Source code for aiida.cmdline.params.options.test_interactive

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"""Unit tests for the InteractiveOption."""
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import absolute_import
import unittest

import click
from click.testing import CliRunner
from click.types import IntParamType

from . import NON_INTERACTIVE
from .interactive import InteractiveOption

[docs]class Only42IntParamType(IntParamType): """ Param type that only accepts 42 as valid value """ name = 'only42int'
[docs] def convert(self, value, param, ctx): newval = super(Only42IntParamType, self).convert(value, param, ctx) if newval != 42:'Type validation: invalid, should be 42') return newval
[docs] def __repr__(self): return 'ONLY42INT'
[docs]def validate_positive_number(ctx, param, value): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """Validate that the number passed to this parameter is a positive number. :param ctx: the `click.Context` :param param: the parameter :param value: the value passed for the parameter :raises `click.BadParameter`: if the value is not a positive number """ if not isinstance(value, (int, float)) or value < 0: from click import BadParameter raise BadParameter('{} is not a valid positive number'.format(value))
[docs]class InteractiveOptionTest(unittest.TestCase): """Unit tests for InteractiveOption.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods, missing-docstring
[docs] def simple_command(self, **kwargs): """Return a simple command with one InteractiveOption, kwargs get relayed to the option.""" # pylint: disable=no-self-use @click.command() @click.option('--opt', prompt='Opt', cls=InteractiveOption, **kwargs) @NON_INTERACTIVE() def cmd(opt, non_interactive): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """test command for InteractiveOption""" click.echo(str(opt)) return cmd
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.runner = CliRunner()
[docs] def prompt_output(self, cli_input, converted=None): """Return expected output of simple_command, given a commandline cli_input string.""" # pylint: disable=no-self-use return 'Opt: {}\n{}\n'.format(cli_input, converted or cli_input)
[docs] def test_callback_prompt_twice(self): """ scenario: using InteractiveOption with type=float and callback that tests for positive number behaviour: should fail everytime either type validation or callback validation fails """ cmd = self.simple_command(type=float, callback=validate_positive_number) runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(cmd, [], input='string\n-1\n-1\n1\n') expected_1 = 'is not a valid floating point value' expected_2 = 'is not a valid positive number' expected_3 = 'is not a valid positive number' expected_4 = '1.0' self.assertIsNone(result.exception) lines = result.output.split('\n') self.assertIn(expected_1, lines[3]) self.assertIn(expected_2, lines[6]) self.assertIn(expected_3, lines[9]) self.assertIn(expected_4, lines[12])
[docs] def test_prompt_str(self): """ scenario: using InteractiveOption with type=str behaviour: giving no option prompts, accepts a string """ cmd = self.simple_command(type=str) runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(cmd, [], input='TEST\n') expected = self.prompt_output('TEST') self.assertIsNone(result.exception) self.assertIn(expected, result.output)
[docs] def test_prompt_empty_input(self): """ scenario: using InteractiveOption with type=str and invoking without options behaviour: pressing enter on empty line at prompt repeats the prompt without a message """ cmd = self.simple_command(type=str) runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(cmd, [], input='\nTEST\n') expected = 'Opt: \nOpt: TEST\nTEST\n' self.assertIsNone(result.exception) self.assertIn(expected, result.output)
[docs] def test_prompt_help_default(self): """ scenario: using InteractiveOption with type=str and no help parameter and invoking without options behaviour: entering '?' leads to a default help message being printed and prompt repeated """ cmd = self.simple_command(type=str) runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(cmd, [], input='?\nTEST\n') expected_1 = 'Opt: ?\n' expected_2 = 'Expecting text\n' expected_3 = 'Opt: TEST\nTEST\n' self.assertIsNone(result.exception) self.assertIn(expected_1, result.output) self.assertIn(expected_2, result.output) self.assertIn(expected_3, result.output)
[docs] def test_prompt_help_custom(self): """ scenario: using InteractiveOption with type=str and help message and invoking without options behaviour: entering '?' leads to the given help message being printed and the prompt repeated """ cmd = self.simple_command(type=str, help='Please enter some text') runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(cmd, [], input='?\nTEST\n') expected_1 = 'Opt: ?\n' expected_2 = 'Please enter some text\n' expected_3 = 'Opt: TEST\nTEST\n' self.assertIsNone(result.exception) self.assertIn(expected_1, result.output) self.assertIn(expected_2, result.output) self.assertIn(expected_3, result.output)
