Source code for aiida.backends.tests.verdi_commands

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
#                                                                         #
# The code is hosted on GitHub at #
# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
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# pylint: disable=missing-docstring,invalid-name

import mock
from click.testing import CliRunner

from aiida.backends.testbase import AiidaTestCase
from aiida.common.datastructures import calc_states
from aiida.utils.capturing import Capturing

# Common computer information
computer_common_info = [
    "mpirun -np {tot_num_mpiprocs}",

# Computer #1
computer_name_1 = "torquessh1"
computer_setup_input_1 = [computer_name_1] + computer_common_info

# Computer #2
computer_name_2 = "torquessh2"
computer_setup_input_2 = [computer_name_2] + computer_common_info

# Common code information
code_common_info_1 = [
    "simple script",
code_common_info_2 = [

# Code #1
code_name_1 = "doubler_1"
code_setup_input_1 = (
    [code_name_1] + code_common_info_1 + [computer_name_1] + code_common_info_2)
# Code #2
code_name_2 = "doubler_2"
code_setup_input_2 = (
    [code_name_2] + code_common_info_1 + [computer_name_2] + code_common_info_2)

# User #1
user_1 = {
    'email': "testuser1@localhost",
    'first_name': "Max",
    'last_name': "Mueller",
    'institution': "Testing Instiute"
# User #2
user_2 = {
    'email': "testuser2@localhost",
    'first_name': "Sabine",
    'last_name': "Mueller",
    'institution': "Testing Instiute"

