Source code for aiida.parsers.plugins.quantumespresso.basic_raw_parser_pw

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
A collection of function that are used to parse the output of Quantum Espresso PW.
The function that needs to be called from outside is parse_raw_output().
The functions mostly work without aiida specific functionalities.
The parsing will try to convert whatever it can in some dictionary, which
by operative decision doesn't have much structure encoded, [the values are simple ] 
import xml.dom.minidom
import os
import string
from aiida.parsers.plugins.quantumespresso.constants import ry_to_ev, hartree_to_ev, bohr_to_ang, ry_si, bohr_si
from aiida.parsers.plugins.quantumespresso import QEOutputParsingError

# TODO: it could be possible to use info of the input file to parse output. 
# but atm the output has all the informations needed for the parsing.

# parameter that will be used later for comparisons

__copyright__ = u"Copyright (c), This file is part of the AiiDA platform. For further information please visit All rights reserved."
__license__ = "MIT license, see LICENSE.txt file."
__version__ = "0.7.0"
__authors__ = "The AiiDA team."

lattice_tolerance = 1.e-5

default_energy_units = 'eV'
units_suffix = '_units'
k_points_default_units = '2 pi / Angstrom'
default_length_units = 'Angstrom'
default_dipole_units = 'Debye'
default_magnetization_units = 'Bohrmag / cell'
default_force_units = 'ev / angstrom'
default_stress_units = 'GPascal'
default_polarization_units = 'C / m^2'

[docs]def parse_raw_output(out_file, input_dict, parser_opts=None, xml_file=None, dir_with_bands=None): """ Parses the output of a calculation Receives in input the paths to the output file and the xml file. :param out_file: path to pw std output :param input_dict: not used :param parser_opts: not used :param dir_with_bands: path to directory with all k-points (Kxxxxx) folders :param xml_file: path to QE data-file.xml :returns out_dict: a dictionary with parsed data :return successful: a boolean that is False in case of failed calculations :raises QEOutputParsingError: for errors in the parsing, :raises AssertionError: if two keys in the parsed dicts are found to be qual 3 different keys to check in output: parser_warnings, xml_warnings and warnings. On an upper level, these flags MUST be checked. The first two are expected to be empty unless QE failures or unfinished jobs. """ import copy # TODO: a lot of ifs could be cleaned out # TODO: input_dict should be used as well job_successful = True parser_version = '0.1' parser_info = {} parser_info['parser_warnings'] = [] parser_info['parser_info'] = 'AiiDA QE Basic Parser v{}'.format(parser_version) # if xml_file is not given in input, skip its parsing if xml_file is not None: try: with open(xml_file, 'r') as f: xml_lines = # Note: read() and not readlines() except IOError: raise QEOutputParsingError("Failed to open xml file: {}.".format(xml_file)) xml_data, structure_data = parse_pw_xml_output(xml_lines, dir_with_bands) # Note the xml file should always be consistent. else: parser_info['parser_warnings'].append('Skipping the parsing of the xml file.') xml_data = {} bands_data = {} structure_data = {} # load QE out file try: with open(out_file, 'r') as f: out_lines = except IOError: # non existing output file -> job crashed raise QEOutputParsingError("Failed to open output file: {}.".format(out_file)) if not out_lines: # there is an output file, but it's empty -> crash job_successful = False # check if the job has finished (that doesn't mean without errors) finished_run = False for line in out_lines.split('\n')[::-1]: if 'JOB DONE' in line: finished_run = True break if not finished_run: # error if the job has not finished warning = 'QE pw run did not reach the end of the execution.' parser_info['parser_warnings'].append(warning) job_successful = False # parse try: out_data, trajectory_data, critical_messages = parse_pw_text_output(out_lines, xml_data, structure_data, input_dict) except QEOutputParsingError: if not finished_run: # I try to parse it as much as possible