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# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""Tests for the export and import routines"""
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import with_statement

import os
import shutil
import tempfile

import unittest

import numpy as np

from aiida import orm
from aiida.backends.testbase import AiidaTestCase
from aiida.backends.tests.utils.configuration import with_temp_dir
from aiida.common.folders import RepositoryFolder
from aiida.orm.utils.repository import Repository
from import import_data, export
from import exceptions

[docs]class TestSpecificImport(AiidaTestCase): """Test specific ex-/import cases"""
[docs] def setUp(self): super(TestSpecificImport, self).setUp() self.reset_database()
[docs] def tearDown(self): self.reset_database()
[docs] def test_simple_import(self): """ This is a very simple test which checks that an export file with nodes that are not associated to a computer is imported correctly. In Django when such nodes are exported, there is an empty set for computers in the export file. In SQLA there is such a set only when a computer is associated with the exported nodes. When an empty computer set is found at the export file (when imported to an SQLA profile), the SQLA import code used to crash. This test demonstrates this problem. """ parameters = orm.Dict( dict={ 'Pr': { 'cutoff': 50.0, 'pseudo_type': 'Wentzcovitch', 'dual': 8, 'cutoff_units': 'Ry' }, 'Ru': { 'cutoff': 40.0, 'pseudo_type': 'SG15', 'dual': 4, 'cutoff_units': 'Ry' }, } ).store() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as handle: nodes = [parameters] export(nodes,, overwrite=True, silent=True) # Check that we have the expected number of nodes in the database self.assertEqual(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node).count(), len(nodes)) # Clean the database and verify there are no nodes left self.clean_db() self.create_user() self.assertEqual(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node).count(), 0) # After importing we should have the original number of nodes again import_data(, silent=True) self.assertEqual(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node).count(), len(nodes))
[docs] def test_cycle_structure_data(self): """ Create an export with some orm.CalculationNode and Data nodes and import it after having cleaned the database. Verify that the nodes and their attributes are restored properly after importing the created export archive """ from aiida.common.links import LinkType test_label = 'Test structure' test_cell = [[8.34, 0.0, 0.0], [0.298041701839357, 8.53479766274308, 0.0], [0.842650688117053, 0.47118495164127, 10.6965192730702]] test_kinds = [{ 'symbols': [u'Fe'], 'weights': [1.0], 'mass': 55.845, 'name': u'Fe' }, { 'symbols': [u'S'], 'weights': [1.0], 'mass': 32.065, 'name': u'S' }] structure = orm.StructureData(cell=test_cell) structure.append_atom(symbols=['Fe'], position=[0, 0, 0]) structure.append_atom(symbols=['S'], position=[2, 2, 2]) structure.label = test_label parent_process = orm.CalculationNode() parent_process.set_attribute('key', 'value') child_calculation = orm.CalculationNode() child_calculation.set_attribute('key', 'value') remote_folder = orm.RemoteData(, remote_path='/').store() remote_folder.add_incoming(parent_process, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link') child_calculation.add_incoming(remote_folder, link_type=LinkType.INPUT_CALC, link_label='link') structure.add_incoming(child_calculation, link_type=LinkType.CREATE, link_label='link') parent_process.seal() child_calculation.seal() with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as handle: nodes = [structure, child_calculation, parent_process, remote_folder] export(nodes,, overwrite=True, silent=True) # Check that we have the expected number of nodes in the database self.assertEqual(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node).count(), len(nodes)) # Clean the database and verify there are no nodes left self.clean_db() self.create_user() self.assertEqual(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node).count(), 0) # After importing we should have the original number of nodes again import_data(, silent=True) self.assertEqual(orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Node).count(), len(nodes)) # Verify