Source code for aiida.parsers.plugins.quantumespresso.cp

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from aiida.orm.calculation.job.quantumespresso.cp import CpCalculation
from aiida.parsers.plugins.quantumespresso.basic_raw_parser_cp import (
    QEOutputParsingError, parse_cp_traj_stanzas, parse_cp_raw_output)
from aiida.parsers.plugins.quantumespresso.constants import (bohr_to_ang,
                                                             timeau_to_sec, hartree_to_ev)
from import ParameterData
from import StructureData
from import FolderData
from aiida.parsers.parser import Parser
from aiida.common.datastructures import calc_states
from import TrajectoryData
import numpy

__copyright__ = u"Copyright (c), This file is part of the AiiDA platform. For further information please visit All rights reserved."
__license__ = "MIT license, see LICENSE.txt file."
__version__ = "0.7.0"
__authors__ = "The AiiDA team."

[docs]class CpParser(Parser): """ This class is the implementation of the Parser class for Cp. """ def __init__(self, calc): """ Initialize the instance of CpParser :param calculation: calculation object. """ # check for valid input if not isinstance(calc, CpCalculation): raise QEOutputParsingError("Input calc must be a CpCalculation") super(CpParser, self).__init__(calc)
[docs] def parse_with_retrieved(self, retrieved): """ Receives in input a dictionary of retrieved nodes. Does all the logic here. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import InvalidOperation import os, copy import numpy # TrajectoryData also uses numpy arrays successful = True # check if I'm not to overwrite anything state = self._calc.get_state() if state != calc_states.PARSING: raise InvalidOperation("Calculation not in {} state" .format(calc_states.PARSING)) # get the input structure input_structure = self._calc.inp.structure # load the input dictionary # TODO: pass this input_dict to the parser. It might need it. input_dict = self._calc.inp.parameters.get_dict() # Check that the retrieved folder is there try: out_folder = retrieved[self._calc._get_linkname_retrieved()] except KeyError: self.logger.error("No retrieved folder found") return False, () # check what is inside the folder list_of_files = out_folder.get_folder_list() # at least the stdout should exist if not self._calc._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME in list_of_files: successful = False new_nodes_tuple = () self.logger.error("Standard output not found") return successful, new_nodes_tuple # if there is something more, I note it down, so to call the raw parser # with the right options # look for xml out_file = out_folder.get_abs_path(self._calc._OUTPUT_FILE_NAME) xml_file = None if self._calc._DATAFILE_XML_BASENAME in list_of_files: xml_file = out_folder.get_abs_path(self._calc._DATAFILE_XML_BASENAME) xml_counter_file = None if self._calc._FILE_XML_PRINT_COUNTER in list_of_files: xml_counter_file = out_folder.get_abs_path( self._calc._FILE_XML_PRINT_COUNTER) parsing_args = [out_file, xml_file, xml_counter_file] # call the raw parsing function out_dict, raw_successful = parse_cp_raw_output(*parsing_args) successful = True if raw_successful else False # parse the trajectory. Units in Angstrom, picoseconds and eV. # append everthing in the temporary dictionary raw_trajectory expected_configs = None raw_trajectory = {} evp_keys = ['electronic_kinetic_energy', 'cell_temperature', 'ionic_temperature', 'scf_total_energy', 'enthalpy', 'enthalpy_plus_kinetic', 'energy_constant_motion', 'volume', 'pressure'] pos_vel_keys = ['cells', 'positions', 'times', 'velocities'] # set a default null values # Now prepare the reordering, as filex in the xml are ordered reordering = self._generate_sites_ordering(out_dict['species'], out_dict['atoms']) # =============== POSITIONS trajectory ============================ try: with open(out_folder.get_abs_path( '{}.pos'.format(self._calc._PREFIX))) as posfile: pos_data = [l.split() for l in posfile] # POSITIONS stored in angstrom traj_data = parse_cp_traj_stanzas(num_elements=out_dict['number_of_atoms'], splitlines=pos_data, prepend_name='positions_traj', rescale=bohr_to_ang) # here initialize the dictionary. If the parsing of positions fails, though, I don't have anything # out of the CP dynamics. Therefore, the calculation status is set to FAILED. raw_trajectory['positions_ordered'] = self._get_reordered_array(traj_data['positions_traj_data'], reordering) raw_trajectory['times'] = numpy.array(traj_data['positions_traj_times']) except IOError: out_dict['warnings'].append("Unable to open the POS file... skipping.") successful = False except Exception as e: out_dict['warnings'].append("Error parsing POS file ({}). Skipping file." .format(e.message)) successful = False # =============== CELL trajectory ============================ try: with open(os.path.join(out_folder.get_abs_path('.'), '{}.cel'.format(self._calc._PREFIX))) as celfile: cel_data = [l.split() for l in celfile] traj_data = parse_cp_traj_stanzas(num_elements=3, splitlines=cel_data, prepend_name='cell_traj', rescale=bohr_to_ang) raw_trajectory['cells'] = numpy.array(traj_data['cell_traj_data']) except IOError: out_dict['warnings'].append("Unable to open the CEL file... skipping.") except Exception as