Installing plugins

The plugins available for AiiDA are listed on the AiiDA homepage

For a plugin aiida-diff hosted on PyPI, simply do:

pip install aiida-diff
reentry scan -r aiida   # notify aiida of new entry points

In case there is no PyPI package available, you can install the plugin from the python source, e.g.:

git clone
pip install aiida-diff
reentry scan -r aiida


What does pip install aiida-diff do?

  • resolves and installs the dependencies on other python packages as specified in
  • creates a folder aiida_diff.egg-info/ with metadata about the package
  • if the -e option is given, creates a symbolic link from the python package search path to the aiida-diff directory and puts the .egg-info folder there. Changes to the source code will be picked up by python without reinstalling, but changes to the metadata in setup.json will not.

For further details, see the Python packaging user guide.