Source code for aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.tests.testbase

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

from aiida.backends.testimplbase import AiidaTestImplementation
from aiida.orm.implementation.sqlalchemy.backend import SqlaBackend

# This contains the codebase for the setUpClass and tearDown methods used
# internally by the AiidaTestCase. This inherits only from 'object' to avoid
# that it is picked up by the automatic discovery of tests
# (It shouldn't, as it risks to destroy the DB if there are not the checks
# in place, and these are implemented in the AiidaTestCase
[docs]class SqlAlchemyTests(AiidaTestImplementation): connection = None _backend = None
[docs] def setUpClass_method(self): self.clean_db()
[docs] def tearDownClass_method(self): """Backend-specific tasks for tearing down the test environment."""
[docs] def setUp_method(self): pass
[docs] def tearDown_method(self): pass
@property def backend(self): if self._backend is None: from aiida.manage.manager import get_manager self._backend = get_manager().get_backend() return self._backend
[docs] def clean_db(self): from sqlalchemy.sql import table DbGroupNodes = table('db_dbgroup_dbnodes') DbGroup = table('db_dbgroup') DbLink = table('db_dblink') DbNode = table('db_dbnode') DbLog = table('db_dblog') DbAuthInfo = table('db_dbauthinfo') DbUser = table('db_dbuser') DbComputer = table('db_dbcomputer') with self.backend.transaction() as session: session.execute(DbGroupNodes.delete()) session.execute(DbGroup.delete()) session.execute(DbLog.delete()) session.execute(DbLink.delete()) session.execute(DbNode.delete()) session.execute(DbAuthInfo.delete()) session.execute(DbComputer.delete()) session.execute(DbUser.delete()) session.commit()