Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from \
    import DbImporter, DbSearchResults, DbEntry

__copyright__ = u"Copyright (c), 2015, ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE FEDERALE DE LAUSANNE (Theory and Simulation of Materials (THEOS) and National Centre for Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials (NCCR MARVEL)), Switzerland and ROBERT BOSCH LLC, USA. All rights reserved."
__license__ = "MIT license, see LICENSE.txt file"
__version__ = "0.4.1"
__contributors__ = "Andrea Cepellotti, Andrius Merkys, Giovanni Pizzi"

[docs]class MpodDbImporter(DbImporter): """ Database importer for Material Properties Open Database. """ def _str_clause(self, key, alias, values): """ Returns part of HTTP GET query for querying string fields. """ if not isinstance( values, basestring ) and not isinstance( values, int ): raise ValueError("incorrect value for keyword '" + alias + \ "' -- only strings and integers are accepted") return "{}={}".format(key, values) _keywords = { 'phase_name': [ 'phase_name', _str_clause ], 'formula' : [ 'formula', _str_clause ], 'element' : [ 'element', None ], 'cod_id' : [ 'cod_code', _str_clause ], 'authors' : [ 'publ_author', _str_clause ] } def __init__(self, **kwargs): self._query_url = "" self.setup_db( **kwargs )
[docs] def query_get(self, **kwargs): """ Forms a HTTP GET query for querying the MPOD database. May return more than one query in case an intersection is needed. :return: a list containing strings for HTTP GET statement. """ if 'formula' in kwargs.keys() and 'element' in kwargs.keys(): raise ValueError("can not query both formula and elements " "in MPOD") elements = [] if 'element' in kwargs.keys(): elements = kwargs.pop('element') if not isinstance(elements,list): elements = [elements] get_parts = [] for key in self._keywords.keys(): if key in kwargs.keys(): values = kwargs.pop(key) get_parts.append( self._keywords[key][1](self, self._keywords[key][0], key, values)) if kwargs.keys(): raise NotImplementedError("search keyword(s) '" "', '".join( kwargs.keys() ) + "' " "is(are) not implemented for MPOD") queries = [] for e in elements: queries.append(self._query_url + '?' + "&".join(get_parts + [self._str_clause('formula','element',e)])) if not queries: queries.append(self._query_url + '?' + "&".join(get_parts)) return queries
[docs] def query(self, **kwargs): """ Performs a query on the MPOD database using ``keyword = value`` pairs, specified in ``kwargs``. :return: an instance of :py:class:``. """ import urllib2 import re query_statements = self.query_get( **kwargs ) results = None for query in query_statements: response = urllib2.urlopen(query).read() this_results = re.findall("/datafiles/(\d+)\.mpod",response) if results is None: results = this_results else: results = filter(set(results).__contains__,this_results) return MpodSearchResults( results )
[docs] def setup_db(self,query_url=None,**kwargs): """ Changes the database connection details. """ if query_url: self._query_url = query_url if kwargs.keys(): raise NotImplementedError( \ "unknown database connection parameter(s): '" + \ "', '".join( kwargs.keys() ) + \ "', available parameters: 'query_url'" )
[docs] def get_supported_keywords(self): """ Returns the list of all supported query keywords. :return: list of strings """ return self._keywords.keys()
[docs]class MpodSearchResults(DbSearchResults): """ Results of the search, performed on MPOD. """ _base_url = "" def __init__(self, results): self._results = results self._entries = {} def __len__(self): return len(self._results)
[docs] def at(self, position): """ Returns ``position``-th result as :py:class:``. :param position: zero-based index of a result. :raise IndexError: if ``position`` is out of bounds. """ if position < 0 | position >= len( self._results ): raise IndexError( "index out of bounds" ) if position not in self._entries: db_id = self._results[position] url = self._base_url + db_id + ".mpod" self._entries[position] = MpodEntry( url, db_id = db_id ) return self._entries[position]
[docs]class MpodEntry(DbEntry): """ Represents an entry from MPOD. """ def __init__(self, url, **kwargs): """ Creates an instance of :py:class:``, related to the supplied URL. """ super(MpodEntry, self).__init__(db_source='Material Properties Open Database', db_url='', url=url, **kwargs)