parser_info['parser_warnings'].append('Error while parsing the output file') out_data = {} trajectory_data = {} critical_messages = [] else: # if it was finished and I got error, it's a mistake of the parser raise QEOutputParsingError('Error while parsing QE output') # I add in the out_data all the last elements of trajectory_data values. # Safe for some large arrays, that I will likely never query. skip_keys = ['forces', 'lattice_vectors_relax', 'atomic_positions_relax', 'atomic_species_name'] tmp_trajectory_data = copy.copy(trajectory_data) for x in tmp_trajectory_data.iteritems(): if x[0] in skip_keys: continue out_data[x[0]] = x[1][-1] if len(x[1]) == 1: # delete eventual keys that are not arrays (scf cycles) trajectory_data.pop(x[0]) # note: if an array is empty, there will be KeyError for key in ['k_points', 'k_points_weights']: try: trajectory_data[key] = xml_data.pop(key) except KeyError: pass # As the k points are an array that is rather large, and again it's not something I'm going to parse likely # since it's an info mainly contained in the input file, I move it to the trajectory data # if there is a severe error, the calculation is FAILED if any([x in out_data['warnings'] for x in critical_messages]): job_successful = False for key in out_data.keys(): if key in xml_data.keys(): if key == 'fermi_energy' or key == 'fermi_energy_units': # an exception for the (only?) key that may be found on both del out_data[key] else: raise AssertionError('{} found in both dictionaries, ' 'values: {} vs. {}'.format( key, out_data[key], xml_data[key])) # this shouldn't happen! # out_data keys take precedence and overwrite xml_data keys, # if the same key name is shared by both # dictionaries (but this should not happen!) parameter_data = dict(xml_data.items() + out_data.items() + parser_info.items()) # return various data. # parameter data will be mapped in ParameterData # trajectory_data in ArrayData # structure_data in a Structure # bands_data should probably be merged in ArrayData return parameter_data, trajectory_data, structure_data, job_successful
[docs]def cell_volume(a1, a2, a3): """ returns the volume of the primitive cell: \|a1.(a2xa3)\| """ a_mid_0 = a2[1] * a3[2] - a2[2] * a3[1] a_mid_1 = a2[2] * a3[0] - a2[0] * a3[2] a_mid_2 = a2[0] * a3[1] - a2[1] * a3[0] return abs(float(a1[0] * a_mid_0 + a1[1] * a_mid_1 + a1[2] * a_mid_2))
# In the following, some functions that helps the parsing of # the xml file of QE v5.0.x (version below not tested) def read_xml_card(dom, cardname): try: root_node = [_ for _ in dom.childNodes if isinstance(_, xml.dom.minidom.Element) and _.nodeName == "Root"][0] the_card = [_ for _ in root_node.childNodes if _.nodeName == cardname][0] # the_card = dom.getElementsByTagName(cardname)[0] return the_card except Exception as e: print e raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag {}'.format(cardname)) def parse_xml_child_integer(tagname, target_tags): try: # a=target_tags.getElementsByTagName(tagname)[0] a = [_ for _ in target_tags.childNodes if _.nodeName == tagname][0] b = a.childNodes[0] return int( except Exception: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag {} inside {}' .format(tagname, target_tags.tagName)) def parse_xml_child_float(tagname, target_tags): try: # a=target_tags.getElementsByTagName(tagname)[0] a = [_ for _ in target_tags.childNodes if _.nodeName == tagname][0] b = a.childNodes[0] return float( except Exception: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag {} inside {}' \ .format(tagname, target_tags.tagName)) def parse_xml_child_bool(tagname, target_tags): try: # a=target_tags.getElementsByTagName(tagname)[0] a = [_ for _ in target_tags.childNodes if _.nodeName == tagname][0] b = a.childNodes[0] return str2bool( except Exception: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag {} inside {}' \ .format(tagname, target_tags.tagName)) def str2bool(string): try: false_items = ["f", "0", "false", "no"] true_items = ["t", "1", "true", "yes"] string = str(string.lower().strip()) if string in false_items: return False if string in true_items: return True else: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error converting string ' '{} to boolean value.'