that many rows are skipped before returning. offset = 0 is the same as omitting setting the offset. If both offset and limit appear, then offset rows are skipped before starting to count the limit rows that are returned.

Parameters:offset (int) – integers of nr of rows to skip

Executes the query asking for exactly one results. Will raise an exception if this is not the case :raises: MultipleObjectsError if more then one row can be returned :raises: NotExistent if no result was found


Set the entity to order by

Parameters:order_by – This is a list of items, where each item is a dictionary specifies what to sort for an entity

In each dictionary in that list, keys represent valid tags of entities (tables), and values are list of columns.


#Sorting by id (ascending):
qb = QueryBuilder()
qb.append(Node, tag='node')

# or
#Sorting by id (ascending):
qb = QueryBuilder()
qb.append(Node, tag='node')

# for descending order:
qb = QueryBuilder()
qb.append(Node, tag='node')

# or (shorter)
qb = QueryBuilder()
qb.append(Node, tag='node')

Join to outputs of previous vertice in path.


Join to parents/ancestors of previous vertice in path.


Run in debug mode. This does not affect functionality, but prints intermediate stages when creating a query on screen.

Parameters:debug (bool) – Turn debug on or off
class aiida.orm.Workflow(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: aiida.orm.implementation.general.workflow.AbstractWorkflow


Initializes the Workflow super class, store the instance in the DB and in case stores the starting parameters.

If initialized with an uuid the Workflow is loaded from the DB, if not a new workflow is generated and added to the DB following the stack frameworks. This means that only modules inside aiida.workflows are allowed to implements the workflow super calls and be stored. The caller names, modules and files are retrieved from the stack.

  • uuid – a string with the uuid of the object to be loaded.
  • params – a dictionary of storable objects to initialize the specific workflow

NotExistent: if there is no entry of the desired workflow kind with the given uuid.

__module__ = 'aiida.orm.implementation.django.workflow'

This function increments the version number in the DB. This should be called every time you need to increment the version (e.g. on adding a extra or attribute).


Safety method to store the description of the workflow

Returns:a string

Safety method to store the label of the workflow

Returns:a string
add_attribute(_name, _value)[source]

Add one attributes to the Workflow. If another attribute is present with the same name it will be overwritten. :param name: a string with the attribute name to store :param value: a storable object to store


Add a set of attributes to the Workflow. If another attribute is present with the same name it will be overwritten. :param name: a string with the attribute name to store :param value: a storable object to store

add_result(_name, _value)[source]

Add one result to the Workflow. If another result is present with the same name it will be overwritten. :param name: a string with the result name to store :param value: a storable object to store


Add a set of results to the Workflow. If another result is present with the same name it will be overwritten. :param name: a string with the result name to store :param value: a storable object to store


Adds text to the Workflow report.

Note:Once, in case the workflow is a subworkflow of any other Workflow this method calls the parent append_to_report method; now instead this is not the case anymore

Wipe the Workflow report. In case the workflow is a subworflow of any other Workflow this method calls the parent clear_report method.


Get the DbWorkflow object stored in the super class.

Returns:DbWorkflow object from the database

Get the description of the workflow.

Returns:a string

Get one Workflow attribute :param name: a string with the attribute name to retrieve :return: a dictionary of storable objects


Get the Workflow attributes :return: a dictionary of storable objects


Get one Workflow paramenter :param name: a string with the parameters name to retrieve :return: a dictionary of storable objects


Get the Workflow paramenters :return: a dictionary of storable objects


Return the Workflow report.

Note:once, in case the workflow is a subworkflow of any other Workflow this method calls the parent get_report method. This is not the case anymore.
Returns:a list of strings

Get one Workflow result :param name: a string with the result name to retrieve :return: a dictionary of storable objects


Get the Workflow results :return: a dictionary of storable objects


Get the Workflow’s state :return: a state from wf_states in aiida.common.datastructures


Retrieves by name a step from the Workflow. :param step_method: a string with the name of the step to retrieve or a method :raise: ObjectDoesNotExist: if there is no step with the specific name. :return: a DbWorkflowStep object.


Retrieves all the steps from a specific workflow Workflow with the possibility to limit the list to a specific step’s state. :param state: a state from wf_states in aiida.common.datastructures :return: a list of DbWorkflowStep objects.

classmethod get_subclass_from_dbnode(wf_db)[source]

Loads the workflow object and reaoads the python script in memory with the importlib library, the main class is searched and then loaded. :param wf_db: a specific DbWorkflowNode object representing the Workflow :return: a Workflow subclass from the specific source code

classmethod get_subclass_from_pk(pk)[source]

Calls the get_subclass_from_dbnode selecting the DbWorkflowNode from the input pk. :param pk: a primary key index for the DbWorkflowNode :return: a Workflow subclass from the specific source code

classmethod get_subclass_from_uuid(uuid)[source]

Calls the get_subclass_from_dbnode selecting the DbWorkflowNode from the input uuid. :param uuid: a uuid for the DbWorkflowNode :return: a Workflow subclass from the specific source code


Returns True is the Workflow’s state is ERROR


Returns True is the Workflow’s state is FINISHED


Returns an array with all the informations about the modules, file, class to locate the workflow source code


Returns True is the Workflow’s state is CREATED


Returns True is the Workflow’s state is RUNNING


Return True is this is a subworkflow (i.e., if it has a parent), False otherwise.


Get the label of the workflow.

Returns:a string

Get the logger of the Workflow object, so that it also logs to the DB.

Returns:LoggerAdapter object, that works like a logger, but also has the ‘extra’ embedded

Returns the DbWorkflow pk

classmethod query(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Map to the aiidaobjects manager of the DbWorkflow, that returns Workflow objects instead of DbWorkflow entities.

set_params(params, force=False)[source]

Adds parameters to the Workflow that are both stored and used every time the workflow engine re-initialize the specific workflow to launch the new methods.


Set the Workflow’s state :param name: a state from wf_states in aiida.common.datastructures


Stores the DbWorkflow object data in the database


Returns the DbWorkflow uuid

class aiida.orm.User(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: aiida.orm.implementation.general.user.AbstractUser

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset([])

x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

__module__ = 'aiida.orm.implementation.django.user'
_abc_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache_version = 39
_abc_registry = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
classmethod search_for_users(**kwargs)[source]

Search for a user the passed keys.

Parameters:kwargs – The keys to search for the user with.
Returns:A list of users matching the search criteria.
class aiida.orm.Group(**kwargs)[source]


__abstractmethods__ = frozenset([])

Create a new group. Either pass a dbgroup parameter, to reload ad group from the DB (and then, no further parameters are allowed), or pass the parameters for the Group creation.

  • dbgroup – the dbgroup object, if you want to reload the group from the DB rather than creating a new one.
  • name – The group name, required on creation
  • description – The group description (by default, an empty string)
  • user – The owner of the group (by default, the automatic user)
  • type_string – a string identifying the type of group (by default, an empty string, indicating an user-defined group.

Convert the class to an integer. This is needed to allow querying with Django. Be careful, though, not to pass it to a wrong field! This only returns the local DB principal key (pk) value.

