Source code for aiida.backends.djsite.db.migrations.0041_seal_unsealed_processes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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# pylint: disable=invalid-name,too-few-public-methods
"""Seal any process nodes that have not yet been sealed but should.

This should have been accomplished by the last step in the previous migration, but because the WHERE clause was
incorrect, not all nodes that should have been targeted were included. The problem is with the statement:

    attributes->>'process_state' NOT IN ('created', 'running', 'waiting')

The problem here is that this will yield `False` if the attribute `process_state` does not even exist. This will be the
case for legacy calculations like `InlineCalculation` nodes. Their node type was already migrated in `0020` but most of
them will be unsealed.
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from __future__ import absolute_import

# Remove when is fixed
# pylint: disable=no-name-in-module,import-error
from django.db import migrations
from aiida.backends.djsite.db.migrations import upgrade_schema_version

REVISION = '1.0.41'
DOWN_REVISION = '1.0.40'

[docs]class Migration(migrations.Migration): """Data migration for legacy process attributes.""" dependencies = [ ('db', '0040_data_migration_legacy_process_attributes'), ] operations = [ migrations.RunSQL( sql=r""" UPDATE db_dbnode SET attributes = jsonb_set(attributes, '{"sealed"}', to_jsonb(True)) WHERE node_type LIKE 'process.%' AND NOT attributes ? 'sealed' AND NOT ( attributes ? 'process_state' AND attributes->>'process_state' IN ('created', 'running', 'waiting') ); -- Set `sealed=True` for process nodes that do not yet have a `sealed` attribute AND are not in an active state -- It is important to check that `process_state` exists at all before doing the IN check. """, reverse_sql='' ), upgrade_schema_version(REVISION, DOWN_REVISION) ]