Source code for aiida.backends.tests.plugins.test_utils

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"""Tests for utilities dealing with plugins and entry points."""
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

from aiida import __version__ as version_core
from aiida.backends.testbase import AiidaTestCase
from aiida.engine import calcfunction, WorkChain
from aiida.plugins import CalculationFactory
from aiida.plugins.utils import PluginVersionProvider

[docs]class TestPluginVersionProvider(AiidaTestCase): """Tests for the :py:class:`~aiida.plugins.utils.PluginVersionProvider` utility class.""" # pylint: disable=no-init,old-style-class,too-few-public-methods,no-member
[docs] def setUp(self): super(TestPluginVersionProvider, self).setUp() self.provider = PluginVersionProvider()
[docs] @staticmethod def create_dynamic_plugin_module(plugin, plugin_version, add_module_to_sys=True, add_version=True): """Create a fake dynamic module with a certain `plugin` entity, a class or function and the given version.""" import sys import types import uuid # Create a new module with a unique name and add the `plugin` and `plugin_version` as attributes module_name = 'TestModule{}'.format(str(uuid.uuid4())[:5]) dynamic_module = types.ModuleType(module_name, 'Dynamically created module for testing purposes') setattr(plugin, '__module__', dynamic_module.__name__) setattr(dynamic_module, plugin.__name__, plugin) # For tests that need to fail, this flag can be set to `False` if add_version: setattr(dynamic_module, '__version__', plugin_version) # Get the `DummyClass` plugin from the dynamically created test module dynamic_plugin = getattr(dynamic_module, plugin.__name__) # Make the dynamic module importable unless the test requests not to, to test an unimportable module if add_module_to_sys: sys.modules[dynamic_module.__name__] = dynamic_module return dynamic_plugin
[docs] def test_external_module_import_fail(self): """Test that mapper does not except even if external module cannot be imported.""" class DummyCalcJob(): pass version_plugin = '0.1.01' dynamic_plugin = self.create_dynamic_plugin_module(DummyCalcJob, version_plugin, add_module_to_sys=False) expected_version = {'version': {'core': version_core}} self.assertEqual(self.provider.get_version_info(dynamic_plugin), expected_version)
[docs] def test_external_module_no_version_attribute(self): """Test that mapper does not except even if external module does not define `__version__` attribute.""" class DummyCalcJob(): pass version_plugin = '0.1.02' dynamic_plugin = self.create_dynamic_plugin_module(DummyCalcJob, version_plugin, add_version=False) expected_version = {'version': {'core': version_core}} self.assertEqual(self.provider.get_version_info(dynamic_plugin), expected_version)
[docs] def test_external_module_class(self): """Test the mapper works for a class from an external module.""" class DummyCalcJob(): pass version_plugin = '0.1.17' dynamic_plugin = self.create_dynamic_plugin_module(DummyCalcJob, version_plugin) expected_version = {'version': {'core': version_core, 'plugin': version_plugin}} self.assertEqual(self.provider.get_version_info(dynamic_plugin), expected_version)
[docs] def test_external_module_function(self): """Test the mapper works for a function from an external module.""" @calcfunction def test_calcfunction(): return version_plugin = '0.2.19' dynamic_plugin = self.create_dynamic_plugin_module(test_calcfunction, version_plugin) expected_version = {'version': {'core': version_core, 'plugin': version_plugin}} self.assertEqual(self.provider.get_version_info(dynamic_plugin), expected_version)
[docs] def test_calcfunction(self): """Test the mapper for a `calcfunction`.""" @calcfunction def test_calcfunction(): return expected_version = {'version': {'core': version_core, 'plugin': version_core}} self.assertEqual(self.provider.get_version_info(test_calcfunction), expected_version)
[docs] def test_calc_job(self): """Test the mapper for a `CalcJob`.""" AddArithmeticCalculation = CalculationFactory('arithmetic.add') # pylint: disable=invalid-name expected_version = {'version': {'core': version_core, 'plugin': version_core}} self.assertEqual(self.provider.get_version_info(AddArithmeticCalculation), expected_version)
[docs] def test_work_chain(self): """Test the mapper for a `WorkChain`.""" class SomeWorkChain(WorkChain): """Need to create a dummy class since there is no built-in work chain with entry point in `aiida-core`.""" expected_version = {'version': {'core': version_core, 'plugin': version_core}} self.assertEqual(self.provider.get_version_info(SomeWorkChain), expected_version)