.format(string)) except Exception: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error converting string to boolean.') def parse_xml_child_str(tagname, target_tags): try: # a=target_tags.getElementsByTagName(tagname)[0] a = [_ for _ in target_tags.childNodes if _.nodeName == tagname][0] b = a.childNodes[0] return str('\n', '') except Exception: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag {} inside {}' \ .format(tagname, target_tags.tagName)) def parse_xml_child_attribute_str(tagname, attributename, target_tags): try: # a=target_tags.getElementsByTagName(tagname)[0] a = [_ for _ in target_tags.childNodes if _.nodeName == tagname][0] value = str(a.getAttribute(attributename)) return value.rstrip().replace('\n', '').lower() except Exception: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing attribute {}, tag {} inside {}' .format(attributename, tagname, target_tags.tagName)) def parse_xml_child_attribute_int(tagname, attributename, target_tags): try: # a=target_tags.getElementsByTagName(tagname)[0] a = [_ for _ in target_tags.childNodes if _.nodeName == tagname][0] value = int(a.getAttribute(attributename)) return value except Exception: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing attribute {}, tag {} inside {}' .format(attributename, tagname, target_tags.tagName)) def grep_energy_from_line(line): try: return float(line.split('=')[1].split('Ry')[0]) * ry_to_ev except Exception: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error while parsing energy')
[docs]def convert_qe_time_to_sec(timestr): """ Given the walltime string of Quantum Espresso, converts it in a number of seconds (float). """ rest = timestr.strip() if 'd' in rest: days, rest = rest.split('d') else: days = '0' if 'h' in rest: hours, rest = rest.split('h') else: hours = '0' if 'm' in rest: minutes, rest = rest.split('m') else: minutes = '0' if 's' in rest: seconds, rest = rest.split('s') else: seconds = '0.' if rest.strip(): raise ValueError("Something remained at the end of the string '{}': '{}'" .format(timestr, rest)) num_seconds = ( float(seconds) + float(minutes) * 60. + float(hours) * 3600. + float(days) * 86400.) return num_seconds
[docs]def convert_list_to_matrix(in_matrix, n_rows, n_columns): """ converts a list into a list of lists (a matrix like) with n_rows and n_columns """ return [in_matrix[j:j + n_rows] for j in range(0, n_rows * n_columns, n_rows)]
def xml_card_cell(parsed_data, dom): # CARD CELL of QE output cardname = 'CELL' target_tags = read_xml_card(dom, cardname) for tagname in ['NON-PERIODIC_CELL_CORRECTION', 'BRAVAIS_LATTICE']: parsed_data[tagname.replace('-', '_').lower()] = parse_xml_child_str(tagname, target_tags) tagname = 'LATTICE_PARAMETER' value = parse_xml_child_float(tagname, target_tags) parsed_data[tagname.replace('-', '_').lower() + '_xml'] = value attrname = 'UNITS' metric = parse_xml_child_attribute_str(tagname, attrname, target_tags) if metric not in ['bohr', 'angstrom']: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing attribute {}, tag {} inside {}, units not found' .format(attrname, tagname, target_tags.tagName)) if metric == 'bohr': value *= bohr_to_ang parsed_data[tagname.replace('-', '_').lower()] = value tagname = 'CELL_DIMENSIONS' try: #a=target_tags.getElementsByTagName(tagname)[0] a = [_ for _ in target_tags.childNodes if _.nodeName == tagname][0] b = a.childNodes[0] c ='\n', '').split() value = [float(i) for i in c] parsed_data[tagname.replace('-', '_').lower()] = value except Exception: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag {} inside {}.'