Source code for aiida.backends.tests.test_dbimporters

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Tests for subclasses of DbImporter, DbSearchResults and DbEntry
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
import io
import unittest

from six.moves import range

from aiida.backends.testbase import AiidaTestCase

[docs]class TestCodDbImporter(AiidaTestCase): """ Test the CodDbImporter class. """ from import has_pycifrw
[docs] def test_query_construction_1(self): from import CodDbImporter import re codi = CodDbImporter() q = codi.query_sql(id=['1000000', 3000000], element=['C', 'H', 'Cl'], number_of_elements=5, chemical_name=['caffeine', 'serotonine'], formula=['C6 H6'], volume=[100, 120.005], spacegroup='P -1', a=[10.0 / 3, 1], alpha=[10.0 / 6, 0], measurement_temp=[0, 10.5], measurement_pressure=[1000, 1001], determination_method=['single crystal', None]) # Rounding errors occurr in Python 2 and Python 3 thus they are averted using # the following precision stripping regular expressions. q = re.sub(r'(\d\.\d{6})\d+', r'\1', q) q = re.sub(r'(120.00)39+', r'\g<1>4', q) self.assertEquals(q, \ 'SELECT file, svnrevision FROM data WHERE ' "(status IS NULL OR status != 'retracted') AND " '(a BETWEEN 3.332333 AND 3.334333 OR ' 'a BETWEEN 0.999 AND 1.001) AND ' '(alpha BETWEEN 1.665666 AND 1.667666 OR ' 'alpha BETWEEN -0.001 AND 0.001) AND ' "(chemname LIKE '%caffeine%' OR " "chemname LIKE '%serotonine%') AND " "(method IN ('single crystal') OR method IS NULL) AND " "(formula REGEXP ' C[0-9 ]' AND " "formula REGEXP ' H[0-9 ]' AND " "formula REGEXP ' Cl[0-9 ]') AND " "(formula IN ('- C6 H6 -')) AND " '(file IN (1000000, 3000000)) AND ' '(cellpressure BETWEEN 999 AND 1001 OR ' 'cellpressure BETWEEN 1000 AND 1002) AND ' '(celltemp BETWEEN -0.001 AND 0.001 OR ' 'celltemp BETWEEN 10.499 AND 10.501) AND ' "(nel IN (5)) AND (sg IN ('P -1')) AND " '(vol BETWEEN 99.999 AND 100.001 OR ' 'vol BETWEEN 120.004 AND 120.006)')
[docs] def test_datatype_checks(self): """ Rather complicated, but wide-coverage test for data types, accepted and rejected by CodDbImporter._*_clause methods. """ from import CodDbImporter codi = CodDbImporter() messages = ['', "incorrect value for keyword 'test' -- " + \ 'only integers and strings are accepted', "incorrect value for keyword 'test' -- " + \ 'only strings are accepted', "incorrect value for keyword 'test' -- " + \ 'only integers and floats are accepted', "invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'text'"] values = [10, 'text', u'text', '10', 1.0 / 3, [1, 2, 3]] methods = [codi._int_clause, codi._str_exact_clause, codi._formula_clause, codi._str_fuzzy_clause, codi._composition_clause, codi._volume_clause] results = [[0, 4, 4, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1], [2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2], [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1], [2, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2], [0, 3, 3, 3, 0, 3]] for i in range(len(methods)): for j in range(len(values)): message = messages[0] try: methods[i]('test', 'test', [values[j]]) except ValueError as exc: message = str(exc) self.assertEquals(message, messages[results[i][j]])
[docs] def test_dbentry_creation(self): """ Tests the creation of CodEntry from CodSearchResults. """ from \ import CodSearchResults results = CodSearchResults([{'id': '1000000', 'svnrevision': None}, {'id': '1000001', 'svnrevision': '1234'}, {'id': '2000000', 'svnrevision': '1234'}]) self.assertEquals(len(results), 3) self.assertEquals(, { 'db_name': 'Crystallography Open Database', 'db_uri': '', 'extras': {}, 'id': '1000001', 'license': 'CC0', 'source_md5': None, 'uri': '', 'version': '1234', }) self.assertEquals([x.source['uri'] for x in results], ['', '', ''])