Returns:the integer pk of the node or None if not stored.
__module__ = ''
_abc_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache_version = 39
_abc_registry = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>

Add a node or a set of nodes to the group.

Note:The group must be already stored.
Note:each of the nodes passed to add_nodes must be already stored.
Parameters:nodes – a Node or DbNode object to add to the group, or a list of Nodes or DbNodes to add.

Delete the group from the DB

classmethod query(name=None, type_string='', pk=None, uuid=None, nodes=None, user=None, node_attributes=None, past_days=None, name_filters=None, **kwargs)[source]

Query for groups.


By default, query for user-defined groups only (type_string==”“). If you want to query for all type of groups, pass type_string=None. If you want to query for a specific type of groups, pass a specific string as the type_string argument.

  • name – the name of the group
  • nodes – a node or list of nodes that belongs to the group (alternatively, you can also pass a DbNode or list of DbNodes)
  • pk – the pk of the group
  • uuid – the uuid of the group
  • type_string – the string for the type of node; by default, look only for user-defined groups (see note above).
  • user – by default, query for groups of all users; if specified, must be a DbUser object, or a string for the user email.
  • past_days – by default, query for all groups; if specified, query the groups created in the last past_days. Must be a datetime object.
  • node_attributes – if not None, must be a dictionary with format {k: v}. It will filter and return only groups where there is at least a node with an attribute with key=k and value=v. Different keys of the dictionary are joined with AND (that is, the group should satisfy all requirements. v can be a base data type (str, bool, int, float, …) If it is a list or iterable, that the condition is checked so that there should be at least a node in the group with key=k and value=each of the values of the iterable.
  • kwargs

    any other filter to be passed to DbGroup.objects.filter

    Example: if node_attributes = {'elements': ['Ba', 'Ti'], 'md5sum': 'xxx'},
    it will find groups that contain the node with md5sum = ‘xxx’, and moreover contain at least one node for element ‘Ba’ and one node for element ‘Ti’.

Remove a node or a set of nodes to the group.

Note:The group must be already stored.
Note:each of the nodes passed to add_nodes must be already stored.
Parameters:nodes – a Node or DbNode object to add to the group, or a list of Nodes or DbNodes to add.
aiida.orm.delete_computer(computer=None, pk=None)[source]
class aiida.orm.Calculation(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: aiida.orm.implementation.general.calculation.AbstractCalculation, aiida.orm.implementation.django.node.Node

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset([])
__module__ = 'aiida.orm.implementation.django.calculation'
_abc_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache_version = 39
_abc_registry = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_logger = <logging.Logger object>
_plugin_type_string = 'calculation.Calculation.'
_query_type_string = 'calculation.'
class aiida.orm.JobCalculation(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: aiida.orm.implementation.general.calculation.job.AbstractJobCalculation, aiida.orm.implementation.django.calculation.Calculation

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset([])
__module__ = 'aiida.orm.implementation.django.calculation.job'
_abc_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache_version = 39
_abc_registry = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
classmethod _list_calculations_old(states=None, past_days=None, group=None, group_pk=None, all_users=False, pks=[], relative_ctime=True)[source]

Return a string with a description of the AiiDA calculations.


does not support the query for the IMPORTED state (since it checks the state in the Attributes, not in the DbCalcState table). Decide which is the correct logic and implement the correct query.

  • states – a list of string with states. If set, print only the calculations in the states “states”, otherwise shows all. Default = None.
  • past_days – If specified, show only calculations that were created in the given number of past days.
  • group – If specified, show only calculations belonging to a user-defined group with the given name. Can use colons to separate the group name from the type, as specified in method.
  • group_pk – If specified, show only calculations belonging to a user-defined group with the given PK.
  • pks – if specified, must be a list of integers, and only calculations within that list are shown. Otherwise, all calculations are shown. If specified, sets state to None and ignores the value of the past_days option.”)
  • relative_ctime – if true, prints the creation time relative from now. (like 2days ago). Default = True
  • all_users – if True, list calculation belonging to all users. Default = False

a string with description of calculations.

_logger = <logging.Logger object>
_plugin_type_string = 'calculation.job.JobCalculation.'
_query_type_string = 'calculation.job.'

Set the state of the calculation.

Set it in the DbCalcState to have also the uniqueness check. Moreover (except for the IMPORTED state) also store in the ‘state’ attribute, useful to know it also after importing, and for faster querying.


Add further checks to enforce that the states are set in order?

Parameters:state – a string with the state. This must be a valid string, from aiida.common.datastructures.calc_states.
Raise:ModificationNotAllowed if the given state was already set.

Get the state of the calculation.


this method returns the NOTFOUND state if no state is found in the DB.


the ‘most recent’ state is obtained using the logic in the aiida.common.datastructures.sort_states function.


Understand if the state returned when no state entry is found in the DB is the best choice.

Parameters:from_attribute – if set to True, read it from the attributes (the attribute is also set with set_state, unless the state is set to IMPORTED; in this way we can also see the state before storing).
Returns:a string. If from_attribute is True and no attribute is found, return None. If from_attribute is False and no entry is found in the DB, return the “NOTFOUND” state.
class aiida.orm.InlineCalculation(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: aiida.orm.implementation.django.calculation.Calculation

Subclass used for calculations that are automatically generated using the make_inline wrapper/decorator.

This is used to automatically create a calculation node for a simple calculation

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset([])
__module__ = 'aiida.orm.implementation.general.calculation.inline'
_abc_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache_version = 39
_abc_registry = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_cacheable = True
_logger = <logging.Logger object>
_plugin_type_string = 'calculation.inline.InlineCalculation.'
_query_type_string = 'calculation.inline.'

Returns a string with infos retrieved from a InlineCalculation node’s properties. :return: description string


Get the function name.

Returns:a string

Returns whether the Calculation has failed.


Returns whether the Calculation has finished successfully.

aiida.orm.CalculationFactory(module, from_abstract=False)[source]

Return a suitable JobCalculation subclass.

  • module – a valid string recognized as a Calculation plugin
  • from_abstract – A boolean. If False (default), actually look only to subclasses of JobCalculation, not to the base Calculation class. If True, check for valid strings for plugins of the Calculation base class.

Return a suitable Data subclass.


Return a suitable Workflow subclass.

aiida.orm.load_group(group_id=None, pk=None, uuid=None, query_with_dashes=True)[source]

Load a group by its pk or uuid

  • group_id – pk (integer) or uuid (string) of a group
  • pk – pk of a group
  • uuid – uuid of a group, or the beginning of the uuid
  • query_with_dashes (bool) – allow to query for a uuid with dashes (default=True)

the requested group if existing and unique

aiida.orm.load_node(node_id=None, pk=None, uuid=None, parent_class=None, query_with_dashes=True)[source]

Returns an AiiDA node given its PK or UUID.

