Source code for aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.migrations.versions.041a79fc615f_dblog_cleaning

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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# pylint: disable=invalid-name,no-member,import-error,no-name-in-module
"""This migration cleans the log records from non-Node entity records.
It removes from the DbLog table the legacy workflow records and records
that correspond to an unknown entity and places them to corresponding files.

This migration corresponds to the 0024_dblog_update Django migration.

Revision ID: 041a79fc615f
Revises: 7ca08c391c49
Create Date: 2018-12-28 15:53:14.596810
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-order
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import sys
from six.moves import zip
import click
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy.sql import text
from alembic import op

from aiida.backends.general.migrations.utils import dumps_json
from aiida.manage import configuration

# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
revision = '041a79fc615f'
down_revision = '7ca08c391c49'
branch_labels = None
depends_on = None

# The values that will be exported for the log records that will be deleted
values_to_export = ['id', 'time', 'loggername', 'levelname', 'objpk', 'objname', 'message', 'metadata']

[docs]def get_legacy_workflow_log_number(connection): """ Get the number of the log records that correspond to legacy workflows """ return connection.execute( text( """ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM db_dblog WHERE (db_dblog.objname LIKE 'aiida.workflows.user.%') """ ) ).fetchall()[0][0]
[docs]def get_unknown_entity_log_number(connection): """ Get the number of the log records that correspond to unknown entities """ return connection.execute( text( """ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM db_dblog WHERE (db_dblog.objname NOT LIKE 'node.%') AND (db_dblog.objname NOT LIKE 'aiida.workflows.user.%') """ ) ).fetchall()[0][0]
[docs]def get_logs_with_no_nodes_number(connection): """ Get the number of the log records that correspond to nodes that were deleted """ return connection.execute( text( """ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM db_dblog WHERE (db_dblog.objname LIKE 'node.%') AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM db_dbnode WHERE = db_dblog.objpk LIMIT 1) """ ) ).fetchall()[0][0]
[docs]def get_serialized_legacy_workflow_logs(connection): """ Get the serialized log records that correspond to legacy workflows """ query = connection.execute( text( """ SELECT, db_dblog.time, db_dblog.loggername, db_dblog.levelname, db_dblog.objpk, db_dblog.objname, db_dblog.message, db_dblog.metadata FROM db_dblog WHERE (db_dblog.objname LIKE 'aiida.workflows.user.%') """ ) ) res = list() for row in query: res.append(dict(list(zip(row.keys(), row)))) return dumps_json(res)
[docs]def get_serialized_unknown_entity_logs(connection): """ Get the serialized log records that correspond to unknown entities """ query = connection.execute( text( """ SELECT, db_dblog.time, db_dblog.loggername, db_dblog.levelname, db_dblog.objpk, db_dblog.objname, db_dblog.message, db_dblog.metadata FROM db_dblog WHERE (db_dblog.objname NOT LIKE 'node.%') AND (db_dblog.objname NOT LIKE 'aiida.workflows.user.%') """ ) ) res = list() for row in query: res.append(dict(list(zip(row.keys(), row)))) return dumps_json(res)
[docs]def get_serialized_logs_with_no_nodes(connection): """ Get the serialized log records that correspond to nodes that were deleted """ query = connection.execute( text( """ SELECT, db_dblog.time, db_dblog.loggername, db_dblog.levelname, db_dblog.objpk, db_dblog.objname, db_dblog.message, db_dblog.metadata FROM db_dblog WHERE (db_dblog.objname LIKE 'node.%') AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM db_dbnode WHERE = db_dblog.objpk LIMIT 1) """ ) ) res = list() for row in query: res.append(dict(list(zip(row.keys(), row)))) return dumps_json(res)