.format(tagname, target_tags.tagName)) tagname = 'DIRECT_LATTICE_VECTORS' lattice_vectors = [] try: second_tagname = 'UNITS_FOR_DIRECT_LATTICE_VECTORS' #a=target_tags.getElementsByTagName(tagname)[0] a = [_ for _ in target_tags.childNodes if _.nodeName == tagname][0] b = a.getElementsByTagName('UNITS_FOR_DIRECT_LATTICE_VECTORS')[0] value = str(b.getAttribute('UNITS')).lower() parsed_data[second_tagname.replace('-', '_').lower()] = value metric = value if metric not in ['bohr', 'angstroms']: # REMEMBER TO CHECK THE UNITS AT THE END OF THE FUNCTION raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag {} inside {}: units not supported: {}' .format(tagname, target_tags.tagName, metric)) lattice_vectors = [] for second_tagname in ['a1', 'a2', 'a3']: #b = a.getElementsByTagName(second_tagname)[0] b = [_ for _ in a.childNodes if _.nodeName == second_tagname][0] c = b.childNodes[0] d ='\n', '').split() value = [float(i) for i in d] if metric == 'bohr': value = [bohr_to_ang * float(s) for s in value] lattice_vectors.append(value) volume = cell_volume(lattice_vectors[0], lattice_vectors[1], lattice_vectors[2]) except Exception: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag {} inside {} inside {}.' .format(tagname, target_tags.tagName, cardname)) # NOTE: lattice_vectors will be saved later together with card IONS.atom tagname = 'RECIPROCAL_LATTICE_VECTORS' try: #a = target_tags.getElementsByTagName(tagname)[0] a = [_ for _ in target_tags.childNodes if _.nodeName == tagname][0] second_tagname = 'UNITS_FOR_RECIPROCAL_LATTICE_VECTORS' b = a.getElementsByTagName(second_tagname)[0] value = str(b.getAttribute('UNITS')).lower() parsed_data[second_tagname.replace('-', '_').lower()] = value metric = value # NOTE: output is given in 2 pi / a [ang ^ -1] if metric not in ['2 pi / a']: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag {} inside {}: units {} not supported' .format(tagname, target_tags.tagName, metric)) # reciprocal_lattice_vectors this_matrix = [] for second_tagname in ['b1', 'b2', 'b3']: b = a.getElementsByTagName(second_tagname)[0] c = b.childNodes[0] d ='\n', '').split() value = [float(i) for i in d] if metric == '2 pi / a': value = [float(s) / parsed_data['lattice_parameter'] for s in value] this_matrix.append(value) parsed_data['reciprocal_lattice_vectors'] = this_matrix except Exception: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag {} inside {}.' .format(tagname, target_tags.tagName)) return parsed_data, lattice_vectors, volume def xml_card_ions(parsed_data, dom, lattice_vectors, volume): cardname = 'IONS' target_tags = read_xml_card(dom, cardname) for tagname in ['NUMBER_OF_ATOMS', 'NUMBER_OF_SPECIES']: parsed_data[tagname.lower()] = parse_xml_child_integer(tagname, target_tags) tagname = 'UNITS_FOR_ATOMIC_MASSES' attrname = 'UNITS' parsed_data[tagname.lower()] = parse_xml_child_attribute_str(tagname, attrname, target_tags) try: parsed_data['species'] = {} parsed_data['species']['index'] = [] parsed_data['species']['type'] = [] parsed_data['species']['mass'] = [] parsed_data['species']['pseudo'] = [] for i in range(parsed_data['number_of_species']): tagname = 'SPECIE.' + str(i + 1) parsed_data['species']['index'].append(i + 1) # a=target_tags.getElementsByTagName(tagname)[0] a = [_ for _ in target_tags.childNodes if _.nodeName == tagname][0] tagname2 = 'ATOM_TYPE' parsed_data['species']['type'].append(parse_xml_child_str(tagname2, a)) tagname2 = 'MASS' parsed_data['species']['mass'].append(parse_xml_child_float(tagname2, a)) tagname2 = 'PSEUDO' parsed_data['species']['pseudo'].append(parse_xml_child_str(tagname2, a)) tagname = 'UNITS_FOR_ATOMIC_POSITIONS' attrname = 'UNITS' parsed_data[tagname.lower()] = parse_xml_child_attribute_str(tagname, attrname, target_tags) except: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag SPECIE.# inside %s.' % (target_tags.tagName )) # TODO convert the units # if parsed_data['units_for_atomic_positions'] not in ['alat','bohr','angstrom']: try: atomlist = [] atoms_index_list = [] atoms_if_pos_list = [] tagslist = [] for i in range(parsed_data['number_of_atoms']): tagname = 'ATOM.' + str(i + 1) # USELESS AT THE MOMENT, I DON'T SAVE IT # parsed_data['atoms']['list_index']=i # a=target_tags.getElementsByTagName(tagname)[0] a = [_ for _ in target_tags.childNodes if _.nodeName == tagname][0] tagname2 = 'INDEX' b = int(a.getAttribute(tagname2)) atoms_index_list.append(b) tagname2 = 'SPECIES' chem_symbol = str(a.getAttribute(tagname2)).rstrip().replace("\n", "") # I check if it is a subspecie chem_symbol_digits = "".join([i for i in chem_symbol if i in string.digits]) try: tagslist.append(int(chem_symbol_digits)) except ValueError: # If I can't parse the digit, it is probably not there: I add a None to the tagslist tagslist.append(None) # I remove the symbols chem_symbol = chem_symbol.translate(None, string.digits) tagname2 = 'tau' b = a.getAttribute(tagname2) tau = [float(s) for s in b.rstrip().replace("\n", "").split()] metric = parsed_data['units_for_atomic_positions'] if metric not in ['alat', 'bohr', 'angstrom']: # REMEMBER TO CONVERT AT THE END raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag %s inside %s' % (tagname, target_tags.tagName )) if metric == 'alat': tau = [parsed_data['lattice_parameter_xml'] * float(s) for s in tau] elif metric == 'bohr': tau = [bohr_to_ang * float(s) for s in tau] atomlist.append([chem_symbol, tau]) tagname2 = 'if_pos' b = a.getAttribute(tagname2) if_pos = [int(s) for s in b.rstrip().replace("\n", "").split()] atoms_if_pos_list.append(if_pos) parsed_data['atoms'] = atomlist parsed_data['atoms_index_list'] = atoms_index_list parsed_data['atoms_if_pos_list'] = atoms_if_pos_list cell = {} cell['lattice_vectors'] = lattice_vectors cell['volume'] = volume cell['atoms'] = atomlist cell['tagslist'] = tagslist parsed_data['cell'] = cell except Exception: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error parsing tag ATOM.# inside %s.' % (target_tags.tagName )) # saving data together with cell parameters. Did so for better compatibility with ASE. # correct some units that have been converted in parsed_data['atomic_positions' + units_suffix] = default_length_units parsed_data['direct_lattice_vectors' + units_suffix] = default_length_units return parsed_data
[docs]def parse_pw_xml_output(data, dir_with_bands=None): """ Parse the xml data of QE v5.0.x Input data must be a single string, as returned by Returns a dictionary with parsed values """ import copy from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError # NOTE : I often assume that if the xml file has been written, it has no # internal errors. try: dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(data) except ExpatError: return {'xml_warnings': "Error in XML parseString: bad format"}, {}, {} parsed_data = {} parsed_data['xml_warnings'] = [] structure_dict = {} # CARD CELL structure_dict, lattice_vectors, volume = copy.deepcopy(xml_card_cell(structure_dict, dom)) # CARD IONS structure_dict = copy.deepcopy(xml_card_ions(structure_dict, dom, lattice_vectors, volume)) # fermi energy cardname = 'BAND_STRUCTURE_INFO' target_tags = read_xml_card(dom, cardname) tagname = 'FERMI_ENERGY' parsed_data[tagname.replace('-', '_').lower()] = \ parse_xml_child_float(tagname, target_tags) * hartree_to_ev parsed_data[tagname.lower() + units_suffix] = default_energy_units return parsed_data, structure_dict
[docs]def parse_pw_text_output(data, xml_data=None, structure_data=None, input_dict=None): """ Parses the text output of QE-PWscf. :param data: a string, the file as read by read() :param xml_data: the dictionary with the keys read from xml. :param structure_data: dictionary, coming from the xml, with info on the structure :return parsed_data: dictionary with key values, referring to quantities at the last scf step. :return trajectory_data: key,values referring to intermediate scf steps, as in the case of vc-relax. Empty dictionary if no value is present. :return critical_messages: a list with critical messages. If any is found in parsed_data['warnings'], the calculation is FAILED! """ parsed_data = {} parsed_data['warnings'] = [] vdw_correction = False trajectory_data = {} # critical warnings: if any is found, the calculation status is FAILED critical_warnings = { 'The maximum number of steps has been reached.': "The maximum step of the ionic/electronic relaxation has been reached.", 'convergence NOT achieved after': "The scf cycle did not reach convergence.", # 'eigenvalues not converged':None, # special treatment 'iterations completed, stopping': 