Source code for aiida.backends.djsite.db.migrations.0038_data_migration_legacy_job_calculations

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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# pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-few-public-methods
"""Data migration for legacy `JobCalculations`.

These old nodes have already been migrated to the correct `CalcJobNode` type in a previous migration, but they can
still contain a `state` attribute with a deprecated `JobCalcState` value and they are missing a value for the
`process_state`, `process_status`, `process_label` and `exit_status`. The `process_label` is impossible to infer
consistently in SQL so it will be omitted. The other  will be mapped from the `state` attribute as follows:

.. code-block:: text

    Old state            | Process state  | Exit status | Process status
    `NEW`                | `killed`       |    `None`   | Legacy `JobCalculation` with state `NEW`
    `TOSUBMIT`           | `killed`       |    `None`   | Legacy `JobCalculation` with state `TOSUBMIT`
    `SUBMITTING`         | `killed`       |    `None`   | Legacy `JobCalculation` with state `SUBMITTING`
    `WITHSCHEDULER`      | `killed`       |    `None`   | Legacy `JobCalculation` with state `WITHSCHEDULER`
    `COMPUTED`           | `killed`       |    `None`   | Legacy `JobCalculation` with state `COMPUTED`
    `RETRIEVING`         | `killed`       |    `None`   | Legacy `JobCalculation` with state `RETRIEVING`
    `PARSING`            | `killed`       |    `None`   | Legacy `JobCalculation` with state `PARSING`
    `SUBMISSIONFAILED`   | `excepted`     |    `None`   | Legacy `JobCalculation` with state `SUBMISSIONFAILED`
    `RETRIEVALFAILED`    | `excepted`     |    `None`   | Legacy `JobCalculation` with state `RETRIEVALFAILED`
    `PARSINGFAILED`      | `excepted`     |    `None`   | Legacy `JobCalculation` with state `PARSINGFAILED`
    `FAILED`             | `finished`     |      2      |  -
    `FINISHED`           | `finished`     |      0      |  -
    `IMPORTED`           |       -        |      -      |  -

Note the `IMPORTED` state was never actually stored in the `state` attribute, so we do not have to consider it.
The old `state` attribute has to be removed after the data is migrated, because its value is no longer valid or useful.

Note: in addition to the three attributes mentioned in the table, all matched nodes will get `Legacy JobCalculation` as
their `process_label` which is one of the default columns of `verdi process list`.
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import absolute_import

# Remove when is fixed
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module,import-error
from django.db import migrations
from aiida.backends.djsite.db.migrations import upgrade_schema_version

REVISION = '1.0.38'
DOWN_REVISION = '1.0.37'

[docs]class Migration(migrations.Migration): """Data migration for legacy `JobCalculations`.""" dependencies = [ ('db', '0037_attributes_extras_settings_json'), ] # Note that the condition on matching target nodes is done only on the `node_type` amd the `state` attribute value. # New `CalcJobs` will have the same node type and while their active can have a `state` attribute with a value # of the enum `CalcJobState`, some of which match the deprecated `JobCalcState`, however, the new ones are stored # in lower case, so we do not run the risk of matching them by accident. operations = [ migrations.RunSQL( sql=r""" UPDATE db_dbnode SET attributes = attributes - 'state' || '{"process_state": "killed", "process_status": "Legacy `JobCalculation` with state `NEW`", "process_label": "Legacy JobCalculation"}' WHERE node_type = 'process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.' AND attributes @> '{"state": "NEW"}'; UPDATE db_dbnode SET attributes = attributes - 'state' || '{"process_state": "killed", "process_status": "Legacy `JobCalculation` with state `TOSUBMIT`", "process_label": "Legacy JobCalculation"}' WHERE node_type = 'process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.' AND attributes @> '{"state": "TOSUBMIT"}'; UPDATE db_dbnode SET attributes = attributes - 'state' || '{"process_state": "killed", "process_status": "Legacy `JobCalculation` with state `SUBMITTING`", "process_label": "Legacy JobCalculation"}' WHERE node_type = 'process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.' AND attributes @> '{"state": "SUBMITTING"}'; UPDATE db_dbnode SET attributes = attributes - 'state' || '{"process_state": "killed", "process_status": "Legacy `JobCalculation` with state `WITHSCHEDULER`", "process_label": "Legacy JobCalculation"}' WHERE node_type = 'process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.' AND attributes @> '{"state": "WITHSCHEDULER"}'; UPDATE db_dbnode SET attributes = attributes - 'state' || '{"process_state": "killed", "process_status": "Legacy `JobCalculation` with state `COMPUTED`", "process_label": "Legacy JobCalculation"}' WHERE node_type = 'process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.' AND attributes @> '{"state": "COMPUTED"}'; UPDATE db_dbnode SET attributes = attributes - 'state' || '{"process_state": "killed", "process_status": "Legacy `JobCalculation` with state `RETRIEVING`", "process_label": "Legacy JobCalculation"}' WHERE node_type = 'process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.' AND attributes @> '{"state": "RETRIEVING"}'; UPDATE db_dbnode SET attributes = attributes - 'state' || '{"process_state": "killed", "process_status": "Legacy `JobCalculation` with state `PARSING`", "process_label": "Legacy JobCalculation"}' WHERE node_type = 'process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.' AND attributes @> '{"state": "PARSING"}'; UPDATE db_dbnode SET attributes = attributes - 'state' || '{"process_state": "excepted", "process_status": "Legacy `JobCalculation` with state `SUBMISSIONFAILED`", "process_label": "Legacy JobCalculation"}' WHERE node_type = 'process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.' AND attributes @> '{"state": "SUBMISSIONFAILED"}'; UPDATE db_dbnode SET attributes = attributes - 'state' || '{"process_state": "excepted", "process_status": "Legacy `JobCalculation` with state `RETRIEVALFAILED`", "process_label": "Legacy JobCalculation"}' WHERE node_type = 'process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.' AND attributes @> '{"state": "RETRIEVALFAILED"}'; UPDATE db_dbnode SET attributes = attributes - 'state' || '{"process_state": "excepted", "process_status": "Legacy `JobCalculation` with state `PARSINGFAILED`", "process_label": "Legacy JobCalculation"}' WHERE node_type = 'process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.' AND attributes @> '{"state": "PARSINGFAILED"}'; UPDATE db_dbnode SET attributes = attributes - 'state' || '{"process_state": "finished", "exit_status": 2, "process_label": "Legacy JobCalculation"}' WHERE node_type = 'process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.' AND attributes @> '{"state": "FAILED"}'; UPDATE db_dbnode SET attributes = attributes - 'state' || '{"process_state": "finished", "exit_status": 0, "process_label": "Legacy JobCalculation"}' WHERE node_type = 'process.calculation.calcjob.CalcJobNode.' AND attributes @> '{"state": "FINISHED"}'; """, reverse_sql='' ), upgrade_schema_version(REVISION, DOWN_REVISION) ]