Source code for aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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# For further information on the license, see the LICENSE.txt file        #
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from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

from alembic import command
from alembic.config import Config
from alembic.runtime.environment import EnvironmentContext
from alembic.script import ScriptDirectory

from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound

from aiida.backends import sqlalchemy as sa
from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy import get_scoped_session
from aiida.backends.utils import validate_attribute_key, SettingsManager, Setting, validate_schema_generation
from aiida.common import NotExistent

ALEMBIC_FILENAME = 'alembic.ini'
ALEMBIC_REL_PATH = 'migrations'

[docs]class SqlaSettingsManager(SettingsManager): """Class to get, set and delete settings from the `DbSettings` table.""" table_name = 'db_dbsetting'
[docs] def validate_table_existence(self): """Verify that the `DbSetting` table actually exists. :raises: `~aiida.common.exceptions.NotExistent` if the settings table does not exist """ from sqlalchemy.engine import reflection inspector = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(get_scoped_session().bind) if self.table_name not in inspector.get_table_names(): raise NotExistent('the settings table does not exist')
[docs] def get(self, key): """Return the setting with the given key. :param key: the key identifying the setting :return: Setting :raises: `~aiida.common.exceptions.NotExistent` if the settings does not exist """ from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models.settings import DbSetting self.validate_table_existence() try: setting = get_scoped_session().query(DbSetting).filter_by(key=key).one() except NoResultFound: raise NotExistent('setting `{}` does not exist'.format(key)) return Setting(key, setting.getvalue(), setting.description, setting.time)
[docs] def set(self, key, value, description=None): """Return the settings with the given key. :param key: the key identifying the setting :param value: the value for the setting :param description: optional setting description """ from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models.settings import DbSetting self.validate_table_existence() validate_attribute_key(key) other_attribs = dict() if description is not None: other_attribs['description'] = description DbSetting.set_value(key, value, other_attribs=other_attribs)
[docs] def delete(self, key): """Delete the setting with the given key. :param key: the key identifying the setting :raises: `~aiida.common.exceptions.NotExistent` if the settings does not exist """ from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models.settings import DbSetting self.validate_table_existence() try: setting = get_scoped_session().query(DbSetting).filter_by(key=key).one() setting.delete() except NoResultFound: raise NotExistent('setting `{}` does not exist'.format(key))
[docs]def flag_modified(instance, key): """Wrapper around `sqlalchemy.orm.attributes.flag_modified` to correctly dereference utils.ModelWrapper Since SqlAlchemy 1.2.12 (and maybe earlier but not in 1.0.19) the flag_modified function will check that the key is actually present in the instance or it will except. If we pass a model instance, wrapped in the ModelWrapper the call will raise an InvalidRequestError. In this function that wraps the flag_modified of SqlAlchemy, we derefence the model instance if the passed instance is actually wrapped in the ModelWrapper. """ from sqlalchemy.orm.attributes import flag_modified as flag_modified_sqla from aiida.orm.implementation.sqlalchemy.utils import ModelWrapper if isinstance(instance, ModelWrapper): instance = instance._model flag_modified_sqla(instance, key)
[docs]def load_dbenv(profile): """Load the database environment and ensure that the code and database schema versions are compatible. :param profile: the string with the profile to use """ _load_dbenv_noschemacheck(profile) check_schema_version(
[docs]def _load_dbenv_noschemacheck(profile): """Load the database environment without checking that code and database schema versions are compatible. This should ONLY be used internally, inside load_dbenv, and for schema migrations. DO NOT USE OTHERWISE! :param profile: instance of `Profile` whose database to load """ sa.reset_session(profile)
[docs]def unload_dbenv(): """Unload the database environment, which boils down to destroying the current engine and session.""" if sa.ENGINE is not None: sa.ENGINE.dispose() sa.SCOPED_SESSION_CLASS = None
