Source code for aiida.backends.tests.manage.test_caching

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"""Tests for the functionality that reads and modifies the caching configuration file."""
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import tempfile
import unittest
import yaml

from aiida.common import exceptions
from aiida.manage.caching import configure, get_use_cache, enable_caching, disable_caching
from aiida.manage.configuration import get_profile

[docs]class CacheConfigTest(unittest.TestCase): """Tests the caching configuration."""
[docs] def setUp(self): """Write a temporary config file, and load the configuration.""" self.config_reference = { get_profile().name: { 'default': True, 'enabled': ['aiida.calculations:arithmetic.add'], 'disabled': ['aiida.calculations:templatereplacer'] } } with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as handle: yaml.dump(self.config_reference, handle, encoding='utf-8') configure(
[docs] def tearDown(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Reset the configuration.""" configure()
[docs] def test_empty_enabled_disabled(self): # pylint: disable=no-self-use """Test that `aiida.manage.caching.configure` does not except when either `enabled` or `disabled` is `None`. This will happen when the configuration file specifies either one of the keys but no actual values, e.g.:: profile_name: default: False enabled: In this case, the dictionary parsed by yaml will contain `None` for the `enabled` key. Now this will be unlikely, but the same holds when all values are commented:: profile_name: default: False enabled: # - aiida.calculations:templatereplacer which is not unlikely to occurr in the wild. """ configuration = {get_profile().name: {'default': True, 'enabled': None, 'disabled': None}} with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as handle: yaml.dump(configuration, handle, encoding='utf-8') configure( # Check that `get_use_cache` also does not except get_use_cache(identifier='aiida.calculations:templatereplacer')
[docs] def test_invalid_enabled_disabled_directives(self): """Test that `configure` raises for invalid enable or disable directives.""" def load_configuration(identifier): """Write the caching file for given configuration and load it.""" configuration = {get_profile().name: {'default': True, 'enabled': [identifier]}} with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as handle: yaml.dump(configuration, handle, encoding='utf-8') configure( with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ConfigurationError): load_configuration(1) # entry point string needs to be a string with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ConfigurationError): load_configuration('templatereplacer') # entry point string needs to be fully qualified with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ConfigurationError): load_configuration('calculations:templatereplacer') # entry point string needs to be fully qualified with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ConfigurationError): load_configuration('aiida.nonexistent_group:templatereplacer') # invalid entry point group
[docs] def test_invalid_config(self): """Test `get_use_cache` raises a `TypeError` if identifier is not a valid entry point string.""" with self.assertRaises(TypeError): get_use_cache(identifier=int)
[docs] def test_default(self): """Verify that when not specifying any specific identifier, the `default` is used, which is set to `True`.""" self.assertTrue(get_use_cache())
[docs] def test_caching_enabled(self): """Test `get_use_cache` when specifying identifier.""" self.assertFalse(get_use_cache(identifier='aiida.calculations:templatereplacer'))
[docs] def test_contextmanager_enable_explicit(self): """Test the `enable_caching` context manager.""" with enable_caching(identifier='aiida.calculations:templatereplacer'): self.assertTrue(get_use_cache(identifier='aiida.calculations:templatereplacer'))
[docs] def test_contextmanager_disable_global(self): """Test the `disable_caching` context manager without specific identifier.""" with disable_caching(): self.assertTrue( get_use_cache(identifier='aiida.calculations:arithmetic.add') ) # explicitly set, hence not overwritten self.assertFalse(get_use_cache(identifier='aiida.calculations:templatereplacer'))
[docs] def test_disable_caching(self): """Test the `disable_caching` context manager with specific identifier.""" with disable_caching(identifier='aiida.calculations:arithmetic.add'): self.assertFalse(get_use_cache(identifier='aiida.calculations:arithmetic.add')) self.assertTrue(get_use_cache(identifier='aiida.calculations:arithmetic.add'))