e: out_dict['warnings'].append("Error parsing CEL file ({}). Skipping file." .format(e.message)) # =============== VELOCITIES trajectory ============================ try: with open(os.path.join(out_folder.get_abs_path('.'), '{}.vel'.format(self._calc._PREFIX))) as velfile: vel_data = [l.split() for l in velfile] traj_data = parse_cp_traj_stanzas(num_elements=out_dict['number_of_atoms'], splitlines=vel_data, prepend_name='velocities_traj', rescale=bohr_to_ang / timeau_to_sec * 10 ** 12) # velocities in ang/ps, raw_trajectory['velocities_ordered'] = self._get_reordered_array(traj_data['velocities_traj_data'], reordering) except IOError: out_dict['warnings'].append("Unable to open the VEL file... skipping.") except Exception as e: out_dict['warnings'].append("Error parsing VEL file ({}). Skipping file." .format(e.message)) # =============== EVP trajectory ============================ try: matrix = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join(out_folder.get_abs_path('.'), '{}.evp'.format(self._calc._PREFIX))) # there might be a different format if the matrix has one row only try: matrix.shape[1] except IndexError: matrix = numpy.array(numpy.matrix(matrix)) raw_trajectory['steps'] = numpy.array(matrix[:, 0], dtype=int) raw_trajectory['electronic_kinetic_energy'] = matrix[:, 1] * hartree_to_ev # EKINC, eV raw_trajectory['cell_temperature'] = matrix[:, 2] # TEMPH, K raw_trajectory['ionic_temperature'] = matrix[:, 3] # TEMPP, K raw_trajectory['scf_total_energy'] = matrix[:, 4] * hartree_to_ev # ETOT, eV raw_trajectory['enthalpy'] = matrix[:, 5] * hartree_to_ev # ENTHAL, eV raw_trajectory['enthalpy_plus_kinetic'] = matrix[:, 6] * hartree_to_ev # ECONS, eV raw_trajectory['energy_constant_motion'] = matrix[:, 7] * hartree_to_ev # ECONT, eV raw_trajectory['volume'] = matrix[:, 8] * (bohr_to_ang ** 3) # volume, angstrom^3 raw_trajectory['pressure'] = matrix[:, 9] # out_press, GPa except Exception as e: out_dict['warnings'].append("Error parsing EVP file ({}). Skipping file.".format(e.message)) except IOError: out_dict['warnings'].append("Unable to open the EVP file... skipping.") # get the symbols from the input # TODO: I should have kinds in TrajectoryData raw_trajectory['symbols'] = numpy.array([str(i.kind_name) for i in input_structure.sites]) traj = TrajectoryData() traj.set_trajectory(stepids=raw_trajectory['steps'], cells=raw_trajectory['cells'], symbols=raw_trajectory['symbols'], positions=raw_trajectory['positions_ordered'], times=raw_trajectory['times'], velocities=raw_trajectory['velocities_ordered'], ) for this_name in evp_keys: traj.set_array(this_name, raw_trajectory[this_name]) new_nodes_list = [(self.get_linkname_trajectory(), traj)] # convert the dictionary into an AiiDA object output_params = ParameterData(dict=out_dict) # save it into db new_nodes_list.append((self.get_linkname_outparams(), output_params)) return successful, new_nodes_list
[docs] def get_linkname_trajectory(self): """ Returns the name of the link to the output_structure (None if not present) """ return 'output_trajectory'
def _generate_sites_ordering(self, raw_species, raw_atoms): """ take the positions of xml and from file.pos of the LAST step and compare them """ # Examples in the comments are for species [Ba, O, Ti] # and atoms [Ba, Ti, O, O, O] # Dictionary to associate the species name to the idx # Example: {'Ba': 1, 'O': 2, 'Ti': 3} species_dict = {name: idx for idx, name in zip(raw_species['index'], raw_species['type'])} # List of the indices of the specie associated to each atom, # in the order specified in input # Example: (1,3,2,2,2) atoms_species_idx = [species_dict[a[0]] for a in raw_atoms] # I also attach the current position; important to convert to a list # Otherwise the iterator can be looped on only once! # Example: ((0,1),(1,3),(2,2),(3,2),(4,2)) ref_atom_list = list(enumerate(atoms_species_idx)) new_order_tmp = [] # I reorder the atoms, first by specie, then in their order # This is the order used in output by CP!! # Example: ((0,1),(2,2),(3,2),(4,2),(1,3)) for specie_idx in sorted(raw_species['index']): for elem in ref_atom_list: if elem[1] == specie_idx: new_order_tmp.append(elem) # This is the new order that is printed in CP: # e.g. reordering[2] is the index of the atom, in the input # list of atoms, that is printed in position 2 (0-based, so the # third atom) in the CP output files. # Example: [0,2,3,4,1] reordering = [_[0] for _ in new_order_tmp] # I now need the inverse reordering, to put back in place # from the output ordering to the input one! # Example: [0,4,1,2,3] # Because in the final list (Ba, O, O, O, Ti) # the first atom Ba in the input is atom 0 in the CP output (the first), # the second atom Ti in the input is atom 4 (the fifth) in the CP output, # and so on sorted_indexed_reordering = sorted([(_[1], _[0]) for _ in enumerate(reordering)]) reordering_inverse = [_[1] for _ in sorted_indexed_reordering] return reordering_inverse def _get_reordered_list(self, origlist, reordering): """ Given a list to reorder, a list of integer positions with the new order, return the reordered list. """ return [origlist[e] for e in reordering] def _get_reordered_array(self, input, reordering): return numpy.array([self._get_reordered_list(i, reordering) for i in input])