_aiida_autouser_cache = None # XXX the code here isn't different from the one use in Django. We may be able # to refactor it in some way
[docs]def install_tc(session): """ Install the transitive closure table with SqlAlchemy. """ links_table_name = 'db_dblink' links_table_input_field = 'input_id' links_table_output_field = 'output_id' closure_table_name = 'db_dbpath' closure_table_parent_field = 'parent_id' closure_table_child_field = 'child_id' session.execute(get_pg_tc(links_table_name, links_table_input_field, links_table_output_field, closure_table_name, closure_table_parent_field, closure_table_child_field))
[docs]def get_pg_tc(links_table_name, links_table_input_field, links_table_output_field, closure_table_name, closure_table_parent_field, closure_table_child_field): """ Return the transitive closure table template """ from string import Template pg_tc = Template(""" DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS autoupdate_tc ON $links_table_name; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS update_tc(); CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_tc() RETURNS trigger AS $$BODY$$ DECLARE new_id INTEGER; old_id INTEGER; num_rows INTEGER; BEGIN IF tg_op = 'INSERT' THEN IF EXISTS ( SELECT Id FROM $closure_table_name WHERE $closure_table_parent_field = new.$links_table_input_field AND $closure_table_child_field = new.$links_table_output_field AND depth = 0 ) THEN RETURN null; END IF; IF new.$links_table_input_field = new.$links_table_output_field OR EXISTS ( SELECT id FROM $closure_table_name WHERE $closure_table_parent_field = new.$links_table_output_field AND $closure_table_child_field = new.$links_table_input_field ) THEN RETURN null; END IF; INSERT INTO $closure_table_name ( $closure_table_parent_field, $closure_table_child_field, depth) VALUES ( new.$links_table_input_field, new.$links_table_output_field, 0); new_id := lastval(); UPDATE $closure_table_name SET entry_edge_id = new_id , exit_edge_id = new_id , direct_edge_id = new_id WHERE id = new_id; INSERT INTO $closure_table_name ( entry_edge_id, direct_edge_id, exit_edge_id, $closure_table_parent_field, $closure_table_child_field, depth) SELECT id , new_id , new_id , $closure_table_parent_field , new.$links_table_output_field , depth + 1 FROM $closure_table_name WHERE $closure_table_child_field = new.$links_table_input_field; INSERT INTO $closure_table_name ( entry_edge_id, direct_edge_id, exit_edge_id, $closure_table_parent_field, $closure_table_child_field, depth) SELECT new_id , new_id , id , new.$links_table_input_field , $closure_table_child_field , depth + 1 FROM $closure_table_name WHERE $closure_table_parent_field = new.$links_table_output_field; INSERT INTO $closure_table_name ( entry_edge_id, direct_edge_id, exit_edge_id, $closure_table_parent_field, $closure_table_child_field, depth) SELECT , new_id , , A.$closure_table_parent_field , B.$closure_table_child_field , A.depth + B.depth + 2 FROM $closure_table_name A CROSS JOIN $closure_table_name B WHERE A.$closure_table_child_field = new.$links_table_input_field AND B.$closure_table_parent_field = new.$links_table_output_field; END IF; IF tg_op = 'DELETE' THEN IF NOT EXISTS( SELECT id FROM $closure_table_name WHERE $closure_table_parent_field = old.$links_table_input_field AND $closure_table_child_field = old.$links_table_output_field AND depth = 0 ) THEN RETURN NULL; END IF; CREATE TABLE PurgeList (Id int); INSERT INTO PurgeList SELECT id FROM $closure_table_name WHERE $closure_table_parent_field = old.$links_table_input_field AND $closure_table_child_field = old.$links_table_output_field AND depth = 0; WHILE (1 = 1) loop INSERT INTO PurgeList SELECT id FROM $closure_table_name WHERE depth > 0 AND ( entry_edge_id IN ( SELECT Id FROM PurgeList ) OR direct_edge_id IN ( SELECT Id FROM PurgeList ) OR exit_edge_id IN ( SELECT Id FROM PurgeList ) ) AND Id NOT IN (SELECT Id FROM PurgeList ); GET DIAGNOSTICS num_rows = ROW_COUNT; if (num_rows = 0) THEN EXIT; END IF; end loop; DELETE FROM $closure_table_name WHERE Id IN ( SELECT Id FROM PurgeList); DROP TABLE PurgeList; END IF; RETURN NULL; END $$BODY$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql VOLATILE COST 100; CREATE TRIGGER autoupdate_tc AFTER INSERT OR DELETE OR UPDATE ON $links_table_name FOR each ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_tc(); """) return pg_tc.substitute(links_table_name=links_table_name, links_table_input_field=links_table_input_field, links_table_output_field=links_table_output_field, closure_table_name=closure_table_name, closure_table_parent_field=closure_table_parent_field, closure_table_child_field=closure_table_child_field)
