

Use the plugin to support inputs of Quantum Espresso matdyn.x executable.

Supported codes

  • tested from matdyn.x v5.0 onwards.


  • parameters, class ParameterData Input parameters of pw.x, as a nested dictionary, mapping the input of QE. Example:


    See the QE documentation for the full list of variables and their meaning. Note: some keywords don’t have to be specified or Calculation will enter the SUBMISSIONFAILED state, and are already taken care of by AiiDA (are related with the structure or with path to files):

    'INPUT', 'flfrq': file with frequencies in output
    'INPUT', 'flvec': file with eigenvecors
    'INPUT', 'fldos': file with dos
    'INPUT', 'q_in_cryst_coord': for qpoints
    'INPUT', 'flfrc': input force constants
  • parent_calculation, pass the parent q2r calculation of its FolderData as the parent_folder to pass the input force constants.

  • kpoints, class KpointsData Points on which to compute the interpolated frequencies. Must contain a list of kpoints.


There are several output nodes that can be created by the plugin, according to the calculation details. All output nodes can be accessed with the calculation.out method.

  • output_parameters ParameterData Contains warnings. calculation.out.output_parameters can also be accessed by the calculation.res shortcut.
  • output_phonon_bands BandsData Phonon frequencies as a function of qpoints.


Errors of the parsing are reported in the log of the calculation (accessible with the verdi calculation logshow command). Moreover, they are stored in the ParameterData under the key warnings, and are accessible with Calculation.res.warnings.