[docs]def export_and_clean_workflow_logs(connection): """ Export the logs records that correspond to legacy workflows and to unknown entities (place them to files and remove them from the DbLog table). """ from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile lwf_no_number = get_legacy_workflow_log_number(connection) other_number = get_unknown_entity_log_number(connection) log_no_node_number = get_logs_with_no_nodes_number(connection) # If there are no legacy workflow log records or log records of an unknown entity if lwf_no_number == 0 and other_number == 0 and log_no_node_number == 0: return if not configuration.PROFILE.is_test_profile: click.echo( 'We found {} log records that correspond to legacy workflows and {} log records to correspond ' 'to an unknown entity.'.format(lwf_no_number, other_number) ) click.echo( 'These records will be removed from the database and exported to JSON files to the current directory).' ) proceed = click.confirm('Would you like to proceed?', default=True) if not proceed: sys.exit(1) delete_on_close = configuration.PROFILE.is_test_profile # Exporting the legacy workflow log records if lwf_no_number != 0: # Get the records and write them to file with NamedTemporaryFile( prefix='legagy_wf_logs-', suffix='.log', dir='.', delete=delete_on_close, mode='w+' ) as handle: # Export the log records filename = handle.write(get_serialized_legacy_workflow_logs(connection)) # If delete_on_close is False, we are running for the user and add additional message of file location if not delete_on_close: click.echo('Exported legacy workflow logs to {}'.format(filename)) # Now delete the records connection.execute( text( """ DELETE FROM db_dblog WHERE (db_dblog.objname LIKE 'aiida.workflows.user.%') """ ) ) # Exporting unknown log records if other_number != 0: # Get the records and write them to file with NamedTemporaryFile( prefix='unknown_entity_logs-', suffix='.log', dir='.', delete=delete_on_close, mode='w+' ) as handle: # Export the log records filename = handle.write(get_serialized_unknown_entity_logs(connection)) # If delete_on_close is False, we are running for the user and add additional message of file location if not delete_on_close: click.echo('Exported unexpected entity logs to {}'.format(filename)) # Now delete the records connection.execute( text( """ DELETE FROM db_dblog WHERE (db_dblog.objname NOT LIKE 'node.%') AND (db_dblog.objname NOT LIKE 'aiida.workflows.user.%') """ ) ) # Exporting log records that don't correspond to nodes if log_no_node_number != 0: # Get the records and write them to file with NamedTemporaryFile( prefix='no_node_entity_logs-', suffix='.log', dir='.', delete=delete_on_close, mode='w+' ) as handle: # Export the log records filename = handle.write(get_serialized_logs_with_no_nodes(connection)) # If delete_on_close is False, we are running for the user and add additional message of file location if not delete_on_close: click.echo('Exported entity logs that don\'t correspond to nodes to {}'.format(filename)) # Now delete the records connection.execute( text( """ DELETE FROM db_dblog WHERE (db_dblog.objname LIKE 'node.%') AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM db_dbnode WHERE = db_dblog.objpk LIMIT 1) """ ) )
[docs]def upgrade(): """ Changing the log table columns to use uuid to reference remote objects and log entries. Upgrade function. """ connection = op.get_bind() # Clean data export_and_clean_workflow_logs(connection) # Create the dbnode_id column and add the necessary index op.add_column('db_dblog', sa.Column('dbnode_id', sa.INTEGER(), autoincrement=False, nullable=True)) # Transfer data to dbnode_id from objpk connection.execute(text("""UPDATE db_dblog SET dbnode_id=objpk""")) op.create_foreign_key( None, 'db_dblog', 'db_dbnode', ['dbnode_id'], ['id'], ondelete=u'CASCADE', initially=u'DEFERRED', deferrable=True ) # Update the dbnode_id column to not nullable op.alter_column('db_dblog', 'dbnode_id', nullable=False) # Remove the objpk column op.drop_column('db_dblog', 'objpk') # Remove the objname column op.drop_column('db_dblog', 'objname') # Remove objpk and objname from metadata dictionary connection.execute(text("""UPDATE db_dblog SET metadata = metadata - 'objpk' - 'objname' """))
[docs]def downgrade(): """ Downgrade function to the previous schema. """ # Create an empty column objname (the data is permanently lost) op.add_column('db_dblog', sa.Column('objname', sa.VARCHAR(length=255), autoincrement=False, nullable=True)) op.create_index('ix_db_dblog_objname', 'db_dblog', ['objname']) # Creating a column objpk - op.add_column('db_dblog', sa.Column('objpk', sa.INTEGER(), autoincrement=False, nullable=True)) # Copy the data back to objpk from dbnode_id op.execute(text("""UPDATE db_dblog SET objpk=dbnode_id""")) # Removing the column dbnode_id op.drop_column('db_dblog', 'dbnode_id') # Populate objname with correct values op.execute( text("""UPDATE db_dblog SET objname=db_dbnode.type FROM db_dbnode WHERE = db_dblog.objpk""") ) # Enrich metadata with objpk and objname if these keys don't exist op.execute( text( """UPDATE db_dblog SET metadata = jsonb_set(metadata, '{"objpk"}', to_jsonb(objpk)) WHERE NOT (metadata ?| '{"objpk"}') """ ) ) op.execute( text( """UPDATE db_dblog SET metadata = jsonb_set(metadata, '{"objname"}', to_jsonb(objname)) WHERE NOT (metadata ?| '{"objname"}') """ ) )