Source code for

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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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import collections

from import AbstractGroup

from aiida.common.exceptions import (ModificationNotAllowed, UniquenessError,

from aiida.orm.implementation.django.node import Node

from aiida.backends.djsite.utils import get_automatic_user

from django.db import transaction, IntegrityError
from django.db.models import Q
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist

from aiida.orm.implementation.general.utils import get_db_columns

[docs]class Group(AbstractGroup):
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbGroup dbgroup = kwargs.pop('dbgroup', None) if dbgroup is not None: if isinstance(dbgroup, (int, long)): try: dbgroup = DbGroup.objects.get(pk=dbgroup) except ObjectDoesNotExist: raise NotExistent("Group with pk={} does not exist".format( dbgroup)) if not isinstance(dbgroup, DbGroup): raise TypeError("dbgroup is not a DbGroup instance, it is " "instead {}".format(str(type(dbgroup)))) if kwargs: raise ValueError("If you pass a dbgroups, you cannot pass any " "further parameter") self._dbgroup = dbgroup else: name = kwargs.pop('name', None) if name is None: raise ValueError("You have to specify a group name") group_type = kwargs.pop('type_string', "") # By default, an user group user = kwargs.pop('user', get_automatic_user()) description = kwargs.pop('description', "") self._dbgroup = DbGroup(name=name, description=description, user=user, type=group_type) if kwargs: raise ValueError("Too many parameters passed to Group, the " "unknown parameters are: {}".format( ", ".join(kwargs.keys())))
@property def name(self): return @property def description(self): return self.dbgroup.description @description.setter def description(self, value): self.dbgroup.description = value # Update the entry in the DB, if the group is already stored if self.is_stored: @property def type_string(self): return self.dbgroup.type @property def user(self): return self.dbgroup.user @property def dbgroup(self): return self._dbgroup @property def pk(self): return @property def id(self): return @property def uuid(self): return unicode(self.dbgroup.uuid)
[docs] def __int__(self): if self._to_be_stored: return None else: return
@property def is_stored(self): return is not None
[docs] def store(self): if not self.is_stored: try: with transaction.atomic(): except IntegrityError: raise UniquenessError("A group with the same name (and of the " "same type) already " "exists, unable to store") # To allow to do directly g = Group(...).store() return self
[docs] def add_nodes(self, nodes, **kargs): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbNode if not self.is_stored: raise ModificationNotAllowed("Cannot add nodes to a group before " "storing") # First convert to a list if isinstance(nodes, (Node, DbNode)): nodes = [nodes] if isinstance(nodes, basestring) or not isinstance( nodes, collections.Iterable): raise TypeError("Invalid type passed as the 'nodes' parameter to " "add_nodes, can only be a Node, DbNode, or a list " "of such objects, it is instead {}".format( str(type(nodes)))) list_pk = [] for node in nodes: if not isinstance(node, (Node, DbNode)): raise TypeError("Invalid type of one of the elements passed " "to add_nodes, it should be either a Node or " "a DbNode, it is instead {}".format( str(type(node)))) if is None: raise ValueError("At least one of the provided nodes is " "unstored, stopping...") list_pk.append( self.dbgroup.dbnodes.add(*list_pk)
@property def nodes(self): class iterator(object): def __init__(self, dbnodes): self.dbnodes = dbnodes self.generator = self._genfunction() def _genfunction(self): for n in self.dbnodes: yield n.get_aiida_class() def __iter__(self): return self def __len__(self): return self.dbnodes.count() # For future python-3 compatibility def __next__(self): return def next(self): return next(self.generator) return iterator(self.dbgroup.dbnodes.all())
[docs] def remove_nodes(self, nodes): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import DbNode if not self.is_stored: raise ModificationNotAllowed("Cannot remove nodes from a group " "before storing") # First convert to a list if isinstance(nodes, (Node, DbNode)): nodes = [nodes] if isinstance(nodes, basestring) or not isinstance( nodes, collections.Iterable): raise TypeError("Invalid type passed as the 'nodes' parameter to " "remove_nodes, can only be a Node, DbNode, or a " "list of such objects, it is instead {}".format( str(type(nodes)))) list_pk = [] for node in nodes: if not isinstance(node, (Node, DbNode)): raise TypeError("Invalid type of one of the elements passed " "to add_nodes, it should be either a Node or " "a DbNode, it is instead {}".format( str(type(node)))) if is None: raise ValueError("At least one of the provided nodes is " "unstored, stopping...") list_pk.append( self.dbgroup.dbnodes.remove(*list_pk)
[docs] @classmethod def query(cls, name=None, type_string="", pk=None, uuid=None, nodes=None, user=None, node_attributes=None, past_days=None, name_filters=None, **kwargs): from aiida.backends.djsite.db.models import (DbGroup, DbNode, DbAttribute) # Analyze args and kwargs to create the query queryobject = Q() if name is not None: queryobject &= Q(name=name) if type_string is not None: queryobject &= Q(type=type_string) if pk is not None: queryobject &= Q(pk=pk) if uuid is not None: queryobject &= Q(uuid=uuid) if past_days is not None: queryobject &= Q(time__gte=past_days) if nodes is not None: pk_list = [] if not isinstance(nodes, collections.Iterable): nodes = [nodes] for node in nodes: if not isinstance(node, (Node, DbNode)): raise TypeError("At least one of the elements passed as " "nodes for the query on Group is neither " "a Node nor a DbNode") pk_list.append( queryobject &= Q(dbnodes__in=pk_list) if user is not None: if isinstance(user, basestring): queryobject &= Q(user__email=user) else: queryobject &= Q(user=user) if name_filters is not None: name_filters_list = {"name__" + k: v for (k, v) in name_filters.iteritems() if v} queryobject &= Q(**name_filters_list) groups_pk = set(DbGroup.objects.filter( queryobject, **kwargs).values_list('pk', flat=True)) if node_attributes is not None: for k, vlist in node_attributes.iteritems(): if isinstance(vlist, basestring) or not isinstance( vlist, collections.Iterable): vlist = [vlist] for v in vlist: # This will be a dictionary of the type # {'datatype': 'txt', 'tval': 'xxx') for instance, if # the passed data is a string base_query_dict = DbAttribute.get_query_dict(v) # prepend to the key the right django string to SQL-join # on the right table query_dict = {'dbnodes__dbattributes__{}'.format(k2): v2 for k2, v2 in base_query_dict.iteritems()} # I narrow down the list of groups. # I had to do it in this way, with multiple DB hits and # not a single, complicated query because in SQLite # there is a maximum of 64 tables in a join. # Since typically one requires a small number of filters, # this should be ok. groups_pk = groups_pk.intersection(DbGroup.objects.filter( pk__in=groups_pk, dbnodes__dbattributes__key=k, **query_dict).values_list('pk', flat=True)) retlist = [] # Return sorted by pk for dbgroup in sorted(groups_pk): retlist.append(cls(dbgroup=dbgroup)) return retlist
[docs] def delete(self): if is not None: self.dbgroup.delete()