that orm.CalculationNodes have non-empty attribute dictionaries builder = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.CalculationNode) for [calculation] in builder.iterall(): self.assertIsInstance(calculation.attributes, dict) self.assertNotEqual(len(calculation.attributes), 0) # Verify that the structure data maintained its label, cell and kinds builder = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.StructureData) for [structure] in builder.iterall(): self.assertEqual(structure.label, test_label) # Check that they are almost the same, within numerical precision self.assertTrue(np.abs(np.array(structure.cell) - np.array(test_cell)).max() < 1.e-12) builder = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.StructureData, project=['attributes.kinds']) for [kinds] in builder.iterall(): self.assertEqual(len(kinds), 2) for kind in kinds: self.assertIn(kind, test_kinds) # Check that there is a StructureData that is an output of a orm.CalculationNode builder = orm.QueryBuilder() builder.append(orm.CalculationNode, project=['uuid'], tag='calculation') builder.append(orm.StructureData, with_incoming='calculation') self.assertGreater(len(builder.all()), 0) # Check that there is a RemoteData that is a child and parent of a orm.CalculationNode builder = orm.QueryBuilder() builder.append(orm.CalculationNode, tag='parent') builder.append(orm.RemoteData, project=['uuid'], with_incoming='parent', tag='remote') builder.append(orm.CalculationNode, with_incoming='remote') self.assertGreater(len(builder.all()), 0)
@with_temp_dir def test_missing_node_repo_folder_export(self, temp_dir): """ Make sure `` is raised during export when missing Node repository folder. Create and store a new Node and manually remove its repository folder. Attempt to export it and make sure `` is raised, due to the missing folder. """ node = orm.CalculationNode().store() node.seal() node_uuid = node.uuid node_repo = RepositoryFolder(section=Repository._section_name, uuid=node_uuid) # pylint: disable=protected-access self.assertTrue( node_repo.exists(), msg='Newly created and stored Node should have had an existing repository folder' ) # Removing the Node's local repository folder shutil.rmtree(node_repo.abspath, ignore_errors=True) self.assertFalse( node_repo.exists(), msg='Newly created and stored Node should have had its repository folder removed' ) # Try to export, check it raises and check the raise message filename = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'export.tar.gz') with self.assertRaises(exceptions.ArchiveExportError) as exc: export([node], outfile=filename, silent=True) self.assertIn( 'Unable to find the repository folder for Node with UUID={}'.format(node_uuid), str(exc.exception) ) self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(filename), msg='The export file should not exist') @with_temp_dir def test_missing_node_repo_folder_import(self, temp_dir): """ Make sure `` is raised during import when missing Node repository folder. Create and export a Node and manually remove its repository folder in the export file. Attempt to import it and make sure `` is raised, due to the missing folder. """ import tarfile from aiida.common.folders import SandboxFolder from import extract_tar from import NODES_EXPORT_SUBFOLDER from import export_shard_uuid node = orm.CalculationNode().store() node.seal() node_uuid = node.uuid node_repo = RepositoryFolder(section=Repository._section_name, uuid=node_uuid) # pylint: disable=protected-access self.assertTrue( node_repo.exists(), msg='Newly created and stored Node should have had an existing repository folder' ) # Export and reset db filename = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'export.tar.gz') export([node], outfile=filename, silent=True) self.reset_database() # Untar export file, remove repository folder, re-tar node_shard_uuid = export_shard_uuid(node_uuid) node_top_folder = node_shard_uuid.split('/')[0] with SandboxFolder() as folder: extract_tar(filename, folder, silent=True, nodes_export_subfolder=NODES_EXPORT_SUBFOLDER) node_folder = folder.get_subfolder(os.path.join(NODES_EXPORT_SUBFOLDER, node_shard_uuid)) self.assertTrue( node_folder.exists(), msg="The Node's repository folder should still exist in the export file" ) # Removing the Node's