Source code for aiida.parsers.plugins.quantumespresso

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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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from aiida.parsers.exceptions import OutputParsingError

[docs]class QEOutputParsingError(OutputParsingError): """ Exception raised by a parser error in a QE code """ pass
# def __init__(self,message): # wrappedmessage = "Error parsing Quantum Espresso PW output: " + message # super(QEOutputParsingError,self).__init__(wrappedmessage) # self.message = wrappedmessage # self.module = "qe-pw"
[docs]def convert_qe2aiida_structure(output_dict, input_structure=None): """ Receives the dictionary cell parsed from quantum espresso Convert it into an AiiDA structure object """ from aiida.orm import DataFactory StructureData = DataFactory('structure') cell_dict = output_dict['cell'] # If I don't have any help, I will set up the cell as it is in QE if not input_structure: s = StructureData(cell=cell_dict['lattice_vectors']) for atom in cell_dict['atoms']: s.append_atom(position=tuple(atom[1]), symbols=[atom[0]]) else: s = input_structure.copy() s.reset_cell(cell_dict['lattice_vectors']) new_pos = [i[1] for i in cell_dict['atoms']] s.reset_sites_positions(new_pos) return s
[docs]def parse_raw_out_basic(out_file, calc_name): """ A very simple parser for the standard out, usually aiida.out. Currently only parses basic warnings and the walltime. :param out_file: the standard out to be parsed :param calc_name: the name of the calculation, e.g. PROJWFC :return: parsed_data """ # read file parsed_data = {} parsed_data['warnings'] = [] # critical warnings: if any is found, the calculation status is FAILED critical_warnings = {'Maximum CPU time exceeded':'Maximum CPU time exceeded', '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%':None, } minor_warnings = {'Warning:':None, 'DEPRECATED:':None, } all_warnings = dict(critical_warnings.items() + minor_warnings.items()) for count in range (len(out_file)): line = out_file[count] # parse the global file, for informations that are written only once if calc_name in line and 'WALL' in line: try: time = line.split('CPU')[1].split('WALL')[0] parsed_data['wall_time'] = time except ValueError: parsed_data['warnings'].append('Error while parsing wall time.') try: parsed_data['wall_time_seconds'] = convert_qe_time_to_sec(time) except ValueError: raise QEOutputParsingError("Unable to convert wall_time in seconds.") # Parsing of errors elif any( i in line for i in all_warnings): message = [ all_warnings[i] for i in all_warnings.keys() if i in line][0] if message is None: message = line if '%%%%%%%%%%%%%%' in line: message = None messages = parse_QE_errors(out_file,count,parsed_data['warnings']) # if it found something, add to log try: parsed_data['warnings'].extend(messages) except UnboundLocalError: pass if message is not None: parsed_data['warnings'].append(message) return parsed_data
[docs]def convert_qe_time_to_sec(timestr): """ Given the walltime string of Quantum Espresso, converts it in a number of seconds (float). """ rest = timestr.strip() if 'd' in rest: days, rest = rest.split('d') else: days = '0' if 'h' in rest: hours, rest = rest.split('h') else: hours = '0' if 'm' in rest: minutes, rest = rest.split('m') else: minutes = '0' if 's' in rest: seconds, rest = rest.split('s') else: seconds = '0.' if rest.strip(): raise ValueError("Something remained at the end of the string '{}': '{}'" .format(timestr, rest)) num_seconds = ( float(seconds) + float(minutes) * 60. + float(hours) * 3600. + float(days) * 86400.) return num_seconds
[docs]def ldlparse_QE_errors(lines,count,warnings): """ Parse QE errors messages, i.e., those appearing between some lines with ``%%%%%%%%`` :param lines: list of strings, the output text file as read by readlines() or as obtained by ``data.split('\\n')`` when data is the text file read by read() :param count: the line at which we identified some ``%%%%%%%%`` :param warnings: the warnings already parsed in the file :return messages: a list of QE error messages """ # find the indices of the lines with problems found_endpoint = False init_problem = count for count2,line2 in enumerate(lines[count+1:]): end_problem = count + count2 + 1 if "%%%%%%%%%%%%" in line2: found_endpoint = True break messages = [] if found_endpoint: # build a dictionary with the lines prob_list = lines[init_problem:end_problem+1] irred_list = list(set(prob_list)) for v in prob_list: if ( len(v)>0 and (v in irred_list and v not in warnings) ): messages.append(irred_list.pop(irred_list.index(v))) return messages
[docs]def parse_QE_errors(lines,count,warnings): """ Parse QE errors messages, i.e., those appearing between some lines with ``%%%%%%%%`` :param lines: list of strings, the output text file as read by readlines() or as obtained by ``data.split('\\n')`` when data is the text file read by read() :param count: the line at which we identified some ``%%%%%%%%`` :param warnings: the warnings already parsed in the file :return messages: a list of QE error messages """ # find the indices of the lines with problems found_endpoint = False init_problem = count for count2,line2 in enumerate(lines[count+1:]): end_problem = count + count2 + 1 if "%%%%%%%%%%%%" in line2: found_endpoint = True break messages = [] if found_endpoint: # build a dictionary with the lines prob_list = lines[init_problem:end_problem+1] irred_list = list(set(prob_list)) for v in prob_list: if ( len(v)>0 and (v in irred_list and v not in warnings) ): messages.append(irred_list.pop(irred_list.index(v))) return messages