  • node_id – PK (integer) or UUID (string) or a node
  • pk – PK of a node
  • uuid – UUID of a node, or the beginning of the uuid
  • parent_class – if specified, checks whether the node loaded is a subclass of parent_class
  • query_with_dashes (bool) – Specific if uuid is passed, allows to put the uuid in the correct form. Default=True
  • return_node (bool) – lets the function return the AiiDA node referred by the input. Default=False

the required AiiDA node if existing, unique, and (sub)instance of parent_class

aiida.orm.load_workflow(wf_id=None, pk=None, uuid=None)[source]

Return an AiiDA workflow given PK or UUID.

  • wf_id – PK (integer) or UUID (string) or UUID instance or a workflow
  • pk – PK of a workflow
  • uuid – UUID of a workflow

an AiiDA workflow


ValueError if none or more than one of parameters is supplied or type of wf_id is neither string nor integer


class aiida.orm.autogroup.Autogroup[source]

Bases: object

An object used for the autogrouping of objects. The autogrouping is checked by the method. In the store(), the Node will check if current_autogroup is != None. If so, it will call Autogroup.is_to_be_grouped, and decide whether to put it in a group. Such autogroups are going to be of the VERDIAUTOGROUP_TYPE.

The exclude/include lists, can have values ‘all’ if you want to include/exclude all classes. Otherwise, they are lists of strings like:, data.array.kpoints, … i.e.: a string identifying the base class, than the path to the class as in Calculation/Data -Factories

__dict__ = dict_proxy({'get_exclude_with_subclasses': <function get_exclude_with_subclasses>, 'set_exclude': <function set_exclude>, '__module__': 'aiida.orm.autogroup', 'get_group_name': <function get_group_name>, 'set_include_with_subclasses': <function set_include_with_subclasses>, '_validate': <function _validate>, 'get_include': <function get_include>, 'set_include': <function set_include>, 'set_group_name': <function set_group_name>, 'is_to_be_grouped': <function is_to_be_grouped>, 'get_exclude': <function get_exclude>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Autogroup' objects>, 'set_exclude_with_subclasses': <function set_exclude_with_subclasses>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Autogroup' objects>, '__doc__': "\n An object used for the autogrouping of objects.\n The autogrouping is checked by the method.\n In the store(), the Node will check if current_autogroup is != None.\n If so, it will call Autogroup.is_to_be_grouped, and decide whether to put it in a group.\n Such autogroups are going to be of the VERDIAUTOGROUP_TYPE.\n\n The exclude/include lists, can have values 'all' if you want to include/exclude all classes.\n Otherwise, they are lists of strings like:, data.array.kpoints, ...\n i.e.: a string identifying the base class, than the path to the class as in Calculation/Data -Factories\n ", 'get_include_with_subclasses': <function get_include_with_subclasses>})
__module__ = 'aiida.orm.autogroup'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_validate(param, is_exact=True)[source]

Used internally to verify the sanity of exclude, include lists


Return the list of classes to exclude from autogrouping


Return the list of classes to exclude from autogrouping. Will also exclude their derived subclasses


Get the name of the group. If no group name was set, it will set a default one by itself.


Return the list of classes to include in the autogrouping


Return the list of classes to include in the autogrouping. Will also include their derived subclasses


Return whether the given class has to be included in the autogroup according to include/exclude list

Return (bool):True if the_class is to be included in the autogroup

Return the list of classes to exclude from autogrouping.


Set the list of classes to exclude from autogrouping. Will also exclude their derived subclasses


Set the name of the group to be created


Set the list of classes to include in the autogrouping.


Set the list of classes to include in the autogrouping. Will also include their derived subclasses.

class aiida.orm.backend.Backend[source]

Bases: object

The public interface that defines a backend factory that creates backend specific concrete objects.

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset(['log'])
__dict__ = dict_proxy({'_abc_cache': <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>, '__module__': 'aiida.orm.backend', '__metaclass__': <class 'abc.ABCMeta'>, 'log': <abc.abstractproperty object>, '_abc_registry': <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>, '__abstractmethods__': frozenset(['log']), '_abc_negative_cache_version': 95, '_abc_negative_cache': <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Backend' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Backend' objects>, '__doc__': '\n The public interface that defines a backend factory that creates backend\n specific concrete objects.\n '})

alias of abc.ABCMeta

__module__ = 'aiida.orm.backend'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_abc_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache_version = 95
_abc_registry = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>

Get an object that implements the logging utilities interface.

Returns:An concrete log utils object
Return type:aiida.orm.log.Log

Construct a concrete backend instance based on the backend_type or use the global backend value if not specified.

Parameters:backend_type – Get a backend instance based on the specified type (or default)

Bases: aiida.orm.utils.BackendDelegateWithDefault

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset([])
__module__ = ''
_abc_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache_version = 39
_abc_registry = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
classmethod create_default()[source]
delete_computer(pk)[source], pk=None)[source]
class aiida.orm.importexport.HTMLGetLinksParser(filter_extension=None)[source]

Bases: HTMLParser.HTMLParser


If a filter_extension is passed, only links with extension matching the given one will be returned.

__module__ = 'aiida.orm.importexport'

Return the links that were found during the parsing phase.

handle_starttag(tag, attrs)[source]

Store the urls encountered, if they match the request.

class aiida.orm.importexport.MyWritingZipFile(zipfile, fname)[source]

Bases: object

__dict__ = dict_proxy({'write': <function write>, '__module__': 'aiida.orm.importexport', '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'MyWritingZipFile' objects>, '__exit__': <function __exit__>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'MyWritingZipFile' objects>, 'close': <function close>, '__enter__': <function __enter__>, 'open': <function open>, '__doc__': None, '__init__': <function __init__>})
__exit__(type, value, traceback)[source]
__init__(zipfile, fname)[source]

x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

__module__ = 'aiida.orm.importexport'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

class aiida.orm.importexport.ZipFolder(zipfolder_or_fname, mode=None, subfolder='.', use_compression=True, allowZip64=True)[source]

Bases: object

To improve: if zipfile is closed, do something (e.g. add explicit open method, rename open to openfile, set _zipfile to None, …)

__dict__ = dict_proxy({'__module__': 'aiida.orm.importexport', '__exit__': <function __exit__>, 'open': <function open>, '__enter__': <function __enter__>, '_get_internal_path': <function _get_internal_path>, 'pwd': <property object>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'ZipFolder' objects>, '__init__': <function __init__>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'ZipFolder' objects>, 'close': <function close>, 'insert_path': <function insert_path>, '__doc__': '\n To improve: if zipfile is closed, do something\n (e.g. add explicit open method, rename open to openfile,\n set _zipfile to None, ...)\n ', 'get_subfolder': <function get_subfolder>})
__exit__(type, value, traceback)[source]
__init__(zipfolder_or_fname, mode=None, subfolder='.', use_compression=True, allowZip64=True)[source]
  • zipfolder_or_fname – either another ZipFolder instance, of which you want to get a subfolder, or a filename to create.
  • mode – the file mode; see the zipfile.ZipFile docs for valid strings. Note: can be specified only if zipfolder_or_fname is a string (the filename to generate)
  • subfolder – the subfolder that specified the “current working directory” in the zip file. If zipfolder_or_fname is a ZipFolder, subfolder is a relative path from zipfolder_or_fname.subfolder
  • use_compression – either True, to compress files in the Zip, or False if you just want to pack them together without compressing. It is ignored if zipfolder_or_fname is a ZipFolder isntance.
__module__ = 'aiida.orm.importexport'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

get_subfolder(subfolder, create=False, reset_limit=False)[source]
insert_path(src, dest_name=None, overwrite=True)[source]
open(fname, mode='r')[source]
aiida.orm.importexport.check_licences(node_licenses, allowed_licenses, forbidden_licenses)[source]
aiida.orm.importexport.deserialize_attributes(attributes_data, conversion_data)[source]
aiida.orm.importexport.deserialize_field(k, v, fields_info, import_unique_ids_mappings, foreign_ids_reverse_mappings)[source]
aiida.orm.importexport.export(what, outfile='export_data.aiida.tar.gz', overwrite=False, silent=False, **kwargs)[source]