repository folder from the export file shutil.rmtree( folder.get_subfolder(os.path.join(NODES_EXPORT_SUBFOLDER, node_top_folder)).abspath, ignore_errors=True ) self.assertFalse( node_folder.exists(), msg="The Node's repository folder should now have been removed in the export file" ) filename_corrupt = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'export_corrupt.tar.gz') with, 'w:gz', format=tarfile.PAX_FORMAT, dereference=True) as tar: tar.add(folder.abspath, arcname='') # Try to import, check it raises and check the raise message with self.assertRaises(exceptions.CorruptArchive) as exc: import_data(filename_corrupt, silent=True) self.assertIn( 'Unable to find the repository folder for Node with UUID={}'.format(node_uuid), str(exc.exception) ) @unittest.skip('Reenable when issue #3199 is solve (PR #3242): Fix `extract_tree`') @with_temp_dir def test_empty_repo_folder_export(self, temp_dir): """Check a Node's empty repository folder is exported properly""" from aiida.common.folders import Folder from import export_zip, export_tree node = orm.Dict().store() node_uuid = node.uuid node_repo = RepositoryFolder(section=Repository._section_name, uuid=node_uuid) # pylint: disable=protected-access self.assertTrue( node_repo.exists(), msg='Newly created and stored Node should have had an existing repository folder' ) for filename, is_file in node_repo.get_content_list(only_paths=False): abspath_filename = os.path.join(node_repo.abspath, filename) if is_file: os.remove(abspath_filename) else: shutil.rmtree(abspath_filename, ignore_errors=False) self.assertFalse( node_repo.get_content_list(), msg='Repository folder should be empty, instead the following was found: {}'.format( node_repo.get_content_list() ) ) archive_variants = { 'archive folder': os.path.join(temp_dir, 'export_tree'), 'tar archive': os.path.join(temp_dir, 'export.tar.gz'), 'zip archive': os.path.join(temp_dir, '') } export_tree([node], folder=Folder(archive_variants['archive folder']), silent=True) export([node], outfile=archive_variants['tar archive'], silent=True) export_zip([node], outfile=archive_variants['zip archive'], silent=True) for variant, filename in archive_variants.items(): self.reset_database() node_count = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Dict, project='uuid').count() self.assertEqual(node_count, 0, msg='After DB reset {} Dict Nodes was (wrongly) found'.format(node_count)) import_data(filename, silent=True) builder = orm.QueryBuilder().append(orm.Dict, project='uuid') imported_node_count = builder.count() self.assertEqual( imported_node_count, 1, msg='After {} import a single Dict Node should have been found, ' 'instead {} was/were found'.format(variant, imported_node_count) ) imported_node_uuid = builder.all()[0][0] self.assertEqual( imported_node_uuid, node_uuid, msg='The wrong UUID was found for the imported {}: ' '{}. It should have been: {}'.format(variant, imported_node_uuid, node_uuid) )
[docs] def test_import_folder(self): """Verify a pre-extracted archive (aka. a folder with the archive structure) can be imported. It is important to check that the source directory or any of its contents are not deleted after import. """ from aiida.common.folders import SandboxFolder from aiida.backends.tests.utils.archives import get_archive_file from import extract_zip archive = get_archive_file('arithmetic.add.aiida', filepath='calcjob') with SandboxFolder() as temp_dir: extract_zip(archive, temp_dir, silent=True) # Make sure the JSON files and the nodes subfolder was correctly extracted (is present), # then try to import it by passing the extracted folder to the import function. for name in {'metadata.json', 'data.json', 'nodes'}: self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(os.path.join(temp_dir.abspath, name))) # Get list of all folders in extracted archive org_folders = [] for dirpath, dirnames, _ in os.walk(temp_dir.abspath): org_folders += [os.path.join(dirpath, dirname) for dirname in dirnames] import_data(temp_dir.abspath, silent=True) # Check nothing from the source was deleted src_folders = [] for dirpath, dirnames, _ in os.walk(temp_dir.abspath): src_folders += [os.path.join(dirpath, dirname) for dirname in dirnames] self.maxDiff = None # pylint: disable=invalid-name self.assertListEqual(org_folders, src_folders)