# pylint: disable=protected-access
[docs]class TestVerdiCalculationCommands(AiidaTestCase): # pylint: disable=no-member # pylint says: Method 'computer' has no 'name' / 'id' member
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Create some calculations with various states """ super(TestVerdiCalculationCommands, cls).setUpClass() from aiida.orm import JobCalculation # Create some calculation calc1 = JobCalculation(, resources={ 'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1 }).store() calc1._set_state(calc_states.TOSUBMIT) calc2 = JobCalculation(, resources={ 'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1 }).store() calc2._set_state(calc_states.COMPUTED) calc3 = JobCalculation(, resources={ 'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1 }).store() calc3._set_state(calc_states.FINISHED)
[docs] def test_calculation_list(self): """ Do some calculation listing to ensure that verdi calculation list works and gives at least to some extent the expected results. """ from aiida.cmdline.commands.calculation import Calculation calc_cmd = Calculation() with Capturing() as output: calc_cmd.calculation_list() out_str = ''.join(output) self.assertTrue( calc_states.TOSUBMIT in out_str, "The TOSUBMIT calculations should be part fo the " "simple calculation list.") self.assertTrue( calc_states.COMPUTED in out_str, "The COMPUTED calculations should be part fo the " "simple calculation list.") self.assertFalse( calc_states.FINISHED in out_str, "The FINISHED calculations should not be part fo the " "simple calculation list.") with Capturing() as output: calc_cmd.calculation_list(*['-a']) out_str = ''.join(output) self.assertTrue( calc_states.FINISHED in out_str, "The FINISHED calculations should be part fo the " "simple calculation list.")
[docs]class TestVerdiCodeCommands(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Create the computers and setup a codes """ super(TestVerdiCodeCommands, cls).setUpClass() # Setup computer #1 from import Computer cmd_comp = Computer() with mock.patch( '__builtin__.raw_input', side_effect=computer_setup_input_1): with Capturing(): cmd_comp.computer_setup() # Setup a code for computer #1 from aiida.cmdline.commands.code import Code code_cmd = Code() with mock.patch( '__builtin__.raw_input', side_effect=code_setup_input_1): with Capturing(): cls.code1 = code_cmd.code_setup() # Setup computer #2 with mock.patch( '__builtin__.raw_input', side_effect=computer_setup_input_2): with Capturing(): cmd_comp.computer_setup() # Setup a code for computer #2 with mock.patch( '__builtin__.raw_input', side_effect=code_setup_input_2): with Capturing(): cls.code2 = code_cmd.code_setup()
[docs] def test_code_list(self): """ Do some code listing test to ensure the correct behaviour of verdi code list """ from aiida.cmdline.commands.code import Code code_cmd = Code() # Run a simple verdi code list, capture the output and check the result with Capturing() as output: code_cmd.code_list() out_str_1 = ''.join(output) self.assertTrue( computer_name_1 in out_str_1, "The computer 1 name should be included into this list") self.assertTrue(code_name_1 in out_str_1, "The code 1 name should be included into this list") self.assertTrue( computer_name_2 in out_str_1, "The computer 2 name should be included into this list") self.assertTrue(code_name_2 in out_str_1, "The code 2 name should be included into this list") # Run a verdi code list -a, capture the output and check if the result # is the same as the previous one with Capturing() as output: code_cmd.code_list(*['-a']) out_str_2 = ''.join(output) self.assertEqual( out_str_1, out_str_2, "verdi code list & verdi code list -a should provide " "the same output in this experiment.") # Run a verdi code list -c, capture the output and check the result with Capturing() as output: code_cmd.code_list(*['-c', computer_name_1]) out_str = ''.join(output) self.assertTrue( computer_name_1 in out_str, "The computer 1 name should be included into this list") self.assertFalse( computer_name_2 in out_str, "The computer 2 name should not be included into this list") # Hide code 2 self.code2._hide() # Run verdi code list again, checking that code 2 is now not shown with Capturing() as output: code_cmd.code_list() out_str_3 = ''.join(output) self.assertTrue( computer_name_1 in out_str_3, "The computer 1 name should be included into this list") self.assertTrue(code_name_1 in out_str_3, "The code 1 name should be included into this list") self.assertFalse( computer_name_2 in out_str_3, "The computer 2 name should not be included into this list") self.assertFalse( code_name_2 in out_str_3, "The code 2 name should not be included into this list")
[docs]class TestVerdiWorkCommands(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a simple workchain and run it. """ super(TestVerdiWorkCommands, cls).setUpClass() from import run from import WorkChain TEST_STRING = 'Test report.' cls.test_string = TEST_STRING # pylint: disable=abstract-method class Wf(WorkChain): @classmethod def define(cls, spec): super(Wf, cls).define(spec) spec.outline(cls.create_logs) def create_logs(self): # Note: Method 'get_exec_engine' is abstract in class 'Process' # but is not overridden. _, cls.workchain_pid = run(Wf, _return_pid=True)
[docs] def test_report(self): """ Test that 'verdi work report' contains the report message. """ from import report result = CliRunner().invoke( report, [str(self.workchain_pid)], catch_exceptions=False) self.assertTrue(self.test_string in result.output)
[docs] def test_report_debug(self): """ Test that 'verdi work report' contains the report message when called with levelname DEBUG. """ from import report result = CliRunner().invoke( report, [str(self.workchain_pid), '--levelname', 'DEBUG'], catch_exceptions=False) self.assertTrue(self.test_string in result.output)
[docs] def test_report_error(self): """ Test that 'verdi work report' does not contain the report message when called with levelname ERROR. """ from import report result = CliRunner().invoke( report, [str(self.workchain_pid), '--levelname', 'ERROR'], catch_exceptions=False) self.assertTrue(self.test_string not in result.output)