Export the entries passed in the ‘what’ list to a file tree. :todo: limit the export to finished or failed calculations. :param what: a list of entity instances; they can belong to different models/entities. :param input_forward: Follow forward INPUT links (recursively) when calculating the node set to export. :param create_reversed: Follow reversed CREATE links (recursively) when calculating the node set to export. :param return_reversed: Follow reversed RETURN links (recursively) when calculating the node set to export. :param call_reversed: Follow reversed CALL links (recursively) when calculating the node set to export. :param allowed_licenses: a list or a function. If a list, then checks whether all licenses of Data nodes are in the list. If a function, then calls function for licenses of Data nodes expecting True if license is allowed, False otherwise. :param forbidden_licenses: a list or a function. If a list, then checks whether all licenses of Data nodes are in the list. If a function, then calls function for licenses of Data nodes expecting True if license is allowed, False otherwise. :param outfile: the filename of the file on which to export :param overwrite: if True, overwrite the output file without asking. if False, raise an IOError in this case. :param silent: suppress debug print

Raises:IOError – if overwrite==False and the filename already exists.
aiida.orm.importexport.export_tree(what, folder, allowed_licenses=None, forbidden_licenses=None, silent=False, input_forward=False, create_reversed=True, return_reversed=False, call_reversed=False, **kwargs)[source]

Export the entries passed in the ‘what’ list to a file tree. :todo: limit the export to finished or failed calculations. :param what: a list of entity instances; they can belong to different models/entities. :param folder: a Folder object :param input_forward: Follow forward INPUT links (recursively) when calculating the node set to export. :param create_reversed: Follow reversed CREATE links (recursively) when calculating the node set to export. :param return_reversed: Follow reversed RETURN links (recursively) when calculating the node set to export. :param call_reversed: Follow reversed CALL links (recursively) when calculating the node set to export. :param allowed_licenses: a list or a function. If a list, then checks whether all licenses of Data nodes are in the list. If a function, then calls function for licenses of Data nodes expecting True if license is allowed, False otherwise. :param forbidden_licenses: a list or a function. If a list, then checks whether all licenses of Data nodes are in the list. If a function, then calls function for licenses of Data nodes expecting True if license is allowed, False otherwise. :param silent: suppress debug prints :raises LicensingException: if any node is licensed under forbidden license

aiida.orm.importexport.export_zip(what, outfile='testzip', overwrite=False, silent=False, use_compression=True, **kwargs)[source]
aiida.orm.importexport.fill_in_query(partial_query, originating_entity_str, current_entity_str, tag_suffixes=[], entity_separator='_')[source]

This function recursively constructs QueryBuilder queries that are needed for the SQLA export function. To manage to construct such queries, the relationship dictionary is consulted (which shows how to reference different AiiDA entities in QueryBuilder. To find the dependencies of the relationships of the exported data, the get_all_fields_info_sqla (which described the exported schema and its dependencies) is consulted.


This method returns a description of the field names that should be used to describe the entity properties. Apart from of the listing of the fields per properties, it also shown the dependencies among different entities (and on which fields). It is also shown/return the unique identifiers used per entity.


Get all the parents of given nodes :param node_pks: one node pk or an iterable of node pks :return: a list of aiida objects with all the parents of the nodes

Open the given URL, parse the HTML and return a list of valid links where the link file has a .aiida extension.

aiida.orm.importexport.import_data(in_path, ignore_unknown_nodes=False, silent=False)[source]
aiida.orm.importexport.import_data_dj(in_path, ignore_unknown_nodes=False, silent=False)[source]

Import exported AiiDA environment to the AiiDA database. If the ‘in_path’ is a folder, calls export_tree; otherwise, tries to detect the compression format (zip, tar.gz, tar.bz2, …) and calls the correct function.

Parameters:in_path – the path to a file or folder that can be imported in AiiDA
aiida.orm.importexport.import_data_sqla(in_path, ignore_unknown_nodes=False, silent=False)[source]

Import exported AiiDA environment to the AiiDA database. If the ‘in_path’ is a folder, calls export_tree; otherwise, tries to detect the compression format (zip, tar.gz, tar.bz2, …) and calls the correct function.

Parameters:in_path – the path to a file or folder that can be imported in AiiDA

Mapping from classes path to entity names (used by the SQLA import/export) This could have been written much simpler if it is only for SQLA but there is an attempt the SQLA import/export code to be used for Django too.

aiida.orm.importexport.serialize_dict(datadict, remove_fields=[], rename_fields={}, track_conversion=False)[source]

Serialize the dict using the serialize_field function to serialize each field.

  • remove_fields

    a list of strings. If a field with key inside the remove_fields list is found, it is removed from the dict.

    This is only used at level-0, no removal is possible at deeper levels.

  • rename_fields

    a dictionary in the format {"oldname": "newname"}.

    If the “oldname” key is found, it is replaced with the “newname” string in the output dictionary.

    This is only used at level-0, no renaming is possible at deeper levels.

  • track_conversion – if True, a tuple is returned, where the first element is the serialized dictionary, and the second element is a dictionary with the information on the serialized fields.
aiida.orm.importexport.serialize_field(data, track_conversion=False)[source]

Serialize a single field.

Todo:Generalize such that it the proper function is selected also during import

A simple check for the UUID validity.

class aiida.orm.log.Log[source]

Bases: object

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset(['create_entry', 'delete_many', 'find'])
__dict__ = dict_proxy({'__module__': 'aiida.orm.log', '__metaclass__': <class 'abc.ABCMeta'>, 'create_entry': <function create_entry>, 'create_entry_from_record': <function create_entry_from_record>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Log' objects>, 'delete_many': <function delete_many>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Log' objects>, 'find': <function find>, '_abc_cache': <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>, '__abstractmethods__': frozenset(['create_entry', 'delete_many', 'find']), '_abc_negative_cache_version': 95, '_abc_negative_cache': <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>, '_abc_registry': <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>, '__doc__': None})

alias of abc.ABCMeta

__module__ = 'aiida.orm.log'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_abc_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache_version = 95
_abc_registry = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
create_entry(time, loggername, levelname, objname, objpk=None, message='', metadata=None)[source]

Create a log entry.

