Source code for aiida.backends.tests.common.test_serialize

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"""Serialization tests"""
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

from aiida import orm
from aiida.orm.utils import serialize
from aiida.backends.testbase import AiidaTestCase

[docs]class TestSerialize(AiidaTestCase): """Tests for the YAML serializer and deserializer."""
[docs] def test_serialize_round_trip(self): """ Test the serialization of a dictionary with Nodes in various data structure Also make sure that the serialized data is json-serializable """ node_a = orm.Data().store() node_b = orm.Data().store() data = {'test': 1, 'list': [1, 2, 3, node_a], 'dict': {('Si',): node_b, 'foo': 'bar'}, 'baz': 'aar'} serialized_data = serialize.serialize(data) deserialized_data = serialize.deserialize(serialized_data) # For now manual element-for-element comparison until we come up with general # purpose function that can equate two node instances properly self.assertEqual(data['test'], deserialized_data['test']) self.assertEqual(data['baz'], deserialized_data['baz']) self.assertEqual(data['list'][:3], deserialized_data['list'][:3]) self.assertEqual(data['list'][3].uuid, deserialized_data['list'][3].uuid) self.assertEqual(data['dict'][('Si',)].uuid, deserialized_data['dict'][('Si',)].uuid)
[docs] def test_serialize_group(self): """ Test that serialization and deserialization of Groups works. Also make sure that the serialized data is json-serializable """ group_name = 'groupie' group_a = orm.Group(label=group_name).store() data = {'group': group_a} serialized_data = serialize.serialize(data) deserialized_data = serialize.deserialize(serialized_data) self.assertEqual(data['group'].uuid, deserialized_data['group'].uuid) self.assertEqual(data['group'].label, deserialized_data['group'].label)
[docs] def test_serialize_node_round_trip(self): """Test you can serialize and deserialize a node""" node = orm.Data().store() deserialized = serialize.deserialize(serialize.serialize(node)) self.assertEqual(node.uuid, deserialized.uuid)
[docs] def test_serialize_group_round_trip(self): """Test you can serialize and deserialize a group""" group = orm.Group(label='test_serialize_group_round_trip').store() deserialized = serialize.deserialize(serialize.serialize(group)) self.assertEqual(group.uuid, deserialized.uuid) self.assertEqual(group.label, deserialized.label)
[docs] def test_serialize_computer_round_trip(self): """Test you can serialize and deserialize a computer""" computer = deserialized = serialize.deserialize(serialize.serialize(computer)) # pylint: disable=no-member self.assertEqual(computer.uuid, deserialized.uuid) self.assertEqual(,
[docs] def test_serialize_unstored_node(self): """Test that you can't serialize an unstored node""" node = orm.Data() with self.assertRaises(ValueError): serialize.serialize(node)
[docs] def test_serialize_unstored_group(self): """Test that you can't serialize an unstored group""" group = orm.Group(label='test_serialize_unstored_group') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): serialize.serialize(group)
[docs] def test_serialize_unstored_computer(self): """Test that you can't serialize an unstored node""" computer = orm.Computer('test_computer', 'test_host') with self.assertRaises(ValueError): serialize.serialize(computer)
[docs] def test_mixed_attribute_normal_dict(self): """Regression test for #3092. The yaml mapping constructor in `aiida.orm.utils.serialize` was not properly "deeply" reconstructing nested mappings, causing a mix of attribute dictionaries and normal dictionaries to lose information in a round-trip. If a nested `AttributeDict` contained a normal dictionary, the content of the latter would be lost during the deserialization, despite the information being present in the serialized yaml dump. """ from aiida.common.extendeddicts import AttributeDict # Construct a nested `AttributeDict`, which should make all nested dictionaries `AttributeDicts` recursively dictionary = {'nested': AttributeDict({'dict': 'string', 'value': 1})} attribute_dict = AttributeDict(dictionary) # Now add a normal dictionary in the attribute dictionary attribute_dict['nested']['normal'] = {'a': 2} serialized = serialize.serialize(attribute_dict) deserialized = serialize.deserialize(serialized) self.assertEqual(attribute_dict, deserialized)