[docs] def test_prompt_simple(self): """ scenario: using InteractiveOption with type=bool behaviour: giving no option prompts, accepts 'true' """ params = [(bool, 'true', 'True'), (int, '98', '98'), (float, '3.14e-7', '3.14e-07')] for ptype, cli_input, output in params: cmd = self.simple_command(type=ptype, help='help msg') runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(cmd, [], input='\n?\n{}\n'.format(cli_input)) expected_1 = 'Opt: \nOpt: ?\n' expected_2 = 'help msg\n' expected_2 += self.prompt_output(cli_input, output) self.assertIsNone(result.exception) self.assertIn(expected_1, result.output) self.assertIn(expected_2, result.output)
[docs] @staticmethod def strip_line(text): """returns text without the last line""" return text.rsplit('\n')[0]
[docs] def test_prompt_complex(self): """ scenario: using InteractiveOption with type=float behaviour: giving no option prompts, accepts 3.14e-7 """ params = [(click.File(), __file__), (click.Path(exists=True), __file__)] for ptype, cli_input in params: cmd = self.simple_command(type=ptype, help='help msg') runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(cmd, [], input='\n?\n{}\n'.format(cli_input)) expected_1 = 'Opt: \nOpt: ?\n' expected_2 = 'help msg\n' expected_2 += self.strip_line(self.prompt_output(cli_input)) self.assertIsNone(result.exception) self.assertIn(expected_1, result.output) self.assertIn(expected_2, result.output)
[docs] def test_default_value_prompt(self): """ scenario: using InteractiveOption with a default value, invoke without options behaviour: prompt, showing the default value, take default on empty cli_input. """ returns = [] cmd = self.simple_command(default='default') result = self.runner.invoke(cmd, [], input='\n') returns.append(result) expected = 'Opt [default]: \ndefault\n' self.assertIsNone(result.exception) self.assertIn(expected, result.output) result = self.runner.invoke(cmd, [], input='TEST\n') returns.append(result) expected = 'Opt [default]: TEST\nTEST\n' self.assertIsNone(result.exception) self.assertIn(expected, result.output) return returns
[docs] def test_default_value_empty_opt(self): """ scenario: InteractiveOption with default value, invoke with empty option (--opt=) behaviour: accept empty string as input """ cmd = self.simple_command(default='default') runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(cmd, ['--opt=']) expected = '\n' self.assertIsNone(result.exception) self.assertEqual(result.output, expected)
[docs] def test_default_value_ignore_character(self): """ scenario: InteractiveOption with default value, invoke with ignore default character `!` behaviour: return `None` for the value """ cmd = self.simple_command(default='default') runner = CliRunner() # Check the interactive mode, by not specifying the input on the command line and then enter `!` at the prompt result = runner.invoke(cmd, [], input='!\n') expected = 'None' self.assertIsNone(result.exception) self.assertIn(expected, result.output.split('\n')[3]) # Fourth line should be parsed value printed to stdout # In the non-interactive mode the special character `!` should have no special meaning and be accepted as is result = runner.invoke(cmd, ['--opt=!']) expected = '!\n' self.assertIsNone(result.exception) self.assertIn(expected, result.output)
[docs] def test_opt_given_valid(self): """ scenario: InteractiveOption, invoked with a valid value on the cmdline behaviour: accept valid value """ cmd = self.simple_command(type=int) runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(cmd, ['--opt=4']) expected = '4\n' self.assertIsNone(result.exception) self.assertEqual(result.output, expected)
[docs] def test_opt_given_invalid(self): """ scenario: InteractiveOption, invoked with a valid value on the cmdline behaviour: accept valid value """ cmd = self.simple_command(type=int) runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(cmd, ['--opt=foo']) self.assertIsNotNone(result.exception) self.assertIn('Invalid value', result.output)
[docs] def test_non_interactive(self): """ scenario: InteractiveOption, invoked with only --non-interactive (and the option is required) behaviout: fail """ cmd = self.simple_command(required=True) runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(cmd, ['--non-interactive']) self.assertIsNotNone(result.exception) self.assertIn('Usage: ', result.output) self.assertIn('Missing option', result.output)
[docs] def test_non_interactive_default(self): """ scenario: InteractiveOption, invoked with only --non-interactive behaviour: fail """ cmd = self.simple_command(default='default') runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke(cmd, ['--non-interactive']) self.assertIsNone(result.exception) self.assertEqual(result.output, 'default\n')
