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"""Tests for the `KpointsData` class."""
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import numpy as np

from aiida.backends.testbase import AiidaTestCase
from aiida.orm import KpointsData, load_node, StructureData

[docs]class TestKpoints(AiidaTestCase): """Test for the `Kpointsdata` class."""
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls, *args, **kwargs): super(TestKpoints, cls).setUpClass(*args, **kwargs) alat = 5.430 # angstrom cell = [[ 0.5 * alat, 0.5 * alat, 0., ], [ 0., 0.5 * alat, 0.5 * alat, ], [0.5 * alat, 0., 0.5 * alat]] cls.alat = alat structure = StructureData(cell=cell) structure.append_atom(position=(0.000 * alat, 0.000 * alat, 0.000 * alat), symbols=['Si']) structure.append_atom(position=(0.250 * alat, 0.250 * alat, 0.250 * alat), symbols=['Si']) cls.structure = structure # Define the expected reciprocal cell val = 2. * np.pi / alat cls.expected_reciprocal_cell = np.array([[val, val, -val], [-val, val, val], [val, -val, val]])
[docs] def test_reciprocal_cell(self): """ Test the `reciprocal_cell` method. This is a regression test for #2749. """ kpt = KpointsData() kpt.set_cell_from_structure(self.structure) self.assertEqual(np.abs(kpt.reciprocal_cell - self.expected_reciprocal_cell).sum(), 0.) # Check also after storing kpt2 = load_node( self.assertEqual(np.abs(kpt2.reciprocal_cell - self.expected_reciprocal_cell).sum(), 0.)
[docs] def test_get_kpoints(self): """Test the `get_kpoints` method.""" kpt = KpointsData() kpt.set_cell_from_structure(self.structure) kpoints = [ [0., 0., 0.], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5], ] cartesian_kpoints = [ [0., 0., 0.], [np.pi / self.alat, np.pi / self.alat, np.pi / self.alat], ] kpt.set_kpoints(kpoints) self.assertEqual(np.abs(kpt.get_kpoints() - np.array(kpoints)).sum(), 0.) self.assertEqual(np.abs(kpt.get_kpoints(cartesian=True) - np.array(cartesian_kpoints)).sum(), 0.) # Check also after storing kpt2 = load_node( self.assertEqual(np.abs(kpt2.get_kpoints() - np.array(kpoints)).sum(), 0.) self.assertEqual(np.abs(kpt2.get_kpoints(cartesian=True) - np.array(cartesian_kpoints)).sum(), 0.)