[docs]def migrate_database(alembic_cfg=None): """Migrate the database to the latest schema version. :param config: alembic configuration to use, will use default if not provided """ validate_schema_generation() from aiida.backends import sqlalchemy as sa if alembic_cfg is None: alembic_cfg = get_alembic_conf() with sa.ENGINE.connect() as connection: alembic_cfg.attributes['connection'] = connection command.upgrade(alembic_cfg, 'head')
[docs]def check_schema_version(profile_name): """ Check if the version stored in the database is the same of the version of the code. :raise aiida.common.ConfigurationError: if the two schema versions do not match """ from aiida.backends import sqlalchemy as sa from aiida.common.exceptions import ConfigurationError alembic_cfg = get_alembic_conf() validate_schema_generation() # Getting the version of the code and the database, reusing the existing engine (initialized by AiiDA) with sa.ENGINE.begin() as connection: alembic_cfg.attributes['connection'] = connection code_schema_version = get_migration_head(alembic_cfg) db_schema_version = get_db_schema_version(alembic_cfg) if code_schema_version != db_schema_version: raise ConfigurationError('Database schema version {} is outdated compared to the code schema version {}\n' 'Before you upgrade, make sure all calculations and workflows have finished running.\n' 'If this is not the case, revert the code to the previous version and finish them first.\n' 'To migrate the database to the current version, run the following commands:' '\n verdi -p {} daemon stop\n verdi -p {} database migrate'.format( db_schema_version, code_schema_version, profile_name, profile_name))
[docs]def get_migration_head(config): """ This function returns the head of the migration scripts. :param config: The alembic configuration. :return: The version of the head. """ script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(config) return script.get_current_head()
[docs]def get_db_schema_version(config): """ This function returns the current version of the database. :param config: The alembic configuration. :return: The version of the database. """ if config is None: return None script = ScriptDirectory.from_config(config) def get_db_version(rev, _): if isinstance(rev, tuple) and len(rev) > 0: config.attributes['rev'] = rev[0] else: config.attributes['rev'] = None return [] with EnvironmentContext( config, script, fn=get_db_version ): script.run_env() return config.attributes['rev']
[docs]def get_alembic_conf(): """ This function returns the alembic configuration file contents by doing the necessary updates in the 'script_location' name. :return: The alembic configuration. """ # Constructing the alembic full path & getting the configuration import os dir_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) alembic_fpath = os.path.join(dir_path, ALEMBIC_FILENAME) alembic_cfg = Config(alembic_fpath) # Set the alembic script directory location alembic_dpath = os.path.join(dir_path, ALEMBIC_REL_PATH) alembic_cfg.set_main_option('script_location', alembic_dpath) return alembic_cfg
[docs]def delete_nodes_and_connections_sqla(pks_to_delete): """ Delete all nodes corresponding to pks in the input. :param pks_to_delete: A list, tuple or set of pks that should be deleted. """ from aiida.backends import sqlalchemy as sa from aiida.backends.sqlalchemy.models.node import DbNode, DbLink from import table_groups_nodes from aiida.manage.manager import get_manager backend = get_manager().get_backend() with backend.transaction() as session: # I am first making a statement to delete the membership of these nodes to groups. # Since table_groups_nodes is a sqlalchemy.schema.Table, I am using expression language to compile # a stmt to be executed by the session. It works, but it's not nice that two different ways are used! # Can this be changed? stmt = table_groups_nodes.delete().where(table_groups_nodes.c.dbnode_id.in_(list(pks_to_delete))) session.execute(stmt) # First delete links, then the Nodes, since we are not cascading deletions. # Here I delete the links coming out of the nodes marked for deletion. session.query(DbLink).filter(DbLink.input_id.in_(list(pks_to_delete))).delete(synchronize_session='fetch') # Here I delete the links pointing to the nodes marked for deletion. session.query(DbLink).filter(DbLink.output_id.in_(list(pks_to_delete))).delete(synchronize_session='fetch') # Now I am deleting the nodes session.query(DbNode).filter('fetch')