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"""Complex tests for the export and import routines"""
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import with_statement

import os
from six.moves import range

from aiida import orm
from aiida.backends.testbase import AiidaTestCase
from aiida.backends.tests.utils.configuration import with_temp_dir
from aiida.common.links import LinkType
from import import_data, export

[docs]class TestComplex(AiidaTestCase): """Test complex ex-/import cases"""
[docs] def setUp(self): self.reset_database()
[docs] def tearDown(self): self.reset_database()
@with_temp_dir def test_complex_graph_import_export(self, temp_dir): """ This test checks that a small and bit complex graph can be correctly exported and imported. It will create the graph, store it to the database, export it to a file and import it. In the end it will check if the initial nodes are present at the imported graph. """ from aiida.common.exceptions import NotExistent calc1 = orm.CalcJobNode() = calc1.set_option('resources', {'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1}) calc1.label = 'calc1' pd1 = orm.Dict() pd1.label = 'pd1' pd2 = orm.Dict() pd2.label = 'pd2' rd1 = orm.RemoteData() rd1.label = 'rd1' rd1.set_remote_path('/x/') = rd1.add_incoming(calc1, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link') calc2 = orm.CalcJobNode() = calc2.set_option('resources', {'num_machines': 1, 'num_mpiprocs_per_machine': 1}) calc2.label = 'calc2' calc2.add_incoming(pd1, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link1') calc2.add_incoming(pd2, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link2') calc2.add_incoming(rd1, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link3') fd1 = orm.FolderData() fd1.label = 'fd1' fd1.add_incoming(calc2, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link') calc1.seal() calc2.seal() node_uuids_labels = { calc1.uuid: calc1.label, pd1.uuid: pd1.label, pd2.uuid: pd2.label, rd1.uuid: rd1.label, calc2.uuid: calc2.label, fd1.uuid: fd1.label } filename = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'export.tar.gz') export([fd1], outfile=filename, silent=True) self.clean_db() self.create_user() import_data(filename, silent=True, ignore_unknown_nodes=True) for uuid, label in node_uuids_labels.items(): try: orm.load_node(uuid) except NotExistent:'Node with UUID {} and label {} was not found.'.format(uuid, label)) @with_temp_dir def test_reexport(self, temp_dir): """ Export something, import and reexport and check if everything is valid. The export is rather easy:: ___ ___ ___ | | INP | | CREATE | | | p | --> | c | -----> | a | |___| |___| |___| """ import numpy as np import string import random from datetime import datetime from aiida.common.hashing import make_hash def get_hash_from_db_content(grouplabel): """Helper function to get hash""" builder = orm.QueryBuilder() builder.append(orm.Dict, tag='param', project='*') builder.append(orm.CalculationNode, tag='calc', project='*', edge_tag='p2c', edge_project=('label', 'type')) builder.append(orm.ArrayData, tag='array', project='*', edge_tag='c2a', edge_project=('label', 'type')) builder.append(orm.Group, filters={'label': grouplabel}, project='*', tag='group', with_node='array') # I want the query to contain something! self.assertTrue(builder.count() > 0) # The hash is given from the preservable entries in an export-import cycle, # uuids, attributes, labels, descriptions, arrays, link-labels, link-types: hash_ = make_hash([( item['param']['*'].attributes, item['param']['*'].uuid, item['param']['*'].label, item['param']['*'].description, item['calc']['*'].uuid, item['calc']['*'].attributes, item['array']['*'].attributes, [item['array']['*'].get_array(name).tolist() for name in item['array']['*'].get_arraynames()], item['array']['*'].uuid, item['group']['*'].uuid, item['group']['*'].label, item['p2c']['label'], item['p2c']['type'], item['c2a']['label'], item['c2a']['type'], item['group']['*'].label, ) for item in builder.dict()]) return hash_ # Creating a folder for the import/export files chars = string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits size = 10 grouplabel = 'test-group' nparr = np.random.random((4, 3, 2)) trial_dict = {} # give some integers: trial_dict.update({str(k): np.random.randint(100) for k in range(10)}) # give some floats: trial_dict.update({str(k): np.random.random() for k in range(10, 20)}) # give some booleans: trial_dict.update({str(k): bool(np.random.randint(1)) for k in range(20, 30)}) # give some text: trial_dict.update({str(k): ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size)) for k in range(20, 30)}) param = orm.Dict(dict=trial_dict) param.label = str( param.description = 'd_' + str( calc = orm.CalculationNode() # setting also trial dict as attributes, but randomizing the keys) for key, value in trial_dict.items(): calc.set_attribute(str(int(key) + np.random.randint(10)), value) array = orm.ArrayData() array.set_array('array', nparr) # LINKS # the calculation has input the parameters-instance calc.add_incoming(param, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='input_parameters') # I want the array to be an output of the calculation array.add_incoming(calc, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='output_array') group = orm.Group(label='test-group') group.add_nodes(array) calc.seal() hash_from_dbcontent = get_hash_from_db_content(grouplabel) # I export and reimport 3 times in a row: for i in range(3): # Always new filename: filename = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'export-{}.zip'.format(i)) # Loading the group from the string group = orm.Group.get(label=grouplabel) # exporting based on all members of the group # this also checks if group memberships are preserved! export([group] + [n for n in group.nodes], outfile=filename, silent=True) # cleaning the DB! self.clean_db() self.create_user() # reimporting the data from the file import_data(filename, silent=True, ignore_unknown_nodes=True) # creating the hash from db content new_hash = get_hash_from_db_content(grouplabel) # I check for equality against the first hash created, which implies that hashes # are equal in all iterations of this process self.assertEqual(hash_from_dbcontent, new_hash)