[docs] @unittest.skipIf(not has_pycifrw(), 'Unable to import PyCifRW') def test_dbentry_to_cif_node(self): """ Tests the creation of CifData node from CodEntry. """ from aiida.orm import CifData from import CodEntry entry = CodEntry('') entry.cif = "data_test _publ_section_title 'Test structure'" cif = entry.get_cif_node() self.assertEquals(isinstance(cif, CifData), True) self.assertEquals(cif.get_attribute('md5'), '070711e8e99108aade31d20cd5c94c48') self.assertEquals(cif.source, { 'db_name': 'Crystallography Open Database', 'db_uri': '', 'id': None, 'version': None, 'extras': {}, 'source_md5': '070711e8e99108aade31d20cd5c94c48', 'uri': '', 'license': 'CC0', })
[docs]class TestTcodDbImporter(AiidaTestCase): """ Test the TcodDbImporter class. """
[docs] def test_dbentry_creation(self): """ Tests the creation of TcodEntry from TcodSearchResults. """ from import TcodSearchResults results = TcodSearchResults([{'id': '10000000', 'svnrevision': None}, {'id': '10000001', 'svnrevision': '1234'}, {'id': '20000000', 'svnrevision': '1234'}]) self.assertEquals(len(results), 3) self.assertEquals(, { 'db_name': 'Theoretical Crystallography Open Database', 'db_uri': '', 'extras': {}, 'id': '10000001', 'license': 'CC0', 'source_md5': None, 'uri': '', 'version': '1234', }) self.assertEquals([x.source['uri'] for x in results], ['', '', ''])
[docs]class TestPcodDbImporter(AiidaTestCase): """ Test the PcodDbImporter class. """
[docs] def test_dbentry_creation(self): """ Tests the creation of PcodEntry from PcodSearchResults. """ from import PcodSearchResults results = PcodSearchResults([{'id': '12345678'}]) self.assertEquals(len(results), 1) self.assertEquals(, { 'db_name': 'Predicted Crystallography Open Database', 'db_uri': '', 'extras': {}, 'id': '12345678', 'license': 'CC0', 'source_md5': None, 'uri': '', 'version': None, })
[docs]class TestMpodDbImporter(AiidaTestCase): """ Test the MpodDbImporter class. """
[docs] def test_dbentry_creation(self): """ Tests the creation of MpodEntry from MpodSearchResults. """ from import MpodSearchResults results = MpodSearchResults([{'id': '1234567'}]) self.assertEquals(len(results), 1) self.assertEquals(, { 'db_name': 'Material Properties Open Database', 'db_uri': '', 'extras': {}, 'id': '1234567', 'license': None, 'source_md5': None, 'uri': '', 'version': None, })
[docs]class TestNnincDbImporter(AiidaTestCase): """ Test the UpfEntry class. """
[docs] def test_upfentry_creation(self): """ Tests the creation of NnincEntry from NnincSearchResults. """ import os from import NnincSearchResults from aiida.common.exceptions import ParsingError import aiida upf = 'Ba.pbesol-spn-rrkjus_psl.0.2.3-tot-pslib030' results = NnincSearchResults([{'id': upf}]) entry = path_root = os.path.split(aiida.__file__)[0] path_pseudos = os.path.join(path_root, 'backends', 'tests', 'fixtures', 'pseudos') with, '{}.UPF'.format(upf)), 'r', encoding='utf8') as f: entry._contents = upfnode = entry.get_upf_node() self.assertEquals(upfnode.element, 'Ba') entry.source = {'id': 'O.pbesol-n-rrkjus_psl.0.1-tested-pslib030.UPF'} # get_upf_node() will name pseudopotential file after source['id'], # thus UpfData parser will complain about the mismatch of chemical # element, mentioned in file name, and the one described in the # pseudopotential file. with self.assertRaises(ParsingError): upfnode = entry.get_upf_node()