'Maximum number of iterations reached in Wentzcovitch Damped Dynamics.', 'Maximum CPU time exceeded': 'Maximum CPU time exceeded', '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%': None, } minor_warnings = {'Warning:': None, 'DEPRECATED:': None, 'incommensurate with FFT grid': 'The FFT is incommensurate: some symmetries may be lost.', 'SCF correction compared to forces is too large, reduce conv_thr': "Forces are inaccurate (SCF correction is large): reduce conv_thr.", } all_warnings = dict(critical_warnings.items() + minor_warnings.items()) # Find some useful quantities. try: for line in data.split('\n'): if 'lattice parameter (alat)' in line: alat = float(line.split('=')[1].split('a.u')[0]) elif 'number of atoms/cell' in line: nat = int(line.split('=')[1]) elif 'number of atomic types' in line: ntyp = int(line.split('=')[1]) elif 'unit-cell volume' in line: volume = float(line.split('=')[1].split('(a.u.)^3')[0]) elif 'number of Kohn-Sham states' in line: nbnd = int(line.split('=')[1]) break alat *= bohr_to_ang volume *= bohr_to_ang ** 3 parsed_data['number_of_bands'] = nbnd except NameError: # nat or other variables where not found, and thus not initialized # try to get some error message for count, line in enumerate(data.split('\n')): if any(i in line for i in all_warnings): messages = [all_warnings[i] if all_warnings[i] is not None else line for i in all_warnings.keys() if i in line] if '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' in line: messages = parse_QE_errors(data.split('\n'), count, parsed_data['warnings']) # if it found something, add to log if len(messages) > 0: parsed_data['warnings'].extend(messages) if len(parsed_data['warnings']) > 0: return parsed_data, trajectory_data, critical_warnings.values() else: # did not find any error message -> raise an Error and do not # return anything raise QEOutputParsingError("Parser can't load basic info.") # Save these two quantities in the parsed_data, because they will be # useful for queries (maybe), and structure_data will not be stored as a ParameterData parsed_data['number_of_atoms'] = nat parsed_data['number_of_species'] = ntyp parsed_data['volume'] = volume c_bands_error = False # now grep quantities that can be considered isolated informations. for count, line in enumerate(data.split('\n')): # special parsing of c_bands error if 'c_bands' in line and 'eigenvalues not converged' in line: c_bands_error = True elif "iteration #" in line and c_bands_error: # if there is another iteration, c_bands is not necessarily a problem # I put a warning only if c_bands error appears in the last iteration c_bands_error = False # Parsing of errors elif any(i in line for i in all_warnings): message = [all_warnings[i] for i in all_warnings.keys() if i in line][0] if message is None: message = line # if the run is a molecular dynamics, I ignore that I reached the # last iteration step. if ('The maximum number of steps has been reached.' in line and 'md' in input_dict['CONTROL']['calculation']): message = None if 'iterations completed, stopping' in line: value = message message = None if 'Wentzcovitch Damped Dynamics:' in line: dynamic_iterations = int(line.split()[3]) if max_dynamic_iterations == dynamic_iterations: message = value if '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' in line: message = None messages = parse_QE_errors(data.split('\n'), count, parsed_data['warnings']) # if it found something, add to log try: parsed_data['warnings'].extend(messages) except UnboundLocalError: pass if message is not None: parsed_data['warnings'].append(message) if c_bands_error: parsed_data['warnings'].append("c_bands: at least 1 eigenvalues not converged") # I split the output text in the atomic SCF calculations. # the initial part should be things already contained in the xml. # (cell, initial positions, kpoints, ...) and I skip them. # In case, parse for them before this point. # Put everything in a trajectory_data dictionary relax_steps = data.split('Self-consistent Calculation')[1:] relax_steps = [i.split('\n') for i in relax_steps] # now I create