Source code for aiida.backends.tests.orm.utils.test_calcjob

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"""Tests for the `CalcJob` utils."""
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

from aiida.backends.testbase import AiidaTestCase
from aiida.common.links import LinkType
from aiida.orm import Dict, CalcJobNode
from aiida.orm.utils.calcjob import CalcJobResultManager
from aiida.plugins import CalculationFactory
from aiida.plugins.entry_point import get_entry_point_string_from_class

[docs]class TestCalcJobResultManager(AiidaTestCase): """Tests for the `CalcJobResultManager` utility class."""
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Define a useful CalcJobNode to test the CalcJobResultManager. We emulate a node for the `TemplateReplacer` calculation job class. To do this we have to make sure the process type is set correctly and an output parameter node is created. """ super(TestCalcJobResultManager, cls).setUpClass(*args, **kwargs) cls.process_class = CalculationFactory('templatereplacer') cls.process_type = get_entry_point_string_from_class(cls.process_class.__module__, cls.process_class.__name__) cls.node = CalcJobNode(, process_type=cls.process_type) cls.node.set_option('resources', {'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1}) cls.key_one = 'key_one' cls.key_two = 'key_two' cls.val_one = 'val_one' cls.val_two = 'val_two' cls.keys = [cls.key_one, cls.key_two] cls.result_node = Dict(dict={ cls.key_one: cls.val_one, cls.key_two: cls.val_two, }).store() cls.result_node.add_incoming(cls.node, LinkType.CREATE, cls.process_class.spec().default_output_node)
[docs] def test_no_process_type(self): """`get_results` should raise `ValueError` if `CalcJobNode` has no `process_type`""" node = CalcJobNode( manager = CalcJobResultManager(node) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): manager.get_results()
[docs] def test_invalid_process_type(self): """`get_results` should raise `ValueError` if `CalcJobNode` has invalid `process_type`""" node = CalcJobNode(, process_type='aiida.calculations:not_existent') manager = CalcJobResultManager(node) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): manager.get_results()
[docs] def test_process_class_no_default_node(self): """`get_results` should raise `ValueError` if process class does not define default output node.""" # This is a valid process class however ArithmeticAddCalculation does define a default output node process_class = CalculationFactory('arithmetic.add') process_type = get_entry_point_string_from_class(process_class.__module__, process_class.__name__) node = CalcJobNode(, process_type=process_type) manager = CalcJobResultManager(node) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): manager.get_results()
[docs] def test_iterator(self): """Test that the manager can be iterated over.""" manager = CalcJobResultManager(self.node) for key in manager: self.assertIn(key, self.keys)
[docs] def test_getitem(self): """Test that the manager support getitem operator.""" manager = CalcJobResultManager(self.node) self.assertEqual(manager[self.key_one], self.val_one)
[docs] def test_getattr(self): """Test that the manager support getattr operator.""" manager = CalcJobResultManager(self.node) self.assertEqual(getattr(manager, self.key_one), self.val_one)