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
[docs]class TestVerdiUserCommands(AiidaTestCase):
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a user """ super(TestVerdiUserCommands, cls).setUpClass() # Setup user #1 from aiida.cmdline.commands.user import do_configure with mock.patch( '__builtin__.raw_input', side_effect=computer_setup_input_1): with Capturing(): do_configure( user_1['email'], user_1['first_name'], user_1['last_name'], user_1['institution'], no_password=True, force_reconfigure=True)
[docs] def test_user_list(self): """ verdi user list """ from aiida.cmdline.commands.user import list as list_user result = CliRunner().invoke(list_user, [], catch_exceptions=False) self.assertTrue(user_1['email'] in result.output)
[docs] def test_user_configure(self): """ Try configuring a new user verdi user configure """ from aiida.cmdline.commands.user import configure cli_options = [ user_2['email'], '--first-name', user_2['first_name'], '--last-name', user_2['last_name'], '--institution', user_2['institution'], '--no-password', '--force-reconfigure' ] # configure user result = CliRunner().invoke( configure, cli_options, catch_exceptions=False) self.assertTrue(user_2['email'] in result.output) self.assertTrue("is already present" not in result.output) # reconfigure user result = CliRunner().invoke( configure, cli_options, catch_exceptions=False) self.assertTrue(user_2['email'] in result.output) self.assertTrue("is already present" in result.output)
[docs]class TestVerdiDataCommands(AiidaTestCase): cmd_to_nodeid_map = dict() cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_groups = dict() cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_nuser = dict() group_name = "trj_group" group_id = None
[docs] @classmethod def create_trajectory_data(cls, cmd_to_nodeid_map, cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_groups, cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_nuser, group, new_user): from import TrajectoryData from import _Trajectory import numpy # Create the Trajectory data nodes tjn1 = TrajectoryData() # I create sample data stepids = numpy.array([60, 70]) times = stepids * 0.01 cells = numpy.array([[[2., 0., 0.], [0., 2., 0.], [0., 0., 2.]], [[3., 0., 0.], [0., 3., 0.], [0., 0., 3.]]]) symbols = numpy.array(['H', 'O', 'C']) positions = numpy.array( [[[0., 0., 0.], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [1.5, 1.5, 1.5]], [[0., 0., 0.], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [1.5, 1.5, 1.5]]]) velocities = numpy.array([[[0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.]], [[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], [-0.5, -0.5, -0.5]]]) # I set the node tjn1.set_trajectory( stepids=stepids, cells=cells, symbols=symbols, positions=positions, times=times, velocities=velocities) tjn2 = TrajectoryData() tjn2.set_trajectory( stepids=stepids, cells=cells, symbols=symbols, positions=positions, times=times, velocities=velocities) # Keep track of the created objects cmd_to_nodeid_map[_Trajectory] = [,] # Add the second Trajectory data to the group group.add_nodes([tjn2]) # Keep track of the id of the node that you added to the group cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_groups[_Trajectory] = # Create a trajectory data that belongs to another user tjn3 = TrajectoryData() tjn3.set_trajectory( stepids=stepids, cells=cells, symbols=symbols, positions=positions, times=times, velocities=velocities) tjn3.dbnode.user = new_user._dbuser # Put it is to the right map cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_nuser[_Trajectory] = []
[docs] @classmethod def create_cif_data(cls, cmd_to_nodeid_map, cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_groups, cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_nuser, group, new_user): from import CifData from import _Cif import tempfile # Create the CIF data nodes with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f: f.write(''' data_9012064 _space_group_IT_number 166 _symmetry_space_group_name_H-M 'R -3 m :H' _cell_angle_alpha 90 _cell_angle_beta 90 _cell_angle_gamma 120 _cell_length_a 4.395 _cell_length_b 4.395 _cell_length_c 30.440 _cod_database_code 9012064 loop_ _atom_site_label _atom_site_fract_x _atom_site_fract_y _atom_site_fract_z _atom_site_U_iso_or_equiv Bi 0.00000 0.00000 0.40046 0.02330 Te1 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.01748 Te2 0.00000 0.00000 0.79030 0.01912 ''') f.flush() c1 = CifData( c2 = CifData( # Keep track of the created objects cmd_to_nodeid_map[_Cif] = [,] # Add the second CIF data to the group group.add_nodes([c2]) # Keep track of the id of the node that you added to the group cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_groups[_Cif] = # Create a Cif node belonging to another user c3 = CifData( c3.dbnode.user = new_user._dbuser # Put it is to the right map cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_nuser[_Cif] = []
[docs] @classmethod def sub_create_bands_data(cls, user=None): from import KpointsData from aiida.orm import JobCalculation from import StructureData from aiida.common.links import LinkType from import BandsData import numpy s = StructureData(cell=((2., 0., 0.), (0., 2., 0.), (0., 0., 2.))) s.append_atom( position=(0., 0., 0.), symbols=['Ba', 'Ti'], weights=(1., 0.), name='mytype') if user is not None: s.dbnode.user = user._dbuser c = JobCalculation(, resources={ 'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1 }) if user is not None: c.dbnode.user = user._dbuser c.add_link_from(s, "S1", LinkType.INPUT) c._set_state(calc_states.RETRIEVING) # define a cell alat = 4. cell = numpy.array([ [alat, 0., 0.], [0., alat, 0.], [0., 0., alat], ]) k = KpointsData() k.set_cell(cell) k.set_kpoints_path() if user is not None: k.dbnode.user = user._dbuser b = BandsData() b.set_kpointsdata(k) input_bands = numpy.array( [numpy.ones(4) * i for i in range(k.get_kpoints().shape[0])]) b.set_bands(input_bands, units='eV') if user is not None: b.dbnode.user = user._dbuser b.add_link_from(c, link_type=LinkType.CREATE) return b