a bunch of arrays for every step. for data_step in relax_steps: for count, line in enumerate(data_step): # NOTE: in the above, the chemical symbols are not those of AiiDA # since the AiiDA structure is different. So, I assume now that the # order of atoms is the same of the input atomic structure. # Computed dipole correction in slab geometries. # save dipole in debye units, only at last iteration of scf cycle # grep energy and eventually, magnetization if '!' in line: try: for key in ['energy', 'energy_accuracy']: if key not in trajectory_data: trajectory_data[key] = [] En = float(line.split('=')[1].split('Ry')[0]) * ry_to_ev E_acc = float(data_step[count + 2].split('<')[1].split('Ry')[0]) * ry_to_ev for key, value in [['energy', En], ['energy_accuracy', E_acc]]: trajectory_data[key].append(value) parsed_data[key + units_suffix] = default_energy_units except Exception: parsed_data['warnings'].append('Error while parsing the energy') elif 'the Fermi energy is' in line: try: value = line.split('is')[1].split('ev')[0] try: trajectory_data['fermi_energy'].append(value) except KeyError: trajectory_data['fermi_energy'] = [value] parsed_data['fermi_energy' + units_suffix] = default_energy_units except Exception: parsed_data['warnings'].append('Error while parsing Fermi energy from the output file.') elif 'Forces acting on atoms (Ry/au):' in line: try: forces = [] j = 0 while True: j += 1 line2 = data_step[count + j] if 'atom ' in line2: line2 = line2.split('=')[1].split() # CONVERT FORCES IN eV/Ang vec = [float(s) * ry_to_ev / \ bohr_to_ang for s in line2] forces.append(vec) if len(forces) == nat: break try: trajectory_data['forces'].append(forces) except KeyError: trajectory_data['forces'] = [forces] parsed_data['forces' + units_suffix] = default_force_units except Exception: parsed_data['warnings'].append('Error while parsing forces.') # TODO: adding the parsing support for the decomposition of the forces elif 'Total force =' in line: try: # note that I can't check the units: not written in output! value = float(line.split('=')[1].split('Total')[0]) * ry_to_ev / bohr_to_ang try: trajectory_data['total_force'].append(value) except KeyError: trajectory_data['total_force'] = [value] parsed_data['total_force' + units_suffix] = default_force_units except Exception: parsed_data['warnings'].append('Error while parsing total force.') elif 'entering subroutine stress ...' in line: try: stress = [] for k in range(10): if "P=" in data_step[count + k + 1]: count2 = count + k + 1 if '(Ry/bohr**3)' not in data_step[count2]: raise QEOutputParsingError('Error while parsing stress: unexpected units.') for k in range(3): line2 = data_step[count2 + k + 1].split() vec = [float(s) * 10 ** (-9) * ry_si / (bohr_si) ** 3 for s in line2[0:3]] stress.append(vec) try: trajectory_data['stress'].append(stress) except KeyError: trajectory_data['stress'] = [stress] parsed_data['stress' + units_suffix] = default_stress_units except Exception: parsed_data['warnings'].append('Error while parsing stress tensor.') return parsed_data, trajectory_data, critical_warnings.values()
[docs]def parse_QE_errors(lines, count, warnings): """ Parse QE errors messages (those appearing between some lines with ``'%%%%%%%%'``) :param lines: list of strings, the output text file as read by readlines() or as obtained by data.split('\\n') when data is the text file read by read() :param count: the line at which we identified some ``'%%%%%%%%'`` :param warnings: the warnings already parsed in the file :return messages: a list of QE error messages """ # find the indices of the lines with problems found_endpoint = False init_problem = count for count2, line2 in enumerate(lines[count + 1:]): end_problem = count + count2 + 1 if "%%%%%%%%%%%%" in line2: found_endpoint = True break messages = [] if found_endpoint: # build a dictionary with the lines prob_list = lines[init_problem:end_problem + 1] irred_list = list(set(prob_list)) for v in prob_list: if ( len(v) > 0 and (v in irred_list and v not in warnings) ): messages.append(irred_list.pop(irred_list.index(v))) return messages