Source code for aiida.backends.tests.common.test_utils

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Tests for the aiida.common.utils functionality
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import datetime
import unittest

from dateutil.parser import parse

from aiida.common import escaping
from aiida.common import utils

[docs]class UniqueTest(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for the get_unique_filename function. """
[docs] def test_unique_1(self): filename = 'different.txt' filename_list = ['file1.txt', 'file2.txt'] self.assertEqual(filename, utils.get_unique_filename(filename, filename_list))
[docs] def test_unique_2(self): filename = 'file1.txt' filename_list = ['file1.txt', 'file2.txt'] self.assertEqual('file1-1.txt', utils.get_unique_filename(filename, filename_list))
[docs] def test_unique_3(self): filename = 'file1.txt' filename_list = ['file1.txt', 'file1-1.txt'] self.assertEqual('file1-2.txt', utils.get_unique_filename(filename, filename_list))
[docs] def test_unique_4(self): filename = 'file1.txt' filename_list = ['file1.txt', 'file1-2.txt'] self.assertEqual('file1-1.txt', utils.get_unique_filename(filename, filename_list))
# The counter & the method that increments it and # returns its value. It is used in the tests seq = -1
[docs] def array_counter(self): self.seq += 1 return self.seq
[docs] def test_query_yes_no(self): """ This method tests the query_yes_no method behaves as expected. To perform this, a lambda function is used to simulate the user input. """ from aiida.common.utils import Capturing from aiida.manage.backup import backup_utils # Capture the sysout for the following code with Capturing(): # Check the yes backup_utils.input = lambda _: 'y' self.assertTrue(backup_utils.query_yes_no('', 'yes')) backup_utils.input = lambda _: 'yes' self.assertTrue(backup_utils.query_yes_no('', 'yes')) # Check the no backup_utils.input = lambda _: 'no' self.assertFalse(backup_utils.query_yes_no('', 'yes')) backup_utils.input = lambda _: 'n' self.assertFalse(backup_utils.query_yes_no('', 'yes')) # Check the empty default value that should # lead to an error with self.assertRaises(ValueError): backup_utils.query_yes_no('', '') # Check that a None default value and no answer from # the user should lead to the repetition of the query until # it is answered properly self.seq = -1 answers = ['', '', '', 'yes'] backup_utils.input = lambda _: answers[self.array_counter()] self.assertTrue(backup_utils.query_yes_no('', None)) self.assertEqual(self.seq, len(answers) - 1) # Check that the default answer is returned # when the user doesn't give an answer backup_utils.input = lambda _: '' self.assertTrue(backup_utils.query_yes_no('', 'yes')) backup_utils.input = lambda _: '' self.assertFalse(backup_utils.query_yes_no('', 'no'))
[docs] def test_query_string(self): """ This method tests that the query_string method behaves as expected. """ from aiida.manage.backup import backup_utils # None should be returned when empty answer and empty default # answer is given backup_utils.input = lambda _: '' self.assertIsNone(backup_utils.query_string('', '')) # If no answer is given then the default answer should be returned backup_utils.input = lambda _: '' self.assertEqual(backup_utils.query_string('', 'Def_answer'), 'Def_answer') # The answer should be returned when the an answer is given by # the user backup_utils.input = lambda _: 'Usr_answer' self.assertEqual(backup_utils.query_string('', 'Def_answer'), 'Usr_answer')
[docs] def test_ask_backup_question(self): """ This method checks that the combined use of query_string and query_yes_no by the ask_backup_question is done as expected. """ from aiida.common.utils import Capturing from aiida.manage.backup import backup_utils # Capture the sysout for the following code with Capturing(): # Test that a question that asks for an integer is working # The given answers are in order: # - a non-accepted empty answer # - an answer that can not be parsed based on the given type # - the final expected answer self.seq = -1 answers = ['', '3fd43', '1', 'yes'] backup_utils.input = lambda _: answers[self.array_counter()] self.assertEqual(backup_utils.ask_question('', int, False), int(answers[2])) # Test that a question that asks for a date is working correctly. # The behavior is similar to the above test. self.seq = -1 answers = ['', '3fd43', '2015-07-28 20:48:53.197537+02:00', 'yes'] backup_utils.input = lambda _: answers[self.array_counter()] self.assertEqual(backup_utils.ask_question('', datetime.datetime, False), parse(answers[2])) # Check that None is not allowed as answer question = '' answer = '' backup_utils.input = lambda x: answer if x == question else 'y' self.assertEqual(backup_utils.ask_question(question, int, True), None)
[docs]class PrettifierTest(unittest.TestCase): """ Tests for the Prettifier class methods. """
[docs] def test_prettifier(self): """ Check that the prettified strings work as expected for a number of different labels and different codes that should show them """ prettifier_data = { 'agr_seekpath': { 'DELTA_5': r'\xD\f{}\s5\N', }, 'agr_simple': { 'G': r'\xG', 'Boo3': r'Boo\s3\N', 'Boo99': r'Boo\s99\N', }, 'latex_simple': { 'G': r'$\Gamma$', 'Delta9': r'Delta$_{9}$', 'Delta90': r'Delta$_{90}$', }, 'latex_seekpath': { 'LAMBDA': r'$\Lambda$', 'something_2': r'something$_{2}$', }, 'gnuplot_simple': { 'G': u'Γ', 'bla3': r'bla_{3}', 'bla33': r'bla_{33}', }, 'gnuplot_seekpath': { 'SIGMA': u'Σ', 'bla_3': r'bla_{3}', }, 'pass': { 'foo': 'foo', }, } for prettifier_id in utils.Prettifier.get_prettifiers(): prettifier = utils.Prettifier(prettifier_id) for label, prettified in prettifier_data[prettifier_id].items(): self.assertEqual(prettifier.prettify(label), prettified)
[docs]class SqlStringMatchTest(unittest.TestCase): """" Test the functions to convert SQL to regex patterns """
[docs] def test_patterns(self): """" Test complex patterns to see if the logic of conversion is correct """ for pattern, match_true, match_false in [ (r'aa\_a%a_b', ['aa_abbbaab', 'aa_aa_b', 'aa_abaa_b', 'aa_aaxb', 'aa_abaaxb'], ['aaaba_b', 'aa_abab_b']), (r'^aa[\_%]b', ['^aa[_aaa]b', '^aa[_]b', '^aa[_1]b'], ['^aa[]b', 'aa[1]b', '^aa_b']), ( r'z^aa^a\sd[\__%]*sa$dfa&s\%d$a', [r'z^aa^a\sd[_d]*sa$dfa&s%d$a', r'z^aa^a\sd[_aaa]*sa$dfa&s%d$a'], [r'z^aa^a\sd[_]*sa$dfa&s%d$a', 'zaa^asd[_aa]*sa$a'] ) ]: for sample in match_true: self.assertTrue( escaping.sql_string_match(string=sample, pattern=pattern), "String '{}' should have matched pattern '{}'".format(sample, pattern) ) for sample in match_false: self.assertFalse( escaping.sql_string_match(string=sample, pattern=pattern), "String '{}' should not have matched pattern '{}'".format(sample, pattern) )