  • time (datetime.datetime) – The time of creation for the entry
  • loggername (basestring) – The name of the logger that generated the entry
  • levelname (basestring) – The log level
  • objname (basestring) – The object name (if any) that emitted the entry
  • objpk (int) – The object id that emitted the entry
  • message (basestring) – The message to log
  • metadata (dict) – Any (optional) metadata, should be JSON serializable dictionary

An object implementing the log entry interface

Return type:



Helper function to create a log entry from a record created as by the python logging lobrary

Parameters:record (logging.record) – The record created by the logging module
Returns:An object implementing the log entry interface
Return type:aiida.orm.log.LogEntry

Delete all the log entries matching the given filter

find(filter_by=None, order_by=None, limit=None)[source]

Find all entries in the Log collection that conforms to the filter and optionally sort and/or apply a limit.

  • filter_by (dict) – A dictionary of key value pairs where the entries have to match all the criteria (i.e. an AND operation)
  • order_by (list) – A list of tuples of type OrderSpecifier
  • limit – The number of entries to retrieve

An iterable of the matching entries

class aiida.orm.log.LogEntry[source]

Bases: object

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset(['objpk', 'loggername', 'objname', 'time', 'message', 'save', 'id', 'levelname', 'metadata'])
__dict__ = dict_proxy({'_abc_cache': <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>, 'objpk': <abc.abstractproperty object>, '__module__': 'aiida.orm.log', '__abstractmethods__': frozenset(['objpk', 'loggername', 'objname', 'time', 'message', 'save', 'id', 'levelname', 'metadata']), '__metaclass__': <class 'abc.ABCMeta'>, '_abc_negative_cache': <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>, '_abc_registry': <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>, '__doc__': None, 'loggername': <abc.abstractproperty object>, '_abc_negative_cache_version': 95, 'objname': <abc.abstractproperty object>, 'time': <abc.abstractproperty object>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'LogEntry' objects>, 'message': <abc.abstractproperty object>, 'save': <function save>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'LogEntry' objects>, 'id': <abc.abstractproperty object>, 'levelname': <abc.abstractproperty object>, 'metadata': <abc.abstractproperty object>})

alias of abc.ABCMeta

__module__ = 'aiida.orm.log'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_abc_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache_version = 95
_abc_registry = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>

Get the primary key of the entry

Returns:The entry primary key
Return type:int

The name of the log level

Returns:The entry log level name
Return type:basestring

The name of the logger that created this entry

Returns:The entry loggername
Return type:basestring

Get the message corresponding to the entry

Returns:The entry message
Return type:basestring

Get the metadata corresponding to the entry

Returns:The entry metadata
Return type:json.json

Get the name of the object that created the log entry

Returns:The entry object name
Return type:basestring

Get the id of the object that created the log entry

Returns:The entry timestamp
Return type:int

Persist the log entry to the database

Returns:reference of self
Return type:

Get the time corresponding to the entry

Returns:The entry timestamp
Return type:datetime.datetime
class aiida.orm.log.OrderSpecifier(field, direction)

Bases: tuple

__dict__ = dict_proxy({'__module__': 'aiida.orm.log', '__getstate__': <function __getstate__>, '__new__': <staticmethod object>, '_replace': <function _replace>, '_make': <classmethod object>, 'direction': <property object>, 'field': <property object>, '__slots__': (), '_asdict': <function _asdict>, '__repr__': <function __repr__>, '__dict__': <property object>, '_fields': ('field', 'direction'), '__getnewargs__': <function __getnewargs__>, '__doc__': 'OrderSpecifier(field, direction)'})

Return self as a plain tuple. Used by copy and pickle.


Exclude the OrderedDict from pickling

__module__ = 'aiida.orm.log'
static __new__(_cls, field, direction)

Create new instance of OrderSpecifier(field, direction)


Return a nicely formatted representation string

__slots__ = ()

Return a new OrderedDict which maps field names to their values

_fields = ('field', 'direction')
classmethod _make(iterable, new=<built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x906d60>, len=<built-in function len>)

Make a new OrderSpecifier object from a sequence or iterable


Return a new OrderSpecifier object replacing specified fields with new values


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

class aiida.orm.mixins.Sealable[source]

Bases: object

SEALED_KEY = '_sealed'
__dict__ = dict_proxy({'__module__': 'aiida.orm.mixins', '_del_attr': <function _del_attr>, '_set_attr': <function _set_attr>, 'is_sealed': <property object>, 'add_link_from': <function add_link_from>, '_updatable_attributes': ('_sealed',), '_iter_updatable_attributes': <function _iter_updatable_attributes>, 'SEALED_KEY': '_sealed', 'seal': <function seal>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Sealable' objects>, 'copy': <function copy>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Sealable' objects>, '__doc__': None})
__module__ = 'aiida.orm.mixins'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Delete an attribute


key – attribute name

  • AttributeError – if key does not exist
  • ModificationNotAllowed – if the node is already sealed or if the node is already stored and the attribute is not updatable

Iterate over the updatable attributes and yield key value pairs

_set_attr(key, value, **kwargs)[source]

Set a new attribute

  • key – attribute name
  • value – attribute value

ModificationNotAllowed – if the node is already sealed or if the node is already stored and the attribute is not updatable

_updatable_attributes = ('_sealed',)

Add a link from a node

You can use the parameters of the base Node class, in particular the label parameter to label the link.

  • src – the node to add a link from
  • label (str) – name of the link
  • link_type – type of the link, must be one of the enum values from LinkType

Create a copy of the node minus the updatable attributes


Returns whether the node is sealed, i.e. whether the sealed attribute has been set to True


Seal the node by setting the sealed attribute to True

The QueryBuilder: A class that allows you to query the AiiDA database, independent from backend. Note that the backend implementation is enforced and handled with a composition model! QueryBuilder() is the frontend class that the user can use. It inherits from object and contains backend-specific functionality. Backend specific functionality is provided by the implementation classes.

