Source code for aiida.cmdline.commands.cmd_verdi

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c), The AiiDA team. All rights reserved.                     #
# This file is part of the AiiDA code.                                    #
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"""The main `verdi` click group."""
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import

import difflib
import click

from aiida.cmdline.params import options, types

GIU = (

[docs]class MostSimilarCommandGroup(click.Group): """ Overloads the get_command to display a list of possible command candidates if the command could not be found with an exact match. """
[docs] def get_command(self, ctx, cmd_name): """ Override the default click.Group get_command with one giving the user a selection of possible commands if the exact command name could not be found. """ cmd = click.Group.get_command(self, ctx, cmd_name) # return the exact match if cmd is not None: return cmd try: if int(cmd_name.lower().encode('utf-8').hex(), 16) == 0x6769757365707065: import base64 import gzip click.echo(gzip.decompress(base64.b85decode(GIU.encode('utf-8'))).decode('utf-8')) return None except AttributeError: pass # on Python 2 we don't have .hex() and .decompress(), simply ignore it # we might get better results with the Levenshtein distance # or more advanced methods implemented in FuzzyWuzzy or similar libs, # but this is an easy win for now matches = difflib.get_close_matches(cmd_name, self.list_commands(ctx), cutoff=0.5) if not matches: # single letters are sometimes not matched, try with a simple startswith matches = [c for c in sorted(self.list_commands(ctx)) if c.startswith(cmd_name)][:3] if matches: "'{cmd}' is not a verdi command.\n\n" 'The most similar commands are: \n' '{matches}'.format(cmd=cmd_name, matches='\n'.join('\t{}'.format(m) for m in sorted(matches))) ) else:"'{cmd}' is not a verdi command.\n\nNo similar commands found.".format(cmd=cmd_name)) return None
@click.command(cls=MostSimilarCommandGroup, context_settings={'help_option_names': ['-h', '--help']}) @options.PROFILE(type=types.ProfileParamType(load_profile=True)) @click.version_option(None, '-v', '--version', message='AiiDA version %(version)s') @click.pass_context def verdi(ctx, profile): """The command line interface of AiiDA.""" from aiida.common import extendeddicts from aiida.manage.configuration import get_config if ctx.obj is None: ctx.obj = extendeddicts.AttributeDict() ctx.obj.config = get_config() ctx.obj.profile = profile