[docs] @classmethod def create_bands_data(cls, cmd_to_nodeid_map, cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_groups, cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_nuser, group, new_user): from import _Bands b1 = cls.sub_create_bands_data() b2 = cls.sub_create_bands_data() # Keep track of the created objects cmd_to_nodeid_map[_Bands] = [,] # Add the second Kpoint & Bands data to the group group.add_nodes([b2]) # Keep track of the id of the node that you added to the group cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_groups[_Bands] = b3 = cls.sub_create_bands_data(user=new_user) # Put it is to the right map (of the different user) cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_nuser[_Bands] = []
[docs] @classmethod def create_structure_data(cls, cmd_to_nodeid_map, cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_groups, cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_nuser, group, new_user): from import StructureData from import _Structure s1 = StructureData(cell=((2., 0., 0.), (0., 2., 0.), (0., 0., 2.))) s1.append_atom( position=(0., 0., 0.), symbols=['Ba', 'Ti'], weights=(1., 0.), name='mytype') s2 = StructureData(cell=((2., 0., 0.), (0., 2., 0.), (0., 0., 2.))) s2.append_atom( position=(0., 0., 0.), symbols=['Ba', 'Ti'], weights=(1., 0.), name='mytype') # Keep track of the created objects cmd_to_nodeid_map[_Structure] = [,] # Add the second Kpoint & Bands data to the group group.add_nodes([s2]) # Keep track of the id of the node that you added to the group cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_groups[_Structure] = # Create a StructureData node belonging to another user s3 = StructureData(cell=((2., 0., 0.), (0., 2., 0.), (0., 0., 2.))) s3.append_atom( position=(0., 0., 0.), symbols=['Ba', 'Ti'], weights=(1., 0.), name='mytype') s3.dbnode.user = new_user._dbuser # Put it is to the right map cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_nuser[_Structure] = []
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Create some data needed for the tests """ super(TestVerdiDataCommands, cls).setUpClass() from aiida.orm.user import User from import Group # Create a secondary user new_email = "newuser@new.n" new_user = User(email=new_email) new_user.force_save() # Create a group to add specific data inside g1 = Group(name=cls.group_name) cls.group_id = cls.create_bands_data(cls.cmd_to_nodeid_map, cls.cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_groups, cls.cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_nuser, g1, new_user) cls.create_structure_data(cls.cmd_to_nodeid_map, cls.cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_groups, cls.cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_nuser, g1, new_user) cls.create_cif_data(cls.cmd_to_nodeid_map, cls.cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_groups, cls.cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_nuser, g1, new_user) cls.create_trajectory_data( cls.cmd_to_nodeid_map, cls.cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_groups, cls.cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_nuser, g1, new_user)
[docs] def test_trajectory_simple_listing(self): from import _Bands from import _Structure from import _Cif from import _Trajectory sub_cmds = [_Bands, _Structure, _Cif, _Trajectory] for sub_cmd in sub_cmds: with Capturing() as output: sub_cmd().list() out_str = ' '.join(output) for nid in self.cmd_to_nodeid_map[sub_cmd]: if str(nid) not in out_str: "The data objects ({}) with ids {} and {} " "were not found. ".format( sub_cmd, str(self.cmd_to_nodeid_map[sub_cmd][0]), str(self.cmd_to_nodeid_map[sub_cmd][1])) + "The output was {}".format(out_str))
[docs] def test_trajectory_all_user_listing(self): from import _Bands from import _Structure from import _Cif from import _Trajectory sub_cmds = [_Bands, _Structure, _Cif, _Trajectory] for sub_cmd in sub_cmds: args_to_test = [['-A'], ['--all-users']] for arg in args_to_test: curr_scmd = sub_cmd() with Capturing() as output: curr_scmd.list(*arg) out_str = ' '.join(output) for nid in (self.cmd_to_nodeid_map[sub_cmd] + self.cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_nuser[sub_cmd]): if str(nid) not in out_str:"The data objects ({}) with ids {} and {} " "were not found. ".format( sub_cmd, str(self.cmd_to_nodeid_map[sub_cmd][0]), str(self.cmd_to_nodeid_map[sub_cmd][1])) + "The output was {}".format(out_str))
[docs] def test_trajectory_past_days_listing(self): from import _Bands from import _Structure from import _Cif from import _Trajectory sub_cmds = [_Bands, _Structure, _Cif, _Trajectory] for sub_cmd in sub_cmds: args_to_test = [['-p', '0'], ['--past-days', '0']] for arg in args_to_test: curr_scmd = sub_cmd() with Capturing() as output: curr_scmd.list(*arg) out_str = ' '.join(output) # This should be an empty output for nid in self.cmd_to_nodeid_map[sub_cmd]: if str(nid) in out_str:"No data objects should be retrieved and " "some were retrieved. The (concatenation of " "the) output was: {}".format(out_str)) args_to_test = [['-p', '1'], ['--past-days', '1']] for arg in args_to_test: curr_scmd = sub_cmd() with Capturing() as output: curr_scmd.list(*arg) out_str = ' '.join(output) for nid in self.cmd_to_nodeid_map[sub_cmd]: if str(nid) not in out_str:"The data objects ({}) with ids {} and {} " "were not found. ".format( sub_cmd, str(self.cmd_to_nodeid_map[sub_cmd][0]), str(self.cmd_to_nodeid_map[sub_cmd][1])) + "The output was {}".format(out_str))
[docs] def test_trajectory_group_listing(self): from import _Bands from import _Structure from import _Cif from import _Trajectory args_to_test = [['-g', self.group_name], ['--group-name', self.group_name], ['-G', str(self.group_id)], ['--group-pk', str(self.group_id)]] sub_cmds = [_Bands, _Structure, _Cif, _Trajectory] for sub_cmd in sub_cmds: for arg in args_to_test: curr_scmd = sub_cmd() with Capturing() as output: curr_scmd.list(*arg) out_str = ' '.join(output) if str(self. cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_groups[sub_cmd]) not in out_str: "The data object ({}) with id {} " "was not found. ".format( sub_cmd, str(self.cmd_to_nodeid_map_for_groups[sub_cmd]) + "The output was {}".format(out_str)))