[docs] @staticmethod def user_callback(_ctx, param, value): """ A fake user callback ued for testing. :param _ctx: The click context :param param: The parameter name :param value: The parameter value :return: The validated parameter """ if not value: return -1 if value != 42: raise click.BadParameter('invalid', param=param) return value
[docs] def test_after_callback_valid(self): """ scenario: InteractiveOption with a user callback action: invoke with valid value behaviour: user callback runs & succeeds """ cmd = self.simple_command(callback=self.user_callback, type=int) result = self.runner.invoke(cmd, ['--opt=42']) self.assertIsNone(result.exception) self.assertEqual(result.output, '42\n')
[docs] def test_after_callback_invalid(self): """ scenario: InteractiveOption with a user callback action: invoke with invalid value of right type behaviour: user callback runs & succeeds """ cmd = self.simple_command(callback=self.user_callback, type=int) result = self.runner.invoke(cmd, ['--opt=234234']) self.assertIsNotNone(result.exception) self.assertIn('Invalid value', result.output) self.assertIn('invalid', result.output)
[docs] def test_after_callback_wrong_typ(self): """ scenario: InteractiveOption with a user callback action: invoke with invalid value of wrong type behaviour: user callback does not run """ cmd = self.simple_command(callback=self.user_callback, type=int) result = self.runner.invoke(cmd, ['--opt=bla']) self.assertIsNotNone(result.exception) self.assertIn('Invalid value', result.output) self.assertIn('bla', result.output)
[docs] def test_after_callback_empty(self): """ scenario: InteractiveOption with a user callback action: invoke with invalid value of wrong type behaviour: user callback does not run """ cmd = self.simple_command(callback=self.user_callback, type=int) result = self.runner.invoke(cmd, ['--opt=']) self.assertIsNotNone(result.exception) self.assertIn('Invalid value', result.output) self.assertNotIn('empty', result.output)
[docs] def test_after_validation_interactive(self): """ Test that the type validation gets called on values entered at a prompt. Scenario: * InteractiveOption with custom type and prompt set * invoked without passing the options * on prompt: first enter an invalid value, then a valid one Behaviour: * Prompt for the value * reject invalid value, prompt again * accept valid value """ cmd = self.simple_command(callback=self.user_callback, type=Only42IntParamType()) result = self.runner.invoke(cmd, [], input='23\n42\n') self.assertIsNone(result.exception) self.assertIn('Opt: 23\n', result.output) self.assertIn('Type validation: invalid', result.output) self.assertIn('Opt: 42\n42\n', result.output)
[docs] def test_after_callback_default_noninteractive(self): """ Test that the callback gets called on the default, in line with click 6 behaviour. Scenario: * InteractiveOption with user callback and invalid default * invoke with no options and --non-interactive Behaviour: * the default value gets passed through the callback and rejected """ # pylint: disable=invalid-name cmd = self.simple_command(callback=self.user_callback, type=int, default=23) result = self.runner.invoke(cmd, ['--non-interactive']) self.assertIsNotNone(result.exception) self.assertIn('Invalid value', result.output)
[docs] def test_default_empty_empty_cli(self): """Test that default="" allows to pass an empty cli option.""" cmd = self.simple_command(default='', type=str) result = self.runner.invoke(cmd, ['--opt=']) self.assertIsNone(result.exception) self.assertEqual(result.output, '\n')
[docs] def test_default_empty_prompt(self): """Test that default="" allows to pass an empty cli option.""" cmd = self.simple_command(default='', type=str) result = self.runner.invoke(cmd, input='\n') expected = 'Opt []: \n\n' self.assertIsNone(result.exception) self.assertIn(expected, result.output)
[docs] def test_prompt_dynamic_default(self): """Test that dynamic defaults for prompting still work."""
[docs] def test_not_required_noninteractive(self): cmd = self.simple_command(required=False) result = self.runner.invoke(cmd, ['--non-interactive']) self.assertIsNone(result.exception) # I strip, there is typically a \n at the end self.assertEqual(result.output, 'None\n')
[docs] def test_not_required_interactive(self): cmd = self.simple_command(required=False) result = self.runner.invoke(cmd, input='value\n') expected = 'Opt: value\nvalue\n' self.assertIsNone(result.exception) self.assertIn(expected, result.output)
[docs] def test_not_required_noninteractive_default(self): cmd = self.simple_command(required=False, default='') result = self.runner.invoke(cmd, ['--non-interactive']) self.assertIsNone(result.exception) self.assertEqual(result.output, '\n')
[docs] def test_not_required_interactive_default(self): cmd = self.simple_command(required=False, default='') result = self.runner.invoke(cmd, input='\nnot needed\n') expected = 'Opt []: \n\n' self.assertIsNone(result.exception) self.assertIn(expected, result.output)