These inherit from aiida.backends.general.querybuilder_interface.QueryBuilderInterface(), an interface classes which enforces the implementation of its defined methods. An instance of one of the implementation classes becomes a member of the QueryBuilder() instance when instantiated by the user.

class aiida.orm.querybuilder.QueryBuilder(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

The class to query the AiiDA database.


from aiida.orm.querybuilder import QueryBuilder
qb = QueryBuilder()
# Querying nodes:
# retrieving the results:
results = qb.all()
_VALID_PROJECTION_KEYS = ('func', 'cast')
__dict__ = dict_proxy({'_add_to_projections': <function _add_to_projections>, '_get_json_compatible': <function _get_json_compatible>, '__module__': 'aiida.orm.querybuilder', '_join_outputs': <function _join_outputs>, '_join_ancestors_recursive': <function _join_ancestors_recursive>, '__str__': <function __str__>, 'get_query': <function get_query>, 'all': <function all>, '_EDGE_TAG_DELIM': '--', 'one': <function one>, '_join_group_members': <function _join_group_members>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'QueryBuilder' objects>, 'get_aliases': <function get_aliases>, '_build_filters': <function _build_filters>, 'add_filter': <function add_filter>, '_get_function_map': <function _get_function_map>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'QueryBuilder' objects>, 'children': <function children>, 'append': <function append>, 'get_used_tags': <function get_used_tags>, 'order_by': <function order_by>, '_get_ormclass': <function _get_ormclass>, 'distinct': <function distinct>, 'set_debug': <function set_debug>, '_join_to_computer_used': <function _join_to_computer_used>, '_build_projections': <function _build_projections>, 'dict': <function dict>, '__init__': <function __init__>, 'outputs': <function outputs>, 'iterall': <function iterall>, 'parents': <function parents>, '__doc__': '\n The class to query the AiiDA database. \n \n Usage::\n\n from aiida.orm.querybuilder import QueryBuilder\n qb = QueryBuilder()\n # Querying nodes:\n qb.append(Node)\n # retrieving the results:\n results = qb.all()\n\n ', 'iterdict': <function iterdict>, '_build_order': <function _build_order>, 'inputs': <function inputs>, '_VALID_PROJECTION_KEYS': ('func', 'cast'), '_join_group_user': <function _join_group_user>, '_join_masters': <function _join_masters>, '_join_inputs': <function _join_inputs>, '_join_slaves': <function _join_slaves>, 'get_results_dict': <function get_results_dict>, 'add_projection': <function add_projection>, '_join_user_group': <function _join_user_group>, '_join_descendants_recursive': <function _join_descendants_recursive>, 'inject_query': <function inject_query>, 'offset': <function offset>, '_get_projectable_entity': <function _get_projectable_entity>, '_join_creator_of': <function _join_creator_of>, 'except_if_input_to': <function except_if_input_to>, '_build': <function _build>, 'count': <function count>, '_join_computer': <function _join_computer>, 'get_json_compatible_queryhelp': <function get_json_compatible_queryhelp>, '_join_created_by': <function _join_created_by>, '_get_unique_tag': <function _get_unique_tag>, '_get_tag_from_specification': <function _get_tag_from_specification>, 'get_alias': <function get_alias>, '_get_connecting_node': <function _get_connecting_node>, '_join_groups': <function _join_groups>, 'limit': <function limit>, '_check_dbentities': <staticmethod object>, '_add_type_filter': <function _add_type_filter>, 'first': <function first>})
__init__(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Instantiates a QueryBuilder instance.

Which backend is used decided here based on backend-settings (taken from the user profile). This cannot be overriden so far by the user.

  • debug (bool) – Turn on debug mode. This feature prints information on the screen about the stages of the QueryBuilder. Does not affect results.
  • path (list) – A list of the vertices to traverse. Leave empty if you plan on using the method QueryBuilder.append().
  • filters – The filters to apply. You can specify the filters here, when appending to the query using QueryBuilder.append() or even later using QueryBuilder.add_filter(). Check latter gives API-details.
  • project – The projections to apply. You can specify the projections here, when appending to the query using QueryBuilder.append() or even later using QueryBuilder.add_projection(). Latter gives you API-details.
  • limit (int) – Limit the number of rows to this number. Check QueryBuilder.limit() for more information.
  • offset (int) – Set an offset for the results returned. Details in QueryBuilder.offset().
  • order_by – How to order the results. As the 2 above, can be set also at later stage, check QueryBuilder.order_by() for more information.
__module__ = 'aiida.orm.querybuilder'

When somebody hits: print(QueryBuilder) or print(str(QueryBuilder)) I want to print the SQL-query. Because it looks cool…


list of weak references to the object (if defined)

_add_to_projections(alias, projectable_entity_name, cast=None, func=None)[source]
  • alias – A instance of sqlalchemy.orm.util.AliasedClass, alias for an ormclass
  • projectable_entity_name – User specification of what to project. Appends to query’s entities what the user wants to project (have returned by the query)
_add_type_filter(tagspec, query_type_string, plugin_type_string, subclassing)[source]

Add a filter on the type based on the query_type_string


build the query and return a sqlalchemy.Query instance

_build_filters(alias, filter_spec)[source]

Recurse through the filter specification and apply filter operations.

  • alias – The alias of the ORM class the filter will be applied on
  • filter_spec – the specification as given by the queryhelp

an instance of sqlalchemy.sql.elements.BinaryExpression.

_build_order(alias, entitytag, entityspec)[source]
_build_projections(tag, items_to_project=None)[source]
static _check_dbentities(entities_cls_joined, entities_cls_to_join, relationship)[source]
  • entities_cls_joined (list) – A list (tuple) of the aliased class passed as joined_entity and the ormclass that was expected
  • entities_cls_joined – A list (tuple) of the aliased class passed as entity_to_join and the ormclass that was expected
  • relationship (str) – The relationship between the two entities to make the Exception comprehensible
_get_connecting_node(index, joining_keyword=None, joining_value=None, **kwargs)[source]
  • querydict – A dictionary specifying how the current node is linked to other nodes.
  • index – Index of this node within the path specification

Valid (currently implemented) keys are:

  • input_of
  • output_of
  • descendant_of
  • ancestor_of
  • direction
  • group_of
  • member_of
  • has_computer
  • computer_of
  • created_by
  • creator_of
  • owner_of
  • belongs_to


  • master_of
  • slave_of
Parameters:inp – The input value that will be converted. Recurses into each value if inp is an iterable.
_get_ormclass(cls, ormclasstype)[source]

For testing purposes, I want to check whether the implementation gives the currect ormclass back. Just relaying to the implementation, details for this function in the interface.

_get_projectable_entity(alias, column_name, attrpath, **entityspec)[source]
Parameters:specification – If that is a string, I assume the user has deliberately specified it with tag=specification. In that case, I simply check that it’s not a duplicate. If it is a class, I check if it’s in the _cls_to_tag_map!

Using the function get_tag_from_type, I get a tag. I increment an index that is appended to that tag until I have an unused tag. This function is called in QueryBuilder.append() when autotag is set to True.

Parameters:ormclasstype (str) – The string that defines the type of the AiiDA ORM class. For subclasses of Node, this is the Node._plugin_type_string, for other they are as defined as returned by QueryBuilder._get_ormclass().
Returns:A tag, as a string.
_join_ancestors_recursive(joined_entity, entity_to_join, isouterjoin, filter_dict, expand_path=False)[source]

joining ancestors using the recursive functionality :TODO: Move the filters to be done inside the recursive query (for example on depth) :TODO: Pass an option to also show the path, if this is wanted.

_join_computer(joined_entity, entity_to_join, isouterjoin)[source]
  • joined_entity – An entity that can use a computer (eg a node)
  • entity_to_join – aliased dbcomputer entity
_join_created_by(joined_entity, entity_to_join, isouterjoin)[source]
  • joined_entity – the aliased user you want to join to
  • entity_to_join – the (aliased) node or group in the DB to join with
_join_creator_of(joined_entity, entity_to_join, isouterjoin)[source]
  • joined_entity – the aliased node
  • entity_to_join – the aliased user to join to that node
_join_descendants_recursive(joined_entity, entity_to_join, isouterjoin, filter_dict, expand_path=False)[source]

joining descendants using the recursive functionality :TODO: Move the filters to be done inside the recursive query (for example on depth) :TODO: Pass an option to also show the path, if this is wanted.

