Source code for aiida.backends.tests.utils.archives

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"""Test utility to import, inspect, or migrate AiiDA export archives."""
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import os
import io
import tarfile
import zipfile

from aiida.common import json
from aiida.common.exceptions import NotExistent
from import extract_tar, extract_zip
from aiida.common.folders import SandboxFolder

[docs]def get_archive_file(archive, filepath=None, external_module=None): """ Return the absolute path of the archive file used for testing purposes. The expected path for these files: aiida.backends.tests.fixtures.filepath :param archive: the relative filename of the archive :param filepath: str of directories of where to find archive (starting "/"s are irrelevant) :param external_module: string with name of external module, where archive can be found :return: absolute filepath of the archive test file """ import importlib # Initialize dirpath_archive = archive # If the complete path has already been given, return archive immediately if os.path.isabs(dirpath_archive): return dirpath_archive # Add possible filepath if filepath and not isinstance(filepath, str): raise TypeError('filepath must be a string') elif filepath: # NOTE: This part should be changed, ending with: # dirpath_archive = os.path.join(*filepath, dirpath_archive) # When support for python 2 is dropped. # This will allow `filepath` to be a str or list/tuple, # and there will be no need to "take care" of misplaced dashes (`/`), ideally while filepath.startswith('/'): filepath = filepath[1:] dirpath_archive = os.path.join(filepath, dirpath_archive) # Use possible external module (otherwise use default, see above) if external_module and not isinstance(external_module, str): raise TypeError('external_module must be a string') elif external_module: # Use external module (will prepend the absolute path to `external_module`) external_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(importlib.import_module(external_module).__file__)) dirpath_archive = os.path.join(external_path, dirpath_archive) else: # Add absolute path to local repo's fixtures dirpath_current = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) dirpath_migrate = os.path.join(dirpath_current, os.pardir, 'fixtures') dirpath_archive = os.path.join(dirpath_migrate, dirpath_archive) if not os.path.isfile(dirpath_archive): dirpath_parent = os.path.dirname(dirpath_archive) raise ValueError('archive {} does not exist in the archives directory {}'.format(archive, dirpath_parent)) return dirpath_archive
[docs]def import_archive(archive, filepath=None, external_module=None): """Import a test archive that is an AiiDA export archive :param archive: the relative filename of the archive :param filepath: str of directories of where to find archive (starting "/"s are irrelevant) :param external_module: string with name of external module, where archive can be found """ from import import_data dirpath_archive = get_archive_file(archive, filepath=filepath, external_module=external_module) import_data(dirpath_archive, silent=True)
[docs]def get_json_files(archive, silent=True, filepath=None, external_module=None): """Get metadata.json and data.json from an exported AiiDA archive :param archive: the relative filename of the archive :param silent: Whether or not the extraction should be silent :param filepath: str of directories of where to find archive (starting "/"s are irrelevant) :param external_module: string with name of external module, where archive can be found """ # Get archive dirpath_archive = get_archive_file(archive, filepath=filepath, external_module=external_module) # Unpack archive with SandboxFolder(sandbox_in_repo=False) as folder: if zipfile.is_zipfile(dirpath_archive): extract_zip(dirpath_archive, folder, silent=silent) elif tarfile.is_tarfile(dirpath_archive): extract_tar(dirpath_archive, folder, silent=silent) else: raise ValueError('invalid file format, expected either a zip archive or gzipped tarball') try: with'data.json'), 'r', encoding='utf8') as fhandle: data = json.load(fhandle) with'metadata.json'), 'r', encoding='utf8') as fhandle: metadata = json.load(fhandle) except IOError: raise NotExistent('export archive does not contain the required file {}'.format(fhandle.filename)) # Return metadata.json and data.json return metadata, data
[docs]def migrate_archive(input_file, output_file, silent=True): """Migrate contents using `migrate_recursively` This is essentially similar to `verdi export migrate`. However, since this command may be disabled, this function simulates it and keeps the tests working. :param input_file: filename with full path for archive to be migrated :param output_file: filename with full path for archive to be created after migration """ from import migrate_recursively # Unpack archive, migrate, and re-pack archive with SandboxFolder(sandbox_in_repo=False) as folder: if zipfile.is_zipfile(input_file): extract_zip(input_file, folder, silent=silent) elif tarfile.is_tarfile(input_file): extract_tar(input_file, folder, silent=silent) else: raise ValueError('invalid file format, expected either a zip archive or gzipped tarball') try: with'data.json'), 'r', encoding='utf8') as fhandle: data = json.load(fhandle) with'metadata.json'), 'r', encoding='utf8') as fhandle: metadata = json.load(fhandle) except IOError: raise NotExistent('export archive does not contain the required file {}'.format(fhandle.filename)) # Migrate migrate_recursively(metadata, data, folder) # Write json files with'data.json'), 'wb') as fhandle: json.dump(data, fhandle, indent=4) with'metadata.json'), 'wb') as fhandle: json.dump(metadata, fhandle, indent=4) # Pack archive compression = zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED with zipfile.ZipFile(output_file, mode='w', compression=compression, allowZip64=True) as archive: src = folder.abspath for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(src): relpath = os.path.relpath(dirpath, src) for filename in dirnames + filenames: real_src = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) real_dest = os.path.join(relpath, filename) archive.write(real_src, real_dest)