_join_group_members(joined_entity, entity_to_join, isouterjoin)[source]
  • joined_entity – The (aliased) ORMclass that is a group in the database
  • entity_to_join – The (aliased) ORMClass that is a node and member of the group

joined_entity and entity_to_join are joined via the table_groups_nodes table. from joined_entity as group to enitity_to_join as node. (enitity_to_join is an member_of joined_entity)

_join_group_user(joined_entity, entity_to_join, isouterjoin)[source]
  • joined_entity – An aliased dbgroup
  • entity_to_join – aliased dbuser
_join_groups(joined_entity, entity_to_join, isouterjoin)[source]
  • joined_entity – The (aliased) node in the database
  • entity_to_join – The (aliased) Group

joined_entity and entity_to_join are joined via the table_groups_nodes table. from joined_entity as node to enitity_to_join as group. (enitity_to_join is an group_of joined_entity)

_join_inputs(joined_entity, entity_to_join, isouterjoin)[source]
  • joined_entity – The (aliased) ORMclass that is an output
  • entity_to_join – The (aliased) ORMClass that is an input.

joined_entity and entity_to_join are joined with a link from joined_entity as output to enitity_to_join as input (enitity_to_join is an input_of joined_entity)

_join_masters(joined_entity, entity_to_join)[source]
_join_outputs(joined_entity, entity_to_join, isouterjoin)[source]
  • joined_entity – The (aliased) ORMclass that is an input
  • entity_to_join – The (aliased) ORMClass that is an output.

joined_entity and entity_to_join are joined with a link from joined_entity as input to enitity_to_join as output (enitity_to_join is an output_of joined_entity)

_join_slaves(joined_entity, entity_to_join)[source]
_join_to_computer_used(joined_entity, entity_to_join, isouterjoin)[source]
  • joined_entity – the (aliased) computer entity
  • entity_to_join – the (aliased) node entity
_join_user_group(joined_entity, entity_to_join, isouterjoin)[source]
  • joined_entity – An aliased user
  • entity_to_join – aliased group
add_filter(tagspec, filter_spec)[source]

Adding a filter to my filters.

  • tagspec – The tag, which has to exist already as a key in self._filters
  • filter_spec – The specifications for the filter, has to be a dictionary


qb = QueryBuilder()         # Instantiating the QueryBuilder instance
qb.append(Node, tag='node') # Appending a Node
#let's put some filters:
# 2 filters together:
qb.add_filter('node',{'label':'foo', 'uuid':{'like':'ab%'}})
# Now I am overriding the first filter I set:
add_projection(tag_spec, projection_spec)[source]

Adds a projection

  • tag_spec – A valid specification for a tag
  • projection_spec – The specification for the projection. A projection is a list of dictionaries, with each dictionary containing key-value pairs where the key is database entity (e.g. a column / an attribute) and the value is (optional) additional information on how to process this database entity.

If the given projection_spec is not a list, it will be expanded to a list. If the listitems are not dictionaries, but strings (No additional processing of the projected results desired), they will be expanded to dictionaries.


qb = QueryBuilder()
qb.append(StructureData, tag='struc')

# Will project the uuid and the kinds
qb.add_projection('struc', ['uuid', 'attributes.kinds'])

The above example will project the uuid and the kinds-attribute of all matching structures. There are 2 (so far) special keys.

The single star * will project the ORM-instance:

qb = QueryBuilder()
qb.append(StructureData, tag='struc')
# Will project the ORM instance
qb.add_projection('struc', '*')
print type(qb.first()[0])
# >>>

The double start ** projects all possible projections of this entity:

QueryBuilder().append(StructureData,tag=’s’, project=’**’).limit(1).dict()[0][‘s’].keys()

# >>> u’user_id, description, ctime, label, extras, mtime, id, attributes, dbcomputer_id, nodeversion, type, public, uuid’

Be aware that the result of ** depends on the backend implementation.


Executes the full query with the order of the rows as returned by the backend. the order inside each row is given by the order of the vertices in the path and the order of the projections for each vertice in the path.

Parameters:batch_size (int) – The size of the batches to ask the backend to batch results in subcollections. You can optimize the speed of the query by tuning this parameter. Leave the default (None) if speed is not critical or if you don’t know what you’re doing!
Returns:a list of lists of all projected entities.
append(cls=None, type=None, tag=None, filters=None, project=None, subclassing=True, edge_tag=None, edge_filters=None, edge_project=None, outerjoin=False, **kwargs)[source]

Any iterative procedure to build the path for a graph query needs to invoke this method to append to the path.

  • cls – The Aiida-class (or backend-class) defining the appended vertice
  • type (str) – The type of the class, if cls is not given
  • autotag (bool) – Whether to find automatically a unique tag. If this is set to True (default False),
  • tag (str) – A unique tag. If none is given, I will create a unique tag myself.
  • filters – Filters to apply for this vertice. See add_filter(), the method invoked in the background, or usage examples for details.
  • project – Projections to apply. See usage examples for details. More information also in add_projection().
  • subclassing (bool) – Whether to include subclasses of the given class (default True). E.g. Specifying a Calculation as cls will include JobCalculations, InlineCalculations, etc..
  • outerjoin (bool) – If True, (default is False), will do a left outerjoin instead of an inner join
  • edge_tag (str) – The tag that the edge will get. If nothing is specified (and there is a meaningful edge) the default is tag1–tag2 with tag1 being the entity joining from and tag2 being the entity joining to (this entity).
  • edge_filters (str) – The filters to apply on the edge. Also here, details in add_filter().
  • edge_project (str) – The project from the edges. API-details in add_projection().

A small usage example how this can be invoked:

qb = QueryBuilder()             # Instantiating empty querybuilder instance
qb.append(cls=StructureData)    # First item is StructureData node
# The
# next node in the path is a PwCalculation, with
# the structure joined as an input

Join to children/descendants of previous vertice in path.


Counts the number of rows returned by the backend.

Returns:the number of rows as an integer

Executes the full query with the order of the rows as returned by the backend. the order inside each row is given by the order of the vertices in the path and the order of the projections for each vertice in the path.

Parameters:batch_size (int) – The size of the batches to ask the backend to batch results in subcollections. You can optimize the speed of the query by tuning this parameter. Leave the default (None) if speed is not critical or if you don’t know what you’re doing!
Returns:a list of dictionaries of all projected entities. Each dictionary consists of key value pairs, where the key is the tag of the vertice and the value a dictionary of key-value pairs where key is the entity description (a column name or attribute path) and the value the value in the DB.


qb = QueryBuilder()
    project=['type', 'id'],  # returns type (string) and id (string)

# Return the dictionaries:
print "qb.iterdict()"
for d in qb.iterdict():
    print '>>>', d

results in the following output:

>>> {'descendant': {
        'type': u'',
        'id': 7716}
>>> {'descendant': {
        'type': u'data.remote.RemoteData.',
        'id': 8510}

Asks for distinct rows, which is the same as asking the backend to remove duplicates. Does not execute the query!

If you want a distinct query:

qb = QueryBuilder()
# append stuff!
qb.distinct().all() #or

Makes counterquery based on the own path, only selecting entries that have been input to calc_class

Parameters:calc_class – The calculation class to check against

Executes query asking for one instance. Use as follows:

qb = QueryBuilder(**queryhelp)
Returns:One row of results as a list

In order to continue a query by the user, this utility function returns the aliased ormclasses.

Parameters:tag – The tag for a vertice in the path
Returns:the alias given for that vertice
Returns:the list of aliases

Makes the queryhelp a json - compatible dictionary. In this way,the queryhelp can be stored in the database or a json-object, retrieved or shared and used later. See this usage:

qb = QueryBuilder(limit=3).append(StructureData, project='id').order_by({StructureData:'id'})
queryhelp  = qb.get_json_compatible_queryhelp()

# Now I could save this dictionary somewhere and use it later:


# This is True if no change has been made to the database.
# Note that such a comparison can only be True if the order of results is enforced
Returns:the json-compatible queryhelp

Instantiates and manipulates a sqlalchemy.orm.Query instance if this is needed. First, I check if the query instance is still valid by hashing the queryhelp. In this way, if a user asks for the same query twice, I am not recreating an instance.

Returns:an instance of sqlalchemy.orm.Query that is specific to the backend used.

Deprecated, use dict() instead

get_used_tags(vertices=True, edges=True)[source]

Returns a list of all the vertices that are being used. Some parameter allow to select only subsets. :param bool vertices: Defaults to True. If True, adds the tags of vertices to the returned list :param bool edges: Defaults to True. If True, adds the tags of edges to the returnend list.

Returns:A list of all tags, including (if there is) also the tag give for the edges

Manipulate the query an inject it back. This can be done to add custom filters using SQLA. :param query: A sqlalchemy.orm.Query instance


Join to inputs of previous vertice in path.


Same as all(), but returns a generator. Be aware that this is only safe if no commit will take place during this transaction. You might also want to read the SQLAlchemy documentation on

Parameters:batch_size (int) – The size of the batches to ask the backend to batch results in subcollections. You can optimize the speed of the query by tuning this parameter.
Returns:a generator of lists

Same as dict(), but returns a generator. Be aware that this is only safe if no commit will take place during this transaction. You might also want to read the SQLAlchemy documentation on

Parameters:batch_size (int) – The size of the batches to ask the backend to batch results in subcollections. You can optimize the speed of the query by tuning this parameter.
Returns:a generator of dictionaries

Set the limit (nr of rows to return)

Parameters:limit (int) – integers of number of rows of rows to return

Set the offset. If offset is set, that many rows are skipped before returning. offset = 0 is the same as omitting setting the offset. If both offset and limit appear, then offset rows are skipped before starting to count the limit rows that are returned.

Parameters:offset (int) – integers of nr of rows to skip

Executes the query asking for exactly one results. Will raise an exception if this is not the case :raises: MultipleObjectsError if more then one row can be returned :raises: NotExistent if no result was found


Set the entity to order by

Parameters:order_by – This is a list of items, where each item is a dictionary specifies what to sort for an entity

In each dictionary in that list, keys represent valid tags of entities (tables), and values are list of columns.


#Sorting by id (ascending):
qb = QueryBuilder()
qb.append(Node, tag='node')

# or
#Sorting by id (ascending):
qb = QueryBuilder()
qb.append(Node, tag='node')

# for descending order:
qb = QueryBuilder()
qb.append(Node, tag='node')

# or (shorter)
qb = QueryBuilder()
qb.append(Node, tag='node')

Join to outputs of previous vertice in path.


Join to parents/ancestors of previous vertice in path.


Run in debug mode. This does not affect functionality, but prints intermediate stages when creating a query on screen.

Parameters:debug (bool) – Turn debug on or off
class aiida.orm.user.User(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: aiida.orm.implementation.general.user.AbstractUser

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset([])

x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

__module__ = 'aiida.orm.implementation.django.user'
_abc_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache_version = 39
_abc_registry = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
classmethod search_for_users(**kwargs)[source]

Search for a user the passed keys.

Parameters:kwargs – The keys to search for the user with.
Returns:A list of users matching the search criteria.
class aiida.orm.user.Util(backend)[source]

Bases: aiida.orm.utils.BackendDelegateWithDefault

__abstractmethods__ = frozenset([])
__module__ = 'aiida.orm.user'
_abc_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
_abc_negative_cache_version = 40
_abc_registry = <_weakrefset.WeakSet object>
classmethod create_default()[source]
aiida.orm.utils.CalculationFactory(module, from_abstract=False)[source]

Return a suitable JobCalculation subclass.

  • module – a valid string recognized as a Calculation plugin
  • from_abstract – A boolean. If False (default), actually look only to subclasses of JobCalculation, not to the base Calculation class. If True, check for valid strings for plugins of the Calculation base class.

Return a suitable Data subclass.


Return a suitable Workflow subclass.

aiida.orm.utils.load_group(group_id=None, pk=None, uuid=None, query_with_dashes=True)[source]

Load a group by its pk or uuid

  • group_id – pk (integer) or uuid (string) of a group
  • pk – pk of a group
  • uuid – uuid of a group, or the beginning of the uuid
  • query_with_dashes (bool) – allow to query for a uuid with dashes (default=True)

the requested group if existing and unique

aiida.orm.utils.load_node(node_id=None, pk=None, uuid=None, parent_class=None, query_with_dashes=True)[source]

Returns an AiiDA node given its PK or UUID.

  • node_id – PK (integer) or UUID (string) or a node
  • pk – PK of a node
  • uuid – UUID of a node, or the beginning of the uuid
  • parent_class – if specified, checks whether the node loaded is a subclass of parent_class
  • query_with_dashes (bool) – Specific if uuid is passed, allows to put the uuid in the correct form. Default=True
  • return_node (bool) – lets the function return the AiiDA node referred by the input. Default=False

the required AiiDA node if existing, unique, and (sub)instance of parent_class

aiida.orm.utils.load_workflow(wf_id=None, pk=None, uuid=None)[source]

Return an AiiDA workflow given PK or UUID.

  • wf_id – PK (integer) or UUID (string) or UUID instance or a workflow
  • pk – PK of a workflow
  • uuid – UUID of a workflow

an AiiDA workflow


ValueError if none or more than one of parameters is supplied or type of wf_id is neither string nor integer

aiida.orm.workflow.kill_from_pk(pk, verbose=False)[source]

Kills a workflow without loading the class, useful when there was a problem and the workflow definition module was changed/deleted (and the workflow cannot be reloaded).

  • pk – the principal key (id) of the workflow to kill
  • verbose – True to print the pk of each subworkflow killed